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27 Views · 3 months ago

⁣SheriContrary posted:
Will you also cover Matt Gaetz Video about how Mike Johnson had to make the decision he made about Ukraine because they were afraid that Republicans would leave the House and leave a Democrat majority. I can give you more information if you're interested. I have been sharing this information.but people don't believe it. People don't do their own research. I guess they think that cannot happen in the United States of America.
I hope you watch Matt Gaetz' video because he tells a different part of the story. Watch Shane Vaughn Secret plot to steal the house revealed.
🚨 Trump's strategy revealed! Find out why he stood with Mike Johnson and the secret plan to save the House. Watch the full explanation on my show, tomorrow night at 8 PM central time. Don't miss it! #trump #mikejohnson #HouseStrategy
#conservativecollege #professortoto / @firstharvestministries
It's all about CONSENT and a HIGH TRUST SOCIETY 🧐
We currently live in neither of those, but the (((homosexual banking mafia))) wants you to believe that whole-heartedly
This...morass or whatever you want to call this present day amalgam of IDIOCRACY mixed in with THEY LIVE! is in no way a high trust society, and because of that, the social contract has been broken
VfB said these four words on Coach Dave's show numerous times, and on Dr. Alan Keyes' 1st Brighteon show, as well:
Strike down palisades, stand your ground and OCCUPY!
These scumbags get this land...OVER MY DEAD BODY 🥸

13 Views · 6 months ago



Taylor Swift is not a psy-op 🤣 #taylorswift #swifties #pentagon #taylorswiftisnotapsyop #saywhat #enemyofthepeople #fakenews #fakenews #youdontsay #mockingbird #mockingbirdmedia #mkultra #witch #trump #vote #nfl #kelce #pfizer wadeslattery i wasn't even thinking that but now I'm a firm believer
6d ago

Ericka Power · Creator
yup, pentagon admitted it and we knew it when she teamed up with NFL and pfizer


Once again, credit must go to Jack Posobiec, as I would NOT have cottoned onto this without his heads-up

If you put a gun to my head and told me that the only thing that would save me was to sing a single line from any Taylor Swift song...I might need to break free or eat a bullet - I've no bloody clue whatsoever; the closest I can come is "Are you ready for it" from a Nicholson1968 video exposing the #transapocalypse

I've a pretty solid theory regarding #taytay's gender - I guess they're paying Travis Kelce enough to KISS A MAN IN PUBLIC - YMMV

10 Views · 2 months ago

⁣🚨On Jan. 21, 2021, only one day after Biden was sworn into office the @ADL presented the "Extremism & Political Violence in America: Fighting Hate From Home" webinar.

Jonathan Greenblatt (ADL CEO) @JGreenblattADL and Oren Segal (VP of ADL Center On Extremism) @orensegal discuss how our country would move forward in fighting hate in America after January 6th.

Everyone needs to watch this clip that shows how dangerous and deceptive NGOs are. During this webinar, they explain different approaches to control information through a "whole of society" approach. Not surprisingly, on May 25, 2023, the Biden Administration put out the "National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism", which aligns perfectly with their strategy and rhetoric.

The ADL, other organizations, and our government have been in panic mode over our ability to share information, build connections, and use critical thinking on social media platforms. This hysteria reached new heights when @elonmusk took over @X . Why? Because Freedom Of Speech is a threat to their fraudulent schemes and unconstitutional censorship.

Whenever these radical organizations cry "misinformation" what they really mean is there is information being shared they don't want out because it makes them look like the scam they are. What are they doing about it?

*They want "white supremacy" declared a global threat.

*They want anyone who engages in "hate speech" (there is no such thing, its just a control technique) to be prosecuted for promoting violence and labeled a DOMESTIC TERRORIST.

*They believe anyone who supports or engages with "Extremist Groups" (such as MAGA) should be denied holding any power or access. Keep in mind last year Parental Rights Organizations were placed on the Southern Poverty Law Center Extremist Group List @splc .(ADL & SPLC collaborate together.)

