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22 Views · 2 days ago

⁣Have you heard of the Dead Internet Theory? It’s been gaining traction on the site formerly known as Twitter, now X.

What Is The Dead Internet Theory?

The Dead Internet Theory is the belief that the vast majority of internet traffic, posts and users have been replaced by bots and AI-generated content, and that people no longer shape the direction of the internet.

The theory was floating around 4Chan in the late 2010s, but it was solidified and amplified in 2021 after a lengthy post describing the theory was posted on a thread titled "Dead Internet Theory: Most Of The Internet Is Fake," on the forum Agora Road's Macintosh Cafe.

Writing about the theory for The Atlantic, Kaitlyn Tiffany described the post as the “ur-text,” setting the shape of the theory to come. Tiffany even managed to contact the original poster, a Californian man who claimed to earnestly believe the words he wrote.

His post describes a sense of unease, paranoia and loneliness, expressing deep disappointment at the state of the modern internet. He suggests that AI has successfully drowned out the majority of online human activity, reshaping the internet into a more controlled, algorithmic form that exists only to sell products and ideas.



14 Views · 2 days ago

⁣VfB told you that he doped out the PSYOP at 10 AM that morning, as the first building disintegrated; this was verified 20 minutes beforehand when Jerome Hauer and Binyamin Netanyahu appeared on national television announcing Tim Osman, the crisis actor known as Osama bin Laden, as the perp.

Does anyone remember that the WTC location was offered to the (((art project))) GELITIN | B-Thing? What exactly was it?

You all saw it



The 'falling man' footage was likely performed in a sequestered elevator shaft

Source: [by way of Allan Weisbecker's blog: 🌊]

This ‘new’ angle of the South Tower hit is likely ‘legitimate’ in the sense that it was filmed by a bystander on that day and is not a CGI fraud. I say this because this new one is another dead giveaway of hologram technology. (CGI would not have the mistakes we see here.)

I suggest you carefully examine the video , frame by frame, starting at about 2 minutes in. First, the ‘aircraft’ suddenly turns into a silhouette — this also happens in a clip from my video — after being front lit; I assume this is a glitch of some kind in the hologram.

As if the above isn’t enough, when the plane gets close to the building the image disappears completely for at least three frames. In one previous frame the left wing disappears; this happens in other videos I’ve seen, which means the videos are ‘real’ in the sense that the aircraft images are in the camera, not added later in post, via CGI or whatever.

This is impossible lighting.

It’s another insult to our intelligences that they’ve posted this, given that it is more proof of fraud; nor do they mention in the text anything about the impossible lighting or the disappearance of the plane image.

And of course, an aluminum/plastic airplane could not (by the laws of physics) slice through a steel framed building. It would crumple on the facade with only bits and pieces making it to the interior of the structure.

One of the frames wherein the plane disappears well before ‘hitting’ the tower.

I could of course go on and on about the video glitches and/or 9/11 in general.

Another aspect of this is its relation to the Spacex frauds I’ve exposed. 9/11 was more than 20 years ago: Imagine how much hologram technology has improved.

# speaking of special effects and historical frauds, this is as good a place as any to mention another bit of evidence that the Apollo moon landings were faked, and done so by none other than Stanley Kubrick (using the same front screen projection he used in the ‘Dawn of Man’ segment of 2001: A Space Odyssey).

I recommend Jay Weidner’s film, Kubrick’s Odyssey for proof Stanley did the deed.

Humor me and click this and the next one.

Addendum: On the other hand, Weidner has disgraced himself with his recent JFK film, which is right out of the Miles Mathis playbook. It’s nauseating, truly.

This subject is worthy of a full-blown essay but you guys will likely get my point quite easily; with those who are incapable, nothing will wise you up anyway.

It’s well known that the Warner Bros. honchos were outraged by Kubrick’s cut of Eyes Wide Shut and demanded a major re-edit; some 24 minutes had to go. As we all know, the movie exposed the PTB for the sickos they are; this is obvious even from the bastardized travesty seen in theaters back in 1999 and since. I’d bet a valued possession that Stanley went way too far in his exposé: This was the issue behind the demand for a major re-edit (24 minutes is a lot of screen time!)

Kubrick had contractual control and refused. Six days later he’s dead and the movie is released with the re-edit.

Kubrick was murdered, obviously. That this is virtually never brought up by anyone is evidence of the fear the PTB have instilled in the zeitgeist.

