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5 Views Ā· 1 day ago

ā£Mr. Nobody - @MattWallace888 Did you know weā€™re actually living in the year 1727, not 2025?

In a world where every idea seems divisive, it can help to know there are at least a few things that the world as a whole agrees on. Time, the calendar, and the basic idea that history as we know it happened pretty much like historians say it did are just a few of those things. After all, at the very least we can all agree that the year is 2017, right?


According to German historian Heribert Illig, the year is actually 1720, the Gregorian calendar is a lie, and a chunk of Middle Ages was completely made up.

No, this man is not crazy (at least not officially) and he actually claims to have archeological evidence to support his case.

In 1991, Illig proposed his theory, aptly called the Phantom Time Hypothesis. He claims there was conspiracy entered into back in 1000 AD to change the dating system by three world rulers.

Illig claims that Pope Sylvester II, Holy Roman Emperor Otto III, and Byzantine Emperor Constantine VII all got together and changed the calendar to make it seem as if Otto had begun his reign in the millennial year of 1000 AD, rather than 996. The reason being that 1000 sounded a lot more meaningful than 996 considering AD stands for ā€œanno domini,ā€ or, ā€œthe year of the Lord.ā€

Illig further claims that the trio altered existing documents, and created fraudulent historical events and people in order to back themselves up. He claims that Holy Roman Emperor Charlemagne was not in fact a real ruler, but simply a King Arthur-type legend. He explains that through all of this tampering and forgery, an extra 297 years were added to history.

Two hundred and ninety-seven years that didnā€™t actually happen.

Illig says that an inadequate system of dating medieval artifacts, as well as an over-reliance on written history are to blame. According to his research, the years between 614 and 911 AD donā€™t quite add up. The years prior to 614 were full of historically significant events, as were the years after 911, however, he claims that the ones in between were unusually dull.

He also points out that mathematical discrepancies between the Julian and Gregorian calendars further complicates things. The Julian calendar says that a full year is 365.25 days long, whereas the Gregorian calendar ā€” the one we use now ā€” says itā€™s actually 11 minutes shorter than that.

Furthermore, Illig claims that Roman architecture in 10th century western Europe is too modern for the time period in which it was supposedly built.

Though his Phantom Time Hypothesis seems far fetched, Illig has actually managed to find some supporters.

Dr. Hans-Ulrich Niemitz published a paper in 1995 titled ā€œDid the Early Middle Ages Really Exist?ā€ in which he claims they did not.

ā€œBetween Antiquity (1 AD) and the Renaissance (1500 AD) historians count approximately 300 years too many in their chronology,ā€ Niemitz wrote. ā€œIn other words: the Roman emperor Augustus really lived 1700 years ago instead of the conventionally assumed 2000 years.ā€

Some of Niemitzā€™s claims echoed Illigā€™s, such has the discrepancies between the Julian and Gregorian calendars and the lack of reliable historical sources. Though, Neimitz did admit that a counterargument could exist, as the Byzantium and Islamic regions were at war during the period, which was well documented.

Most historians worldwide are critical of the Phantom Time Hypothesis. Countless historians have chosen to argue it have used recorded dates of solar eclipses to do so, along with documented histories from other parts of the world that overlap the ā€œmissingā€ time periods.



3 Views Ā· 3 days ago

ā£Lee Griffiths - @8BitTendies This isnā€™t from Egypt,itā€™s from Iraq..Is our History all a liešŸ¤”


2 Views Ā· 9 days ago

ā£āšœšš‡šŽš„ššˆš• ֍ šƒš‘š€š†šŽšāšœ - Vaccines šŸ’‰ have always been crucial for these Devilsā“ļø šŸ‘€


4 Views Ā· 9 days ago

ā£TrueBlueRebel - I did not know The Balfour Declaration was written 20 years BEFORE the holocaust.

So it was all planned well in advance!



Here is the first paragraph of PASTEURIZATION OF MILK:

LORD ROTHSCHILD rose to call the attention of His Majesty's Government to the urgent need for compulsory pasteurization of milk in as many parts of the United Kingdom as is practicable; and to move for Papers. The noble Lord said: My Lords, in spite of your Lordships' well-known indulgence towards beginners, I imagine there are few who do not feel considerable apprehension on the occasion of their maiden speech in this Chamber. I feel this particularly because there are so many noble Lords who are better qualified to speak on the Motion in my name than I am. Nevertheless, I am fortified to a certain extent by the fact that the Motion has the backing of a number of learned institutions such as the British Medical Association, the Society of Medical Officers of Health, the Joint Tuberculosis Council, the Royal College of Surgeons and the Royal College of Physicians.

