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18 Views Ā· 21 days ago

ā£The JFK assassination was 'captured' in the Zapruder film.

Zapruder Film proven altered and/or faked by John Costella, PhD

Learn the truth of what really happened to John Fitzgerald Kennedy šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø [little did VfB know the whole story!]



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10 Views Ā· 1 month ago

ā£This film exposes the climate alarm as an invented scare without any basis in science. It shows that mainstream studies and official data do not support the claim that we are witnessing an increase in extreme weather events ā€“ hurricanes, droughts, heatwaves, wildfires and all the rest. It emphatically counters the claim that current temperatures and levels of atmospheric CO2 are unusually and worryingly high. On the contrary, compared to the last half billion years of earthā€™s history, both current temperatures and CO2 levels are extremely and unusually low. We are currently in an ice age. It also shows that there is no evidence that changing levels of CO2 (it has changed many times) has ever ā€˜drivenā€™ climate change in the past.

Why then, are we told, again and again, that ā€˜catastrophic man-made climate-changeā€™ is an irrefutable fact? Why are we told that there is no evidence that contradicts it? Why are we told that anyone who questions ā€˜climate chaosā€™ is a ā€˜flat-eartherā€™ and a ā€˜science-denierā€™?

The film explores the nature of the consensus behind climate change. It describes the origins of the climate funding bandwagon, and the rise of the trillion-dollar climate industry. It describes the hundreds of thousands of jobs that depend on the climate crisis. It explains the enormous pressure on scientists and others not to question the climate alarm: the withdrawal of funds, rejection by science journals, social ostracism.

But the climate alarm is much more than a funding and jobs bandwagon. The film explores the politics of climate. From the beginning, the climate scare was political. The culprit was free-market industrial capitalism. The solution was higher taxes and more regulation. From the start, the climate alarm appealed to, and has been adopted and promoted by, those groups who favour bigger government.

This is the unspoken political divide behind the climate alarm. The climate scare appeals especially to all those in the sprawling publicly-funded establishment. This includes the largely publicly-funded Western intelligentsia, for whom climate has become a moral cause. In these circles, to criticise or question the climate alarm has become is a breach of social etiquette.

The film includes interviews with a number of very prominent scientists, including Professor Steven Koonin (author of ā€˜Unsettledā€™, a former provost and vice-president of Caltech), Professor Dick Lindzen (formerly professor of meteorology at Harvard and MIT), Professor Will Happer (professor of physics at Princeton), Dr John Clauser (winner of the Nobel prize in Physics in 2022), Professor Nir Shaviv (Racah Institute of Physics), professor Ross McKitrick (University of Guelph), Willie Soon and several others.

The film was written and directed by the British filmmaker Martin Durkin and is the sequel of his excellent 2007 documentary The Great Global Warming Swindle. Tom Nelson, a podcaster who has been deeply examining climate debate issues for the better part of two decades, was the producer of the film.

#climatethemovie will be available for free at many online locations starting on March 21 2024. Subtitles for numerous languages are currently being created by the Clintel Foundation. Follow @ClimateTheMovie and @ClintelOrg for updates.

Source: &

The Ascent Of Modern Uncivilization - find within links to other climate realist sites and a downloadable PDF of ClimateGate

11 Views Ā· 1 month ago

ā£AIRED: September 23, 1997 7:00 PM on BBC Two
COUNTRY: United Kingdom
GENRES: Documentary, War

The immediate events preceding the outbreak of WW2 are presented and the question why Hitler ended up at war with the power he most admired ā€“ Great Britain - and allied to the country he most hated ā€“ Soviet Russia ā€“ is answered.


We lost a soldier in our current battle:

7 Views Ā· 1 month ago


10 Views Ā· 2 months ago

ā£The Jewish people have always had a peculiar relationship with money.

The Torah recounts tales of men accumulating riches of biblical proportions.

Over the ages, the world could not help but admire the Jewish people for their business prowess.

Unfortunately in some generations, the Jewā€™s financial success was an excuse for other nations to commit unspeakable atrocities against them.

There is no denying that this ancient people possess a secret to the accumulation of riches.

What is their great secret?