Addendum: As most of you know, The Shining is chock full of references to the moon landings and Kubrick’s involvement in their fakery. Look it up, but my favorite, aside from Danny’s sweater, is the ‘All work and no play make Jack a dull boy’ bit. Right: ‘Apollo 11 work’ and so on.

You can bet Kubrick was warned about fucking around with shit like this. The date of EWS release might have been the straw that did it. Stanley had been warned…

Here’s what you probably haven’t heard. Contractually Kubrick demanded that Eyes Wide Shut be released on July 16, 1999. Is there a ring to that date? Right: The 30th anniversary of the launch of Apollo 11.

Read the rest at his blog, among other things

Anons asking, 'Where's the beef?": 🥩

Never forget the SIX MILLION Jews baked to death in Hamas 🔥 Ovens On Oct 7TH 2023.

12 Views · 5 hours ago

⁣Dom Lucre | Breaker of Narratives - 🔥🚨BREAKING NEWS: WikiLeaks Founder and the man who led to Hillary Clinton’s emails being exposed, Julian Assange has just reached a plea deal with the U.S. Justice Department of Justice allowing him to be released from prison. He is expected to return to Australia.

Assange has been in incarcerated in the Belmarsh Prison since 2019 after spending seven years in the Ecuadorian Embassy.

He is coming back right on time for the election..



The footage also shows Assange travelling to the airport via a car, before signing documents and walking towards the aircraft.

It comes as US authorities are understood to have agreed to drop their demand for Julian Assange to be extradited from the UK.

In return for pleading guilty to one count of conspiracy to obtain and disclose national defence information, Assange will be sentenced to time served, 62 months - the time he has already spent in a British prison.

In other news:

UNSUSTAINABLE - The UN's Agenda for World Domination a James Jaeger Film (2:32:25) - Globalists in the Power Elite -- working through the United Nations -- are waging war against property rights, gun rights and capitalism in order to usher in a Marxist World Order. This war is known as "Agenda 21." Considered a "conspiracy theory" by the Mainstream Media and other apologists of globalization, the flagship term for Agenda 21 -- "sustainable development" -- crops up in thousands of federal, state and local government laws, regulations, policies and documents. So is Agenda 21 really just a "theory"? The UN says "sustainable development" is simply the "Environmental Movement" reconfiguring the planet into a safe, green world. Others maintain it's the forced inventory and control of all land, water, minerals, plants, animals, building projects and human beings on the planet. In other words, a blueprint for what many fear could morph into a totalitarian World Government.

So, what's the real agenda behind Agenda 21?

Deadline looms for alleged LockBit extortion of Feds over 33TB of data
Ransomware group reportedly told the U.S. government that it has until tomorrow to negotiate a deal or they will make the data public.

8 Views · 1 day ago

⁣Heavy gunfire reported at 2 locations in Russia's Dagestan region. Synagogue on fire

Russia now claiming 12 cops wounded and six killed. They also killed an orthodox priest.



8 Views · 17 hours ago

⁣VfB asks that you recall the Deagel forecast, which was recently removed; it posited that there would be a mass die-off around 2024-2025, attributed mainly to 'emigration and fiscal policy realities'...but that was either a hedge or an absolute obfuscation of something of which he had foreknowledge

On May 16, 2020, VfB posted his theory of the coming multi pronged attack called the COVID p[l]andemic; the first evidence of this coming in on late October, 2019. It included research and information from Jim Stone, his last blog posting blowing the hoax of the Lahaina fires being a natural event.


The (((hbm))) conspired to create a remote control mechanism and time bomb, dissolved it and dispersed it into the air, the water and the food, with the final part of the catalyst to be injected; just recall Batman Begins in regards to the binary compounds; Nolan uses the concept in all 3 films - in addition, the scene in STALAG 17 where Dunbar explains the 'time bomb' made from a lit match placed into a book of matches and placed onto an ammunition train.


Our thumbnail today is brought to you by Lead Stories, whom apparently are no fans of The People's Voice, as you'll see below:

'Contagious' and 'It's Behaving Like a Bioweapon'

Despite appearing prominently in the headline of The People's Voice article, the word "contagious" and the quote "It's behaving like a bioweapon" are scarcely seen in the story itself. No one in the article says the bioweapon quote. It only shows up in the headline. "Contagious" only appears in the headline and the first line of story.

