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10 Views · 1 day ago

⁣Found a based goth gf for you bro

Sinja the White Ninja posted:

Melonie Mac Go Boom on jewtube.🔥

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Defense Secretary & Joint Chiefs of Staff Chair Hold News Conference ...

The House will vote on a resolution “strongly condemning the Biden Administration and its Border Czar, Kamala Harris, for failure to secure the U.S. border.”...

US Democrats snub Netanyahu – Axios
Nearly half of Democrats skipped Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu’s address during a joint session of Congress, Axios reports

6 Views · 2 days ago

⁣OK, Here’s Why Your Entire Feed Is Joking About Coconut Trees Right Now

It’s not just a growing sect of top Democrats—the chronically online left wants Biden out, and they are only semi-ironically embracing Vice President Kamala Harris and all her quirks and lore to succeed him.

Each day, we continue to live through unprecedented times (read: an unending season of Veep), but Tuesday somehow felt especially unprecedented. In the wake of what’s been recognized as a disastrous, potentially presidential bid-ending debate performance, President Biden is facing mounting pressure to step down from the ticket. On Wednesday, a report from the New York Times even claimed he is “seriously considering” whether to continue in the race, with the party convention just weeks away.

Before that, Rep. Lloyd Doggett (D-TX) became the first Democrat in Congress to tell him to step down on Tuesday, Nancy Pelosi called his presidential fitness a legitimate question, and, according to CNN, more than two dozen current and former Democratic officials, donors, and longtime Biden allies want him out, as well. That’s all to say, the onslaught of memes embracing Vice President Kamala Harris to top the ticket didn’t fall out of a coconut tree—they exist in the context of all in which we live and what came before us.

OK, let me back up. In tandem with the minute-by-minute updates about how concerned top Democrats are with Biden and his tanking poll numbers, you’re probably seeing a lot about Harris right now. Namely, in addition to the iconic 2019 video of her singing “Wheels on the Bus” in a random, wholly made-up melody, you’re probably seeing, err, references to her now-famous May 2023 remarks that go something like this:

My mother used to—she would give us a hard time sometimes, and she would say to us, “I don’t know what’s wrong with you young people. You think you just fell out of a coconut tree?” (Laughs.)
You exist in the context of all in which you live and what came before you.

So, that’s… the context in which you are probably seeing posts like these right now: [see these tweets at the thumbnail URL]

There’s definitely a frenetic energy surrounding the Biden White House today, as we await updates on just how seriously (or not seriously?) his campaign is taking the growing push for him to step aside. The official line remains that he’s the Democratic Party nominee. But at the same time, we have Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC)—Biden-Harris campaign co-chair—telling MSNBC he “will support” Harris if Biden “were to step aside,” and Reps. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) and Summer Lee (D-PA) suggesting something could happen, and would happen very quickly. “If our president decides this is not a pathway forward for him, we have to move very quickly. There’s not going to be time for a primary. That time is past. The vice president is the obvious choice,” Lee said. “She’s sitting right there. She’s already been in the White House.” Indeed, much can be said of Harris—but it simply can’t be said that she or her potential presidential bid fell out of a coconut tree.

My unsolicited two cents is that clearly none of what’s happening is ideal but, as many have pointed out, the vice president is the de facto backup nominee. And if Biden’s replaced by Harris, it’s likely the race would immediately shift to Roe v. Wade—Trump’s weakest issue, and the one that Harris has been leading on—instead of whether Biden has dementia. Beleaguered by crimes and scandals, the Trump team’s only real lines of attack thus far have been Biden’s age and Hunter Biden’s, err, antics. With Harris at the top of the ticket, the Trump campaign would have to come up with a new strategy quickly.

I can’t stress enough how hypothetical all of this is right now. In the meantime, as we weigh whether a President Harris is possible, major questions loom: Has this administration adequately set her up for success or to be sufficiently perceived as a leader? Who would be her running-mate, and would it be a certain, beloved midwest governor? Would we be treated to a D.C. presidential monument that reads, “You think you just fell out of a coconut tree?” Does anyone have eyes on Hillary Clinton at this moment??? For now, all we can do is sit back, live through what might just be #herstory, and consume some more coconut tree memes.



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4 Views · 4 days ago

⁣These days everyone’s boycotting Sabra, and I don’t just mean the hummus.

Well before the current war in Israel, Marvel Studios’ Captain America: Brave New World came under fire for including the little-known Israeli superhero Sabra. Born Ruth Bat-Seraph, Sabra was raised in a state-run kibbutz, had bulletproof skin, an anti-gravity cape and worked for the Mossad. But following the debut of a teaser trailer and fresh details from the upcoming film, it seems as if her origins with Israeli intelligence may no longer exist, with some claiming Disney has caved to pressure from pro-Palestinian activists and test audiences to scrub the character of any link to the Jewish state.

