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11 Views · 4 days ago

⁣Rufus_2688 - Pretty big swords for normal sized people 🗡😳


Way back in 2016, when Orange Man Bad curbstomped the PantsuitWarPig 🐗, VfB had begun watching Coach Dave Daubenmire, by way of Doug Hagmann. One of Doug's contemporaries was a fellow by the name of Doc Marquis, formerly of the Illuminati and excommunicated [if there is really such a thing]

He recorded a DVD titled There Were Giants in the Earth

In this riveting 2-DVD set, Doc Marquis falls back on over 50 years’ worth of occult knowledge and takes us back to the ancient days when giants walked upon the earth. Step by step Doc reveals that ancient giants were responsible for the creation of ancient, megalithic stone circles and then shows us the direct connection between them and modern-day crop circles. Then using his vast occult knowledge, Doc will show us that not all crop formations are created equal. Using one startling example after another Doc will show us, through various crop formations, that aliens could not be responsible for their creation. That there is something very diabolical, something very occultic going on with cro formations.

Even Abraham Lincoln mentioned giants!

3 Views · 14 days ago


Napoleon fought the Jewish Money Powers

In the 18th century, the City of London controlled British, conducted three major wars, against Spain, the U.S., and France. The principal objective of the war against France was to destroy Napoleon's debt- and interest-free system of finance. So too was the purpose of England's second war against the American colonies.

Interestingly, the purpose of the Jewish bank is revealed by the sad state of the English people.

In order to destroy Napoleon's state bank, it cost the British public a staggering £831 million, of which over £2.5 billion were still outstanding in 1914.

"It is necessary to reduce, if not destroy, the tendency of Jewish people to practice a very great number of activities that are harmful to civilization and to public order in society in all the countries of the world."
— Napoleon Bonaparte, 1808



By 1812, Napoleon dominated nearly all of Europe, with only Britain still opposing him. To crush Britain's ally Russia, Napoleon assembled a massive Grand Army of over 600,000 men from across Europe. As summer began, they invaded Russia expecting a swift victory.

The Russians, under General Kutuzov, avoided direct battle at first. Instead, they retreated deeper into Russia's interior, practicing a scorched earth policy as they went. Villages were burned, crops destroyed and wells spoiled, leaving nothing for the French army to live off.

Napoleon captured Moscow in September, but it had been abandoned and burned by the Russians. With winter approaching and his supply lines overextended, Napoleon had no choice but to order the Grand Army to turn back.

The bitter Russian winter soon set in. Freezing cold, starvation and attacks from Russian forces devastated the French soldiers during the long, miserable retreat. By the time the surviving 100,000 troops stumbled back into Poland, the Grand Army had been wrecked, with over 400,000 casualties.

Napoleon's invasion of Russia proved to be his undoing. The massive failure shook French power and set the stage for Napoleon's eventual defeat and abdication. His ambition could not overcome the Russian winter that decimated his once unstoppable forces. It was a blow that marked the beginning of the end for Napoleon.

5 Views · 14 days ago

⁣Google 1940s terrorism press enter, image & read! - What is blood libel? What does it have to do with #israel?

I was first approached nearly a year ago by researcher , with a request for help in translating Hellmut Schramm's book, Der jüdische Ritualmord : Eine historische Untersuchung [Jewish Ritual-Murder : a Historical Investigation]. I agreed to translate one chapter into English, with the possibility of my making a deeper commitment should I deem the book worth such an investment of my time and energy. To my great surprise, I not only found Schramm's work to be worth translating, but I became determined to perform the entire translation myself and see it made available in English.

Two comments:

DRL1 said...
You obviously need some intensive psychotherapy. Jewish ritual murder has long been a claim to spur on anti-Semitism when it has no historic basis. The Catholic Church long ago denied its existence. Based on the content of your text you probably believe in an international Jewish conspiracy and your bible is probably the Protocols of the Elders of Zion; a fraudulent work by the Tsarist secret police. Get some help.
December 10, 2010 at 5:49 PM