COVID vaccines don't spread from person to person. They're not "contagious" or "behaving like a bioweapon" as The People's Voice article suggests, moving from one human being to another. The concept is referred to as vaccine-shedding. It circulates often enough in anti-vaccine and vaccine-hesitant circles that the CDC has included it among its list of "Myths and Facts about COVID-19 Vaccines." The page on the CDC website reads:

MYTH: COVID-19 vaccines authorized for use in the United States shed or release their components.

FACT: Vaccine shedding is the release or discharge of any of the vaccine components in or outside of the body and can only occur when a vaccine contains a live weakened version of the virus.

None of the vaccines authorized for use in the U.S. contain a live virus. mRNA and viral vector vaccines are the two types of currently authorized COVID-19 vaccines available.


In an email dated August 17, 2023, to Lead Stories, Pfizer, one of the makers of the COVID vaccine, provided the following response to The People's Voice story. It said:

Cancer has not been identified as a signal or a risk of the vaccine.

The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine is a synthetic mRNA vaccine and does not contain any virus particles. Because there is no virus produced in the body, no shedding occurs within the human body. The vaccine cannot be inhaled via shedding and can only enter the human body through an administered dose.

About The People's Voice

The People's Voice is among the most prolific online publishers of fake news. It started as YourNewsWire in 2014 and rebranded as NewsPunch in 2017. NewsPunch has published numerous fake news articles in the past, so anything it publishes should be taken with a large grain of salt. Its Facebook page, "The People's Voice," lost its verification checkmark, according to a 2018 report from Media Matters For America.

6 Views · 1 day ago

⁣Download my 100+ Body Language tips here:

Want to pitch a topic? tag me on X:


0:00: intro

1:07: first remarks

3:18: “Probably”

5:19: Didn’t he know?

7:39: The Throne Room

9:57: Clinton Foundation

12:11: Deflection

13:38: Worst contradiction

15:42: “I didn’t visit the Island”


6 Views · 56 minutes ago

⁣VfB was just about to pass out for Coach's show, when this came up!


• White Devil Deception Documentary
• The Covenant Black Magic Sacrifice: or
• Serial Killer Overlords: Darkest Secret Revealed
• Schizophrenic New World Order Slaughter House
• Judaism's Trinity of Terror: ADL, SPLC & ACLU
• VAXXDROME: First It Controls Your Mind. Then It Destroys Your Body!
• Jewish Russian YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki Asks U.S. Gov't To Criminalize Free Speech
• Europa: The Last Battle (Part 1)
• Utah's Jewish Supremacist Controlled Fox13 Assassinates Character of CEO Warning About Vaccine
• Utah Tech CEO: "Covid Vaccine Extermination Plot by The Jews"
• Exposing The Truth About Vaccines
• Dr. Peter McCullough: Vaccine Created Spike Protein is Deadly in the Human Body
• FDA Accidentally Shows List of Ways Fauci's Extermination Vaccine Will Kill You
• Top FDA Scientists Warn Covid-1984 Vaccines Are Poisoning Adults and Children
• Fauci's Fear Porn Financing China's New Silk Road
• VACCINES: Polio Hoax Revealed
• Exposing The Truth About Vaccines
• Biden's Bolsheviks Poisoned 200M. Targets 100M Unvaccinated Americans With Threats of Violence
• Fauci's Cancer Causing Injections Exposed
• 1986 Vaccine Protection Act Does Not Protect Coronavirus Vaccine Manufacturers
• Pfizer's Jewish CEO's “FDA Approval” Fraud Exposed
• Biological Weapons Law Author Explains How to Arrest Fauci & Friends For Unleashing Bioweapon on U.S
• Fauci's Vampiric 'Vaccine' Destroys The Immune System, Feeds Your Body To Immortal Cancer Cells
• Studies Confirm COVID Injections Destroy T Cells Immune System
• You’ll Refuse the Covid Jab After You Hear These Doctors
• Vampiric Pedophile Cult Brags About Global Child Sacrifice Using Gene Editing Vaccine


5 Views · 1 day ago

⁣VfB's idea for a THE UNITED SPOT drop: ⚫

The end of Caddyshack, as Danny puts to the lip of the cup, and Judge Smails and Doc Beeper begin celebrating prematurely, not realizing that the game is NOT done - this is exactly where we are at this moment [of course, we're well past that moment, Carl has tripped the explosives, and we are right now dodging - VfB got shrapnel in the leg, so can attest to the reality of the situation]

The casting could be wild on this one! Who gets to play the gopher? 🐿

We make pictures talk, come with us and enjoy some of the most hilarious talking picture videos around. Our main goal is to make you laugh,, bring a smile to your face and brighten your day a little. This is just for fun, every video is a parody and meant for playful fun. Don’t take life so seriously, sometimes we just need to take a moment and laugh. Please come and visit us, subscribe and watch a video. We appreciate all of our subscribers, we wouldn’t be here without you. Thanks to all of you who have supported us.

