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This Sovereign Source Studios of California #ssstruth video "transvestigation" exposes fake pregnancies of pop stars like Beyonce, P!nk, and Cher as well as famous celebrities like Chastity/Chaz Bono and Jennifer Aniston. Using hyper realistic prosthetic baby "bumps" that they use in movies, "Celebrity Moms" (which are all secretly male) must fake their pregnancy on the stage of reality in order to receive a child as a "gift" from a real mother surrogate.
Companies like Moon Bumps and Invita who make fake baby bumps in all skin colors and belly padding for the purpose of faking pregnancy are making a killing selling to the male "transgender" community or anyone who wishes to fool people into thinking they are pregnant.
OG Source: Sovereign Source Studios #ssstruth #SSSRenegad
Satanic ritual abuse: A chapter in the history of human cruelty
Feldman, G. C. (1995). Satanic ritual abuse: A chapter in the history of human cruelty. The Journal of Psychohistory, 22(3), 340–357.
Presents a cultural and historical overview of practices attributed to satanic and criminal cults including violence, magic, human sacrifice, witchcraft, sadism, and satanism. Examples of criminal activities committed by satanic cults are presented. It is concluded that satanic crimes are being perpetrated in the US, and human sacrifice and cannibalism are still being practiced. State laws forbidding ritualized abuse of children and adults are noted. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved)
The world is a stage, and the stories are scripted. If you know the language of symbols, you see a completely different world.
"Ji-Had It Coming", Way to Die #127, is the second death featured in "Dead Before They Know It", which aired on March 23, 2011.
An award-winning American reporter named Tanya, who denounces her U.S. citizenship, converts to Islam, and marries a Taliban leader. Tanya celebrates by firing off several rounds of an AK-47 into the air during her wedding to fit in with the crowd, but loses control of the gun and dies when one of the bullets hits a metal pitcher and ricochets into her skull, where it bounces inside and causes massive bleeding and immediately fatal wounds, killing her instantly and sending her to hell.
(The scene opens to the top of a middle eastern building as a Taliban stands guard holding an AK47)
Narrator: Tanya used to be an award-winning journalist working the most dangerous places in the Middle-East. But she lost her perspective. She denounced the U.S., became a Muslim, and now, to seal the deal.
Taliban leader: My wife.
Narrator: She's about to marry a Taliban terrorist.
Narrator: A terrorist wedding is a simple affair for the most part: a lot of bearded men and overly clothed women shouting and firing off their cute little noisemakers.
(One of the men raises up his Makarov and starts popping off rounds in the air as everyone cheers)
Narrator: Having been a spoiled and pampered infidel, Tanya wasn't used to handling anything as hefty as an AK-47. But she wanted to show she could "Taliban" as hard as everyone else.
Group: Shoot! Shoot! Shoot!
(Tanya fires off, but the recoil soon overwhelms her as the rifle begins to runaway, spraying bullets everywhere and causing the party goers to run for their lives. Bullets breaking pots, hitting pillars, and finally hitting a metal decanter as it ricochets and hits Tanya square in the middle of her forehead.)
Narrator: She should've stuck with her laptop.
Narrator: One of the rounds bounced off a metal pitcher, and didn't stop until it banged around her skull, turning her brain into mush. (Recap, Epic Rock Piece is playing)
Narrator: Tanya was just another bleeding heart who went native. She thought she was going to help overthrow the U.S. In the end, she did her country a huge favor... by dying.
Also called "Terrorist Wedding" on the Spike TV website.
The ending line of the doggerel "in the end, she did her country a huge favor... by dying" is a variation of the same line used in the doggerel for Way to Die #206.
This is one of 3 deaths caused by bouncing bullets. The other ones are Dead Fella and Rife-Ill.
Tanya's death is similar to that of Cindy's death in Any Given Gunday.
This death also takes place 2 years before I Spy A Dead Guy.
AK47 Looks the same as CrossFire's AK47 be similar.
Wendy Douglas - Tanya (lead: intented victim)
Dr. Vyshali Rao (Cardiologist)
Rick Hahn (Retired FBI Agent)
Alternative Description
Description as seen on Spike TV's website
"A misguided American woman marries a terrorist, but accidentally kills herself during the wedding celebration when she mishandles an AK-47."