Anonymous said...
The pretentious, pompous little jew-lover below me says 'no historic basis'. I beg to differ! google "My Irrelevant Defence Jewish Ritual Murder" and "Jewish Ritual Murders court records" for starters. Funny how the Jews want us to think that the whole thing is a hoax. They want us to think that mankind, starting in the middle-east all the way to Europe, have been 'conspiring' to perpetuate a 'anti-semetic lie' against the poor innocent, persecuted 'chosen race'. Apperantly some dumb goyim believe it! Catholic Church? doesn't the Pope wear a yamaka nowadays! Hahah! Conspiracy? the only one dumb enough to believe in 'conspiracies' is you. Speaking of bibles, I suggest readers to take a peak into the anti-human Talmud some time. Oh yeah read the Protocols, but only after you know who's got an ethnic grip of media, politics, economy, education, etc, then it will all make sense. Get informed.
October 13, 2011 at 2:40 AM

7 Views · 16 days ago

⁣Have you ever heard of...FORDLANDIA❓

VfB shouldn't habs to tell you to note the (((circumstances))):

DURING THE 1920S HENRY FORD was benefiting from a major boom in the automobile industry. His company was selling thousands upon thousands of cars and needed massive amounts of rubber to make tires. Unfortunately, rubber manufacturers in East Asia were running a virtual monopoly that drove up the price of raw materials. Ford’s idea: Create the world’s largest rubber plantation in the middle of the Amazon forest, which after all is the native habitat of rubber trees.

The auto tycoon bought over six million acres and named his Americanized colony Fordlândia. Ford went so far as to build a modern hospital, a power plant, a library, a golf course, a hotel, and thousands of little white clapboard houses for the employees to live in. Eventually, as the community grew, other businesses such as bakeries, butcher shops, restaurants, and shoemakers were established.

Ford employees from America were relocated to this little piece of America along the Amazon River where they—along with the native Brazilian workers who moved into the settlement to work at the factory—were forced to live the mandatory “healthy lifestyle.” This included attending poetry readings, square dances, and English-language-only singalongs, and abstaining from alcohol, which was prohibited in Fordlândia.

Unfortunately Fordlândia proved to be wildly unsuccessful. The rubber saplings that Ford had planted (without the help of a botanist) were barely growing, and those that did grow were soon hit by a leaf blight, which ruined the remaining trees. By the end of the 1920s malaria became a serious problem. In December 1930 agitated workers rioted, breaking windows and overturning vehicles in the road. After the riots, which lasted less than three days, work continued, but there was almost no product to show for the millions of dollars Ford had poured into the jungle. In 1933, after coming to terms with the failure, Ford purchased a new plot of land downriver and called it Belterra. At first the land showed promise, but progress was slow. After 10 years of work, Ford realized that his goal of 38,000 tons of latex was a far cry from his factory’s output of just 750 tons.

Ford retired from the rubber industry in 1945 after losing over $20 million in the Amazon (over $200 million in today’s dollars). The Brazilian government purchased all of Ford’s land for a measly $250,000. Today some of the structures of Fordlândia and Belterra still remain and are marked as spots for Amazon tours.

Huh - sounds (((unfortunate)))...but WHY?!?

WHY wasn't this a good idea?

VfB hopes that everyone whom viewed the entirety of HENRY🚙FORD WAS TAKEN OUT BY THE (((HBM))) SO THAT THE #transapocalyptico WENT AS PLANNED understood the exact point of the posting: witness as to how a man who had solved the basic materials needs for a family was destroyed by the (((homosexual banking mafia))), utilizing a carefully crafted series of multi pronged attacks, all imperceptible until the very last moment, on every possible attack vector available

One of the things VfB spent his time on was exactly what Henry Ford had accomplished nearly half a century prior to my coming to this plane[t]; yet hadn't the slightest inkling of this until off-handedly using his name in one of my ROOM EIGHT columns, which garnered a kvetching from Bitchmouth, one of the assigned media managers [VfB is going to re-record FRANKENFOOT THEATRE EPISODE 28 🤔 WHO CONTROLS U.S. POLICY? - one of the most interfered-into episodes of my presentations]

Once VfB realized that Henry Ford had indeed fixed everything, freed my resources quite a bit, which allowed a refining of the data gleaned over the decades [unlike Clif High, VfB doesn't have to query and collate databases - it's all done upstairs 🧠]

Once again: if you haven't listened or watched the whole thing, set aside some time to watch this with those you care about, and bear witness to what we had...and lost

We had the Jetsons, but now we're all George, Jane, Judy and Elroy Jetson, stuck in the set of the Flintstones, and there's no Rosie the Robot in sight; even worse, we don't even have Dino!





