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The_Real_Fly - Interrogate her
If we are witness to a turf war between spy agencies, at some point, there will be indications of FOREKNOWLEDGE, if anyone in the know is present
How can VfB state that?
Easy - George Herbert Walker Bush, aka #icepick, contended until the end of his days that he was NOT present in Dealey Plaza on November 22, 1963; doing so meant that he never needed to explain any of his actions that day
It will be enlightening to see what comes of this 📱
Jonathan Willis, the officer in the famous photo of the two snipers on the roof at Trump's rally, has informed the public that he had the assassin in his sights for at least 3 minutes, but the head of the Secret Service refused to give the order to take out the perpetrator. They prevented him from stopping the assassin before he took shots at President Trump and killed a spectator and wounded 2 others 😡😠😡
Names of surviving victims of Trump rally shooting released
Pennsylvania State Police have released information about the men who are recovering in a hospital after they were shot at the Donald Trump rally in Butler County on Saturday.
We all know Bathhouse Barry's Secret Service nickname, #renegade, and we also know the PantsuitWarPig Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton's as well, #evergreen...
...but did you know George Herbert Walker Bush's SS nickname?
It was #icepick ⛏ [this was reported LIVE on VfB's very first appearance on WPRPN, but the volume was screwed on the recording]
Just how does one obtain such a charming designation?
Well, the story VfB heard is that Poppy would pick a young Black male and engage in SODOMY - then at the point of his climax, he would jam an icepick through the back of their head, maximizing the death spasms to heighten his 'pleasure'
At any rate, the thumbnail is purportedly what a number of fellow scumbags received at his funeral 🪦
VfB is fairly certain it wasn't a secret invitation to an invite-only memorial BBQ hosted by Chuck 'Da Schmuck' Schumer - although that may have been a kinder fate than what we'd all prefer 🍔
Tina Zimmermann - 😈George B 💩show …sounds like quite an evening -StateObserversNetwork-
I tell you, this guy is heading for a sex scandal, a money scandal, or a padded room.
More than likely all three.
And make sure you read the last sentence.
"Did you know that Skull & Bones, which is a major fraternal organization run out of Yale University, which Poppa Bush - George Bush - were all part of and many who are now part of the 620 billionaires and global and world leaders - the Conference On Foreign Relations - people who are making decisions in media and education and politics worldwide - have come through the Skull & Bones process. For the most part, in the initiation you lie in a casket and then members of the Skull & Bones on campus at the time will walk past the casket and urinate on you and defecate on you. You are also then expected to have anal sex - any member of Skull & Bones - you'll have to have - they'll have to insert their penis into your anus. George Bush had over 100 men insert their penis in his anus. Poppa Bush - old man Bush - the CIA chief - had over 100 men insert their penis into his anus. And every other member of Skull & Bones, this hideous group of the New World Order, has had - at least 100 times - a penis injected into their anus in order to be received and become a member of this elitist fraternal group called Skull & Bones. That is documented historical proof, you can check it out with Alex Jones."
- Pastor James David Manning, "the sodomite slayer."