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2 Views · 21 days ago

⁣Why do the worst people seem to succeed while the good ones struggle? Friedrich Nietzsche had a radical perspective on power, morality, and success. He believed that those who reject conventional morality often rise to the top, while those who cling to traditional values remain trapped in mediocrity.

In this video, we explore Nietzsche’s theory of Master and Slave Morality, the psychology of power, and why ruthless individuals seem to dominate the world. Does this mean that success requires a lack of ethics? Or is there a way to rise without losing integrity? Discover the hidden truths about power, ambition, and survival in a world that rewards the strong.

📌 Subscribe for more deep psychological and philosophical insights!


4 Views · 21 days ago

⁣Jay Anderson - 🚨Is This Why The Epstein Files Won't Be Fully Released? My full interview, recorded today, with Juliette Bryant, a victim of Jeffrey Epstein and the Elite Human Trafficking Network.

Keywords: Elite Abuse, Experimentation, Genetics, Bloodlines, Cloning & UFOs


Energy Harvesting from WBAN

Art in Embassies Program Gave Podestas, Jeff Koons, Rockefellers, Clintons, Marina Abramovic, Rothschilds even Alefantis access to a private shipping channel that…

The Truth About Epstein's Flights To Little St. James
Pam Bondi Gets A "Truckload" Of Evidence Delivered From The Southern District Of New York

5 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Trans-investigation into the Transgender Agenda

Welcome ladies and gentlemen, If you have made it to this video you are seeking factual evidence to the information you have been hearing.

Here is all the evidence you will need to see we are living in a Transgender Agenda World. This Agenda goes back to the Roman/ Greek Mythology Era and is nothing new to the world.

In this documentary, you will have enough evidence and testimonies from the horse's mouths. This is how far their deception goes.

Everything is done to go against natural order or creation itself.
a true ABOMINATION. Lusting over dudes with boobs.. Holly Must have Wood to be in Hollywood. All roads lead back to Rome where the original Hollywood was, Diana's Mirror.

Source: ⁣

11 Views · 2 months ago

⁣It sounds like a cheap true-crime conspiracy: An international network of predators steeped in Satanism lure children from seemingly harmless online platforms like Discord, Minecraft, and Roblox and extort them to sexually exploit and grievously harm themselves. Some victims are even pushed to suicide.

Except it’s true.


9 Views · 2 months ago

⁣The Age of Disclosure - The truth is coming. Watch the explosive trailer for The Age of Disclosure, revealing the Government's cover-up of non-human intelligent life. 34 senior U.S Government insiders break their silence in this unprecedented documentary film. #ageofdisclosure #uap #ufo source:


6 Views · 2 months ago

⁣There have been many conspiracy theories surrounding UFOs over the years, but none are more fantastic than Operation Highjump, during which a US Navy task force was supposedly defeated in direct combat with UFOs in Antarctica in 1947. "The Secret Land" (1948) is an Oscar-winning documentary that chronicles the U.S. Navy's Operation Highjump, sparking decades of speculation about the true nature of the expedition to Antarctica. 👁🛩❄



9 Views · 3 months ago

⁣The N07ticing : In their own words.
This section is 37 minutes of rabbis and other j3wish people speaking on many different subjects.


A ⁣ small sample of jewish false flag operations

False Flags: Committing an atrocious act, and blaming another party or nation for it. The point is to turn public opinion against an entity, and have someone else fight your battles for you.
Lusitania Churchill, who was 1/2 jewish, leaked intelligence to Germany that Lusitania carried munitions, and then it was sent it in a U-boat infested area. The ship was supposedly torpedoed, and a massive bomb exploded, killing 1200. This set the stage for Wilson to bring the USA into WW2, at a later date.

Kristallnacht: When government officials were away, jewish-paid thugs went on a rampage in Berlin and some border towns. National Socialists were blamed, and world opinion favored the jews.

Bromberg massacre: An estimated 58,000 German civilians lost their lives in the massacres carried out prior to the 1939 invasion. A website on the atrocity at Bromberg explains how Polish Bolshevik jews massacred 5,500 Germans, on one ‘Bloody Sunday, in 1939. This was the flashpoint for the Polish invasion.

