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4 Views· 03/05/25
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⁣If you’ve never seen a government agency get cooked

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A row has broken out over the Son of God and Nasa , as a Christian group working with the space agency claims members have been banned from using Jesus' name.

The JSC Praise and Worship Club, which operates at Nasa's Johnson Space Centre in Houston, Texas, say they've been told to stop using the name in club announcements that appeared in a centre newsletter.

They have since filed a complaint against the restriction, which has allegedly come from Nasa attorneys.

Nasa engineer Sophia Smith said that she was "shocked" and "very frustrated".

“Nasa has a long history of respecting religious speech . Why wouldn’t they allow us to put the name Jesus in the announcement about our club?” she told Fox News .

The newsletter, which is sent out on email, alerts members of the centre to events from dance classes to football games.

Religious liberty law firm Liberty Institute has issued a threat of a federal lawsuit over the freedom of religious expression for government employees unless Nasa makes an apology and lifts the ban.

Nasa has released a statement saying that it does not prohibit the use of any specific religious names in employee newsletters or other internal communications.

“The agency allows a host of employee-led civic, professional, religious and other organizations to meet on Nasa property on employee’s own time.
"Consistent with federal law, Nasa attempts to balance employee’s rights to freely exercise religious beliefs with its obligation to ensure there is no government endorsement of religion.

"We believe in and encourage open and diverse dialogue among our employees and across the agency.”

The Nasa JSC Praise and Worship Club began in 2001, with members meeting during the lunch hour to discuss matters of the Christian faith and sing Christian songs.

According to attorney Jeremy Dys, the May 28, 2015 newsletter carried an announcement reading: "Join with the praise and worship band 'Allied with the Lord' for a refreshing set of spring praise and worship songs...

"The theme for this session will be 'Jesus is our life!' Prayer partners will be available for anyone who has need. All JSC civil servants and contractors are welcome."

The legal department subsequently contacted the club.

Liberty Institute's complain alleges that the club was told “Nasa would be censoring all future club announcements that featured the name, ‘Jesus’", adding that the name made announcements “sectarian” or “denominational".

In order to illustrate Nasa's religious history, the Liberty Institute's website details that in February 1962, Nasa astronaut Scott Carpenter quipped, “Godspeed, John Glenn” as Glenn became the first American to orbit the earth.

In 1968, Apollo 8 astronauts - Bill Anders, Jim Lovell, and Frank Borman - read the Creation account from Genesis 1 while orbiting the moon on Christmas Eve.

They note that: "Infamous atheist, Madalyn Murray O’Hair, sued Nasa over this - and lost - in O’Hair v. Payne, 1969."

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