Sabra courted controversy from the moment she was named as a new player in the MCU. In 2022, when Marvel announced the casting of Unorthodox’s Shira Haas as the character in the latest Captain America, many noted it was days before the 40th anniversary of the 1982 Sabra and Shatila massacre, in which Israel’s allies, the Christian Phalange, killed Palestinians and Lebanese Shiites at refugee camps in Beirut. The timing was bad, but Sabra predated the massacre by two years, launching in an admittedly racist 1980 issue of The Incredible Hulk, and was in no way named for the tragedy, but instead for the nickname of native Israelis, taken from the Hebrew word for the prickly pear cactus.

Even so the backlash was swift, prompting Marvel to say they were taking a “new approach” to the character. The fate of this white-and-blue-spangled superheroine was left in further speculative limbo following Israel’s war in Gaza. The production for the retitled Captain America: Brave New World (the current name followed blowback for the initial title New World Order, which some complained hinted at a popular conspiracy theory) underwent extensive reshoots and delays.

With the debut of the teaser trailer last week, we know Haas is in the film if not togged out in Sabra’s usual uniform. But an official trailer breakdown accompanying the teaser has many accusing Marvel of bowing to criticism to change her role, as it notes that Haas “joins as Ruth Bat-Seraph. A former Black Widow, Ruth is now a high-ranking U.S. government official.” Notice how there is no mention of Mossad or Israel or her codename “Sabra.”

The 326-word trailer synopsis, and little else, inspired headlines like “Marvel removes Jewish superhero Sabra’s Israeli identity for new Captain America movie” and “Marvel strips Jewish superhero Sabra of her Israeli identity.” Zionist writer Hen Mazzig posted to X that “Sabra is being forced to change her nationality to appease antisemites.”

But that may not be the full story. Columnists and Israel influencers are assuming that naming Ruth a Black Widow indicates that she, like the most famous Black Widow, Natasha Romanoff (played by Scarlett Johansson in the films), now hails from Russia, where the state-operated “Red Room” raised young women from childhood to be assassins as part of the Black Widow program.

They could be right, but then there aren’t many folks in Russia with a patronymic like “Bat-Seraph,” especially not ones that are groomed to be elite killing machines in an initiative developed by the Soviet Union, which was sorta infamous for suppressing Jewish identity.

It’s entirely possible, given what we know, that Haas’ Ruth may have made aliyah like many Russian Jews, changed her name and then came to the U.S.

Or maybe she was born in Israel — as the moniker Sabra would imply — and moved to Russia at some point to train and eventually came stateside for a government job. (Reached for comment about whether Ruth remained Israeli or was now Russian, Marvel Studios did not immediately reply.)

A kink in the theory that Haas’ Ruth is now just a Russian export can be found in a July 12 Hollywood Reporter article, which, while noting Haas’ character won’t be called Sabra in the film, described her is “an Israeli (italics mine) former Black Widow who is now a high-ranking government U.S. official.”

The intimation could be that the concept of the Black Widows was never limited to Russia and Marvel, rather than introduce the Mossad, is instead expanding its films’ existing lore. If Ruth was a part of an Israeli Black Widow program, this places her in much the same position as where she started in comics canon — reared under the watchful eyes of the state as part of its intelligence entity.

R⁣If her Red Room is less Winter Palace with guns and ballet barres and more kibbutz for mutants, little will have really changed for the character’s backstory, even if she may not name drop Mossad, have the alias Sabra or resemble a flying flag (Sam Wilson’s Captain America sorta has that last angle covered anyway).

Removing the comics’ familiar signifiers changes Ruth substantially, like the “new approach” promised in 2022, but doesn’t necessarily mean she’s been “de-Zionized” or Russified as many now claim. And, for whatever it’s worth in these fraught times for Israel’s global image, those who prematurely panicked that another marquee Jewish character, Marvel’s Moon Knight, would be shorn of his chosen bona fides for his Disney+ series, were in the end proven wrong in a major way.

We won’t know until Valentine’s Day 2025, when Brave New World comes to theaters, just how Israeli Ruth remains in the final cut, but even if she is retconned to be Russian, it’s unlikely to stop a boycott from Israel’s critics.

People refused to see Wonder Woman because Gal Gadot, like Haas, is Israeli — it didn’t matter that her character came from the mythic island of Themyscira.

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3 Views · 5 days ago

⁣VfB already posted on TaterTot; now Kneepads is up!