Foreign Names
En Edad de Merecer (In Age to Deserve) - Latin American Spanish dub
Morte Santa (Holy Death) - Brazilian Portuguese dub
Segment Nickname
"Terrorist Wedding" (Spike TV website)
Copyright Deadtended
nikola 3 - THEY LIVE👌
AltCastTV & Odysee thumbnail:
Have you noticed that THEY LIVE doesn't have a Hollywood ending like INDEPENDENCE DAY❓
The lesson no one learned from C.H.U.D. is that their is an ENTIRE WORLD UNDER OUR FEET...but we've been taught NOT TO LOOK DOWN
TaraBull - Shapeshifter terrifies man
Thumbnail: [thanks to 🖼]
Concerned Citizen - The Pope & ancient Satanic symbolism. Truth is truly is stranger than fiction.
AltCastTV & Odysee thumbnail:
WHAT MAKES A CRIME? | 12-26-2024
Rich The Dev - POV: You bought $HAWK TUAH and are now getting farmed by a blonde...
AltCastTV & Odysee thumbnail:
$HAWK memecoin predictibly rugged. 😂 But I'm up 150% in 30 minutes on Straight $TUAH Prison coin.
Jason Rink (@TheJasonRink) December 5, 2024
This is a compilation of the most disturbing videos on the internet, not only are these videos strange and weird but they also haunt me to the point I cant sleep thinking about them... Watch as I expose these disturbing videos.
OG Source: MinutesOfHorror
South Korean SEAL knocks out American streamer "Johnny Somali" who is known for doing highly offensive stunts in Asian countries.
Dalgeun Yu, who served on South Korea’s Underwater Demolition Team, says he knocked out the streamer to "defend national dignity."
Johnny Somali is accused of doing many offensive stunts including desecrating a South Korean monument dedicated to women who were subjected to s*xual slavery in World War II.
Yu was immediately arrested after punching the streamer.
Johnny Somali was recently indicted for causing a “commotion” at a convenience store.
Shout-out to Victor Hugo Vaca ♚
Dr. Anastasia Maria Loupis - What does the Jеwish Talmud say about Jesus Christ?
To Howard Lichtman - THIS is blasphemy, not equine enthusiast Cenk Uyger calling out your flawed points
Kangmin Lee | 이강민 - This is exactly how they would treat Jesus if He were here btw
The party of tolerance everyone.
Underneath it all, and we all know this, if only in the background of our heads, their is a deliberate, sustained, and prolonged attack on the Christ. Jesus IS
Is this a modern day MUDFLOOD❓❗❓
Matt Wallace - 🚨 STRANGE “WEATHER” CAUGHT ON CAMERA 🚨 📍 Scottsbluff, Nebraska
Is this the phenomenon that changed infrastructures back in the 1860s?
#thechosenisnotgood #thechosensux
if you think The Chosen is good you're wrong.
#thechosenisnotgood #thechosensux #peoplemustnotknow
Comment from Pinterest:
But there have been inaccuracies in season 4. That Daniel prophesy wasn't talking about The Macabee &small things like that can lead people astray about Biblical stuff so it is VERY important to read & study the scriptures ourselves to tell the difference. But the parts that ARE accurate.... very moving & good acting. Also their is no proof they celebrated Hannakah
The jews satanic book, the ta|mud, explicitly instructs them that we are beasts (goyim), & we are to be their slaves.
We were created in human form, so we don’t disgust them while serving them.
Did you know that jews are pro-slavery and you’re a beast in their eyes⁉🙋♂️
Concerned Citizen - “He’s putting it into the water which is very odd” Any ideas what or why this helicopter is spraying?
VfB found this yesterday, and if this is correct, has found what it is that they are purporting to do; alternate suggestions welcomed in comments
Why is Maryland treating Washington County for Black Flies?
In response to black fly concerns from citizens in Washington County, Maryland, Governor Larry Hogan has allocated $200,000 for a black fly suppression pilot project (House Bill 870), directed by Maryland Department of Agriculture (MDA) and Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) in conjunction with University of Maryland Department of Entomology. The pilot black fly treatment and monitoring project will be implemented this Summer (2017) on the Potomac River in Washington County
Planned Treatment Method
Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Bti) will be applied by helicopter. While the schedule is subject to change, our preliminary scheduling is for five, monthly applications beginning August 2017. Bti is a naturally occurring soil bacterium that has been demonstrated to be non-toxic to humans, mammals, birds, fish and most invertebrates. Maryland’s program is modeled heavily on Pennsylvania’s program, which has been in effect since the 1980s.
Treatment Areas
Treatment will focus on portions of the Potomac River in Washington County near Williamsport and from Harpers Ferry to Brunswick. Map
What product will be used?
The insecticide that will be used for this project is Vectobac 12 AS. The active ingredient is Bti.
Is Bti safe?
