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6 Views · 3 months ago



⚠Vaccine researcher says multiple viruses will be unleashed on America the day after Trump takes office

“Big picture stuff coming down the pike starting on January 21st.”



How do different types of "Vie-Russes" know how and when to release itself, all on the same date, January 21, 2025?

Did they fly out to a meeting in a secret location to discuss specifics?

According to this Flip Flop Fauci Frankesteinic Kevorkian MoFo, the "Vie-Russes" will be traveling by Birds, Bats, Cattles and Mosquitos etc. All on the same date, January 21, 2025?

Do these Sick Evil Bastards really think Americans are too stupid to see their Premeditated Bio-Engineered Planned Scam-demic part 2?


INOC'ULATE, verb transitive [Latin inoculo; in and occulus, the eye.]

1. To bud; to insert the bud of a tree or plant in another tree or plant, for the purpose of growth on the new stock. All sorts of stone fruit, apples, pears, etc. may be inoculated. We inoculate the stock with a foreign bud.

2. To communicate a disease to a person by inserting infectious matter in his skin or flesh; as, to inoculate a person with the matter of small pox or cow pox. When the latter disease is communicated, it is called vaccination.

INOC'ULATE, verb intransitive To propagate by budding; to practice inoculation. The time to inoculate is when the buds are formed at the extremities of the same year's shoot, indicating that the spring growth for that season is complete. posted:

Baylor and Vanderbilt...Baylor and Vanderbilt. Ever notice it is the same TWO doctors out in front leading the mandatory vaccine parade? I have:

Comment from BitChute - ⁣Lakeva posted:

On Pharma scullion Pete Hotez

Maybe he’s not aware that poisoning violates the Hippocratic Oath?

"I will follow that system of regimen which, according to my ability and judgment, I consider for the benefit of my patients, and abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous."

"first, do no harm" (or "primum non nocere," is the Latin translation of the original Greek.) and a line in Hippocrates work: Of the Epidemics.

Which was an ethical response to the common practice of poisoning one’s adversary or political rival as a means of attaining wealth and power.

Jesus said:

“When an unclean spirit comes out of a person, it travels through dry country seeking rest and does not find it. 44 Then it says to itself, ‘I will return to the house I left.’ When it arrives, it finds the house standing empty, swept clean and put in order. 45 Then it goes and takes with it seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they come and live there — so that in the end, the person is worse off than he was before. This is how it will be for this wicked generation.”

Here’s my 2024 translation for the Hotez and all the pharmaceutical rats and our Defense Department and International finacio-corporate usury cabal that pushed and still pushes the MRNA poison:

“When an unclean spirit ‘whose particular sin was poisoning’ comes out of a person, it travels through dry country seeking rest and does not find it. Then it says to itself, ‘I will return to the house I left.’ When it arrives, it finds the house standing empty, swept clean and put in order. Then it goes and takes with it seven other spirits more evil than itself, ‘which likewise were obsessed with using poison as a method of killing people’ and they come and live there — so that in the end, the person is worse off than he was before. ‘But when a person who received deliverance from a disembodied human poisoning demon dies, before that demon/person who recently lived inside of him, that went around poisoning people when he had his chance on earth, instead of living a good life, prior to demonizing/compelling others to do the kind of evil he had done, gets the opportunity to come back with those seven more evil poisoning demons than himself in order to continue on in evil joy and happiness through evil habitation, what will the gang of disembodied poisoners do? Where’s the initial offending spirit going to bring the poisoning entourage? To the 21st Century pharmaceutical industry? Yes. They’re going to skip along from generation to generation, century to century to find someone susceptible to their evil poisoning suggestion. So why not an institution? That is to say, why not institutionalize poisoning in the pharmaceutical industry? Why not poison our air via regular saturation of aluminum oxide and other toxic metals? Why not pour highly toxic byproducts of aluminum smelting such as fluoride into our water? Why not reduce the life expectancy of people through mischief? Why not promote false science? Why not adulterate the food supply? Why not bombard people with harmful electromagnetic wave frequencies? Why not destroy the family and why not oppose multiracial expressions of sympathy and respect for Jesus?’ This is how it will be for this wicked generation.”

How does it feel to be on the side of the team whose members will be inducted into Satan’s Hall Of Fame? To have a spot reserved for people who resorted to poisoning their fellow man in order to achieve a political, ideological, or ‘religious’ objective?

I would argue with Lucifer, that they belong in the Freaks Of Evil display next to the Trophy Room, along with the pedophiles and Satanic Ritual Abusers of children and those who used money to foment war and famine, who used a religious initiative to advance a convoluted mentality, again from generation to generation prone to become entrenched by stubborn headed religious pinhead brats in the Freaks Of Evil Display. But it’s not my museum.