*They want to end social media complicity in "hate speech" and "misinformation".

Of course they mainly want to regulate @elonmusk @x so they can censor Americans. *Use shady blackmailing techniques to force social media into compliance (sound familiar?) *Increase anti-bias, anti-hate education in K-12 (which are unconstitutional programs & policies.)

Where is all of this leading? The overall goal is to destroy our 1st amendment. They use events & curcumstances that ended in violence (such as a school shooting) to conclude that the cause of the action was not free will it was actually your "hate speech" or "misinformation".

Finally, don't miss how they discuss the danger of "misinformation". Apparently anyone who thinks its possible #trump is fighting a Deep State Cabal of pedophiles who are involved in sex trafficking is insane and a "Threat to Democracy". Or if you feel the government is corrupt, your rights are being taken away, the election was stolen and the mainstream media is government propaganda you are also insane and a "Threat to Democracy". This agenda is the REAL THREAT TO AMERICA.

Video Timestamps:

01:02 - Whole Of Society Approach
01:22 - Domestic Terrorism Policies
04:15 - Conspiracy Theories Of Trump Supporters
08:05 - Social Media Bullying For Compliance
11:12 - Brainwashing In Education



8 Views · 12 days ago

⁣Counter-sniper contends that he was never allowed to fire on potential threat 3 minutes prior 👀

There is growing anticipation ahead of the Republican National Convention as former President Trump has yet to announce who his running mate will be. NBC News' Garrett Haake and former aide to House Speakers Ryan and Boehner Brendan Buck join José Díaz-Balart to analyze Trump's strategy amid growing concerns over President Biden.

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#trump #biden #politics trump defense team plays video of Democrats 'inciting' language | IMPEACHMENT TRIAL


Let's see how many spicy comments VfB can archive:

Why won't they report on the "Epstein files"?

"Nobody likes a bully" ... says this bully pulpit.

I dont care how he acts. I dont pal around with my boss because I dont like him, but he does the job I want him too and he makes me money. Feelings should not be part of the equation.

"does the job I want him too" - "too" means an excess of, BTFW. Using the wrong word changes the meaning of the sentence. 'A lot of people want a bully like dump and you do too'

1) DJT had ZERO wars during his term. So your complaint is irrelevant.
2) Even when you do manage to be relevant, winning a fight someone else starts is not being a 'bully'. It's protecting yourself.
Thanks for playing. You're not fooling anyone with your BS.

MSM has no shame

While they're the very definition of shameful.

I love the comments thread here. They’re definitely losing their sheep 🐑 [not really doing this justice; be sure to see the full gamut of comments before it gets Orwellized]

Open manipulation [precisely the reason this video was posted]

MSNBC bullies and tells others not to be bullies. Thats rich!

Now that Joe announced that Trump will be his VP Biden's chances went way up!

This is more propaganda... because Trump has literally stated for months that it's not about Biden's age, it's about his competence.

No one likes a liar, as you have often pointed out. How is that mirror working for you?

It's not Biden's age we are worried about. It's his obvious mental decline.

MSDNC is responsible for the present state of affairs in our country

I'm surprised that people even listen to them anymore but I guess the democrats don't mind being lied to

Nobody likes a bully?….. does wrapping an opponent in millions of dollars of legal cases count?

Didnt Biden get into a rage and call Trump a sucker and a loser live in front of the world the other day?

Liberals: “You better not say something mean or I’ll take my ball and go home”
Conservatives: ROFL

Here welcome to my unscripted press conference... they gave me a list of people I can call on and down here on my podium I have some cue cards with the answers to the questions on them. - Joke Biden.

What a joke of a station

So MSM, CNN, MSDNC , Give it but it can’t take it… so shove it. if you can’t handle it..