The King David Massacre July 22, 1946: jewish terrorists blew up a hotel, and killed 91 British soldiers, and blamed the atrocity on Arabs. When later caught, they said the British had a list of their Arab spies and were going to turn them over to the Palestinians. The goal of the False Flag was to pit the British against the Palestinians.

Lavon affair In 1954: Israeli agents working in Egypt planted bombs in several buildings, including a United States diplomatic facility, and left evidence behind implicating Arabs as the culprits. The ruse would have worked, had not one of the bombs detonated prematurely, allowing the Egyptians to capture and identify one of the bombers, which in turn led to the round up of an Israeli spy ring

RFK Assassination June, 1968: Robert Kennedy is shot by a PLO bus-boy named Sirhan Sirhan. Kennedy was running for President, and would have sought revenge over the Israeli killing of his brother. The use of a Palestinian was a little too ‘Hollywood’.

USS Liberty, June 6th, 1967: Six fighters, three torpedo boats and two assault helicopters attacked the USS Liberty. There were 24 dead and 177 maimed. F-4 phantoms were enroute when President Johnson stopped the rescue. Israel’s plan was to blame Egypt, and have the US retaliate against Egypt.

Black September 5, 1972: Eight Palestinian “Black September” terrorists seized 11 Israeli athletes in the Olympic Village in Munich, West Germany. In the rescue attempt by West German authorities, nine of the hostages, and five terrorists were killed. Israel, and it’s jews, are once again the victim, and the Palestinians are demons.

1976: Entebbe Israel faked a hijacking to Kenya (Idi Imin was an Israeli puppet), and then pulled a rescue, portraying themselves as elite commandos. Arabs looked like monsters and the Israelis, having suffered countless persecutions, have decided to fight back.

1982: Abu Nidal, who was an Israeli Black Ops agent, attacked the jewish Goldenberg’s delicatessen in Paris. 6 were killed, and 20 were wounded, of which 2 were jewish.
Pan Am: Flight 73 A 747 was enroute from Karachi, to Frankfurt, to its final destination of New York. Four hijackers took control of the airplane, and for the next 16 hours, they held 379 passengers at gunpoint, while the pilots escaped. The plane was stormed and 20 died.
Beirut Marine barracks …October 23,1983: 241 Marines died when a truck packed with explosives blew up a Marine barracks at Beirut International Airport

Achille Lauro, 1985: Abu Abbas, and 15 Arabs, took over a cruise ship and threw a Leon Klinghoffer overboard. After two days of negotiations, the seajackers abandoned the ship. In this False Flag, the Israelis turned world opinion against the Arabs, while once again portraying themselves as victims.

English policewoman shot, 1984: In 1984, jews staged a protest outside the Libyan embassy in London. Approximately 25 English Bobbies were used for crowd control. During the middle of the demonstration, a shot rang out and a female Bobby named Yvonne Fletcher was hit and killed. The shot came from a building used by the Mossad to spy on the Libyan embassy, but the newspapers overlooked that and blamed Libya. Israel used this false flag murder of Policewoman Fletcher, to turn world opinion against Libya.

Alia airliner, 1985: Nidal’s Black September group hit a jet with an SAM as it took off from Athens airport. Although the rocket did not explode, it left a hole in the fuselage.

Lockerbie, Dec, 1988: Mossad blew up Pan AM 103 and blamed it on Libya. Unfortunately, the plane was late and blew up overland, and all the evidence pointed towards Israel. Israel’s goal was to demonize the Muslims, and lay the groundwork for 9/11.

AMIA, 1992: Mossad blew up AMIA and the Israeli Embassy in Argentina. Over 100 killed, and practically all of them were Argentineans.

Luxor, Egypt, 1992: An attack on Luxor, by militants, in which 58 foreigners, most of them Swiss, were killed (71 Killed in total). Arabs blamed the Mossad. six gunmen disguised as police emerged from nearby cliffs and fired randomly at tourists visiting Luxor’s Temple of Hatshepsut, the Egyptian Information Ministry said. The Al-Gama’a al-Islamiyya group ( “Vanguards of Conquest” according to CNN) is a revival of the Jihad organization (Headed by Ayman Al Zawahiry) which killed president Anwar Sadat in 1981. Israel destroyed Egyptian tourism, and turned world opinion against Muslims.

