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9 Views · 5 hours ago

⁣🦍Sno™🥶 - 👀👀⚠❗ Creepy video of Diddy the P Diddler, DJ Khalid and Rick Ross boasting about what?



4 Views · 21 hours ago

⁣Excellent reconstruction and analysis of events ⚠

🇺🇸Join 👇



A disturbing video of a fake President Donald Trump shooting, assaulting and stabbing his critics and the media was played at a conference held by a pro-Trump group at his Miami resort last week, according to footage obtained by The New York Times.

The video, which was shown at Trump’s National Doral Miami during a three-day conference held by American Priority, includes the logo for Trump’s 2020 reelection bid and showcases a series of internet memes, the Times reported. One part of the video, the Times said, shows a fake Trump’s head edited onto the body of a man opening fire in the “Church of Fake News” on a group whose faces were edited to appear as a group of Trump critics and news organizations.

According to the Times, the clip ends with Trump driving a stake into the head of a person who has the CNN logo for a face before standing and smiling as he looks around. The clip appears to be edited from a church massacre scene in the 2014 movie “Kingsman: The Secret Service,” the Times reported.

CNN cannot independently verify the video as of Sunday night and has not shared contents of it. CNN has confirmed the video was played at the conference and not in the main ballroom.

“Sadly, this is not the first time that supporters of the President have promoted violence against the media in a video they apparently find entertaining – but it is by far and away the worst. The images depicted are vile and horrific,” CNN said in a statement Sunday night. “The President and his family, the White House, and the Trump campaign need to denounce it immediately in the strongest possible terms. Anything less equates to a tacit endorsement of violence and should not be tolerated by anyone.”

The organizer for the conference said in a statement posted on American Priority’s website that “an unauthorized video was shown in a side room” at the festival, but that “this video was not approved, seen, or sanctioned” by the festival’s organizers.

“AMPFest19 always has and always will condemn political violence,” Alex Phillips, organizer of the event, said in the statement. The statement did not indicate who was responsible for showing the video. The statement did not indicate who was responsible for producing or showing the video.

White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham said in a statement Monday morning on Twitter that the President had not seen the video but would “shortly.” Grisham said that “based on everything [Trump] has heard, he strongly condemns this video.”

Tim Murtaugh, a spokesman for Trump’s campaign, told the Times he didn’t know anything about the video. “That video was not produced by the campaign, and we do not condone violence,” he said.

Phillips, the organizer for the event, said in a statement to the Times on Sunday that the clip was played at the conference as part of a “meme exhibit.”

“Content was submitted by third parties and was not associated with or endorsed by the conference in any official capacity,” Phillips said. “American Priority rejects all political violence and aims to promote a healthy dialogue about the preservation of free speech. This matter is under review.”

Former White House press secretary Sarah Sanders and the President’s son Donald Trump Jr. were scheduled to speak at the conference, the Times said. Sanders told the newspaper she did not see the video and a person close to Trump Jr. told the Times that he did not see it either.

“I was there to speak at a prayer breakfast, where I spoke about unity and bringing the country together,” Sanders told the Times. “I wasn’t aware of any video, nor do I support violence of any kind against anyone.”

The White House Correspondents’ Association weighed in on the video Sunday night, saying, “All Americans should condemn this depiction of violence directed toward journalists.”

“The WHCA is horrified by a video reportedly shown over the weekend at a political conference organized by the President’s supporters at the Trump National Doral in Miami. All Americans should condemn this depiction of violence directed toward journalists and the President’s political opponents,” said Jonathan Karl, president of the association. “We have previously told the President his rhetoric could incite violence. Now we call on him and everybody associated with this conference to denounce this video and affirm that violence has no place in our society.”

5 Views · 21 hours ago

⁣WASHINGTON (TND) — Reporting by Axios on Wednesday said Vice President Kamala Harris “never actually had” the title of border czar, a claim which contradicts its own reporting on the topic.

The outlet on Wednesday described “confusion” about Harris’s role in the Biden White House, citing “early media misfires” about her position as border czar. Such reporting, it said, “has made the issue a top target for the GOP trying to define their new opponent.”

