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36 Views · 1 year ago

UPDATE: ⁣🚨#breaking: Trump has posted to his truth social media account saying he will be arrested sometime on Tuesday and urges people to protest

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GOD is blessing you all in our LORD JESUS CHRIST name Amen

34 Views · 11 months ago

⁣- The Pelican Island Bridge in Galveston was closed Wednesday after a passing barge struck one of its supports, causing significant damage, officials said.

The collision happened around 10 a.m, City of Galveston spokeswoman Marissa Barnett said. The lift bridge, which spans the west end of the Galveston Ship Channel, connected Galveston Island with Pelican Island, the home of Texas A&M University at Galveston. #breaking #news #texas

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26 Views · 1 year ago

⁣Coach will handle the title of this video - sit back and let yer pal VfB reel off a tale of tragedy and triumph ascendant - if you're familiar with IRON MAN from Marvel, you know that the character o9f Tony Stark is best described as a futurist; well, VfB is also a futurist...just without the megabucks
I've never fallen for the lure of sellimg my soul for profit...because it's NEVER a fair deal
Because of this, I was able to see what the (((homosexual banking mafia))) was up to May 16, 202, I typed it out . I attempted to post it wherever possible; for example, I created a Substack account - that lasted exactly 3 postings
Whomever made that decision is CULPUBLE IN WILLFUL MURDER, at th every least
Here's where we're at: an organism cannot thrive if any of its functions runs below a subsistence level, or ceases functioning totally. So it hit me immediately when I heard that now fast food companies want to CHARGE MORE for orderrs during rush hours / inclement weather / etc.; well, all that is, is WEAPONIZING CALAMITY
That came to me as I was reminded of CONGESTION PRICING
This is just like to 'COVID solution'; quarantine well people - the inversion of reality
The main point I wish to address in all this, are three words: RESPONSIBILITY, ACCOUNTABILITY & CULPABILITY
You see, the culprits are attempting to escape retribution and pretending that they had nothing to do with it all
They are actively attempting to HISTORY WASH reality - Google's Gemini AI is proof of that
To finish - remember the 5 dancing Israelis, whom appeared on an Israeli talk show and said these words: "WE WERE HERE TO DOCUMENT THE EVENT"?
Well, one cannot document something they don't know is occurring; one only DOCUMENTS EXPECTED EVENTS
Just like your dumb dog blind pastors, doctors, anyone whom cajoled to to take the shot - THEY KNOW NOW, if it's even possible that they hadn't before
Thank you - have a blessed day
Costs of the 20-year war on terror: $8 trillion and 900,000 deaths
Over 900 US yid army bases outside the US
David Irving confirms it's legitimacy
Those wily anons! 🫥
#breaking: Supreme Court in Queensland Australia just made a historic ruling on the covid "mandates" affirming they were not legal! Gonzo_Sprocko!
501c3 APOSTATE Government controlled Church is Kosher goyim, oy vey.
1.) Destroy Israel
2.) Expel the kikes
3.) Bake GingerJew Cookies
4.) Gas Gas Gas
5.) Make Human Traps For Jew Tunnel Rats

26 Views · 1 year ago



The White man is waking up, no longer will our young men be fooled into signing up for military service and being led off to kill and die for Israel! This is a massive White Pill.

I'm free ... thank you for all the love and support

White Lake, Michigan, huge explosions
"🚨#breaking: Multiple emergency crews are responding to a large oil refinery fire with numerous strong explosions
📌#whitelake | #michigan currently, numerous authorities and other emergency personnel are responding to reports of an oil refinery fire at White Lake, Michigan, where numerous strong explosions have taken place. Multiple witnesses report feeling their houses shaking from the explosions, along with smoke and flames can be seen for miles. Police are urging everyone to avoid the area."

15 Views · 6 months ago

⁣🚨#breaking: Shelter-in-Place and Evacuations Ordered Due to Biolab Chemical Plant Fire releasing massive amounts toxic smoke

📌#conyers | #georgia currently, a shelter-in-place order and evacuations are underway as numerous hazmat crews and other emergency services respond to a significant fire at the Biolab chemical plant in Conyers, Georgia. The plant, which is part of the swimming pool and spa water care division of KIK Consumer Products, is sending a massive plume of thick black and brown toxic smoke over the town and can be seen miles away. Officials have blocked off I-20. The fire reportedly started after a sprinkler head malfunctioned, reacting with a water-reactive chemical and wiring at the plant, though officials are still investigating.



AltCastTV & Odysee thumbnail:

9 Views · 7 months ago

⁣🚨#breaking: Hundreds of people have been evacuated within a half-mile radius due to a massive chemical plant fire. Authorities are bracing for an explosion

📌#akron | #ohio

Currently Numerous homes and businesses within a half-mile radius have been evacuated due to a hazardous situation in Akron, Ohio, following a fire at a chemical plant called Cokey Laboratory. The presence of various chemicals, large amounts of propane tanks, and other explosive materials inside the plant has made the situation extremely dangerous. The fire chief stated, "We’re putting our firefighters in jeopardy by keeping them in there because the fire is being fed by everything inside. The building is expected to explode, and there’s a risk of it going 'big boom he said so far no injuries have been reported but they are keeping a very close eye on the situation



7 Views · 4 months ago

⚠Pfizer whistleblower releases internal documents showing over 158,000 reports of SERIOUS adverse reactions within two months of the release of their COVID vaccine.