The pesticide, Vectobac 12 AS was chosen because of its effectiveness for this use and because it is harmful to a very limited variety of aquatic organisms that only includes midge larvae, black fly larvae, mosquito larvae and a few other aquatic Dipteran (flies) insects. It is not harmful to fish, crabs or other aquatic invertebrates. More Information
Maryland Department of Natural Resources biologists will conduct biomonitoring of aquatic macroinvertebrates and fish in selected streams to ensure there is no impact on the environment and review the effectiveness of the spraying. For more information, email:
Spray Notification
The Maryland Department of Agriculture will manage the aerial spray contract and issue spray notifications.Click here to sign up for program updates and spray notifications, For more information, email:
What are Black flies?
While black flies are small (2-5 mm length), they can have a big impact on outdoor activities. Some black flies (Diptera: Simuliidae) can impact outdoor recreation and tourism cause serious by their persistent biting and swarming behavior. The black fly life cycle has four stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. All are aquatic except the adults, which leave the water to search for food and mates. Larval growth is very temperature dependent, with relatively slow growth during the cold winter months and very rapid growth during warm summer water temperatures.
The aquatic stages of black flies are often abundant organisms in river ecosystems, where the larvae filter and eat fine food particles from the water column. The immature stages of black flies are aquatic and exclusively inhabit flowing waters. However, black flies are not found in lakes, ponds, swamps, and other standing water habitats. Stream flow is essential for transporting food and oxygen to the immature stages. Black flies can play in important role in local food chains where they are preyed upon by many insect predators, fish, amphibians and birds.
Tips for Avoiding Black Fly Bites
Avoid areas of high black fly infestation.
Avoid unnecessary outdoor activities at dawn and dusk when black flies are most active.
Wear long pants, long-sleeve shirt and hat when outdoors.
Wear light-colored clothing because black flies are attracted to dark colors.
Use black fly repellents containing DEET. Consult a physician before applying DEET to young children.
Restrict the outdoor play of your children if black flies are present.
Additional personal protection tips
It was seen in multiple states and places all that same day. It was not dark yet like 5 or 6 in the afternoon and then it was 9 o'clock and a man caught the sun come bk on. They are using a sun simulator the patents are public and next yr a company will start selling daylight at night look it up. ,out people don't have a clue what the people in control are actually doing. Wake up it wasn't a transformer when multiple states experienced it, stop thinking everything has a simple explanation because it's bout to get really weird for everyone.
Person captures 'glitch in the matrix' while taking a photo of the sky and no one can explain it"Right then so no glitch in the matrix......just the actual matrix. Excellent"
Poppy Bilderbeck
A photograph of the sky has been praised as a 'rare good post' showing a 'glitch in the matrix' with others convinced it's 'just the actual matrix'.
Whether it's a group of birds appearing to 'freeze' or an eerie picture of someone in their wedding dress, some have been left convinced that
The Matrix is not just a film starring Keanu Reeves, but that we're actually living in our very own sci-fi drama.
And yet another image, seemingly confirming everyone's fears, has since been doing the rounds on social media.
A Reddit user called u/twisted_stinkeye took to thread r/GlitchInTheMatrix to share a photograph taken of the sky, sun and a road alongside a drawn on arrow pointing to the part of the sky which shows the sun poking through the clouds.
The caption reads: "I thought it was a reflection in the clouds then zoomed in."
Indeed, if you have a little zoom into the image, you can see the arrow is pointing to not just clouds and rays of sun, but a little area of green dots peaking out of the clouds which - there's no denying - looks out of place and slightly alien-esque.
And it's not taken long for people to weigh in.
One user u/Phyllida_Poshtart wrote: "Right then so no glitch in the matrix......just the actual matrix. Excellent. Not sure what the hell that could be tbh but it looks very symbolic in a close up."
"Rare good post," another user u/Etucc commented.
And TikToker Grace - who goes by @gracefulshift - took to her page to analyse the image too.
Censored Men - ✡🐓 The Jewish chicken ritual, Kapparot, was performed in Brooklyn last night. It involves a live chicken being swung around a Jew's head while reciting prayer. The belief is that all sins are transferred to the Chicken. The chicken is then killed.
I am not guilty of any wat crimes. This chicken did it, for I am swinging it over my head. I am innocent in the eyes of G-d.
- flawless logic
Comment from the video:
Only problem is the bible is a mere interpretation of is enoch, a tale of events from the view of the mentioned the precision of the cutting, mind enlightening us on some "angelic" weapons that could have been used in the felling?...I saw a video of a man cutting down a tree in Malaysia, that gushed water from the stump...could be the reason behind the "flood" was the cutting of the guardians to enslave a false reality...