Im getting bullied out of 35% of my income

MSNBC is not News, it's the new Saturday Night Live (funny, just not comedy)!

I prefer a bully over a weak weasel any day when it comes to leading my country.
Go watch the Wesley Hunt, Byron Danial's interview with Sage Steel. That's a leader.

BSDNC trying to tell someone not to bully? What hypocrites.

Should I not believe my lyin' eyes... was last nights live video of him doing just that a 'cheap fake' ?

8 Views · 4 months ago

⁣mofiddly posted [from the OG poster's channel [andreaostrovletania - didn't feel like butchering her name from 'memory']]:
And they will do it again, too. Nothing has changed, especially mail in voting.
You said it! 🗳📩
Wow … [this is a very interesting meme in regards to mail-in voting - the main point made is that each and every time, mail-in voting was facilitating FRAUD!]
🥸 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕲𝕯𝕷 𝖈𝖔𝖓𝖙𝖗𝖔𝖑𝖘 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖒𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖆 🥸
The rules set in the Matrix are the same rules as the ones we have here on Earth right now. It's that only way to make the simulation work so humans will believe it.
Put it this way, if you fall into the ocean and can't swim, you'll drown. But there's no physical reason for that. Your actual body is still back on Earth hooked up to the Matrix processing oxygen like normal. Like Morpheus says to Neo: "Do you think that's air you're breathing right now?"
So the way to break the system is to realise that all the rules are arbitrary. Once you realise that gravity doesn't exist you can fly like Neo. Like the kid says: "Don't try to bend the spoon. That's impossible. Instead realise the truth: there is no spoon."
I haven't found anything else yet on this:
Someone recorded this moment on their TV where two birds seem to disappear into thin air during LIVE coverage of the bridge collapse.
In the movie the Obamas produced, ‘Leave The World Behind’, the birds start acting in crazy/highly unusual ways after a cyberattack shuts everything down and causes a massive container ship to crash ⚠
As Fox News and many other stations flock to cover it, all eyes are currently on Baltimore, Maryland, while the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse has shut down a major U.S. port after the massive container ship DALI mysteriously lost power before bringing it down.
Meanwhile, Obama is continuing to meet with powerful figures across the globe ahead of the 2024 election. WHAT ARE WE IN STORE FOR NEXT?!? [VfB has the video archived]
🚨 The US National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) shared data from Dali’s Voyage Data Recorder (VDR) on the minutes prior to contact with the Francis Scott Key Bridge.
@Mr_White_Tuber did a deep dive on the Oroboros snake in your [@OMGITSFLOOD] sun symbol yesterday 🌞
Russia Strikes Back and Sabatoge Correction
This is all allegedly, and the ramblings of a madman or not.
Links to Truth Social
#odysee #twitter #youtube #trending #trendingnow #trendingnews #trump #truthsocial #hunterbiden #joebiden #democraticparty #joerogan #joeroganexperience #johncrawford #elonmusk #vivek #vivekramaswamy #nyc #subscribers #youtube #facebook #migrantes #migration #illegal #illegalimmigrant #illegalaliens ##jan6thtapes #hunter #supremecourt #texas #nyc #chuckschumer #baltimore #boataccident #boataccidents
Anons predicting the past!: 🐸
with jews you lose
vote for trump or biden? step over my dead body first
Some Tranny music for the shill tranny channel. It is not and election you fucking shill! It is a selection, of the biggest Trans-Mason
You and An0mality should hook up and fuck each other.
[already friends on (((meta/facebook/lifelog]

6 Views · 9 days ago

⁣Former Reagan Attorney General Edwin Meese submits a brief to the Supreme Court arguing Jack Smith was illegally appointed as "Special Counsel" and the prosecution against Trump is invalid. Citing the Appointments Clause, Meese argues that Garland overstepped his authority and the entire Special Counsel's office should be considered disqualified.

#trump #trial #SpecialCounsel


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