Research and content of the Lubavitcher Rebbe courtesy of Jewish Educational Media www.JEM.TV
For a short film on The Power of Charity Click Here

To see more videos on this topic Click Here
#jewish #judaism #jewishmovie #torah #charity tzedeka #elul
#jewishvideo #jew #jewishpeople #money #wealth #secret source:

12 Views Ā· 2 months ago



Why do almost a million children disappear from the US alone every year?

Adrenochrome is childrens blood that has been adrenalized through the terrorizing of a child before death to increase the adrenaline in bloodstream before extraction. The user believes adrenochrome extends life. It also has hallucinogenic properties.

To the people who say you can just buy synthetic adrenochrome so theres no point in taking it from children, don't understand the joy these demonic people get from torturing and harming children. Synthetic isn't the real thing.

I'm sorry to shake your fragile world made of cupcakes and sugarplums. There is real evil that exists.




Does adrenochrome actually exist?

Like most conspiracy theories, there is truth to small parts of the adrenochrome story.

Adrenochrome is not completely made-up ā€“ it is a chemical compound that is produced by the oxidation of adrenaline.

The SpinOff reported it can be used ā€“ though it does not appear to be widely used ā€“ to slow blood loss by promoting blood clotting in open wounds. It found most sellers state its source is synthetic.

Psychiatrists Abram Hoffer and Humphrey Osmond in the 1950s claimed that adrenochrome can form in the brain and may play a role in mental illnesses. They speculated that high doses of vitamin C and niacin could cure schizophrenia by reducing adrenochrome in the brain.

Other studies testing the use of megavitamin therapy to treat schozophrenia did not confirm any benefits of the treatment.

There have also been mentions of adrenochrome in fiction, which may be helping to back up the idea of adrenochrome as a recreational drug.
It features briefly in Hunter S Thompsonā€™s Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas ā€“ both the book and the movie adaptation:

In the story, the character Dr Gonzo says there is only one source of the drug ā€“ the adrenaline glands from a living human body.

ā€œItā€™s not good if you get it out of a corpse,ā€ he says.
In the novel A Clockwork Orange, there is also a mention of ā€˜drencromā€™ as an addition to the cocktail Moloko Plus.

There is no evidence that adrenochrome is widely used by celebrities ā€“ particularly those in Hollywood ā€“ as a hallucinogenic drug, or for any other purpose.

There is also no evidence that it is harvested from children who are part of a trafficking ring.
And there is no evidence of any link between adrenochrome and celebrities contracting the coronavirus.

OK, terrific!

9 Views Ā· 2 months ago

ā£An excerpt from

I can think of another reason to moderate comments. Plain lies and hatred. Lies, spin, propaganda, ignorance, insults all fall within a category of subscription to evil. As GWB once said in a similar connection, God (as in The God Blog) is not neutral on these issues.

I have been an observer and participant on the internet and WWW from the beginning, and have seen the hate mesasages and propaganda above spreading like sewage. The fact is, there was no Palestine, there is no Palestine, there never will be a Palestine, and there never should be a Palestine. On the other hand, there has been an Israel since God promised it to Abraham and it became established in the fullness of time. Dream on, irrelevant haters. The ancient promises and prophesies are being realized before our eyes. As for Mr. ā€œanti colonialismā€¦ anti-imperialismā€¦ anti-racismā€¦ anti-propagandaā€¦ anti-warā€¦ pro-truthā€, well me too. Welcome, fellow Zionist.
Comment by Ben Plonie on 6/03/08 at 11:55 pm

Ben...where do I begin?

First...youā€™re quoting the Monkey King himself, George Walker Bush?

Heā€™d be inhaling chodah in alleyways for beer money, if the TRADING WITH THE ENEMY ACT were in place, back when his family was financing the Nazis in WW2.

Brad - thank you for not exhibiting a knee-jerk reaction. I do not hate Jews, nor do I hate Israelis...but I DEPLORE the actions taken against the Palestinians, because of...PROPHECIES?!?