WASHINGTON — Former President Barack Obama didn’t endorse Kamala Harris — saying Democrats would pick an unnamed “outstanding nominee” in his first statement on President Biden stepping aside from the party’s ticket.

Obama, 62, was joined by former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) in not immediately backing the 59-year-old vice president — following reports last week that both favored an “open” process to replace Biden.

“We will be navigating uncharted waters in the days ahead,” Obama said.

“But I have extraordinary confidence that the leaders of our party will be able to create a process from which an outstanding nominee emerges.”

Some Democrats fear that Harris could further diminish the party’s chances against former President Donald Trump, 78, in the Nov. 5 election.

“I believe that Joe Biden’s vision of a generous, prosperous, and united America that provides opportunity for everyone will be on full display at the Democratic Convention in August,” Obama said.

Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker — a possible presidential contender — was among those who did not immediately back Harris, tweeting instead that “I will work every day to ensure that [Trump] does not win in November.”

In an indication congressional Democrats could break ranks and derail a quick consensus around Harris, Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) told Politico on Sunday that he prefers an “open, responsive, democratic process” to pick Biden’s replacement.

Sen. Peter Welch (D-Vt.) told CBS he also favors a “truncated process” to replace Biden.

Pelosi, the first woman to hold the country’s third-most-powerful post, notably did not endorse Harris in her initial statement on Biden’s decision — potentially giving cover to dissenters.

“With love and gratitude to President Biden for always believing in the promise of America and giving people the opportunity to reach their fulfillment. God blessed America with Joe Biden’s greatness and goodness,” Pelosi said.

Harris would be the first female president, the second of African ancestry and the first of South Asian descent. Her mother immigrated to the United States from India and her father from Jamaica.

The Veep’s various demographic firsts are widely seen as a hindrance to any plan to dump her from the ticket, but Obama and Pelosi choosing not to endorse her could mute claims of sexism and racism.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), a leader among left-wing Democrats, said in a TikTok video ahead of Biden’s decision that mutineers calling on the president to stand aside also wanted to drop Harris.

“I’m gonna say what a lot of these folks aren’t saying… If you think that there is consensus among the people who want Joe Biden to leave, that they will support Vice President Harris, you would be mistaken,” Ocasio-Cortez said.

“I’m going to be honest for them. I’m in these rooms… a lot of them are not just interested in removing the president, they are interested in removing the whole ticket.”

Harris said in her own statement that she would work to “unite” Democrats ahead of a planned virtual vote on the party’s ticket in early August ahead of the Aug 19-22 Democratic convention in Chicago.



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14 Views · 6 days ago

⁣Benny Johnson - This is the greatest video on the internet right now now. Holy smokes 🔥


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VfB thinks everyone has forgotten that everything we see constructed around the MATRIX 🫣

Some of us can see the scaffolding, and have strategically pulled out the bolts supporting the artificial infrastructure

It WILL collapse 🥸

New audio forensic analysis reveals at least THREE SHOOTERS at Trump campaign event

8 Views · 8 days ago

⁣Matt Wallace - I wouldn’t even trust her to guard my dinner 😭



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4 Views · 9 days ago

⁣Joe Biden's senior officials struggled to keep their composure when the president mistook Donald Trump for Kamala Harris last night - as dozens of Democrat lawmakers prepared to turn against him.

Biden also mistook Ukraine's President Zelensky for his arch-enemy Vladimir Putin in a disastrous press conference as fellow Dems launched a coordinated effort to go public with demands he withdraw from the race for The White House.

The president was warned he now faces a 'brutal' 48 hours.

Former president Barack Obama held emergency talks with Nancy Pelosi who had been urging Biden's critics to stay silent ahead of last night's make or break NATO press conference.

Biden's cabinet may have hoped the worst was over after their boss mixed up Russia's President Putin with Ukraine's Volodymyr Zelensky.

But the cameras were trained on Antony Blinken, Lloyd Austin and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan as the president made arguably his worst flub of the night.

'I wouldn't have picked Vice President Trump to be vice president,' Biden told the watching world. 'Do I think she's not qualified to be president, so let's start there, number one.'

Sullivan put his hand to his mouth and Secretary of State Blinken allowed his gaze to drop dolefully into the middle distance as the president poured gasoline on his chances of re-election.

Only defense secretary Lloyd Austin appeared to control his features, staring unblinkingly at the commander-in-chief and even attempting a slight nod of agreement.

The trio had a front row seat for the press conference at the end of the NATO conference on Thursday evening as calls for him to step down reached a new intensity.