Khobar Towers, 1996: Khobar Towers was bombed. It housed an F-15 unit. Israel said it was done by Hezbollah, but US military investigators linked it to Mossad.

Karin-A, 2000: Israel intercepted a ship, the Karin-A, in the Red Sea. The ship contained massive weapons, which Israel claimed were destined for the PLO. A jewish arms dealer set it all up. As a result, world opinion turned on the PLO, and Israel’s slaughter of rock throwing Arab children wasn’t questioned.

Two airports attacked, 1985: Terrorists of Abu Nidal’s Black Sept. struck at the Rome and Vienna airports. Nineteen were killed at Schwechat Airport and three at the Rome airport.

LaBelle Disco, 1986: As part of a Libya False flag, the Mossad sent a series of false messages out of Tripoli, talking of an impending attack. The Mossad then bombed a German Disco, the Labelle Club, killing three and wounding 230. President Reagan was convinced it was a Libyan attack, and retaliated by bombing Libya World opinion turned against Libya.

OKC Murrah Building, 1993: One of the Mossad’s American arms, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), was concerned about the growth of Patriot movements such as Militias, so an attack was staged using a Timothy McVeigh patsy, who was out of Elohim City (jewish-sponsored terror Mecca). The real brains behind the OKC bombing were Andreas Strassmeir and Daniel Spiegelman, who were/are both jewish. The jews destroyed the Militia movement’s credibility, and brought the FBI down on them.

Flight 840: TWA’s flight 840, a Boeing 727 flying from Rome to Athens with 115 passengers and seven crew members aboard, had already begun its descent toward the Athens international airport. Twenty minutes before landing, as it flew at 15,000 ft. over Argos, a town near the ancient site of Mycenae, an explosion shook the aircraft. Four were killed but 111 lived. Once again, Israel planted the seed of “Arab” terrorism.

World Trade Center, 1993: In December 1992, an Israeli soldier, Nissim Toledano, was kidnapped and killed. The Israeli government rounded up 1600 members of Hamas, and deported 415 of them to the no-mans land between the Israeli and Lebanese borders. In the brutally inhospitable weather, these 415 Hamas members were stranded without food and shelter. Furthermore, the Israeli authorities stopped any humanitarian aid from reaching these people. With media focus on the deportees, it triggered international outrage against Israel, which was followed by international pressure on Israel that refused to go away. This time, Israel had bit off more than it could chew. It was time to ‘deflect’ pressure off Israel.

Israeli intelligence services went into action. A detailed process that is too long to elaborate here, hatched a plan. In the third week of February 1993, a truck bomb exploded in the basement of the World Trade Center building. Muslims used as scapegoats took the blame for it, while the real culprits were safely back in Israel. Thus world opinion and pressure was shifted away from Israel.
Port Arthur Massacre, 1996: A 2-man Israeli Counter-Terrorism team wounded 25, and killed 35 at a remote tourist (It took them only 90 seconds in the Broad Arrow Cafe to kill 20.) center at Port Arthur, Tasmania. The blame fell on a mentally challenged man named Martin Bryant, Photographs of Martin Bryant had been digitally manipulated with the effect of making Bryant appear deranged. He has served as the designated patsy for this crime ever since.
Zionists got their long-awaited draconian gun control laws passed in Australia as a result of this massacre. funny how Bryant never even had a gun license.

Birmingham, 1998: Birmingham abortion clinic bombed and two people killed. As a result of the bombing, abortion opponents were portrayed as lunatics, while the jewish-dominated abortion industry special laws passed to protect their trade.

Egyptair 990 (MSR990), 1999: Israel planted a bomb in the aircraft tail (unconfirmed). the plane dived 60 miles south of Nantucket Island, Massachusetts, in international waters, killing all 217 people on board. Included in the passenger manifest were over 30 Egyptian military officers; among them were two brigadier-generals, a colonel, major, and four other air force officers. Transatlantic commercial air traffic travels via a system of routes called North Atlantic Tracks, and Flight 990 was the only aircraft at the time assigned to fly North Atlantic Track Zulu. There are also a number of military operations areas over the Atlantic, called “Warning Areas,” which are also monitored by New York Center, but records show that these were inactive the night of the accident. Air Traffic Controller Peter Zalewski was responsible for both New York Tower crashes and also was controller for Egypt 990 crash in 1999.