7 Views · 4 months ago



⚠Vaccine researcher says multiple viruses will be unleashed on America the day after Trump takes office

“Big picture stuff coming down the pike starting on January 21st.”



How do different types of "Vie-Russes" know how and when to release itself, all on the same date, January 21, 2025?

Did they fly out to a meeting in a secret location to discuss specifics?

According to this Flip Flop Fauci Frankesteinic Kevorkian MoFo, the "Vie-Russes" will be traveling by Birds, Bats, Cattles and Mosquitos etc. All on the same date, January 21, 2025?

Do these Sick Evil Bastards really think Americans are too stupid to see their Premeditated Bio-Engineered Planned Scam-demic part 2?


INOC'ULATE, verb transitive [Latin inoculo; in and occulus, the eye.]

1. To bud; to insert the bud of a tree or plant in another tree or plant, for the purpose of growth on the new stock. All sorts of stone fruit, apples, pears, etc. may be inoculated. We inoculate the stock with a foreign bud.

2. To communicate a disease to a person by inserting infectious matter in his skin or flesh; as, to inoculate a person with the matter of small pox or cow pox. When the latter disease is communicated, it is called vaccination.

INOC'ULATE, verb intransitive To propagate by budding; to practice inoculation. The time to inoculate is when the buds are formed at the extremities of the same year's shoot, indicating that the spring growth for that season is complete. posted:

Baylor and Vanderbilt...Baylor and Vanderbilt. Ever notice it is the same TWO doctors out in front leading the mandatory vaccine parade? I have:

Comment from BitChute - ⁣Lakeva posted:

On Pharma scullion Pete Hotez

Maybe he’s not aware that poisoning violates the Hippocratic Oath?

"I will follow that system of regimen which, according to my ability and judgment, I consider for the benefit of my patients, and abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous."

"first, do no harm" (or "primum non nocere," is the Latin translation of the original Greek.) and a line in Hippocrates work: Of the Epidemics.

Which was an ethical response to the common practice of poisoning one’s adversary or political rival as a means of attaining wealth and power.

Jesus said:

“When an unclean spirit comes out of a person, it travels through dry country seeking rest and does not find it. 44 Then it says to itself, ‘I will return to the house I left.’ When it arrives, it finds the house standing empty, swept clean and put in order. 45 Then it goes and takes with it seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they come and live there — so that in the end, the person is worse off than he was before. This is how it will be for this wicked generation.”

Here’s my 2024 translation for the Hotez and all the pharmaceutical rats and our Defense Department and International finacio-corporate usury cabal that pushed and still pushes the MRNA poison:

“When an unclean spirit ‘whose particular sin was poisoning’ comes out of a person, it travels through dry country seeking rest and does not find it. Then it says to itself, ‘I will return to the house I left.’ When it arrives, it finds the house standing empty, swept clean and put in order. Then it goes and takes with it seven other spirits more evil than itself, ‘which likewise were obsessed with using poison as a method of killing people’ and they come and live there — so that in the end, the person is worse off than he was before. ‘But when a person who received deliverance from a disembodied human poisoning demon dies, before that demon/person who recently lived inside of him, that went around poisoning people when he had his chance on earth, instead of living a good life, prior to demonizing/compelling others to do the kind of evil he had done, gets the opportunity to come back with those seven more evil poisoning demons than himself in order to continue on in evil joy and happiness through evil habitation, what will the gang of disembodied poisoners do? Where’s the initial offending spirit going to bring the poisoning entourage? To the 21st Century pharmaceutical industry? Yes. They’re going to skip along from generation to generation, century to century to find someone susceptible to their evil poisoning suggestion. So why not an institution? That is to say, why not institutionalize poisoning in the pharmaceutical industry? Why not poison our air via regular saturation of aluminum oxide and other toxic metals? Why not pour highly toxic byproducts of aluminum smelting such as fluoride into our water? Why not reduce the life expectancy of people through mischief? Why not promote false science? Why not adulterate the food supply? Why not bombard people with harmful electromagnetic wave frequencies? Why not destroy the family and why not oppose multiracial expressions of sympathy and respect for Jesus?’ This is how it will be for this wicked generation.”

How does it feel to be on the side of the team whose members will be inducted into Satan’s Hall Of Fame? To have a spot reserved for people who resorted to poisoning their fellow man in order to achieve a political, ideological, or ‘religious’ objective?

I would argue with Lucifer, that they belong in the Freaks Of Evil display next to the Trophy Room, along with the pedophiles and Satanic Ritual Abusers of children and those who used money to foment war and famine, who used a religious initiative to advance a convoluted mentality, again from generation to generation prone to become entrenched by stubborn headed religious pinhead brats in the Freaks Of Evil Display. But it’s not my museum.