Axios in 2021, however, reported Harris was “appointed by Biden as border czar.” It acknowledged this in an editor’s note in its Wednesday article.

“This article has been updated and clarified to note that Axios was among the news outlets that incorrectly labeled Harris a ‘border czar’ back in 2021,” it wrote.

The outlet did not immediately respond to a request for comment from The National Desk (TND) Wednesday.



The fact check that this caused on Twitter | X was priceless:

Axios previously reported on April 14 & March 24, 2021 that Kamala Harris was appointed as Border Czar:

"Harris, appointed by Biden as border czar..."

“President Biden is putting Vice President Harris in charge of addressing the migrant surge at the U.S.-Mexico border"

In other scumbaggery:

12 Views · 1 day ago

⁣The Liberty Bell replica outside Washington, DC’s Union Station was defaced with pro-Hamas symbols and anti-Israel messages, including one that read “F–k Israel,” during a protest against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to Congress.

As thousands of protesters descended on the capital on Wednesday, the demonstrations quickly turned to vandalism around Union Station, where the anti-Israel crowd targeted landmarks to spread hateful messages against the Jewish state.

The Liberty Bell reproduction at the site was defaced with countless graffiti with messages like “Abolish Israel,” “All zionists are bastards” and “F–k Capitalists.”

Red inverted triangles were also painted on the bell — a symbol that’s become synonymous with Hamas because the terror group uses them in propaganda videos to show Israeli soldiers they have marked for death.

The bell was also defaced with the message, “Long Live the Intifada,” a slogan the Anti-Defamation League has repeatedly slammed as a “call for violence against Israelis and Jews and Israel.”

The most prominent graffiti on the bell were the words “F– Israel” in large, red letters.

Along with the vandalism at the Liberty Bell replica, the adjacent Christopher Columbus statue was graffitied, with one red message ominously reading, “Hamas is coming.”

The protesters at Union Station were also seen burning American flags and an effigy of Netanyahu, with DC police, Capitol Police and US Park Police reporting 23 arrests following a chaotic clash with law enforcement.

The demonstrators’ vandalism, however, was removed by Wednesday morning as employees with the National Parks Service washed away the hateful messages.

The protest at Union Station was coupled with demonstrations that appeared to reference biblical plagues as the groups dyed the city fountains blood red.

The protesters also unleashed maggots as well as other creepy crawlers at the Watergate Hotel, where members of Netanyahu’s delegation were staying.


You know what WASN'T mentioned? The protestors had set up a drone to project onto the Watergate Hotel an image of Benjamin Mileikowsky, aka Bibi, or, as Mike Johnson said, 'his excellency' 😆 [boy, you should seen the panic when the GDL did that!]

Had this for some time, but didn't really have an angle up until just a few minutes ago:

In response to posting DON'T APPLAUD ! LISTEN ! (Johnson, Congress, Netanyahu, Levy & Marx) AMERICA. KOSHER. CAPTURE. on GAB, greatday2say replied:

@CANST Israel is not ruling America, they are defending America. Why is no one talking about the release of USA hostages, AND ALL living hostages in Gaza? Trump established the greatest Middle-East peace accords, called the Abraham Accords. There could still be peace if it wasn't for the October 7th invasion of the Hamas terrorists. There can be no 2 state solution as long as hostages are being held by Hamas terrorists. Israel is America's only backstop from the radical Muslims from destroying the USA. The radical Muslims in USA recently just defaced and destroyed the Liberty Bell. Why would anyone support this tyranny?!?

@greatday2say WHO invited them in, bubbeleh? ✡

You're pointing at the SYMPTOM, but ignoring the ACTUAL CAUSE OF THE INFECTION ⇚

'hamas' means 'violence' in Hebrew...isn't that curious for an anti-israeli cause to use hebraic terminology

8 Views · 1 day ago

⁣Dom Lucre | Breaker of Narratives - 🔥🚨BREAKING NEWS: New footage of 9/11 has surfaced 23 years after the attack. This footage was uploaded by Kei Sugimoto, this video shows angles of the collapse of The Wold Trade Center that have never been seen before. The angles shown in this video haven’t been seen before



AltCastTV & Odysee thumbnail:


Well...despite the fact that I pontificate on a number of subjects, the main focus of this page is outlining the changes to our society, our environment and our way of life since the coming and going of the storied event in question. Understand this, dear readers: EVERYTHING HAS A REASON. I was speaking to some buds of mine over the weekend and we were discussing the idea of COINCIDENCES.