USS Col: Sayanims in the Pentagon had the Cole directed to a part in Yemen, where Israeli agents had Arab patsies approach the Cole with a small boat, in order to be seen by crewmen, while they attacked it with a shape charge.

Sept 11, 2001: The most brazen of all Israeli attacks.
Flight 587, 2001: Mossad blows up a Fl 587 out of NY, and it crashes in Rockaway.
Bali Bomb: Mossad sets off a micro nuke on the island of Bali, killing 182. Israel blamed the attack on Al-Qaeda (which is really an Israeli false flag patsy intel op), and the USA invaded Iraq.
Kenya missile, 2002: In 2002, Israel claimed Al-Qaeda shot two SAM missiles at a jet on take-off. Israel used this incident to help lay the groundwork for shooting down a US airliner.

Manila, 2003: Mossad planted a bomb on a Manila ferry, killing 103. Israel blamed the attack on Al-Qaeda.

CIA Bomb in Gaza, 2003: Three CIA agents are traveling in Gaza, when a Mossad bomb exploded. Palestinians were blamed for the attack.

Madrid Train, 2002: Mossad killed 198 in the Madrid bomb blast. Al-Qaeda was blamed.

2004: Mossad bombed two airliners over Russia. Israel claimed it was Al-Qaeda. It just so happens that Al-Qaeda is jewish too.

5 Views · 3 months ago

⁣Last Friday, VfB mentioned Leo Max Frank and his pencil factory full of pre-pubescent girls on Coach Dave's show: WEIGHTIER MATTERS | 12-20-2024

04 - Chapter 4

A NEW authorized audio book version of The Murder of Little Mary Phagan by Mary Phagan Kean has just been recorded for The American Mercury, and will serve as the capstone of our series on the Leo Frank Case in this, the centennial year of the death of the convicted murderer in this case, Leo Max Frank.

The Murder of Little Mary Phagan is an exceptionally insightful semi-autobiographical book, detailing a fascinating exploration of one of the most sensational criminal cases of all time. What makes this book so intriguing is it provides an intimate view of the Frank-Phagan case from the adult grandniece of the teenage victim — little Mary Anne Phagan, the tragic child laborer who was murdered on April 26, 1913, in Atlanta, Georgia.

This true crime monograph is widely regarded as the most even-handed book ever written about the Frank-Phagan affair (1913-1915) and its contentious aftermath (1915-1986). It also provides facts and evidence about the case found in no other book. Mary Phagan Kean also offers a uniquely neutral analysis of the month-long capital murder trial which ended in Frank’s conviction.

Mary Phagan Kean is the namesake of the murder victim, Mary Phagan, being her grandniece. When the author was 13 years old, she discovered her given name was no mere accident or coincidence. When people heard her name, they started asking her questions about whether she was related to the famous little Mary Phagan who had been murdered long ago by Leo Frank on Confederate Memorial Day in 1913.

When her family revealed the truth about her blood relation, she immediately became deeply interested in learning about the murder, its investigation, and its aftermath. She has since devoted thousands of hours of her life studying volumes of legal documents, conducting interviews, and reading every surviving newspaper account of the case. This written-from-the-heart book is the result. (The Murder of Little Mary Phagan; Far Hills, NJ, New Horizon Press, 1987, 316 pp.)

Introduction and Chapter 1; “Are You, By Any Chance . . . ?”; 18 minutes:
Chapter 2; The Legacy; 1 hour 10 minutes:
Chapter 3; My Search Begins; 42 minutes:
Chapter 4; The Case for the Prosecution; 1 hour 20 minutes:
Chapter 5; The Case for the Defense; 1 hour 30 minutes:
Chapter 6; Sentencing and Aftermath; 37 minutes:
Chapter 7; The Commutation; 1 hour 30 minutes:
Chapter 8; The Lynching; 43 minutes:
Chapter 9; Reverberations; 13 minutes:
Chapter 10; Alonzo Mann’s Testimony; 37 minutes:
Chapter 11; The Phagans Break Their Vow of Silence; 21 minutes:
Chapter 12; Application for Pardon, 1983; 1 hour 21
Afterword; Pardon, 1986; 11 minutes --------------------------------

The Phagan family speaks about the Leo Frank case

The Leo Frank Trial Archive

The Leo Frank Research Library

The American Mercury


4 Views · 5 months ago


Jay Parker grew up in a generational family involved in the Illuminati secret societies, dating back to the 1700s. As a child he was a victim of horrific Satanic Ritual Abuse. His testimony Will open your eyes to the real horrors that go on every single day.