Oh, dearā€¦

Like you, I have also been on the internet as an observer and a participant...but I am a SCIENTIST, my friend. I donā€™t believe in the Earth having been formed 6,000 years ago*...and I sure as heck donā€™t take the word of a book purported to have been written by G*d...but is rife with contradictions.
Palestine ā€œnever existedā€? I understand that you may regard them as ā€œcockroachesā€ and ā€œcrocodiles that eat any meat they are fedā€, and other silly proclamations, but really...they are human beings, much like you. I am aware of the physiological studies performed on Jewish and Arab individuals that were torn out of medical journals, because they disprove racial propaganda.

I have done my research...I just donā€™t spout off without having facts to bolster my statements.

ā€œI can think of another reason to moderate comments. Plain lies and hatred. Lies, spin, propaganda, ignorance, insults all fall within a category of subscription to evil.ā€ - sounds to me that there is one finger pointing my way, but the other three are actually in the correct direction. Why would one be adverse to discussion...unless your facts are lacking?

I appreciate the chance to air these views, and I applaud the Jewish Journal for enabling this discussion.

Ben...Iā€™m looking forward to your response.
Comment by hANOVER fIST on 6/10/08 at 9:07 pm

I did not refer to Arabs as cockroaches. I called those spreading lies and propaganda cockroaches with the first opening wedges, and then and you will observe the mask immediately slip when I correctly identified those efforts. I am glad you welcome my response, but having been through this before, I have not the slightest confidence that you will enage anything I say with integrity. Nor focus. I will be amazed if you respond to one thiong I say without changing the subject. I wonā€™t even bother with posters as nincompoop, or whatever.

And this is not a matter of conflicting opinions. It is truth vs. lies, right vs. wrong, good vs. evil.

Here is a typical one - ā€œI donā€™t begrudge Israelā€™s existence, but I do begrudge the actions taken against the indigenous population therein. Please understand that ā€œnever againā€ means that for EVERYONE. ā€œ This is not an ideal forum for detailed discussion, but letā€™s get the basics done. Starting with you original three non-sequiteurs, It is an oxymoron for Israel to exist in place of a non-Jewish ā€˜indigenousā€™ population. Therefore your premise is false and your statement is impossible. And in that context, the fairly humane and careful ā€˜treatmentā€™ of evil savage Arabs in Israel who tried to steal our place and kill and terrorize us becomes clarified. ā€˜Never againā€ refers to the response to the extermination of the Jews in Europe, for which the term ā€˜genocideā€™ was coined. In about four years, the global Jewish population dropped from 18 million to 12 million. Thatā€™s genocide. In contrast, the Arab populations under he government of the Jews has had its population and life expectancy zoom. Thatā€™s not genocide. Is Israel the gang that canā€™t shoot straight, if all they wanted was to kill Arabs?

Much more at the above URL, including ADMISSION OF FOREKNOWLEDGE OF THE ATTACK šŸš¢šŸš€šŸ’„šŸ‡®šŸ‡±




18 Views Ā· 3 months ago

ā£From the data banks of VfB [source located! šŸ«”


Just the flawed conclusion:

The Frank case not only was a miscarriage of justice but also symbolized many of the Southā€™s fears at that time. Workers resented being exploited by northern factory owners who had come south to reorganize a declining agrarian economy. Frankā€™s Jewish identity compounded southern resentment toward him, as latent anti-Semitic sentiments, inflamed by Tom Watson, became more pronounced. Editorials and commentaries in newspapers all over the United States supporting a new trial for Frank and/or claiming his innocence reinforced the beliefs of many outraged Georgians, who saw in them the attempt of Jews to use their money and influence to undermine justice.

Frankā€™s trial had far-reaching impacts. It struck fear in Jewish southerners, causing them to monitor their behavior in the region closely for the next fifty yearsā€”until the civil rights movement led to more significant changes. But it also inspired the formation of the Anti-Defamation League, one of the nationā€™s foremost civil rights organizations.

In 1986 the Georgia State Board of Pardons and Paroles pardoned Frank, stating:

Without attempting to address the question of guilt or innocence, and in recognition of the Stateā€™s failure to protect the person of Leo M. Frank and thereby preserve his opportunity for continued legal appeal of his conviction, and in recognition of the Stateā€™s failure to bring his killers to justice, and as an effort to heal old wounds, the State Board of Pardons and Paroles, in compliance with its Constitutional and statutory authority, hereby grants to Leo M. Frank a Pardon.