3 Views Ā· 9 days ago

ā£š•µš–”š–š–†š–“š–“š–Šš–˜ š•øš–Žš–‰š–Œš–†š–—š–‰š–— - Do you think "time travel" is possible?



5 Views Ā· 13 days ago

ā£Ted Theodore Logan - Titans once walked the earth!


Thumbnail: [thanks to šŸŽž]

Publishing House
3 Views Ā· 14 days ago


ā£Invading muslim caught raping child in back of UBER taxi and is able to leave?!


ā£YMCA member afro-latino blatino from Cape Coral Florida rapes child from pool in shower!


ā£International Invading NGO Non-Governmental Organization YMCA šŸ¤ø Young Mens Christian Association

7 Views Ā· 17 days ago

ā£Upcoming 10-Part Series ā€˜Rise of the Ravenā€™ to Tell Story of Legendary Hungarian Commander JĆ”nos Hunyadi

The first image for the upcoming epic miniseries Rise of the Raven has been released. Dubbed ā€œone of the most epic European TV productions of all timeā€ and based on a series of novels, the show, about the life of JĆ”nos Hunyadi, is in the advanced editing stage and is being financed by Beta Film GmbH and the National Film Institute of Hungary.

Rise of the Raven has a multimillion-euro production value. As aforementioned, it tells the story of JƔnos Hunyadi, also known as John Hunyadi, a Hungarian military commander and governor who lived between 1406-56. It stars GellƩrt L. Kadar as the famed leader and Vivien Rujder as Elizabeth, his life partner, with Robert Dornhelm, Attila Szasz and Orsi Nagypal directing.

Others slated to appear in the 10-episode series include Giancarlo Giannini, Cornelius Obonya, Laurence Rupp, Karl Roden, Rade Serbedzija, Elena Rusconi, Murathan Muslu, Francesco Acquaroli and Thomas Trabacchi.

Born into a noble family, Hunyadiā€™s early life was ā€œplagued by scandal, political power plays and conspiracies between noble families from Italy, Poland, Austria, Serbia, and Hungary.ā€ He became knowledgeable and skilled in warfare at a young age, becoming one of the best soldiers in southern Hungary. This proved crucial during early skirmishes with the Ottomans, who found it difficult to succeed against Hunyadiā€™s small force of troops.

Hunyadiā€™s battlefield prowess led to him being named the military governor of Severin, which continuously suffered attacks by the Ottoman Empire. Before long, he was promoted to the governor of Transylvania and given control of all defensive measures along Hungaryā€™s southern borders. By 1443-44, the commander was involved in the Long Campaign and had grown his military force exponentially.

Among the victories Hunyadi secured during this time were the Battle of Kunovica and the capture of Sofia, KruŔevac and NiŔ. He suffered a defeat at the Battle of Varna, narrowly escaping the enemy forces, and went to serve as a governor of Hungary, doing all he could to restore political, military, social and economic order to the country.

It was his victory during the Siege of Belgrade in 1455-56 that earned him a permanent place in history as the ā€œMan Who Saved Europe.ā€ A new offensive was launched by the Ottomans on the city, which Huyandi opted to take on with a band of mercenaries and untrained peasants who fought with everything they had to push back the assault.

They were successful, but the victory cost the commander his life. Heā€™d caught an illness that had spread through the army during the battle and died a few days later. In honor of Huyandiā€™s victory, Pope Callixtus III ordered that every European church ring its bells at noon each day, a custom that still exists in some congregations.

Speaking in a news release, Koby Gal-Raday, Beta Filmā€™s Chief Content Officer said, ā€œRise of the Raven delivers on its promises ā€“ a highly entertaining, emotional, and powerful historical saga of exceptional production value. With a strong and unique emphasis on female perspectives, the series offers captivating storylines that are highly relevant to todayā€™s audience. Supported by a stellar creative team and an excellent international cast, we firmly believe in its significant global potential.ā€

Producer Robert Lantos added in a statement, ā€œT S Eliot once wrote that between the dream and the reality there lies the shadow. Throughout my entire career I have been battling this shadow. Finally, with Rise of the Raven, the shadow has been vanquished. This time, the dream is the reality.ā€

Thereā€™s currently no release date set for Rise of the Raven.