There really is no such thing.

Everything that happens, happens because some inducement was made; whether naturally, or by dint of some other action, things occur because they were induced to occur. reading this piece from OP-ED News, 9/11: Cover-up for a Coup D'Etat, I wish to caution those who see the erosion of many of our civil liberties as a COINCIDENCE, to pull your heads out of the sandbox they're playing in and join the rest of us thinking, breathing, LIVING human beings and STAND UP FOR THE RIGHTS GUARANTEED BY OUR FOREFATHERS.

Let's bring up an interesting point here, now that people are all aghast from Shillary's comments on Friday...I'd really like some discussion of this:

Black people were being hosed down like dirty sidewalks for years...and then, all of a sudden, someone shoots Martin Luther King, Jr., and his "killer" is given a 99-year sentence.

Can I be the ONLY INDIVIDUAL who finds this to be...WEIRD?!?

"Niggers" were hanging like pinatas all over the South...and no one really batted an what made this particular "nigger" so different?

I'm using that vulgarity to illustrate my earlier point: do you think that it was a COINCIDENCE that in the years of outrage against Black men, this one was actually afforded some modicum of "justice"? Why did he rate?

This was an obfuscation - in 1999, it was proven that a REAL CONSPIRACY existed in the murder of MLK, so his murder just HAPPENED to correspond with the first-ever (to my knowledge - please update me, if you've any info) conviction of a non-Black individual in the murder of a Black man.

I hope you get my point.

Now...back to Shillary...I was listening to Bill O'Reilly today, and amazingly, he was holding Shillary's feet to the fire over her commentary; in fact, he took it a step further and played a news clip I've not heard elsewhere. He had played a clip from Ray Larson, Grand Dragon of the KKK, where he practically guarantees that a "Southerner" will assassinate Presidential Candidate Barack Obama, should he gain the nomination.

Considering how there was a "security lapse" during one of his campaign rallies, where agents were instructed to "stop their search for guns" should be cause for concern...

...or do you think that was a COINCIDENCE?

I'm sure it was a COINCIDENCE that Deborah Jeane Palfrey "committed suicide" when she had everything to live for, and not once had exhibited any such ideas about ending her life prematurely...

By the way...I sent a note to Senator Edward "Ted" Kennedy:

Good evening, Senator Kennedy - I am pulling for you to recover. In doing so, I wish to caution you not to opt for the chemo/radiation treatment, as it will only be a VERY short-term solution, and in the long run, will affect your body in unforeseen ways. You should instead opt for an alternative, proven treatment - please read the information at the link below:

Pot Shrinks Tumors; Government Knew in '74

I was sickened at what happened to your family, and even more incensed by the "comment" by Presidential Candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton. Unfortunately, I do NOT believe that they were just an "unfortunate set of words"; rather, she is calling for the idiots that inhabit our great country to openly assassinate a candidate for President, simply because she was not "given" the nomination.

She doesn't deserve it.

The mere fact that her campaign is $30 MILLION DOLLARS in the hole is irrefutable proof that she is not fit to manage the finances of our great nation...and I'm sure that you agree.

Once again, I hope that you opt for the solution that actually works, and will have you back in the Senate doing what you do best: enacting the will of the People.

My wishes are with you.

17 Views · 2 days ago

⁣This must've just occurred; there's absolutely bupkis on this thus far; this from yesterday:

The director of the Secret Service, Kimberly Cheatle, has belatedly resigned after the attempted assassination of Donald Trump. But more accountability is required. Cheatle’s boss, the secretary of homeland security, Alejandro Mayorkas, must also resign.