"When my mother in 63 told me that 12% of America is generational satanic, I really found it hard to believe. We went to regular church, and then of course in the afternoon we went to Church of the Marquee of Hell.

But when you have a society where 800,000 children are disappearing a year, like here in America, and its not even in the media, its not discussed at all except among people who are researching the child trafficking and the horrific abuse that’s going on from these dark occult. Can I say that we are in an insane position here?

I mean, this is insanity. 17 and a half million people dying of cancer because the cure is banned by the corruption of the pharmaceutical companies controlling the governments. This is genocide, and yet we’re putting up with it."



5 Views · 5 months ago

⁣To watch the full clip, visit:

© 2024 Holy Wisdom Films. All rights reserved


Tucker Carlson claims he was physically attacked by a 'demon' while in bed - LifeSite
The popular podcast host said he was inexplicably mauled a year and a half ago while asleep in bed and the marks on his side are still visible.

In other news:

Geographical Fault Line at Mount of Olives — TANDEM HOPE WORSHIP COLLECTIVE
This post is brief look at some potential poetic nuances that I enjoyed while reading Luke 22 and Zechariah 14.

What are the high places in the Bible? - BibleAsk
The high places are references to the heathen sanctuaries and altars built on elevated hills. About these heathen locations, the Lord declared


11 Views · 5 months ago

⁣In this documentary, we explored the disturbing rumor that a group has been abducting, assaulting, and murdering men, women, and children on camera in Arizona for decades. And in the ensuing investigation, we uncovered a more disturbing truth than we could have imagined. This is the most distressing video I've done so far, and you're listening to THE CONSPIRACY FILES.
-Spotify -
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"THE CONSPIRACY FILES" is the most DANGEROUS show on the internet. Join host COLIN BROWEN (of "The Paranormal Files" and "Murder In America") as he dives deep into some of the world's most dangerous and disturbing conspiracy theories. From Epstein Island to the North Fox ring and the murder of Marilyn Monroe, NO STORY is off limits and NO DETAILS or INFORMATION will be left out. If you like conspiracies, mysteries and true crime, then THIS SHOW is for you. Get ready to have your mind blown.
SUBSCRIBE to "The Paranormal Files" (my ghost hunting channel!):
Connect with me on social media! ?
The Conspiracy Files INSTAGRAM:
? My music! (“Sun, Sand & Sadness”!) ?:


4 Views · 5 months ago

⁣An overlooked factor of the Second World War is how Hitler didn't want one at all. He is often portrayed as a mad warmonger desperately to take over all of the world and if not, all of Europe. The fact is that both before and during the war Hitler did absolutely everything to firstly avoid and then stop the war. This video details the measures he proposed to prevent a repeat of the Great War.

Patreon :
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One-Time Donations:

Thumbnail Genius:


Intro: 0:00
1933: 1:41
1935: 5:12
1936: 9:59
1938: 18:40
1939: 21:53
1940: 35:11
Reflections: 46:36


9 Views · 5 months ago

⁣In 1908, a FALSE BIBLE was introduced to the West, through the Oxford Press, at the behest of the #rothschild FAMILY.

Its name was the “Schofield Bible”, and its intent was to turn evangelical Christians, into ZIONIST sympathizers.




VfB first found an instance of THE ROOTS OF CHRISTIAN ZIONISM ✝ ✡ HOW SCOFIELD SOWED SEEDS OF APOSTASY as a PowerPoint document; that would fit on a FLOPPY DISK

The mystery of where Davey and Goliath Christianity came from SOLVED ✅

14 Views · 6 months ago

⁣Death - It’s time to start questioning EVERYTHING 💀



One day, VfB had an epiphany while looking at the moon 🌝 it's a flipped and inverted image of the plane[t]...but there's something further - the continents only account for about 47% of the land masses displayed in the moon

Reposting from BANG! ZOOM!! 💥🥊🚀🌛 TO THE MOON, ALICE!!!!