7 Views · 4 months ago

⁣Something's cooking - VfB isn't a chemist, so he cannot tell you what it is, but there's a chemist out there whom does understand ⚗

R A W S A L E R T S - 🚨#breaking: A significant Explosion Leaves Multiple People Trapped and injured or missing with One Mile Shelter in Place Issued Due to Hazardous Materials 📌#clifton | #kentucky At this time Numerous emergency responders are currently on the scene following a significant



Two employees have died following an explosion at a Louisville, Kentucky, factory that also blew out windows in nearby homes and businesses, the company said Wednesday.

The explosion occurred Tuesday afternoon at Givaudan Sense Colour, which produces colorings for food and drinks. Firefighters rescued and evacuated many people from the building, including some with life-threatening injuries, Louisville Mayor Craig Greenberg said in a statement Tuesday night.

Sister station WLKY reported that part of the building collapsed.

Sources initially told WLKY that people were "missing and trapped inside," but the mayor said around 4:30 p.m. that everyone was accounted for.

They did say one person who was trapped was rescued.

University of Louisville Hospital said they had seven of 12 patients who were taken to hospitals. Two of them were listed as being in critical condition and five were listed as stable. Givaudan did not specify if the two critical patients at UofL Hospital were the ones who died.

Video below: History of previous incidents at site of Louisville explosion

UofL Hospital said they have seven of those patients. Two of them are in critical condition and five are stable. Dr. Jason Smith said they received burn, blast, blunt force and crush injuries.

It's unclear where the other patients are.

Greenberg said they still don't know what caused the explosion. They expect that to be under investigation for "some time."

READ MORE - 2 confirmed dead after large explosion at Louisville facility"

4 Views · 3 months ago

⁣X (formerly Twitter)
R A W S A L E R T S (@rawsalerts) on X

🚨#breaking: NYPD officials are investigating a possible hate crime after car runs over small group of Jewish pedestrians crossing the sidewalk

📌#brooklyn l #newyork source:


The NYPD says a vehicular ramming incident that sparked alarm among Jews in New York City was an accident.

Security footage circulating online shows a black minivan plowing into a group of women pushing strollers who appear to be Jewish.

Social media users claim the incident is a hate crime, but a police spokesperson says it was a “motor vehicle collision” that took place on Tuesday.

A 69-year-old man driving a 2014 Toyota made a right turn onto Nostrand Ave. at the Kings Highway intersection, striking three pedestrians, the NYPD tells The Times of Israel.

The intersection is next to the Kingsway Jewish Center and the area has a large Jewish population.

The accident caused injuries to two women, aged 62 and 56, and a 1-year-old boy, the NYPD says. Emergency responders took the injured to Maimonides Medical Center in stable condition.

NYPD Deputy Chief Richie Taylor, the NYPD’s highest-ranking Orthodox Jewish officer, told The Times of Israel the collision was the result of “extreme inattention” on the part of the driver, who stayed on the scene and apologized after the incident.

“We don’t see anything about criminality,” Taylor said.

The incident surfaced a day after a ramming attack in New Orleans.

In May, a man was arrested on hate crimes charges after attempting to ram Orthodox Jews with his car in Brooklyn.

The post Vehicular ramming that sparked alarm for New York Jews was an accident, NYPD says appeared first on The Times of Israel.

4 Views · 5 months ago

⁣🚨#breaking: Shelter in place has been issued As Numerous firefighters are responding to a massive fire that at a recycling center plant releasing toxic Smoke

📌#rogers | #arkansas a shelter-in-place order has been issued as multiple fire departments, hazmat teams, and emergency crews respond to a massive 3-alarm fire in Rogers, Arkansas. The fire is at Marck Industries, Inc., a recycling center located across the street from Carter Field Rogers Airport. Heavy, thick toxic smoke is visible from over 20 miles away. Officials are urging everyone to avoid the area. So far, no injuries have been reported, and the cause of the fire remains unknown. This is a developing situation.




VfB is NOT a chemist...but there's someone out there who can tell what they're doing

🚨#breaking: Shelter in place has been issued As Numerous firefighters are responding to a massive fire that at a recycling center plant releasing toxic Smoke 📌#rogers | #arkansas A shelter-in-place order has been issued as multiple fire departments, hazmat teams, and emergency crews respond to a massive 3-alarm fire in Rogers, Arkansas. The fire is at Marck Industries, Inc., a recycling center located across the street from Carter Field Rogers Airport. Heavy, thick toxic smoke is visible from over 20 miles away. Officials are urging everyone to avoid the area. So far, no injuries have been reported, and the cause of the fire remains unknown. This is a developing situation.

2 Views · 17 days ago

#breaking: Ed Krassenstein, one of the far-left extremist Krassenstein brothers, claims to be in contact with the group behind X's takedown, stating it was merely a demonstration of their strength.



Thumbnail: [thanks to and 🖲]

🚨DDOS Alert🚨

To anyone wondering why X (Twitter) was down, it was under attack by Dark Storm Team.

Actor: Dark Storm Team
Method: DDOS
Date: March 10, 2025

#hacktivism #cyberattack #cyberthreat #darkweb #darkstormteam #cybernews #news #newsupdate #hackernews