OMGITSFLOOD Audiobooks [includes The Dearborn Independent archive]:

4 Views · 19 days ago

⁣Being VfB isn't the endless picnic you'd think it is; instead of bringing you this tired ass old story, yet again, should instead have posted HORSE FACED WHORE STORMY DANIELS GRIFTS $900K FROM TRUMP DERANGED MORONS ON GOFUNDME, CLAIMS THREATS - - because then, at least, making jokes like Stormy does the two-point conversion on pr0nHub wouldn't just smack you out of left field ⚾ but no

I am not interested in any Zionist talking point. Chosen ones lie. Shifting the blame is pointless.


9 Views · 1 month ago

⁣communists means jews..interchangeable



Coach Dave does not necessarily endorse any of the views in this posting, but you really should hear this show - it's also an attempt at cracking the Brighteon embargo currently in place - do you recall the Beatitudes?

VfB thinks ahead by a dozen plot points; one of the possible scenarios is the ol' bait and switch, as you'll see below, the 10 Commandments are coming back, thanks to Louisiana - in no way think or believe that VfB is impugning the motives of the good folk down there, as there's a certain pastor and his family whom know my heart. Recall that the Noahide Laws were surreptitiously installed in the United States in 1991

Camohn, goyimzes, why not 7 instead of 10, eh? Such a deal, goys!

When one just gives another something without really meaning it, that thing won't mean anything to anyone - that's just how it works

Witness the George Floyd riots, which, like 9/11 and Sandy Hook, just all a big shoah

Once again, VfB implores you to write in your own script revisions 🎬


Show #2181 Show Notes:

Louisiana first state to require ten commandments in classroom:

The Beatitudes:

The Fellowship of the Unashamed:

Dave Daubenmire, a veteran 35 year high school football coach, was spurred to action when attacked and eventually sued by the ACLU in the late 1990’s for mixing prayer with his coaching. As a result of the experience, Coach heard the call to move out of coaching a high school team, to the job of coaching God’s team. PASS THE SALT was formed to encourage the Body of Christ to step into the cultural war. “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood…” PASS THE SALT is convinced that God has given the Body a window of opportunity to take our culture back.

Video Membership Site - https://CoachDaveLIVE.TV

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13 Views · 1 month ago

⁣As promised from the HOAXBUSTERS shoah 🤓

This video is taken from a lecture by Myron C. Fagan, one of the pioneer Conspiracy scholars of the Twentieth Century. In this video he lays bare the operations and the deeds of the shadow government which controls and manipulates the elected government of the U.S.A., as well as all other governments of all nation states of the world. Mr. Fagan explains the founding of the Illuminati and the Council on Foreign Relations; and the men behind those organisations.

This wasn't terribly had to acquire; from the archive:

Myron Coureval Fagan's notorious warning from 1967 regarding an ancient plot of the Communist persuasion, and the gradual takeover of America from within.

Transcript is provided - see under PDF in sidebar.

Audio is the best quality I've found online, and is extracted from video previously located here on archive - now removed (uploaded in 2017 - discovered it missing in May, 2021).



Comment from webservant of . . .

Myron Fagan makes mention at the end of his presentation that the Mormon Church is one of the few that hasn't submitted to the Illuminati, but this is NOT accurate. The Mormon cult was founded in 1830 by Joseph Smith, an occult 33rd degree Freemason; as was Charles Taze Russell who founded the Jehovah's Witness cult in 1874. There is an occult connection between all mainstream religions. The Mormon Temple in Salt Lake City, Utah, displays the all-seeing Eye of Horus above it's doors. Mormonism is rooted in Kaballah, Jewish occult mysticism which originated from Pagan Babylon when the Jews were in captivity for 70 years. Kindly said, Mormonism is straight out of Hell and is definitely a part of the New World Order. The ONLY way to Heaven is through faith alone in the Gospel (Good News) of Jesus Christ crucified on the cross for our sins, buried, and bodily resurrected three days later (1st Corinthians 15:1-4; Mark 1:15; Galatians 3:26). Now learn about your Illuminati-controlled government. How could Americans be so naive? ...

11 Views · 1 month ago

⁣How close are we to curbstomping the false narrative of WW2?



