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33 Views · 1 year ago



Taylor Swift is not a psy-op 🤣 #taylorswift #swifties #pentagon #taylorswiftisnotapsyop #saywhat #enemyofthepeople #fakenews #fakenews #youdontsay #mockingbird #mockingbirdmedia #mkultra #witch #trump #vote #nfl #kelce #pfizer wadeslattery i wasn't even thinking that but now I'm a firm believer
6d ago

Ericka Power · Creator
yup, pentagon admitted it and we knew it when she teamed up with NFL and pfizer


Once again, credit must go to Jack Posobiec, as I would NOT have cottoned onto this without his heads-up

If you put a gun to my head and told me that the only thing that would save me was to sing a single line from any Taylor Swift song...I might need to break free or eat a bullet - I've no bloody clue whatsoever; the closest I can come is "Are you ready for it" from a Nicholson1968 video exposing the #transapocalypse

I've a pretty solid theory regarding #taytay's gender - I guess they're paying Travis Kelce enough to KISS A MAN IN PUBLIC - YMMV

19 Views · 1 year ago

⁣When Mr. E says, "MAN ASS", better not be drinking anything
Legendary MrE - Mr. History - Fake Jew Tube HAS REMOVED THESE CHANNELS AND VIDEOS
Taylor Swift - Lipstick on a Pig - Satanic Depopulation Tranny Agenda
I could go on an extended rant...or I could provide to you the wake-up call I received in 2016: MR. E [w/ VfB] PRESENTS 🎬🎥 THE ASTONISHING SECRET OF HOLLYWOOD
This is roughly 4 hours of one of the best exposes ever performed, and this disappeared shortly after I'd downloaded it, fearing rightly that this would be (((Orwellized))) - it even begins with #taytay!
It sat, mostly unwatched, deep on my Brighteon channel; I received assistance from a bud [thanked in description] and was then able to post it on my platforms - VfB advises watching in blocks - I'd be interested in hearing whom on said video you don't believe belongs