The pardon was motivated in part by the 1982 testimony of eighty-three-year-old Alonzo Mann, who as an office boy had seen Jim Conley carrying Mary Phaganā€™s body to the basement on the day of her death. Conley had threatened to kill Mann if he said anything, and the boyā€™s mother advised him to keep silent. For those who thought Frank innocent, this provided confirmation; for those who believed him guilty, this was insufficient evidence to change their views.

The case inspired several scholarly treatments by historians and also made its way, through various media, into the popular culture. In 1915 Georgia musician Fiddlinā€™ John Carson wrote a ballad about Mary Phagan, which he performed on the steps of the state capitol to protest the commutation of Frankā€™s sentence. Ten years later the song was recorded as ā€œLittle Mary Phaganā€ by Moonshine Kate, Carsonā€™s daughter, and around the same time Carson recorded a related song, ā€œThe Grave of Little Mary Phagan.ā€

Other popular interpretations of the case include the film They Wonā€™t Forget (1937), based on Ward Greeneā€™s fictionalized account Death in the Deep South (1936), with Lana Turner playing the victim in her first credited screen role; the television mini-series The Murder of Mary Phagan (1988), starring Jack Lemmon as Governor John Slaton; two novelsā€”Richard Klugerā€™s Members of the Tribe (1977), a detailed reconstruction of the case, but set in Savannah rather than Atlanta, and David Mametā€™s The Old Religion (1997), in which a fictionalized Frank tells his story in the first person; and Atlanta playwright Alfred Uhryā€™s Broadway musical Parade (1999), the title a reference to both the Confederate Memorial Day parade that brought Mary Phagan to town and the lynch mob that took Frank from Milledgeville to Marietta.

In 2008 the William Breman Jewish Heritage Museum in Atlanta opened a special exhibition entitled Seeking Justice: The Leo Frank Case Revisited, and in 2009 an episode of the PBS series American Experience entitled ā€œThe People v. Leo Frankā€ premiered in Atlanta, where the program was also filmed.

#kmprising šŸ”„

15 Views Ā· 3 months ago

ā£THIS VIDEO CONNECTS ALL THE DOTS: The Vatican, Aliens, CV19 VAX, Giants, Area-51, Voynich manuscript, The Mark and Image of the Beast, Mystery of the cathedrals, Papal seals and infallability, All Religions were created by the fallen Angels, Great Deception revealed plus much more. . .MUST WATCH (THIS IS NOT CLIKBAIT)


How to get saved
Man is a sinner in the eyes of a Holy God.

Romans 3:23 ā€“ For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.

There is a price for our sin, the wage (what we earn) is death when we sin.

Romans 6:23 ā€“ For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Jesus Christ paid for all our sins, by dying on the cross, shedding His blood; Christ was buried and bodily rose again 3 days later.

Romans 5:8 ā€“ But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

By faith in Jesus Christ alone are we saved forever.

Ephesians 2:8 ā€“ For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.

Faith alone in Christ alone. That is the gospel, it is simple, pure and it saves you eternally. You cannot lose salvation.

Do you trust that Jesus Christ is God come in the flesh? That He died for all your sins on the cross? That He was buried and 3 days later rose from the dead? If you do, you are now saved.

End times prophecy is being fulfilled. 2021 is the beginning of an End. Repent and believe the gospel.

Romans 10:9-10 (KJV)
''9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.'
10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.''

SP4U, satans plan, satans plan 4u, the voynich manuscript, voynich manuscript decoded, voynich decoded, voynich manuscript, cracked, solved, mystery, decrypted, explained, VOYNICH MANUSCRIPT DECODED, 2024, 2023, anonymous sydney, sydney australia

12 Views Ā· 3 months ago

ā£It's a clever bit of bait & switch along with three card Monty šŸƒ

If you watched last night's episode of the HOAXBUSTERS, you'll note that VfB didn't dish on the 'good doctor'; that's because the verdict is still out as to whether he is a willful co-conspirator...or if he really just loves the idea of the Catholic Church [he cannot possibly agree with what it is now]