2 Views Ā· 18 days ago

ā£Sarge is joined by regular Thursday guest hosts, Mike Gaddy, Cal Robbins and DW along with Special Guests, Cathy Meskel of the Support Our Soldiers Foundation and Phil Tourney of the USS Liberty Survivors. They discuss the heart-breaking story of the US government's treasonous betrayal of the U.S.S. Liberty and her crew when they were attacked by Israel in a false flag attempt to get the US into WWIII with Egypt and the middle east. They also cover Cathy's mission to create a Memorial to the USS Liberty and her crew and to find a place to call its home as the US governement will not allow it to be placed on government land.



2 Views Ā· 19 days ago

ā£Redpill Drifter - YOUR STRAWMAN IDENTITY Believe it or not, you have been slave property of a corporation called the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. The UNITED STATES has been a private corporation since 1871 as defined in Blackā€™s Law dictionary, Act of 1871, and 28 U.S.C. Ā§3002/15 (A) (B) (C)



IIRC, said corporation was dissolved in 1999 in the 3rd bankruptcy of USA Corp

Excerpt from Missing 13th Amendment Found: ā€œNo Lawyers In Public Officeā€ (Re-Post from Your Newswire):

Even though the Treaty of Paris ended the Revolutionary War in 1783, the simple fact of our existence threatened the monarchies. The United States stood as a heroic role model for other nations, that inspired them to also struggle against oppressive monarchies. The French Revolution (1789-1799) and the Polish national uprising (1794) were in part encouraged by the American Revolution. Though we stood like a beacon of hope for most of the world, the monarchies regarded the United States as a political typhoid Mary, the principle source of radical democracy that was destroying monarchies around the world. The monarchies must have realized that if the principle source of that infection could be destroyed, the rest of the world might avoid the contagion and the monarchies would be saved. Their survival at stake, the monarchies sought to destroy or subvert the American system of government. Knowing they couldnā€™t destroy us militarily, they resorted to more covert methods of political subversion, employing spies and secret agents skilled in bribery and legal deception ā€” it was, perhaps, the first ā€œcold warā€. Since governments run on money, politicians run for money, and money is the usual enticement to commit treason, much of the monarchyā€™s counter- revolutionary efforts emanated
from English banks.

DONā€™T BANK ON IT (Modern Banking System)

The essence of banking was once explained by Sir Josiah Stamp, a former president of the Bank of England:ā€The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing. The process is perhaps the most astounding piece of sleight of hand that was ever invented. Banking was conceived in inequity and born in sinā€¦ Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them but leave them the power to create money, and, with a flick of a pen, they will create enough money to buy it back againā€¦ Take this great power away from them, or if you want to continue to be the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, then let bankers continue to create money and control credit.ā€

The last great abuse of the U.S. banking system caused the depression of the 1930ā€™s. Todayā€™s abuses may cause another. Current S&L and bank scandals illustrate the on-going relationships between banks, lawyers, politicians, and government agencies (look at the current BCCI bank scandal, involving lawyer Clark Clifford, politician Jimmy Carter, the Federal Reserve, the FDIC, and even the CIA). These scandals are the direct result of years of law-breaking by an alliance of bankers and lawyers using their influence and money to corrupt the political process and rob the public. (Think youā€™re not being robbed? Guess whoā€™s going to pay the bill for the excesses of the S&Lā€™s, U.S.-taxpayer? You are.) The systematic robbery of productive individuals by parasitic bankers and lawyers is not a recent phenomenon. This abuse is a human tradition that predates the Bible and spread from Europe to America despite early colonial prohibitions.

The bait and switch occurred when Article 9 of the Articles of Confederation was watered down into the largely toothless and replaced original 13th Amendment

3 Views Ā· 21 days ago

ā£FLAT OUT TRUTH - Are you ready to learn about Dicyanian glass? šŸ‘€


Dicyanin Dye
I mentioned this in a comment somewhere, but I think it might get lost lol. Though I thought i might mention it here. I have been looking for a pair of glasses that has this (the only one I can find is a amazon shop under "Generic Ghost Hunting Aura Glasses Dicyanin Style" with a gaudy looking advertisement (and I doubt they are actually legit with this dye) But I think it might make for a good video suggestion.