What was Hitler’s Unforgivable Sin?

by J. B. Campbell

Hitler resisted Judaism. When you’re a little kid in school or at the movies, resisting Judaism can be made to seem a very wicked thing. As an adult, you can be made to think that to resist Judaism is the very worst, the most dangerous thing. When you see what has happened to people who have resisted Judaism, well – you certainly don’t want that to happen to you.

Adolf Hitler was, is and will always be the most dangerous character in history due to his resistance against Judaism combined with his eloquence in explaining why Judaism must be resisted. Some of us “Jew-fighters” have a personal motto, delenda est judaica, or Judaism must be destroyed. Or, Defense Against Jewish Aggression. When we have studied the history of whatever period you care to name, or just looked at the news, true humans react with the natural urge to remove this cancer from society. The most astonishing example of the Jewish mentality was last year’s murderous assault against the humanitarians attempting to bring food, medicine and building materials to the people of Gaza. Jewish ways are repellant to the human mind and are not examined overmuch for that reason.

Judaism can be simply described as very bad behavior.

Hitler never attempted to destroy Judaism but rather to isolate it and perhaps remove its adherents from Europe. This followed attempts to train Jews to be productive human beings in places such as Dachau and Theresienstadt. As Evelyn Kaye writes in The Hole in the Sheet, orthodox Jews do not work. They are allergic to work, preferring instead to occupy themselves by reading the Talmud and arguing endlessly with other Jews about what they read. So this is a big problem with Jews, their refusal to work and produce something that is not based on ripping off and confounding their victims.

Hitler’s attempt to re-train Jews, which didn’t work, and then to remove Jews from Europe was a work in progress. Since the Khazars had infiltrated Europe from the east, his plan for relocation was to put them back in the Pale whence they came. This scheme depended upon the success of Operation Barbarossa, the great assault against the Soviet Union which was always the ultimate and stated objective of the National Socialists. Communism had to be destroyed so that Judaism could be re-confined to its traditional home in the Pale of Settlement. Hitler’s basic plan for Jews was somehow to confine and isolate them in a place in which they could be prevented from doing humanity more harm. This is a very difficult thing to do because there are so many aspects to Judaism, the most dangerous of which is banking, which is the main point of this piece.

Because now I’m seeing that the main purpose of keeping alive the Holocaust is to protect Jewish banking practices.


As Hitler remarked in his declaration of war following Pearl Harbor, he had delivered Germany from the doubly devastating conditions of the Versailles Treaty and the general world Depression by 1935 while Roosevelt kept mighty America in abject misery with his Federal Reserve starvation policies right to the present time (December, 1941). He stole all the people’s gold and then increased its value by 60%. And he refused to do what Lincoln had done before him and what Kennedy would do after him: he refused to issue debt-free currency and rescue the American people from aggravated poverty, degradation and death by starvation.

How could that be? How could Hitler state such a thing? Because it was true. It was simple and it was true. The secret to general and permanent prosperity is for the government of any country to issue debt-free currency in amounts necessary for commerce and growth. That is what the founders had in mind with Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution. We should read that over from time to time. Clause 5 says that the “Congress shall have power To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures.” Clause 6 is even better: “Congress shall have the power To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States.”

You can see where this puts the owners of the counterfeiting company called the Federal Reserve System. The proposed punishment for counterfeiting was execution by hanging.

Anyway, let us recognize the Holocaust for what it is, a device to make the idea of debt-free currency repellant to our minds, because anyone who would do it really just wants to gas the Jews.

6 Views · 1 month ago

⁣What was the true reason for the creation of Juneteenth? Bait and switch, just like every single time in history - let VfB introduce to you Julius and Ethel Rosenberg [whom may NOT have been executed]:*

On June 19th 1953, married couple Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, who were convicted of conspiring to pass U.S. atomic secrets to the Soviet union, were executed at Sing Sing Prison in New York. Both refused to admit any wrongdoing and proclaimed their innocence right up to the time of their deaths, by the electric chair. The Rosenbergs were the first U.S. citizens to be convicted and executed for espionage during peacetime and their case remains controversial to this day.

Were they innocent scapegoats for overzealous red-scare mongers and rabid anti semites? Or were they, not only avowed communists, but indeed soviet spies that crucially aided the Ruskies in developing their own A-bomb, thus emboldening their militaristic expansion policies in critical post war years when America would have otherwise had unchallenged militaristic supremacy?

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* What could VfB possibly mean by this...?