He'll come up in the latter part of this video, and while not taking away from his's boggling to see this huge disconnect from reality - but since VfB had solved the actual issue with the disconnect a number of episodes prior, we've all been able to progress to this point

As referenced šŸ‘‡



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17 Views Ā· 4 months ago

ā£What brought this on? An asshat on Twitter | X talking shite - it begins with a response to him/it/whatever:
Eric Hunt - The Jewish Gas Chamber Hoax, 1st edition (March 2014)
Web-optimized for smoother playback.
"As of 2014, Steven Spielberg's 'Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation' has recorded nearly 52,000 interviews in 56 countries and in 32 languages with so-called 'holocaust survivors'. The present documentary uses some of them to prove that the orthodox tale about the alleged extermination camp at Treblinka is untenable. It is a revisionist documentary presenting the latest evidence debunking the greatest hoax in human history: 'the holocaust' ā€“ that is to say, the fraudulent claim that six million jews were murdered by Germans, mostly in 'gas chambers disguised as shower rooms'. Never before seen evidence helps prove that Treblinka was a transit camp, far from the 'pure extermination camp' myth currently promoted by the holocaust religion. For the first time ever, listen to jews themselves who were transited through Treblinka describe the process of being transferred from Treblinka to other camps, along with hundreds and thousands of other men women and children.
Documentation is presented which affirms that Treblinka was no top secret 'pure extermination center', but a simple transit camp where some jews even took real showers in order to keep them alive. The absurdity of diesel gassings, non-existent mass graves, forced confessions, and more are covered in 'The Jewish Gas Chamber Hoax', a new documentary from the filmmaker of 'The Last Days of the Big Lie'."
Historical Revisionism playlist:$/list/b230....65790ec951ea039e9526
Note the canard 'denier' used throughout:
https://echoesandreflections.o....rg/wp-content/upload to learn the truth

8 Views Ā· 4 months ago

ā£We're currently going through a rehash of the Roaring 20s...but the timetable was upset - this is why we're going to WIN šŸ„ø VfB
How did the Great Depression Actually Happen?
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At the start of 1929, the end of the Roaring Twenties, the economy in the United States was sitting pretty with further progress on every horizon. Wall Street admittedly saw a minor stock market crash in the spring, but things quickly balanced back out and people were happily ignoring any further signs of troubles to come. By the fall, however, the market seemed to have reached its peak and started the downhill journey. With mass numbers of the American population having increasingly been investing in the stock market, some people were finally starting to pay a bit more attention to the falling and volatile prices. Stocks were being sold at a faster pace now, and October brought about Black Thursday on the 24th - the day that the market crashed by 11% and Americans frantically hoped to sell what they had while they still could.
ā™¦Music by Epidemic Sound
ā™¦Script & Research :
Skylar J. Gordon
#history #documentary general Flynn's Website:

18 Views Ā· 4 months ago

ā£This is one of the videos Rob "BBC Boofer" Colbert put up in a gaylist titled "Nazi Reality" šŸ™ƒ
I propose that you FACT CHECK the meat flaps off of this hot garbage - they mention the drug use...but (((who))) introduced said drugs?
Looks to me that what happened to the Black communities that turned them into niggers...happened to Germany much earlier
The techniques witnessed within are the same that are used on Fred Leuchter in Devon Stack's recent deep dive - Jim Rizoli has a copy, as does Bat Soup;
Now onto this disingenuous asshattery:
In 1938 a drug called Pervitin was created in Nazi Germany. This drug was distributed to German soldiers during the course of WW2 and Hitler was no exception to these drug highs receiving drug cocktails from his personal physical Theodor Morell. This film explores the use of drugs in WW2 and looks at the potential effects that drugs could have had on Hitler, soldiers and the war itself.
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**This title is under license from Total Content. All rights reserved**
#documentary #hitler #ww2 fair USE, faggit šŸ«„