VfB realized that this is all a big shoah, so the best suggestion to make is to write in one's own script; if you leave it to these wet brains, NO ONE WILL REMEMBER YOU...OR CARE TO

5 Views · 1 day ago

⁣Video Credit #lizcrokin - Juliette Rose Bryant is a Jeffrey Epstein survivor the mainstream media largely ignores, perhaps, because she bravely exposes the darker underbelly of Epstein’s sex trafficking ring.

The most dangerous game: Aliens harvest human beings as a primary food source.

Years ago Juliette — who was trafficked to multiple residences owned by Epstein including his Little St. James island — found herself drugged, naked, paralyzed and terrified on an examination table in a secret medical lab surrounded by a female doctor and a team of people in hazmat suits after she arrived at Epstein’s New Mexico home dubbed the Zorro Ranch. Juliette has been looking for answers about what really happened to her in that secret lab ever since.

Juliette discusses Epstein’s interest in human experiments involving DNA, breeding, cloning, transhumanism and AI. Even the mainstream media acknowledges that Epstein wanted to turn his Zorro Ranch into a baby breeding farm to seed the human race with his DNA.

Juliette claims she met Michael Bay, he denies this, at the Zorro Ranch who put out the movie, ironically called, The Island, about human cloning. Juliette also met Bill Clinton when she was with Epstein and points out that Clinton banned human cloning when he was president.

Juliette claims on her first trip to Epstein’s island, before she knew he was a sexual predator, she flew on Epstein’s private plane with Sarah Kellen and former Clinton Foundation staffer Andrea Mitrovich (Stowell) and they cruelly laughed at her.

Juliette discusses other kinds of strange activity surrounding Epstein such as a UFO sighting at his home, how he shape-shifted and/or manifested into the devil, the foul smell of possible dead bodies, his potential ties to Oprah, how he implied he knew about the COVID pandemic 20 years prior and much more.

Juliette provided receipts and photos from Epstein’s residences — that are edited into this interview — including disturbing art he had including an image of a walrus raping a woman. Juliette received compensation from the victim’s fund for survivors; however, she still deals with harassment, intimidation and censorship tactics to this day. Please share this interview to help her voice get heard and pray for her.

You can find all her work here:

OG Source: EXPOSE the PEDOS end of the CABAL


5 Views · 20 hours ago

⁣VfB knows that we've been taught a load of bollocks in regards to (((history)))

What was Adolf Hitler's biggest sin? It was daring to end the predations of the (((homosexual banking mafia))) via usury/fractional banking [which has now expanded to fractional voting]

All VfB has is this video, but 4 months ago, Jerome Powell appeared on 60 Minutes:



AltCastTV & Odysee thumbnail:

⁣NoObservableProofSpinningGlobe posted:

Voting is the illusion of a voice and a choice.
The U.S. Constitution says that only Congress has the power to “coin money”.
The Federal Reserve(Zionist Jews) amended the Constitution(Bankers Act) to allow the Federal Reserve to counterfeit money and charge the government interest.
America has been hijacked by the Federal Reserve.
Politicians are Federal Reserve Banker Puppets.
Jail the criminal Federal Reserve and their criminal puppet politicians

⁣ChrisSolon replied:

Zionist and Jew are not the same. It is NOT the Jews...

"Though one may escape the belief in the kingdom of God on earth British Israel traps him within its political ideology causing him to be sidetracked and entrapped in such frauds as Communism, anti-communism, Jew conspiracy, Negro revolution. white supremacy, and hundreds of others. We say they are frauds because of their use as decoys and dead end issues, but seen in the light of their true purpose and goal they are all a part of the revolution which is effecting the destruction of our economic and political system which is only the spadework in preparation for the "world tomorrow." " - The Union Jack by Helen Peters.