12 Views · 1 month ago

⁣VfB personally exposed Rosa Parks during a past episode of the HOAXBUSTERS, with the show being removed off-air while in session; that was preceded with the epiphany that Jussie Smollett was also a crypto-yid 🕍 enjoy this made up history:

Rosa Parks occupies an iconic status in the civil rights movement after she refused to vacate a seat on a bus in favor of a white passenger in Montgomery, Alabama. In 1955, Parks rejected a bus driver's order to leave a row of four seats in the "colored" section once the white section had filled up and move to the back of the bus.

Her defiance sparked a successful boycott of buses in Montgomery a few days later. Residents refused to board the city's buses. Instead they carpooled, rode in Black-owned cabs, or walked, some as far as 20 miles. The boycott dealt a severe blow to the bus company's profits as dozens of public buses stood idle for months. The boycott was led by a newcomer to Montgomery named Martin Luther King, Jr.


At the time, Parks led the youth division at the Montgomery branch of NAACP. She said her anger over the lynching of 14-year-old Emmett Till and the failure to bring his killers to justice inspired her to make her historic stand. Four days before the incident, Parks attended a meeting where she learned of the acquittal of Till's murderers.

In her autobiography, Rosa Parks: My Story (1992), Parks declares her defiance was an intentional act: "I was not tired physically, or no more tired than I usually was at the end of a working day. I was not old, although some people have an image of me as being old then. I was 42. No, the only tired I was, was tired of giving in."

As a result of her defiance, Parks was arrested and found guilty of disorderly conduct. NAACP joined her appeal, a case that languished in the Alabama court system. Segregation on public buses eventually ended in 1956 after a Supreme Court ruling declared it unconstitutional in Browder v. Gayle. Parks was not included as a plaintiff in the decision since her case was still pending in the state court.

"I was not tired physically, or no more tired than I usually was at the end of a working day. I was not old, although some people have an image of me as being old then. I was 42. No, the only tired I was, was tired of giving in." — Rosa Parks


In addition to her arrest, Parks lost her job as a seamstress at a local department store. Her husband Raymond lost his job as a barber at a local air force base after his boss forbade him to talk about the legal case. Parks and her husband left Montgomery in 1957 to find work, first traveling to Virginia and later to Detroit, Michigan.

Parks supported the militant Black power movement, whose leaders disagreed with the methods of the nonviolent movement represented by Martin Luther King. Her break with other Montgomery leaders over the future of the civil rights struggle contributed to her departure from the Southern city.

Parks was struck by the similarity in treatment of African Americans in Detroit, finding that schools and housing were just as segregated as they were in the South. She joined the movement for fair housing and lent her support to local candidate John Conyers in his bid for Congress.

After he was elected in 1965, Conyers repaid the favor by employing Parks as his secretary in his Detroit office, a position she held until her retirement in 1988. In the role, Parks worked with constituents on issues such as job discrimination, education, and affordable housing.

Parks remained active in the civil rights movement in the 1960s and helped investigate the killing of three Black teenagers in a 1967 race riot in Detroit.


Over the course of her life, Parks received many honors, including NAACP's Springarn Medal in 1979, the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1996, and the Congressional Gold Medal in 1999. After Parks died in Detroit in 2005 at the age of 92, she became the first woman to lie in honor in the Capitol Rotunda in Washington, D.C.

California, Missouri, Ohio, and Oregon commemorate Rosa Parks Day every year, and highways in Missouri, Michigan, and Pennsylvania bear her name.



20 Views · 1 month ago

⁣A time capsule from 1887 found in the pedestal of a Robert E. Lee statue in Virginia was opened by officials on Tuesday. The capsule contains documents, coins and other historical artifacts.

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Let's habs a good ol' LINKAAPPAALLOOZZA 🥳

6 Views · 1 month ago

⁣"Imagine, them telling us we're inefficient, then inefficiently running a system which should be paying for itself...and then having the chutzpah to charge interest" - VfB

"im not racist"
"I have jewish friends"
"not all jews"
"Im Christian, its cool if we let jews have power in Russia in 1873"
...and many more classical favorites!

Pre-quel to the Holodomor.



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9 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Stew Peters - Rare archival footage of the horrific conditions in Auschwitz.



AltCastTV & Odysee thumbnail:

Haunting drone footage captures aerial view of Auschwitz
Originally on Rumble February 8, 2017

The Auschwitz concentration camp, built and operated by the Third Reich in Poland and annexed by Nazi Germany during World War II, receives some chilling aerial footage operated by a drone...