Amazingly, the theory I've come up with in my researches is pretty much encapsulated thus:

What do you think of the theory that the map of the world is embodied in the Moon?


IF, globetards, we are what precise direction, and to what precise degree?

If you cannot provide a direction and degree of spin...why are you promulgating a stupid theory?!?

I have NEVER received an answer to said question - I did find the totally stupid figure of 666 MPH...with no degree of direction 🌎🤤

Let's all have a good laugh at this pathetic (((fact check))):

Anons seeking out Tierra Verde:

So we ARE in stimulation, and our creators are the last advanced civilization

8 Views · 6 months ago

⁣Oh nooooo ... it really is ALL of them
Thank you ... simon1978


Saw this 8 years ago, but didn't archive it


Sloping back forehead
Square jawline
Square face
Eyes far apart
Wide cheekbones
Wide jaw
Square chin

Vertical forehead
Sloping jawline
Oval face
Close set eyes
Narrow cheekbones
Narrow jaw
Pointy chin

#egi #forensics

17 Views · 6 months ago

⁣Someone at X censored this historic Christian essay by Martin Luther, alleging it to be "hateful." I believe this was a mistake. It's important to allow free expression of religious beliefs. Far from being "hateful," Luther was expressing his religious and theological beliefs in compassionate yet firm manner.
Nonetheless, I've modified the video in order to comply with X policies, carefully removing any wording that could be even remotely construed as "hateful." This new version does not violate any policies.
I want to make it clear that I condemn and disavow the emotion of hate, and I provide this video strictly for the purpose of historical research.
Whether we agree with his religious beliefs or not, it's important to understand the history and give a fair hearing to Luther's theological arguments.
This is from Martin Luther's, "On the J--s and Their Lies."
AltCastTV & Odysee thumbnail:
A new museum exhibition in Berlin details how the Nazis made use of the anti-Semitic words of Martin Luther, the leader of the Protestant Reformation, RNS [reported]. The exhibit is located in the Topography of Terror, a museum about methods of Nazi repression that was built in the former headquarters of the Nazi secret police, the Gestapo.
“They very clearly used Luther’s writings that had all this anti-Semitism in them to support their cause,” Kurt Hendel, professor emeritus of Reformation history at the Lutheran School of Theology in Chicago, said of the Nazis.
The Nazis were particularly enamored of Luther’s 1543 work, “On The Jews And Their Lies.” Hendel said that though Luther was not always anti-Semitic, he came to hate Jews after they refused to convert en masse to Christianity.
In November 1933, the Nazis marked the 450th anniversary of Luther’s birth with a nationwide “German Luther Day.” Party leaders praised Luther’s “ethno-nationalist mission,” and called their movement “the completion of the German Reformation in the Third Reich.”
Nazi propagandists also celebrated the fact that the infamous Kristallnacht night of violence against Jews in 1938 fell over Luther’s birthday.

14 Views · 6 months ago

⁣The Impartial Truth - 🗣📜 Adolf Hitler Explains Why They Attacked Stalingrad September 30th, 1942 (82 Years Ago Today)



AltCastTV & Odysee thumbnail:

22 Views · 6 months ago

⁣Racist YMCA allows blacks and browns to attack everyone, break all the rules intentionally, and cry racist wolf anytime someone asks them to follow the rules. White looking people get threats that they will never be allowed in another YMCA for being a racist White nationalist even when you are RED with Indian Blood and expose jew crimes as a Florida mandated reporter.

Winston Family YMCA221 Riverside Ave, Jacksonville, FL

ONLY the sandy, dot head, blacks, and browns refuse to take a shower even when asked to use the sauna. If you say anything about it to them, they make violent threats and taunts while you are in a towel and they are fully clothed while using a cell phone at 180 F. One black male who just got out of prison that says he would kill people for using their phone and refuses to shower reported me with a group of other nigger panderers for being a racist White Nationalist that speaks about jew crime because I mentioned the rules even though I am RED and recently worked / lived in Mexico.


Maz Village
I gave 5 star before seen these but I did changed it to ONE because I don't see anyone tell them to do such thing.



No, you still need to make reservations for most classes and the website does not work and is not easy to use. Try to get a day pass.