17 Views Ā· 4 months ago

ā£Credit to OP beautyndbeast: Thanks ___CANST___ for posting. Here's a must watch for any parent in the US. Your kids are not safe. CPS is a real threat.. over 1,000 kids end up dead every year in "protective services" not including the ones who end up missing.
A must watch for any parent who is still trying to raise kids in the US. "Every year over 1,000 kids in foster care die from neglect or murder." Before the author Bill Bowen was able to finish this documentary on the problem, he was suddenly taken from us. May he rest in peace. Thankfully parts of the film survived.
Many thanks to the Bill Bowden Estate for allowing us to share his final works here. May his light spark fires that burn out the corruption within a rotten system and bring justice for the countless souls consumed by the demonic rot of modern society.
Original Sources:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Fair Use Notice: The materials used in this video are adapted and used for educational purposes only and to preserve them from deletion due to censorship by bad actors. This transformation constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Section 107 of the U.S. Copyright Law.

14 Views Ā· 5 months ago

ā£I do not know who put this video together, but it is a solid 2.5 hour compilation of jews admitting to the Kalergi plan.
Distribute freely!
YOU are suicidal and insane if your only response to this is to call me (((anti-semitic)))
PETITIONS WORK! Sign it. Be sure to finalize it after by clicking the link in your email box.
100,000 signatures on a Petition is required to take up any matter in Parliament, Ottawa for We, the People of Canada.
Every Petition has a deadline. If not met, we loose what's being Petitioned, then suffer the financial or otherwise consequences.
If you are fed up with our current governing in Canada. You have the legal right and obligation to speak up!
This is your chance to make a difference.
Here and now. Please sign then forward this to all your connections to sign.
I see at the bottom of this petition we only have 500++ signatures. Hustle my fellow CDNS. Hustle.
Don't wait, takes 1 minutes to sign, add mailing address, email and phone #. Then go to the email box you entered and click the email they sent to prove it's you.
Pray Daily. So it is!

13 Views Ā· 5 months ago

ā£Big read - excerpts to follow:
We're often told Western societies are experiencing conditions reminiscent of the German Weimar Republic
But what exactly was the Weimar Republic?
Iā€™d like to explain the republic
ā€¦and its incredible levels of debauchery, meaninglessness, sex, drugs andā€”of courseā€”Jews
ā€œThe decay of moral values in all areas of lifeā€”the period of deepest German degradationā€”coincided exactly with the height of German Jewish power in Germany.ā€
First, a disclaimer:
The accompanying video is from a progressive documentary. Itā€™s biased against the National Socialists and views everything in a sex-positive light. I think you'll see though, what the film attempts to portray as healthy sexual relationships, comes out appearing to be nothing more than debauchery.
The Press
Ā· The two major press companies involved in producing newspaper and magazines were Jewish owned. Mosse and Ullstein was the biggest liberal publisher of newspapers and magazines while Scherl was the biggest conservative publisher of magazines and newspapers. Both publications were owned by the Jew Leopold Ullstein during the Weimar era.
Ā·Two of the Chief Editors of some of the largest Weimar newspapers were Jews: Theodor Wolff and Georg Bernhard.
One of the biggest newspaper publishers was a Jew: Rudolf Mosse.
The Arts
Ā· The Jew Erich Pommer (20 July 1889 ā€“ 8 May 1966) was a German-born film producer and executive. According to Wikipedia, ā€œPommer was perhaps the most powerful person in the German and European film industries in the 1920s and early 1930s.ā€
Ā· In 1931, over 60 percent of German films were produced by Jews and 82 percent of the film scripts were written by Jewish writers.
Ā· As mentioned earlier, two of the three key figures for the largest film movement of the Weimar eraā€”the German expressionist movementā€”were the Jews Fritz Lang and Robert Wiene.
Ā·The key Architects of the expressionist architecture movement were the Jews Bruno Taut and Erich Mendelsohn.
Ā·Some of the main producers, directors, & actors in Weimar Germany were Jews, to name a few: Paul Davidson, Joseph Mandel, Jules Greenbaum, Max Reinhardt, Josef Von Sternberg, Fritz Kohn, Otto Wallburg, Peter Lowenstein.
Ā·According to Wikipedia, some claim the Dadaist movement was founded by a group of Jewish modernist artists.
Ā· Magnus Hirschfeld was Jewish. He was dubbed "the Einstein of Sex". He was president of World League of Sexual Reform and of course, founder of the Institute for Sexual Research.
Ā· Ivan Bloch was Jewish and is often called the "first Sexologist".
Ā· As quoted by Sir Arthur Bryant earlier, ā€œmost of theā€”the night clubs and vice resortsā€”were owned and managed by Jews. And it was the Jews among the promoters of this trade who were remembered in after years.ā€
Other notable Jewish overrepresentations:
(**Please Note** these next five bullet points are not official numbers and are from a propaganda piece that was distributed in Weimar Germany. I'm including them because although I can't be completely sure of their accuracy, I think they most likely do generally represent the amalgamations of Jewish power in Weimar society. And, at the very least, these numbers represent the German publicā€™s perception of Jewish amalgamations of power in Weimar society):
-56% of notaries were Jews.
-52% of doctors were Jews.
-45% of Hospital Directors were Jews.
-48% of lawyers were Jews.
-35% of dentists were Jews.
One last note on the Jews of the Weimar Republic. I included a link with more detail below, but many Weimar Jews actively tried to conceal their Jewish identity and even went so far as bragging to other Jews when gentiles were unable to identify them. This is one of the reasons that, to this day, itā€™s somewhat difficult to identify who the Jews of the Weimar Republic were. What this means is that, although the identity of every Jew I list above is verified, there are undoubtedly other prominent and non-prominent Jews I was unable to identify. The list provided above should not be viewed as wholly representative of the Jewish influence within Weimar Germany. But even just considering the list above, you can see the Jewish influence was substantial for a race of people comprising less than 1% of the total German population. This Jewish overrepresentation is even more substantial when you consider that many of these Jewish amalgamations of overrepresentation occurred within many of Germanyā€™s most important social institutions.
Read the rest at the source URL