...because that's haunting and scary, right, goyimzes 🕍

16 Views · 1 month ago

⁣As with that other conspiracy mythos, Qanon, that has likely been encouraged every step of the way by Russian disinformation campaigns online, the Tartarian Empire hoax has grown to become a mega-theory as its proponents take a buffet-style approach, incorporating into the myth complex any pet theory or crazy notion they fancy. One can imagine that it’s especially hard to control a conspiracy narrative once it has been fed to the conspiracy nut community. Thus we see claims about the Illuminati come in to explain the worldwide cover-up, or of the Jewish World Conspiracy, which isn’t that surprising considering its connection to Russian claims of Aryan supremacy. To further explain why the existence of Tartaria had to be covered up, conspiracists have incorporated elements of the fantastical claims about Atlantis or hollow earth civilizations: namely that the Tartarians had advanced technology, free wireless energy technology to be more specific, and that the powers that be conspired to hide this from the energy dependent masses. And then, there is the doozy—that Tartaria was actually peopled by giants. Never mind that all the buildings they identify as Tartarian are made for regular size people. They found a few photos of grand, oversized doors, and of course they found statuary and paintings depicting, you guessed it, giants. They link the existence of giants in the lands of Tartary through the tales of Gog and Magog, which have historically been associated with Mongolians, as I discussed in my episode on Prester John. And from there, it just devolved into photoshopped hoaxes of gigantic bones. But the argument against the historical existence of giants deserves to have its own episode and would be too much of a digression here at the end of this one. To conclude, let’s just hope that the fringe nutcases who have taken up the Tartarian standard and run with it online continue to take the idea in such ridiculous and fantastical directions that it becomes ever more laughable, and thus, if we’re lucky, useless as Russian propaganda.

Further Reading

Dharma, Nagato. “Tartary / Tartaria — The Mystery of an Empire Lost in History.” History of Yesterday, 2 July 2020,

Elliott, Mark C. “The Limits of Tartary: Manchuria in Imperial and National Geographies.” The Journal of Asian Studies, vol. 59, no. 3, 2000, pp. 603–46,

Mortice, Zach. “Inside the ‘Tartarian Empire,’ the QAnon of Architecture.” Bloomberg, 27 April 2021,

“National Cultural Development Under Communism.” Freedom of Information Act Electronic Reading Room, 11 Nov. 2016,

Sheiko, Konstantin. “Lomonosov's bastards: Anatolii Fomenko, pseudo-history and Russia's search for a post-communist identity.” (PhD thesis) School of History and Politics, University of Wollongong, 2004.

“Tartaria: The Supposed Mega-Empire of Inner Eurasia.” Reddit, uploaded by u/EnclavedMicrostate,


21 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Another question is where did the orphans come from?

If the orphans were “created” it would be plausible that the NPC culture is connected to the Orphan Trains

Could the Orphans and their offspring be the Useless Eaters w/ no inner monologue so commonly refered to by the elite



What were the Orphan Trains and what did they do for children? It’s an intriguing story. It’s considered the precursor to modern foster care in America.

The orphan train movement in America was a unique experiment in child welfare. Back in the mid-1800's, there were not a lot of options for poor, homeless, abused, and/or neglected children other than orphanages or almshouses. The issue of these types of children was especially noticeable in New York City, where there were estimates of over 30,000 children living on the streets in the 1850's. These children often lived in groups and were susceptible to disease and abuse from strangers. Many of them looked for ways to make a little money by selling match sticks, rags, and other small items. Others turned to crime. Police had no idea what to do with these children when they were caught stealing food or other items they needed to get by on the streets, so they put them in jail. While they were housed and fed in jail, they were also kept with the adult prisoners, which was not always a good situation for the children, especially since children as young as five years old were sometimes jailed with violent adult criminals.

Charles Loring Brace, a minister, and philanthropist thought there should be a better way for these children. He did not believe the orphanages and almshouses did them any good, as they received no education or job training there, and only learned to depend on charity to get the things they needed. He wanted to teach these children how to work and earn a living on their own while giving them good homes, so they could be independent as adults. These beliefs led him to start the Orphan Train movement.