Cheatle was grilled by lawmakers on Monday, with Republicans and Democrats calling for her resignation. Cheatle, however, stonewalled and punted on most of the questions. Rep. Brendan Boyle (D-PA) was among the lawmakers calling for her resignation. “The evidence coming to light has shown unacceptable operational failures,” Boyle said in a statement. “I have no confidence in the leadership of the United States Secret Service if Director Cheatle chooses to remain in her position.”

The bipartisan onslaught was not one that Cheatle could withstand.

A full investigation of the attempted assassination is underway, but it seems clear that inexcusable mistakes were made. Credible reports suggest that the Secret Service was undermanned at the event, that Trump’s campaign had requested additional staffing but was denied, that Thomas Matthew Crooks used both a rangefinder and a drone to scout out the rally grounds in advance, and that he used a ladder to climb up the roof of a building that itself was occupied by law enforcement.

The attempted assassination of a presidential candidate and former president is, to put it mildly, a big deal. It’s the sort of seismic event that would likely lead to parliamentary governments falling in other Western countries. And it demands nothing less than the resignation of a Cabinet-level official. Cheatle’s resignation will not suffice. Her superior, Mayorkas, should resign as well.

As head of the Department of Homeland Security, Mayorkas oversees the Secret Service, among other agencies. DHS was created in the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks and is the federal executive agency tasked with public security, its duties including anti-terrorism, border security, cyber security, and disaster prevention and management, among other responsibilities. It is unacceptable, post-July 13, for Mayorkas to remain in such an office. Significant measures to restore the public trust must be taken.

The last president to be shot was Ronald Reagan, who was wounded by John Hinckley in 1981. And the last candidate for the presidency to be shot was George Wallace, who was shot and paralyzed in 1972. The tragedy of July 13 is historic. A Cabinet official must answer for it.

CLICK HERE TO READ MORE FROM RESTORING AMERICA: [Coach Dave [and VfB] would advocate 👁]

Several members of Congress have previously demanded Mayorkas’s resignation, citing his failure to secure the border, among other discrepancies.

Unfortunately, the public has witnessed a historic lack of accountability in recent years. No major officials resigned or were fired over the Afghanistan withdrawal, the COVID-19 response, and other recent disasters. Yet accountability is essential to the social contract between the governed and the government; it is a hallmark of democracies, something that makes them stand out when compared to totalitarian systems. That must change. Now is a good time to start.


Mentioned Coach above: MIND GAMES | 7-25-2024

John Lennon - Mind Games:

2 Corinthians 10:

What is Mass Hysteria:

Stop World Control:

Trump and Vaccines:




VfB's not a cheerleader - it's clear as to what the gambit will be, and all that's required is a SPARK...and VfB was a BOY SCOUT 🥇

5 Views · 2 days ago

⁣Kamala Harris doesn't stand with the police — she stands with the criminals who brought violence and destruction to cities across the country.

That's who she is: WEAK, FAILED, AND DANGEROUSLY LIBERAL. 🇺🇸Join👉 @SGTnewsNetwork



Tony Seruga on X: I’m told Harris campaign is already using ActBlue money laundering scheme, $20 million from Johann Georg Wyss known as Hansjörg Wyss, born 19 September 1935, a Swiss billionaire, and was broken down into over 1,600,000 donations across 400,000 donors. Dirty! Dirty! Dirty!

They'll probably launder it through Ukraine and it comes out double value at the other end...

Thread by @TonySeruga on Thread Reader App
@TonySeruga: I’m a 38 year intelligence analyst, my clients include the United States Government, British Government, Israeli Government, Saudi Arabia Government, NEOM, Microsoft, Dell Computers, GE, IBM,…

Campaign Finance Laws Give Harris Big Boost in Biden Dropout Scenario
If Biden were to withdraw his candidacy, only Kamala Harris could seamlessly use funds raised by the Biden-Harris campaign committee.

The Kamala Harris Problem
Few people seem to think she’s ready to be president. Why?