10 Views Ā· 5 months ago

Businesses shuttered. Pastors arrested! Residents confined to their homes! Is this communist China? No. This is Pandemic America. Donā€™t think for a second that this is the last weā€™ve seen of lockdowns. Get equipped and empowered to fight back and not give in to tyranny again!

20 Views Ā· 5 months ago

Nashville-based drag queen Veronika Electronika said she was tricked into participating in the right-wing, anti-transgender documentary The War on Children, and that her interview was heavily edited to change what she said.
In a recent article, Rolling Stone detailed the ā€œdeceptive tacticsā€ allegedly used by filmmakers Robby and Landon Starbuck, whose film purports to explore the so-called sexualizing and grooming of children. The official description of the film on its website says that it features ā€œwhistleblowers, leftists caught on camera, survivors of child mutilation, trafficking victims, corporate executives exposing the plan to sexualize children, the creator of Libs of TikTok, Senator Rand Paul, Riley Gaines, Drag Performer, Pornhubā€™s Sex Ed Instructor, and many more.ā€
But according to Rolling Stoneā€™s reporting, LGBTQ+ people and allies were approached under false pretenses. Emails obtained by the magazine show that Starbuckā€™s staff approached potential subjects about being interviewed for a movie with working titles like Identity Rising and It Takes a Village. Per Rolling Stone, Elektronika and others were told that the documentary would focus on the struggles of trans children, and how queer and trans peopleā€™s lives and mental health have been affected by the recent onslaught of anti-LGBTQ+ legislation.
Some emails obtained by the magazine also claimed that the documentary would be directed by ā€œaward-winningā€ cinematographer Matt Rodgers, with no mention of Starbuckā€™s involvement, and that it would be distributed by a ā€œhousehold nameā€ streaming service. When participants pressed for further information on the documentary, staffers claimed that they were under non-disclosure agreements, according to the emails. Almost all of the details that were shared, according to Rolling Stone,were ā€œmisleading or outright false.ā€ Robby Starbuck is credited as the director and producer, and the film is only available on X and the right-wing video services Rumble and My Movies Plus.
Elektronika told Rolling Stone that last June, she arrived at a studio space to participate in what she was told would be an interview "on her views regarding the struggles faced by children in the trans community, and how the lives and mental health of LGBTQ+ people were being affected by the recent slew of bans and restrictionsā€ on gender-affirming care and drag. She asked the interviewers what their last names were, and when they answered the latter with ā€œStarbuck,ā€ she attempted to exit the conversation.
ā€œWhen I saw Mr. Starbuck walk through the hallway, I was like, ā€˜Wait a minute. I know this fucker,ā€ Electronika told Rolling Stone. She added that the couple ā€œtried to convince me to stay and I said, ā€˜You need to stop recording right now.ā€™ The little red light kept going ... and then they wouldnā€™t stop. So I started recording myself.ā€
The incident is featured in the documentary, with the Starbucks asking her to ā€œdenounce behavior that is sexually explicit around children.ā€ Elektronika provided her own recording to Rolling Stone, and the magazine wrote that her recording ā€œmakes clear that her conversation with the filmmakers was heavily edited to make it seem like she was completely unwilling to condemn the exposure of children to sexual material.ā€ According to Rolling Stone, some of Elektronikaā€™s answers were ā€œused piecemeal,ā€ and some were entirely left out of the final cut.
Sprinkled in among the thousands of glowing reviews are a few negative ones: ā€œWatching this made me feel like a bad person."
ā€œObviously, parents can dictate what materials their children are exposed to,ā€ Electronika told Rolling Stone. ā€œThere are no drag shows, or drag story hours, or LGBT events that are happening where children are showing up unaccompanied by a guardian or an adult. ... When we do have a drag event that is happening, where minors may be present, it would be a rare occurrence for anything sexually explicit to be occurring on stage.ā€
As Rolling Stone notes, these manipulative interview tactics are commonplace within right-wing media. The magazine also wrote that right-wing influencers are increasingly using the documentary format to ā€œbypass social media and platform guidelines prohibiting hate speech

