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28 Views · 7 months ago


That was orchestrated, as admitted to by Rabbi Shmuley 'Butt Plug' Boteach, by Winston Churchill, the arch war criminal and fat scumbag

The jumping around technique doesn't work with a fair moderator, and Piers does a creditable job here...but then again, anyone with a brain can read this room

Not quite so easy to smooth over White genocide...oh, and by the way, thus far, 70,000 tons of munitions have been dropped on Gaza - that doesn't seem to impress da Shmoo, TBH

This was originally titled: "I Am NOT A Holocaust Denier” SHOWDOWN! Rabbi Shmuley vs Candace Owens", but that's really a bait and switch; this is carefully-managed narrative staging that actually went waaaaaaay off the rails; for Candace to say that she believes in the myth of the six million, simply means that SHE HAS NOT DONE HER HOMEWORK

Two words, Candace: WOODEN DOORS 🚪

Regular viewers of Piers Morgan Uncensored will understand the gravity of the following debate without explanation. To the unseasoned, Rabbi Shmuley and Candace Owens have maintained a bitter feud over at least two years, having accused each other of everything from hypocrisy to lying to outright bigotry. Shmuley heavily criticised Owens for her embrace of Kanye West after his antisemitic tirades. Owens has hit back, claiming that Shmuley has harassed her publicly, blackmailed her and twisted her statements to present her as a hater of Jewish people.

Their personal grudges aside, the two firebrands are passionate voices for their own communities, something that Piers is eager to tap into. So finally, after years of vitriol, Piers Morgan is joined on Uncensored by both Owens and Shmuley for the first time. Their opening statements set the tone for the discussion, and no one should be surprised that they were confrontational.

The two combatants by and large debate the ongoing Israel-Hamas war, and nail each other to the wall on what they have and haven’t said.

Editor’s note: Rabbi Shmuley has asked us to make clear that he was unaware Candace Owens would have access to a laptop during the debate. This detail was not discussed with either party beforehand.

00:00 - Teaser
01:00 - Introduction
02:42 - Rabbi Shmuley calls Candace Owens an ‘American Tragedy’
07:45 - Candace rebukes Rabbi Shmuley’s claims, branding him ‘unhinged’
11:30 - Piers asks Rabbi Shmuley: "Where are we now with this war?"
15:16 - Rabbi Shmuley says Candace accused him of killing Michael Jackson
18:45 - “What you are doing right now is evil”
24:44 - “Israel is saving the Middle East from Hamas and Islamic Radicalism”
25:50 - “Is it fair to call what’s happening in Gaza a holocaust?"
26:32 - “A radical fringe has taken control of Israel”
35:54 - Rabbi Shmuley attacks Candace over Brigitte Macron conspiracy
37:55 - 'Why do so people in the Jewish community believe you are antisemitic?'
45:00 - 'Supporting' Adolf Hitler and difference between nationalism and globalism
47:00 - Piers asks Candace “are you a holocaust denier?”
52:34 - "Candace, do you condemn Catholic pedophilia?"
59:00 - Candace says something nice about Rabbi Shmuley
59:50 - Rabbi Shmuley says something nice about Candace

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20 Views · 1 year ago

⁣Amber Duke and Jessica Burbank react to news that Candace Owens and The Daily Wire have parted ways. #candaceowens #dailywire source:
The Real Holocausts
Meanwhile, there are genuine Holocausts which actually did happen last century, yet which are not memorialized. In fact, Jews file lawsuits to suppress their mention and/or accurate description in public schools and in modern media.
The undisputed genocide of 1.5 million Armenians at the hands of their Turkish oppressors in 1915 is particularly maddening since Turkey at that time was controlled by Donmeh Muslims. Now, you may not know this, but Donmeh Muslims are a sect comprised entirely of Jews who "converted" to Islam yet continued secretly to practice Judaism and refused to intermarry with true Turks. This was last century's first Holocaust and it was caused by Jews. My children are one fourth Armenian (my wife is half Armenian and half German...for what it is worth, I am half Scotch and half Irish). Does that make them Holocaust survivors?
In the post-revolution, Jewish-controlled Soviet Union, between 20 and 80 million White Christians systematically were murdered from 1917 to 1953. This was the second Holocaust of the Twentieth Century, perpetrated directly by Jews, in a preview of what they have in mind for American Christians during this coming century. What? You didn't think the de-Christianization of American schools, government and Christmas would stop where it currently stands, did you?
In what amounts to the third Holocaust of the Twentieth Century, the Allies firebombed Dresden, Germany, during WWII, simply to see if they could create a self-enervating firestorm. They succeeded and, in the maelstrom that followed, murdered upwards of 500,000 people, most of them civilians, and destroyed one of the most beautiful cities then in existence. Since the war was prosecuted at the behest of and for the benefit of Jews, the blood of Dresden is upon Jewish heads (to borrow the Biblical phrase, "His blood be upon our heads," uttered by the Jews who engineered the crucifixion of Jesus Christ).
The fourth Holocaust, of course, is America's laying waste to both Nagasaki and Hiroshima with nuclear bombs. The Jewish connection requires a short explanation. America cut off Japanese oil supplies, forcing their attack upon Pearl Harbor. Franklin Roosevelt had advance knowledge of Pearl Harbor, yet simply let it happen so that the American people finally would be outraged enough to allow him to declare war on Japan, which until then had been engaged in a long-standing, low-grade war solely with China. Without oil, Japan was sure to lose to China, thus was forced to lash out at America. Because of Japan's mutual defense pact with Germany, American Jews finally had an excuse to declare war against Germany, too, their primary objective in causing the US to interfere with Japan's war, which until then had been confined solely to Asia. Thus, the nuclear holocaust unleashed upon Japan also is to be laid at the feet of world Jewry.
The truth puts the lie to the laughably deniable so-called Jewish Holocaust. So few Jews died during WWII and those mainly of natural causes, at that, that the term Holocaust should not even be applied to what happened to them. Indeed, the four events of the Twentieth Century that actually deserve the term Holocaust all were caused by Jews themselves, advancing their own interests!
Excerpt from Nickel Rant by Edgar J. Steele

6 Views · 3 months ago

⁣Bart Sibrel joins me to discuss his work on investigating the moon landing. He is a filmmaker, writer, and investigative journalist and the director of the films "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon" and "Astronauts Gone Wild: An Investigation Into the Authenticity of the Moon Landings." Check out more of Bart's work at

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