Former President Barack Obama told Shapiro directly that he’s among the 2022 generation of Democrats who need to have a voice in the future of the party, according to people familiar with the conversation. Famed consultant James Carville called Shapiro’s campaign the best of 2022. He’s already being chattered about by many Democrats as perhaps the future first Jewish president. 1.1.2023, cnn article

Josh Shapiro accompanied by his wife Lori Shapiro and children, takes the oath of office to become Pennsylvania’s 48th governor, administered by Pennsylvania Supreme Court Chief Justice Debra Todd, Tuesday, Jan. 17, 2023, at the state Capitol in Harrisburg, Pa. Shapiro took the oath of office on a stack of three copies of the Hebrew Bible.

12 Views · 3 days ago

⁣VfB was content to let others mostly cover the TSE; dropping only HOT TAKES 🔥




4 Views · 3 days ago

⁣Whoopi on GOP Rep. Tim Burchett saying Kamala Harris is a DEI hire: “The other side doesn’t really have anything to stand on … They can only say, well, you know, [Kamala] is a DUI, or DYE, whatever.” 🇺🇸Join👉 @SGTnewsNetwork 📎 Twitter ▪ Truth Social


AltCastTV & Odysee thumbnail:

4 Views · 3 days ago

⁣"Hey, VfB - you mentioned a 'big drag bus', but there wasn't anything in that video..."

That's what we call 'narrative establishment'

Here you go ⚤

Are your weekend plans fabulous enough?? We think not! Try out #bigdragbus when you visit #musiccity with your friends to find out why we’re constantly rated as one of the most FUN things to do when you visit #nashville !! Book your seat today! Go to now!

#dragqueen #jorgeous source:

6 Views · 4 days ago

⁣Originally titled, "Hate groups targeting kids"...but screw that crap

A video circulating on social media has parents the wrong people

For more Local News from WSMV:
For more YouTube Content:

Once again, curbstomping a false narrative in real time: baiting the GDL with relatives, while obfuscating clear child grooming with the full approval of:

WSMV Channel 4 [with the obvious sponsorship by parent company NBC, as the peacock emblem is present];

City Winery;

The NAACP Tennessee...and speaking of those tools - note that Jonathan Williamson is presented as a 'parent', not afforded any affiliation whatsoever with the group...but he's hardly an unknown quantity in town:

At-large: Jonathan Williamson
(Editor’s note: After this questionnaire was returned, a series of anti-semitic and anti-immigrant remarks made by Williamson were discovered on social media. The Banner published a story about the remarks…

Metro Council At-Large Q&A: Jonathan Williamson
First-time candidate among 21 vying for five at-large seats

So...child grooming is ILLEGAL, but you have daily tours of the BIG DRAG BUS?

Perhaps we should ask if Joshua Crompton has any ideas on this 🤔


BTW, VfB was present...what do you think VfB was typing? All answers accepted

6 Views · 4 days ago

⁣Just a li'l bit moar of the shoah


Rep. Nancy Mace just ENDED the career of Disgraced Secret Service Director Cheatle on LIVE-TV:

"This is Bulls**t! You are FULL of SH**!"

Got Cheatle to admit her "colossal failure"
Trump assassination "was preventable"
And leaks to press



10 Views · 5 days ago

⁣Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle confirmed in the hearing today that Democratic Representative Sheila Jackson was heavily involved in the oversight of the Secret Service.

She was confirmed dead six days after the attempted assassination of President Donald Trump.

Just another coincidence right?


14 Views · 5 days ago


Aluminum, Formaldehyde, MSG, E.Coli & More…

As with all pharmaceutical products, it’s important to know what exactly you’re taking — or injecting. Vaccines are no exception.

In fact, because vaccines are injected rather than taken orally, it even more important to know exactly what you’re putting in your body. Why? Because science shows that whatever is injected is far more potent than anything ingested. Injections, like vaccines, bypass the body’s natural detox pathway.

This means more of the injected material in vaccines stays in the body and reaches vital organs and tissues via the bloodstream. This causes both acute and chronic inflammation that leads to many of the health issues that are common nowadays. It can even lead to sudden death.

Did Your Doctor Tell You What Was In That Needle?

Unfortunately, vaccine ingredients include many synthetic chemicals that are known to be toxic to humans, as well as foreign human fragments (from aborted babies) and animal cells and DNA. These ingredients can cause a host of issues, especially when injected.