With the Orphan Trains, street children abused and neglected children, and orphans were taken from wherever they were residing in New York City, and placed on trains to the West. Brace believed the pioneers in the West could use extra children to help on the farms. The children were to be treated just as any other child in the family, and older children were to receive wages for the work they did while living with their new family. Employees of his Children's Aid Society, which operated the orphan trains, were to periodically check in on the children to make sure they were being treated well by the people who took them in. If they weren't, they could be moved to new families.

While there were times that a placement didn't work out, the program was by and large successful. Most of the approximately 200,000 children who were sent away on an Orphan Train between 1853 and 1929 grew up to do well for themselves. There were even a couple of future governors among the Orphan Train children. The program only stopped when it did because of the onset of the Great Depression, when having an extra child was just not feasible for most families, and when more organized and better run state care options, like group homes and foster care, were available to needy children, not just in NYC, but in every state.

There were some critics of the program, of course. The main criticism was that children were placed with families in situations that resembled slave auctions. While the children weren't being bought, and indentured servitude was forbidden for the families taking these children, the arrival of each trainload of children was advertised, and local people encouraged to gather at a large meeting place to see the available children. They would examine the children for physical strength and endurance that were appropriate for farm work, sometimes even looking at their teeth. Siblings who went on trains together may be chosen by different families. And, while there was a nominal vetting process for families at first, it wasn't really kept up, nor was the process of checking in on the children once they were placed. Some children were abused by the families who took them in, some were treated like slaves, and not every child got the education and job training they were promised. Some children ran away, either because of abuse or because farm life was too different from what they were used to in the city.

In spite of some issues with the program, the Orphan Trains were, by and large, a success, and the children who traveled on them benefited from the new lives they were given. There are some Orphan Train children still alive today, from the later days of the program, and they can tell the true stories of the Orphan Train experience. As for Brace, he is now considered the father of modern foster care.

9 Views · 2 months ago

⁣MISNOMERS - Dustin nailed it 💯

VfB posits that while our plane[t] is young, the universe is very old - we posses remnants of that, unless even what we believe to be 'reliable science' has been falsified, as much of our history has provably been manipulated

INSANITY - we all know how that song, if the lesson to be imparted from what we know is the Nuremberg Trials, why are we repeating the same mistakes? We are about to come out of the lower left of the man quadrant [weak men| hard times], but remember - we thought that we all won World War 2



Hitler never attempted to destroy Judaism but rather to isolate it and perhaps remove its adherents from Europe. This followed attempts to train Jews to be productive human beings in places such as Dachau and Theresienstadt. As Evelyn Kaye writes in The Hole in the Sheet, orthodox Jews do not work. They are allergic to work, preferring instead to occupy themselves by reading the Talmud and arguing endlessly with other Jews about what they read. So this is a big problem with Jews, their refusal to work and produce something that is not based on ripping off and confounding their victims.

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Confirmations posted:

Using the 1972 US Navy Flat Earth photograph, where the pic was taken from OUTSIDE of Earth's Firmament.
"Abomination of desolation" messages are on the thousands of miles tall wall 18k miles approximately from this Earth.
Man and Beast back to back on that wall, with white swabs before their faces, swabs equal shots, documented. Or the thousands of miles tall CROSS on that wall, though it is not a cross it is an abomination that causes desolation.
Christians are NOT from this place confirmed, haha.
Here is one of the videos that use that flat earth photograph.

Anons sometimes fall for the endless gatekeeping: 🫥

This clown is a religionist. He insists on polluting the truth and reality with imaginary, make-believe horseshit
The bible is FICTION
It's garbage

The earth IS flat, but leave your religious garbage out of it, you are an unknnowing controlled op

we don't have the full book; what we do have has been bastardized by the homosexual banking mafia

6 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Nadine Vaughn - @Thekeksociety Share 🤝




The Five Ideologies of Space and Power

1. "One World" Ideology
2. "Pan-Slavic" Ideology
3. "Asia for the Asiatics"
4. Pan-Germanism
5. Pan-American Isolationism

8 Views · 2 months ago

⁣'Muh ZOOM meeting got hijacked by Unit 8200...and all VfB habs to shoah for eet is this lousy screenshot!'

