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29 Views · 6 months ago

🇵🇸Nicole 🇵🇸 dignity is a human right. - @CensoredMen #israel's real #superbowllviii ad. American tax payers funded that pathetic Super Bowl ad. Disgraceful.
Super Bowl LVII in 2023 was the most-watched US telecast in history, and with well over 100 million people expected to tune in on Feb. 11, Super Bowl Sunday will provide one of the biggest platforms on Earth for pro-Israel groups to attempt to justify Israel’s ongoing genocidal war on Gaza. The Foundation to Combat Anti-Semitism, which is owned by Robert Kraft, the billionaire owner of the NFL’s New England Patriots, has purchased a $7 million TV ad spot on Super Bowl Sunday to “Stop Jewish Hate.” Kraft’s ties to Israel run deep, from hefty donations to AIPAC to a long history of business deals in the country. Edge of Sports host Dave Zirin takes aim at the influence of Zionism in professional sports in this special edition of “Choice Words.” Israel performs a massacre during said Super Bowl:
🇵🇸🇮🇱 Israel chose to commit a massacre in Gaza during the Super Bowl.
Do you understand how evil that is?
They waited for Americans to be occupied, and then decided to carpet bomb Rafah.
It's 4am in Palestine.
It's hell in Rafah.
Curse Israel.
Fitting as much as possible from the thumbnail article:
Dave Zirin: Welcome to Edge of Sports, brought to you by The Real News Network. I’m Dave Zirin, and I have some choice words about New England Patriots owner, Bob Kraft, and a $7 million Super Bowl ad that I am not looking forward to seeing.
Okay, look, New England Patriots’ 82-year-old owner, Robert Kraft, writes seven-digit checks to the right-wing Israeli lobbying machine AIPAC. But his ties to Israel run far deeper than the occasional donation. The multi-billionaire married his late wife, Myra, in Israel in 1963 when Kraft, then just 22, was older than the nation itself. Together, Myra and Robert set up numerous business, athletic, and charitable ties to Israel, a record of which is proudly proclaimed on the Kraft company website.
In particular, the Kraft Group boasts of its Touchdown in Israel program, where NFL players are given free, highly organized vacations to see the Holy Land and come back to spread the word about the only democracy in the Middle East. Kraft also attends fundraisers for the Israeli defense forces who currently, in an open view of the world, are committing war crimes in Gaza.
Now, as Israel wages war against the civilians of Gaza, Kraft is again flexing his financial and political muscles in order to defend the indefensible. His Foundation of Combat Antisemitism, or FCAS, will be spending an estimated $7 million to buy a Super Bowl ad titled “Stop Jewish Hate” that will be seen by well over 100 million people.
Under Kraft’s direction, the ad’s goal is to create a propaganda campaign to counter the reports and images from Gaza that young people are consuming on social media. Without a sense of irony or the horrors happening on the ground, Kraft says he is giving $100 million of his own money to the Foundation Against Antisemitism because hate leads to violence — Just not violence against Palestinians, apparently.
Let’s be clear. What Kraft is doing politically and what he’ll be using the Super Bowl as a platform to do is dangerous. He appears to think that any criticism of Israel is inherently antisemitic. For Kraft, it is Jews like myself, rabbis, and Holocaust survivors calling for a ceasefire and a free Palestine that are part of the problem. And Kraft seems to think that opposition to Israel, the IDF, and the AIPAC agenda is antisemitism.
There is a Red Sea of distance, as I’ve written, between antisemitism and anti-Zionism. Antisemitism is the pernicious hatred of a beautiful religion and culture that has been with us for over 5,000 years. Anti-Zionism means opposing a once negligible 125-year-old colonial project in the Middle East.
Zionism was a minor strain in Jewish life until the Holocaust, where, in a state of unspeakable trauma, Zionism rose triumphant after World War II with a new state built on the backs and land of the Palestinian people, a new outpost of what columnist Bari Weiss, with shameless racism, calls the West, albeit located in the Middle East. Now, for Kraft and Bari Weiss, building a highly militarized nuclear state built on stolen land is the only true hedge against another Holocaust.
Cementing this idea that to be anti-Zionist means that you are anti-Semitic has also been the lifelong project of Israel’s corrupt prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu....
Read the rest at the thumbnail URL

17 Views · 9 months ago



BBC reporter admits Israel is using White Phosphorous Chemical Weapons.
He is then pulled off air immediately.

As this story is developing, there exists no mainstream backing; what I wish to impress upon you is that we all saw this over twenty years ago, on September 11, 2001, when Jane Standley of CNN [and also Aaron Brown of the BBC] presciently announced the 'collapse' of the Salomon Brothers building at 4:20 PM, also known as WTC Building 7.