Some comments:

Imma be real with you, them making ā€œaura glassesā€ illegal is cuz they donā€™t want you to see their true colors, youā€™ll see the demon inside of them fr. red dicyanin was used for night vision in Vietnam, they had to ban them from use cuz people were seeing evil entities at night, shooting at things that were completely invisible to the naked eye. Makes even more sense why the ptsd was so bad.

Close but no cigar, red phosphor was the reason for red nvgs it was it's red phosphor tube that gave the red color, most of the "evil entity" sightings as well we're from pilots and people in the air, a few from ground troops, a lot of theories suggest that the pilots and airborne personnel were partially hallucinating from Lack of oxygen as they flew higher than they should without oxygen supplies as they didn't want to get shot and a mix of already suffering PTSD as nam was fucking terrifying(great uncles words not mine Frank E Krause if you wanna see his silver star) of course dicyanin lenses are also said to have this property and it's said that's why it was banned however I like to lean more towards the fact that coal tar is shown to be cancer causing just from processing it differently and the dicyanin production process is definitely one of the toxic ones. I am inclined to believe it definitely could block out our visible light and bring uv to our perception which very well could make you see auras or spirits as they're theorized to be visible in that spectrum of light The human atmosphere talks about his "kilner slides" glass tested with different dyes to train our eyes to detect emr and n rays I'm pretty sure. Most of them were said to be very strenuous on the human eyes. One of them being dicyanin. Some sources will say red dicyanin (not real dicyanin as it's blue) was used in nam but that's really just quora and reddit kids who want to believe the government hides everything( which they def do not denying that) but red dicyanin glass itself isn't gonna make any nvgs but they definitely aren't gonna put a red dyed glass over a red amplification tube as it would just wash out all contrast between items and you're vision would just be one big red cataract as light wouldn't properly get in

Here they are - truly terrifying

3 Views Ā· 25 days ago

ā£Excerpt from SPARTACUS EDUCATIONAL's entry on Konrad Heiden:

Until other scholars began their work on Nazi documents after World War II Mr. Heiden was the best-known authority outside Germany on the party and its leaders....

To the leaders of the Third Reich. Heiden was a hated and sought-after enemy. One ofthe Nazis' acts upon taking over a country was always to ban and burn his books.

Mr. Heiden is sometimes given credit for popularizing the word "Nazi." The National Socialists were known in their earliest days by the conventional abbreviation "Naso" until Mr. Heiden, it was said. began using "Nazi"-Bavarian slang for "bumpkin" or "simpleton" in his articles....

The writer was a propagandist of a special kind-one who used objectivity and documents to destroy the object of his derision....

As a writer for the liberal Frankfurter Zeitung ... his special assignment was the Nazi party. It was said that Hitler sometimes refused to start meetings until Mr. Heiden arrived.

In 1930 he left the paper to manage an anti-Nazi newspaper syndicate in Berlin. In 1932 his first book, History of National Socialism was publicly burned by the Nazis, who were then on the brink of gaining power. When they took over... In 1933, he fled.


Thumbnail: [thanks to and šŸ–²]

8 Views Ā· 27 days ago

ā£Waken Minds š“‚€ - The great wall of China is actually the great wall of Tartaria You cannot unsee it once you know



Too bad they didn't build a wall UNDER THE GROUND āœ…

4 Views Ā· 28 days ago

ā£The two most relevant comments:

Just wait till you find out where all modern American text books come from. Or at least who owns and controls the publishing houses that print them. There's a reason Americans are taught lies instead of our real history.

Egyptians were here over 2000 years ago, there are pyramids and artifacts in the Grand Canyon


THumbnail: [thanks to šŸ–²]

4 Views Ā· 1 month ago

ā£Real Ben - No movies. No Netflix/ Cable specials. Why? These were the most murderous people that ever existed. We not only allowed these horrors to take place, but we aligned ourselves with these monsters, against the only ones who ever tried to stop them. We fought the wrong enemy.


5 Views Ā· 1 month ago

ā£The war for Tartaria was not just battle šŸ’„šŸ‘‡



5 Views Ā· 1 month ago

ā£18 years before Hitler was even in powerā€¦



246 Newspaper Articles about 6,000,000 Jews from 1900-1945


The Six-Million Figure: Another Holocaust Lie and the Lying Liars ... - VT

6 Million | PDF | The Holocaust | Adolf Hitler - Scribd

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