Be glad there aren't any others 🫣

VfB was attending Robert Moningstar's MJ-13 Zoom Meeting -The Aztec UFO Crash, when the Phoenicians tried busting a move on us 🛸

This actually happened, and now lends credence to Nick Fuentes' claims - the vulnerabilities of Cozy [and now ZOOM] were weaponized to engage in their pathetic attack

When news of what happened to Nick got out, all of it had been blurred; when this happened mere hours ago as of this posting, we were subject to the full rankness of all the gay pr0n these twinks could muster, along with a repeated sample of MC Hammer's 'You Can't Touch This' and green-screened faked beheadings 🔪

Wonder if he's being cheated of royalties, huh, you one trick ponies 🦄

The hacking attempt was discussed in further detail on the next episode of World Pirate Radio Podcast News - will have it for you when it's available

The video...we'll let it speak for itself


14 Views · 2 months ago

⁣🔯 The Jewish Rothschild Family: The mother parasite

ℹ While all Jews are cancerous parasites, The Rothschild family is the mother of all parasites.

What he is not saying is that it's not the "Masonic religion" they follow, it's Judaism. You have to read between the lines a little, he's not being 100% honest. One example is when he says "These people here follow the socialist agenda, but are they socialists? No". He can't make it logical. That's because he doesn't use the right formula. What he should have said is "These people here follow the Jewish agenda, but are they Jews?"






Who are the Elders?
Protocol I The Basic Doctrine
Protocol II Economic Wars
Protocol III Methods of Conquest
Protocol IV Materialism Replace Religion
Protocol V Despotism and Modern Progress
Protocol VI Take-Over Technique
Protocol VII World-Wide Wars
Protocol VIII Provisional Government
Protocol IX Re-education
Protocol X Preparing for Power
Protocol XI The Totalitarian State
Protocol XII Control of the Press
Protocol XIII Distractions
Protocol XIV Assault on Religion
Protocol XV Ruthless Suppression
Protocol XVI Brainwashing
Protocol XVII Abuse of Authority
Protocol XVIII Arrest of Opponents
Protocol XIX Rulers and People
Protocol XX Financial Programme
Protocol XXI Loans and Credit
Protocol XXII Power of Gold
Protocol XXIII Instilling Obedience
Protocol XXIV Qualities of the Ruler


1st, The Sanitized Headlines: WAPO: "Some Wealthy Americans" (They are $Billionaires) MEE: "US Billionaires" (they're ALL jews with loyalty to Israel)

2nd, Who They Are & What They Did:

Jewish Billionaires & other jewish leaders used their money to influence politicians, media & celebrities to manipulate public opinion in favor of Israel & also used their leverage over politicians to get them to deploy law enforcement to shut down campus protests.

They are 🇮🇱Ted Deutch 🇮🇱Yakir Gabay 🇮🇱Joseph Sitt 🇮🇱Bill Ackman 🇮🇱Daniel Lubetzky 🇮🇱Daniel Loeb 🇮🇱Barry Sternlicht 🇮🇱Fabien Levy 🇮🇱Len Blavatnik 🇮🇱Howard Schultz 🇮🇱Michael Dell 🇮🇱Joshua Kushner

3rd, The Treachery: At the same time these jewish power titans were colluding in secret, congress was passing anti-free speech laws against "antisemitism" using the 11-point IHRA definition of antisemitism.

1⃣One of the 11 points of the definition reads: "Making mendacious, dehumanizing, demonizing, or stereotypical allegations about Jews as such or the power of Jews as collective—such as, especially but not exclusively, the myth about a world Jewish conspiracy or of Jews controlling the media, economy, government or other societal institutions." In other words, they were collectivizing as a group to get laws passed making it illegal to accuse jews of acting as a group to control media, government or institutions--something they were clearly doing!

2⃣Another of the 11 points makes "Accusing Jewish citizens of being more loyal to Israel, or to the alleged priorities of Jews worldwide, than to the interests of their own nations" an act of antisemitism.

Clearly, this group of jews' allegiance is to Israel. Again, they are trying to make it illegal to notice that they are more loyal to a foreign power.

Early Thoughts

▪The entire time that Bill Ackman was pretending to care about DEI, he was using that as smokescreen to get his jewish buddy in power at Harvard and distract from the secret plotting he was doing behind the scenes to help Israel.

▪Jews have the power they say they don't have ▪When I said a couple weeks ago that it was obvious that jews controlled law enforcement, I was right.

Immediate Action

The "antisemitism" bills currently in congress must all be scrapped and these jews should be stripped of American citizenship (if they have it) and all be deported to Israel.

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