This was supposed to be a two-fer: removing the evidence of the malfeasance of WorldCom and other crimes, and also to malign Adolf Hitler and indulgers in cannabis; the problem is that the (((homosexual banking mafia))) mis-timed the planned 'collapse', as they mistranslated the proper time change; because of this, the event occurred an hour later - you'll note that CNN 'mysteriously' lost Jane's feed, much as in the video above.

🔴The Israeli occupying regime carried out a massacre this morning in Rafah, southern Gaza Strip, killing and wounding hundreds of innocent Palestinian civilians, including children.

💥More content here: 📺👇(Activate your language in the flag menu of the website). 👈 📺

#breakingnews #gaza #palestine #assad #hamas #israel #hezbollah #lebanon #dutton #palestiniens #Depopulation

15 Views · 8 months ago


Former State Dept. Official Arrested in Harassing of Halal Food Vendor
Stuart Seldowitz was charged with harassment after videos showed him berating the vendor with Islamophobic, it's much worse than that - this is what (((HB269))) is supposed to forestall - this goes far beyond 'attempted littering', wouldn't you say?!?

Brighteon Broadcast News, Nov 24, 2023 - Former US State Dept. official ARRESTED for making terroristic threats against Muslim food vendor in NYC

- Riots in #dublin over alleged Algerian migrant STABBING multiple children
- Former deputy national security advisor to Obama caught on video
- He threatens to have a Muslim food vendor in NYC deported, arrested and tortured
- Authorities arrest him and charge him with five criminal counts
- Why making such threats is NOT "free speech"
- NY Supreme Court reinstates govt. powers to force citizens in quarantine camps
- They can take you from your home at gunpoint, without due process or any proven justification
- Gov. #hochul is a terroristic tyrant
- Governments can fabricate a #pandemic at any time, without any evidence
- 4-day cease fire begins in #gaza as prisoner exchange reported to commence later today
- #israel itself built the tunnels under Al-Shifa hospital decades ago


A video still taken through the window of a food cart shows Stuart Seldowitz, wearing a green blazer over a polo shirt, standing on a city sidewalk. Stuart Seldowitz was arrested after several videos were posted to social media showing him harassing a food vendor on the Upper East Side of Manhattan.Credit...WABC-TV Erin Nolan

By Erin Nolan Nov. 22, 2023 The former State Department employee and national security official who was filmed harassing a halal food vendor in Manhattan and calling him a “terrorist” was arrested and charged with a hate crime on Wednesday. The former official, Stuart Seldowitz, 64, faces charges that include aggravated harassment and several counts of stalking, according to the police.

The charges were brought after the vendor, whom the police did not name but identified as a 24-year-old man, told the police that a person had approached him several times while he was working and had made Islamophobic comments, causing him to feel “afraid and annoyed.” In several videos posted on social media, Mr. Seldowitz was shown photographing the vendor, threatening to send his picture to “friends in Immigration” and making Islamophobic remarks.

A video still shows Stuart Seldowitz, wearing a gray blazer over a green hoodie, smiling and holding a cellphone with a row of condiment bottles in the foreground. The videos show Mr. Seldowitz returning to the same food cart over several days, and each time refusing to leave. Credit...Q Halal

In one clip, Mr. Seldowitz calls the vendor “ignorant” for not speaking English, and goes on to make derisive comments about Islam’s founder, the Prophet Muhammad. In another, after a brief interaction about children being killed, Mr. Seldowitz says: “If we killed 4,000 Palestinian kids, you know what? It wasn’t enough.” According to the police, Mr. Seldowitz lives a few blocks from the halal cart’s usual location on the Upper East Side. Attempts to reach him on Wednesday night were unsuccessful.

In a phone interview on Tuesday, Mr. Seldowitz said that he was not Islamophobic and that he had targeted the vendor only after he expressed support for Hamas. The videos do not depict any comments by the vendor beyond his asking Mr. Seldowitz to leave and saying he would call the police. “At that point, I got rather upset and I’ve said things to him, that in retrospect, I probably regret, though — that I do regret,” Mr. Seldowitz said on Tuesday. “Instead of focusing in on him and what he said, I expanded into insulting his religion and so on.”