37 Views Ā· 7 months ago

ā£You need to grok the bait & switch pulled here - 'forgery' means 'copy'; your newspapers, books and online articles are 'forgeries' of an original manuscript...but that does NOT invalidate the data withinā£


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Widespread Condemnation
During the past 60 years impressive authorities have publicly attested to the Protocolsā€™ fraudulence.

Hugo Valentin, lecturer in history at the University of Upsala in Sweden, characterized the Protocols in his 1936 study Anti-Semitism, Historically and Critically Examined as "the greatest forgery of the century."

Father Pierre Charles, Professor of Theology at the Jesuit College in Louvain, France, stated in a 1938 essay: "It has been proved that these ā€˜Protocolsā€™ are a fraud, a clumsy plagiarism. . . made for the purpose of rendering the Jews odious..."

In 1942, several prominent historians, including Carl Becker of Cornell, Sydney Fay and William Langer of Harvard, and Allan Nevins and Cariton J. H. Hayes of Columbia, introduced Professor John Shelton Curtissā€™ ā€˜An Appraisal of the Protocols of Zion" with their endorsement of his findings as "completely destructive of the historicity of the Protocols and as establishing beyond doubt the fact that they are rank and pernicious forgeries."

In 1961 Richard Helms, then Assistant Director of the CIA, stated at a Senate subcommittee hearing: "The Russians have a long tradition in the art of forgery. More than 60 years ago the Czarist intelligence service concocted and peddled a confection called The Protocols of the Elders of Zion."

And in August of 1964 a subcommittee of the Senate Judiciary Committee issued a report repudiating the Protocols, to which Senators Thomas J. Dodd and Kenneth B. Keating appended the following: "Every age and country has had its share of fabricated ā€˜historicā€™ documents which have been foisted on an unsuspecting public for some malign purpose. . . One of the most notorious and most durable of these is the ā€˜Protocols of the Elders of Zion.ā€™."

In 1935 a Swiss judge, presiding at a trial of two Swiss National Socialists charged with circulating the Protocols, wrote:

I hope that one day there will come a time when no one will any longer comprehend how in the year 1935 almost a dozen fully sensible and reasonable men could for fourteen days torment their brains before a court of Berne over the authenticity or lack of authenticity of these so-called Protocols... that, for all the harm they have already caused and may yet cause, are nothing but ridiculous nonsense.

Unfortunately, the judgeā€™s hope has not yet been fully realized. There are still those anti-Semites and their willing audiences who remain ready to circulate and believe this fantasy of hate.

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