Vaccines can contain aluminum, mercury, formaldehyde, antibiotics, human fetal cells, GMOs, animal proteins and DNA, glyphosate and other substances that are potentially dangerous when injected.

Vaccines are injected into muscle tissue, where they form a slow-release reservoir intended to stimulate the production of antibodies for some time. The ingredients are not simply flushed out like they might be if taken in as food, and some ingredients such as aluminium and mercury make their way to the brain and accumulate over time.

-- [much to read at the URL below]

A table listing vaccine excipients and media by excipient can be found in: Grabenstein JD. ImmunoFacts: Vaccines and Immunologic Drugs – 2013

(38th revision). St Louis, MO: Wolters Kluwer Health, 2012.


BOMBSHELL: The Godfather of v*ccine safety Dr. Stanley Plotkin has confessed that NO v*ccine has ever been properly studied, before OR after, their release.

A paper just published in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine admits that no vaxx can be called “safe and effective” because standard safety checks have NEVER been followed, such as using proper placebo test groups, large enough sample sizes, and long enough test durations and follow ups.

The study was conducted with adamantly pro-💉groups such as-

Institute for Vaccine Safety
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Emory University
University of Pennsylvania
Brighton Collaboration
Task Force for Global Health

Dr. Plotkin’s answer is allocating more money to these organizations, so they can do the proper testing that they lied about doing all along.

5 Views · 6 days ago

⁣The thumbnail refers to farm vaccinations; VfB's advice is: do what YOU know works as a farm owner/pet owner

VfB once saw a PowerPoint document that showed the translation of 'vaccination', and would NEVER do so, to himself or any pets...possibly others may have seen it


6 Views · 6 days ago


Jotted down some quick notes while watching 🥸

On the subject of Handsome Truth, you've heard VfB say, "Don't show kindness to your oppressors"; like Jim says: if you don't like how he does it, make viable suggestions or actually show us...but yore keyboard critiques are weak sauce 👎

Cat report 😸

This next one was amazing - ever heard of the Black Holocaust Museum? Had to use that as the thumbnail 🫣

Thank You For Visiting Our Virtual Museum!
This is more than a website: it's a 3500+ page Virtual Museum!

So what can you do here?

Here are just a few ideas:

• Discover seldom-told stories in our Online History Galleries.

• Plan your in-person visit to our On-Site museum's galleries.

• Find out what the only known survivor of a US lynching did with the rest of his long life.

• Learn about present and past challenges facing the African American community in our Breaking News blog.

• Take the pledge to be a Freedom Lover and post your photo and/or name on our Roll Call Wall.

• Contribute to ABHM's work of education, reconciliation, and healing.

• Become a Member of the Museum!

ABHM is a one-of-a-kind historical and memorial museum about the Black Holocaust in America.

History museums study, exhibit, and interpret history. Memorial museums explain and commemorate past events of mass suffering.

Over the last 40 years, people around the world have created memorial museums to help their countries and communities make sense of and draw redemptive lessons from terrible periods of man’s inhumanity to man.

On the subject of the Federal Reserve - if QFS is legitimate AND can be meshed with cash...further research is required

The Crowdstrike outage, from what VfB has gathered, was DELIBERATE, and yes - the entire idea of the internet as a 'cloud' is a colossal bait and switch - below is an image describing the nature of the (((outage))): NULL bytes 🤔

CockleKlepper posted to Jim's channel:

Lack of imagination, direction, initiative and ACTION seems a major problem with so very many. I do believe there is objectively better ways than others to distribute information. Something that should be constantly happening whilst other ACTIONS are being taken. Even before I'd even heard of the bullshitter Alex jones and decades before HT even came on the scene, l was doing public film events and PAMPHLET ( Flier ) campaigns all off my own initiative and pocket ( never asked gor a cent ). This was ostensibly about Palestine, but as we dig the shit smells worse and l realised WE are getting screwed as well. It was me ( others ?), who was continually pushing HT and Brendan O'Connell to start pamphlet campaigns. AS I HAD BEEN DOING MYSELF....unknown to anyone but the enemy. Face to face ALTERCATIONS, I found to be highly stressful and totally unproductive. For that work l am well an truly on the shit list. My personal opinion, the POOR LEAST, is that the distribution of INFORMATION should always be going on ANONYMOUSLY. Initially l feel this is cowardice, but through my own experiences l feel it is also effective, not the least from understudying the enemies tactics. They didn't always have this position of " top dog " that they hold today. Unfortunately too many in our " own ranks " are intellectually lazy, have no direction and demand a leader, rather than posessing the faculty, inspiration or motivation to get off their arses to simply DO SOMETHING other than talk smack on the KIKES PLATFORMS.....