Tamara Kunakowsky
a year ago Got a membership. Never used it. You have to make an appointment to swim. And to do anything in that place. You can't just come when you want. Not what I thought. You should be able to come anytime you want.

Response from the ownera year ago
thanks for your feedback and we apologize for any inconvenience. We
actually stopped required reservations for the KidZone and Pool back in
mid-September. The only reservations we have now are to book your spot
in our Group Fitness classes, which can be done 24 hours in advance of
class easily through our FCYMCA App or through our website. Hope to see
you back in the future.


Shanice Teal
The worst experience ever. Was visiting and had to wait 30 minutes just to be passed around by three different people to input our information. The lady at the front desk called the child stay before we went back there and they told her okay they can bring him. We were informed to take our 1 year old in the child stay and when we got back there we were told to he had to be with bigger kids and we requested him to be with the smaller kids because he's 1 and she said well we are over capacity. Mind me we've already waisted 30 minutes waiting just to get our information inputted in the system what makes matters worse there was only one kid with the smaller kids. It was one provider in there with one child.


Steven Thomas

I would not recommend anyone go to this YMCA.
Real easy to sign up online, but when you want to cancel your membership there is no option to do it online.They force you to jump through hoops, fill out forms and provide a THIRTY (30) DAY notice. So by the time you've requested cancellation they will try and charge you one last time.On top of that the facility is TOO CROWDED. Been at 5:30 am, middle of the day round lunch and late at night.The staff is not helpful or informative. They raised the price of my membership without ever calling, or informing me any type of way because I supposedly didn't provide some documentation that they NEVER EVEN ASKED FOR.

DRene Forde55
Customer Service on Friday June 8, 2018 was rude. I am a member through Silver Sneakers and staff member Louis S was arrogant and disrespectful. His tone was rude and you never respond to members with nastiness. The volunteer at desk wasn't any better.
Asked for management but no one was available. This young man needed training on CS and what programs the YMCA offers. I would rather drive pass this location to go to another facility.

Ian Zordan

Ian, sorry to hear about your experience. My name is Tim and I’m the Executive Director at the Winston Y. Normally I receive the communication when someone needs assistance. I’ve never received anything from you, but happy to assist in any way I can. I’m not sure who you spoke with at the Y, but feel free to contact me at: with an email about how I can help. At the Y, we do our very best to be accessible for all and help during difficult times. I
Completely upset with the attitude/compassion from Management and staff..I have been a member for YEARS and only just recently couldn't afford my membership and I thought I had cancelled it, however, it kept rebilling. I really needed the last 3 months to be refunded (I hadn't used the gym in over a year either..), however, both managers I spoke with were so rude about it and demanded 'evidence' that they deemed worthy..I explained my whole situation: how I'm financially impacted by COVID, have family health problems I'm dealing with, tried to cancel, etc. However, they really couldn't care! Not to mention that I only kept the membership through the pandemic because its a Non-Profit and they do reinvest into the community..It just really shows the lack of care/empathy they really do have. If I could I would just never had signed up for this YMCA..Negative Professionalism

9 Views · 6 months ago


I may have a sneaking suspicion as to why the DS cabal does not want to go to Asheville, NC, and why the man made Hurricane hit so hard there. It involves the Vanderbilts, underground tunnels and possibly a vast old world cities underneath Asheville, North Carolina.

"Biltmore Estate is a historic house museum and tourist attraction in Asheville, North Carolina. Biltmore House (or Biltmore Mansion), the main residence, is a Châteauesque-style mansion built for George Washington Vanderbilt II between 1889 and 1895 and is the largest privately owned house in the United States"

If you know anything about the Vanderbilts, or have done any amount of research into it, you will know Anderson Cooper is the son of Gloria Vanderbilt. This family is an illuminati pedo family involved in secret societies, hunting parties, murder, human sacrifice, corruption, and many other sick and twisted abominations, shrouded in secrecy.

The Asheville, North Carolina underground, rabbit hole ties directly into our old world hidden history, the ancient Babylon Mystery Religion of the Phoenecians and Caananites, Jesuits, secret societies, and possible underground tunnels for trafficking children, adrenolabs, and baby farms. You be the judge.

What are they trying to hide?

There are no coincidences.

Biltmore Estates

Video credit:


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