"The facade that Jews are Zionists also stirs up antisemitism as a cover, which is a front purpose serving to put focus and blame on the Jews as a scapegoat so the Elite can hide behind the cover in the shadows. There has been documents that put Jews in as a means to distract and promote misinformation. Also allowing the Anti defamation League (1913) to enforce legal action against antisemitism to further the facade, and to smoke out prejudices as a way to collect lists for dissension." - The Union Jack by Helen Peters

“Before the authors of Holy Blood, Holy Grail exposed Freemasonry as a front for both Sion and the Templars, it was exposed that as many conspiracy theorists had thought, the Frankist Jews did not take over Freemasonry. Rather, the Freemasonic Lodges absorbed and exploited the Frankist Jews. Jews such as Mendelssohn, Karl Marx, Lenin and Trotsky were used by Freemasonry to replace the old order with their own Gentile Freemason New World Order. Should the conspiracy be exposed, the doctrinally subversive Jews would be the scapegoat.” – Scarlet and the Beast Vol. 1 by John Daniel

A Gentile, not a Jew has always been at the head of Freemasonry. A Templar Gentile King, Fredrick H the Great of Prussia was in 1761 the sovereign and supreme head of the Scottish (33rd degree) Rite. A Gentile, not a Jew ruled the Scottish Rite prior to the French Revolution. At the time of the French Revolution there were three powerful secret societies in France: Templar Scottish Rite, Sionist Grade Lodge and the Sionist Templar Grans Orient. All were seeking to take France by revolution and none were controlled by Jews. – Albert Mackey’s Encyclopedia of Freemasonry Vol. II (Scarlet and the Beast Vol. 1 by John Daniel).

One final scripture refutes the Jewish Conspiracy. Luke 21:14, Christ is speaking to his disciples about the Jewish Question in the last days…”And they (the Jews) shall fall by the edge of the sword and shall be led away captive into all nations and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.” Christs prophecy was partially fulfilled in 70 AD, when Rome scattered the Jews into all nations. From then until now we have been living in the times of the Gentiles, which will not end until Christ returns. According to Christ himself, there is no Jewish conspiracy, only a Freemasonic conspiracy and Freemasonry is Gentile. - Scarlet and the Beast Vol. 1 by John Daniel

The ”Jewel” of the 33rd Degree Freemason symbolically tells the same story. It is composed of three interlaced triangles representing the three occult worlds. In the center is the serpent biting its own tail. Here, in symbolic form, we see the truth that Freemasonry is the serpent religion, which proclaims men can become gods by working their way up the Masonic degrees. The Scottish Rite, the so called “Jewish Rite”, but as already proven from the beginning and always has been Gentile created and controlled, betrays itself as the Synagogue of Satan. Revelation 2:9 “‘I know your tribulation and your poverty (but you are rich) and the slander of those who say that they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.” Freemasonry is the Synagogue of Satan - Albert Mackey’s Encyclopedia of Freemasonry Vol. II (Scarlet and the Beast Vol. 1 by John Daniel)

3 Views · 6 hours ago

⁣Screw Consent: A Better Politics of Sexual Justice

Joseph Fischel
University of California Press

When we talk about sex—whether great, good, bad, or unlawful—we often turn to consent as both our erotic and moral savior. We ask questions like, What counts as sexual consent? How do we teach consent to impressionable youth, potential predators, and victims? How can we make consent sexy?

What if these are all the wrong questions? What if our preoccupation with consent is hindering a safer and better sexual culture? By foregrounding sex on the social margins (bestial, necrophilic, cannibalistic, and other atypical practices), Screw Consent shows how a sexual politics focused on consent can often obscure, rather than clarify, what is wrong about wrongful sex.

Joseph J. Fischel argues that the consent paradigm, while necessary for effective sexual assault law, diminishes and perverts our ideas about desire, pleasure, and injury. In addition to the criticisms against consent leveled by feminist theorists of earlier generations, Fischel elevates three more: consent is insufficient, inapposite, and riddled with scope contradictions for regulating and imagining sex. Fischel proposes instead that sexual justice turns more productively on concepts of sexual autonomy and access. Clever, witty, and adeptly researched, Screw Consent promises to change how we understand consent, sexuality, and law in the United States today.

In his October 19, 2017 presentation titled “Screw Consent: Horses & Corpses, Kink & Cannibals,” Joseph Fischel, an associate professor of Women’s, Gender, & Sexuality Studies at Yale University, discussed the current investment in the juridical discourse on consent and the logical limits of that discourse in adjudicating various forms of pleasure and harm.

He began by presenting legal cases involving atypical cases of sex involving bestiality, necrophilia, and cannibalism to probe the limits of consent as a sufficient standard for considering sexual justice.