In other news:


5 Views · 6 days ago

⁣Fox News host Jesse Watters recently conducted a sit-down interview with former President Trump to discuss last week's failed assassination attempt.

The interview, which will premiere on "Jesse Watters Primetime" on Monday night at 8 p.m. ET, featured both Trump and his vice presidential candidate JD Vance. Vance currently serves as a U.S. Senator representing Ohio.

The three men discussed the assassination attempt against the former president last week. Gunman Thomas Matthew Crooks shot at Trump from a roof in the middle of a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, wounding the presidential candidate on his right ear.

Trump revealed during the interview that he was not warned about Crooks by the U.S. Secret Service.

"Mistakes were made," Watters told Trump. "They were monitoring this guy for an hour beforehand. No one told you not to take the stage?"

"Nobody mentioned it," the former president replied. "Nobody said it was a problem."

"[They] could've said, 'Let's wait for 15, 20 minutes, 5 minutes.' Nobody said…I think that was a mistake," he added.

Trump later questioned how Crooks could get on the roof in the first place.

"How did somebody get on that roof?" Trump questioned. "And why wasn't he reported, because people saw he was on that roof."

"When you have Trumpers screaming, the woman in the red shirt, 'There's a man on the roof,' and other people, 'There's a man on the roof and who's got a gun,'…that was quite a bit before I walked on the stage. And I would've thought someone would've done something about it," Trump said.

Trump, who appeared at the Republican National Convention with a large bandage on his ear, has reportedly recovered well from the injury. On Saturday, his former physician, Texas Congressman Ronny Jackson, released a detailed report about Trump's health.

"He will have further evaluations, including a comprehensive hearing exam, as needed. He will follow up with his primary care physician, as directed by the doctors that initially evaluated him," he continued. "In summary, former President Trump is doing well, and he is recovering as expected from the gunshot wound sustained last Saturday afternoon."

"I am extremely thankful his life was spared. It is an absolute miracle he wasn’t killed," Jackson added.


The scuttlebutt is that he's 'exposing the swamp'...but does that include adding BLACKROCK's Larry Fink to your cabinet?

If this happens, it will be the ultimate spit-in-the-face to all Trump supporters. It will be utterly indefensible.

For anyone who doesn’t know, this is Larry Fink of BlackRock fame - the one guy who is DIRECTLY responsible for pushing ESG scores, thereby forcing corporations to push niggers, faggots, and women, while screwing over White men. He’s the one who is quoted as saying that he’s going to “force” White people to “change their behavior”. Implementing the ESG system is how he tried to accomplish that, and it’s behind why everything is completely fucked. He’s quite possibly the most evil Jewish motherfucker who ever tainted the Earth with his cursed goblin footsteps. He might literally be an avatar of Satan.

This appointment will prove 100% that the forces of Hell are in control and that Trump himself is a greater demon. There will be no coping. There will be no excuses. There will only be the knowledge that the only law left is The Law of the Jungle.

I almost hope he actually does it.

'Money was only ever to be used as a lubricant for trade; NOT to take advantage of other men' - Adam Austin of Subverted Nation

5 Views · 6 days ago

⁣Deago Buck and lying media narrative exposed.

Posting a comment:

These stupid whores are going to find out that they should have stayed loyal to their people when the destruction they helped set up unfolds. Local "news reporters"/propagandists, virtue-signalling traitor politicians like Aftyn Behn in Nashville, and whore pigs like these dumb pieces of shit. Laugh it up, parasites. The cleansing fires grow for your offering.

Aftyn Behn: Nazi Fighter!

Also, diversity hire Negress "reporter" can't even speak where anyone can understand her.


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