Mr. Seldowitz said he had held several positions in both Democratic and Republican administrations, including acting director for the National Security Council’s South Asia Directorate and a post in the U.S. State Department’s Office of Israel and Palestinian Affairs. He no longer holds any government positions, he said. The incident came as tensions have escalated between pro-Palestinian and pro-Israel groups in the weeks since the Israel-Hamas war began on Oct. 🤐

13 Views · 9 months ago



Rufus_2688 - Some heavy stuff here 😰 This is the basis of all their plans 💯 People starting to wake up tho… What happens when the inflection point is reached 🌊 The only answer is to stop, unite, and take a stand against the evil forces ruling this realm👊🏼😎 Do we have what it takes🤔

Part of the battle is convincing the masses NOT to go for the easy route:

What we need is more of this:

Libs Fails 🇺🇸 - 🇺🇸 Hundreds of young Christians in Hot Springs, Arkansas gathered at a high school football stadium to worship Jesus. Now this is some Great NEWS! #israel_under_attack Breaking News #israelterorrist #israel #gaza #hamas #gazabombing #israelunderattack West Bank

45 Predators caught in sting operation targeting children including one who was a cannibal. These Predators knowingly have Sexually Transmitted Disease.
Parents please keep a close eye on your children🙏🏼.

If this is just too much for you...well, you can always just eat the bugs, own nothing and be happy: 🪲🐛🦗😋

Eat Ze Bugs: Major Meat Producer Tyson Invests in Insect Proteins and Lipids

10 Views · 4 months ago

⁣Join us for today's episode of The Daily Objective with James Valliant & Razi Ginzberg [get popcorn, a soda and a hockey helmet before listening].
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#arcuk #thedailyobjective #joerogan #gaza #idf #israel #hamas source:

7 Views · 4 months ago

⁣VfB should warn you all, according to Google, "Memes about groups of people might be disturbing or hurtful"
Huh - funny you should admit to that...😁
A crow snatches the flag of Israel and throws it to the ground #israel #flag #crow subscribe now!... Stay connected with us!
These crows were seen tearing up the Israeli flag, will they be accused of anti-Semitism?
The video here might even be moar amusing than the one posted - just call it a bonus!
Revisiting an old pal today: Coffee & Call-Ins | Floatshow [7AM EST] PHONE IN!
As to the title, it's a humble brag of the fact that VfB was able to decipher the secret of COVID, my only clue being Jonathan Kleck's message of 'turn it upside down'; with that, and my experiences throughout the ages, VfB discovered that COVID backwards was...DIVOC
"Yeah? What's a DIVOC, guy?"
Well, that's the trick - have you ever heard of a DYBBUK?
Dybbuk is a DEMON 👿
This was posted ages ago during the plandemic; feel free to find the instances, if you like 😊 I'm leaving room for the anons to lose their bowel control after this is posted
Anons are GO!: 🫥
0:00 I thought they want to start the chorus. 🎵asaavdatheygain 🎵assavdatheygain

5 Views · 15 days ago

⁣Google 1940s terrorism press enter, image & read! - What is blood libel? What does it have to do with #israel?

I was first approached nearly a year ago by researcher , with a request for help in translating Hellmut Schramm's book, Der jüdische Ritualmord : Eine historische Untersuchung [Jewish Ritual-Murder : a Historical Investigation]. I agreed to translate one chapter into English, with the possibility of my making a deeper commitment should I deem the book worth such an investment of my time and energy. To my great surprise, I not only found Schramm's work to be worth translating, but I became determined to perform the entire translation myself and see it made available in English.

Two comments:

DRL1 said...
You obviously need some intensive psychotherapy. Jewish ritual murder has long been a claim to spur on anti-Semitism when it has no historic basis. The Catholic Church long ago denied its existence. Based on the content of your text you probably believe in an international Jewish conspiracy and your bible is probably the Protocols of the Elders of Zion; a fraudulent work by the Tsarist secret police. Get some help.
December 10, 2010 at 5:49 PM

Anonymous said...
The pretentious, pompous little jew-lover below me says 'no historic basis'. I beg to differ! google "My Irrelevant Defence Jewish Ritual Murder" and "Jewish Ritual Murders court records" for starters. Funny how the Jews want us to think that the whole thing is a hoax. They want us to think that mankind, starting in the middle-east all the way to Europe, have been 'conspiring' to perpetuate a 'anti-semetic lie' against the poor innocent, persecuted 'chosen race'. Apperantly some dumb goyim believe it! Catholic Church? doesn't the Pope wear a yamaka nowadays! Hahah! Conspiracy? the only one dumb enough to believe in 'conspiracies' is you. Speaking of bibles, I suggest readers to take a peak into the anti-human Talmud some time. Oh yeah read the Protocols, but only after you know who's got an ethnic grip of media, politics, economy, education, etc, then it will all make sense. Get informed.
October 13, 2011 at 2:40 AM