The president insisted he is staying in the race, rejected claims he is unfit to serve and said there are no polls that show he would lose to Trump in the November general election.

But his performance did nothing to quell his critics with yet another lawmaker, Rep. Jim Himes of Connecticut, who called for Biden to step back from his campaign just minutes after the presser ended.

CBS quoted four Democrat insiders claiming that a coordinated party rebellion is now underway which they expect will force Biden to drop out by the middle of next week.

Obama had previously tried to calm Democrat nerves in the aftermath of Biden's disastrous presidential debate with Donald Trump last month, insisting 'bad debate nights happen'.

But the 44th president reportedly did nothing to stop his friend George Clooney publish his excoriating op-ed demanding Biden withdraw, earlier this week.

Pelosi too had pledged loyalty but told MSNBC that she would support Biden's decision when he made it – days after he insisted that he already had.

Two teleprompt screens, a list of vetted journalists, and press aides with microphones, ready to silence tricky questions, set the stage for last night's press conference.

Yet even with the guard rails of screens, fussing aides and an opening statement, Biden struggled at times with a raspy throat, botched lines and meandering answers.

He answered questions from 10 journalists and spoke for an hour on topics that ran the gamut from the Democratic convention and his health to long-range weapons for Ukraine and how to tackle a rising China.

His allies and worried Democrat loyalists wanted a demonstration that he was still up to the job.

He opened his press conference at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center, where world leaders were marking the 75th birthday of NATO, with a filibustering tele-prompted speech about the importance of alliances, and a list of his achievements in office.

But then came his first great gaffe of the night as he introduced Ukraine's president.

'Ladies and gentlemen, President Putin,' he said before realizing he was meant to be introducing President Volodymyr Zelensky who is a very much currently at war with Putin.

A gasp ran around the room. Some people shouted the correct name as the leader of the free world tried to rally.
'No, we're going to beat Putin,' he said, as if to suggest he simply had Putin on the brain rather than suffering a senior moment.

The room full of about 100 journalists, all clutching phones bearing the text of the their prepared questions, became fidgety, fearing his 'press conference' was merely an opportunity for him to talk at them then leave.

'With that, I'll take your questions,' said Biden to the almost audible relief of his audience.

Read the rest at the thumbnail URL



4 Views · 11 days ago

⁣Cognitive dissonance is worse than TDS

Once again, (((Comment Freely))) is blocking me from replying, liking or disliking posts again...but I digress

Re-posting the statement posted to the Revolution.Radio chat [VfB doesn't steal, VfB repurposes]:

Fractal wrongness is the state of being wrong at every conceivable scale of resolution. That is, from a distance, a fractally-wrong person's worldview is incorrect; and furthermore, if you zoom in on any small part of that person's worldview, that part is just as wrong as the whole worldview.

Once again, unless there's a Trump-child rape tape in existence that was hidden from the entire world, just to trip up VfB, President Donald John Trump has actually, behind the scenes, set up the scenario in which We The People can pull out an easy win over the (((homosexual banking mafia))), their shabbos goyimzes, sayanim and proxy warriors [(((hbm))) is longhand for those calling themselves 'jews'].

His executive orders in regards to child trafficking;

Appointing less commonly corrupt individuals to judgeships

The repeal of Roe vs. Wade [which also means that FACE laws are null and void [Marbury vs. Madison, 1803];

VfB believes that the lynchpin of all of this scumbaggery was the removal of the Chevron Deference, which occurred a couple of weeks ago

Recall the last four years?

Exemption letters
PCR tests
Six feet distance markers
Death jabs [Tiffany Dover]

Don't tell me you aren't living in a COVIDIOCRACY 🤡

The thing you can do something about it

If you DON'T, why would you expect things to change?

Be the Neo of your MATRIX

YOU control the horizontal
YOU control the vertical

But if you relinquish your control, you'll NEVER get it back

VfB sees a lot of hubbub about 'Trump faking the shooting'...a number of these individuals are just happy slaves whom don't want the apple cart upset; working as the golems keeping (((order)))

You're witness to the termiting of a high trust society and its formerly self-sustaining infrastructure 🕍

There is one last step - our currency 🪙

Caught AIS' stream yesterday - he played a clip of bestiality advocate Cenk Uyger actually praising Trump

This clip above is just to show you how WRONG you freaks were in regards to pulling this psyop...AGAIN!

It's bloody JFK redux!

7 Views · 11 days ago

⁣Tenacious D goes full soyjack 🫠



A day after a lone shooter attempted to assassinate former President Donald Trump at a Pennsylvania campaign rally, Jack Black sang “Happy Birthday” to his bandmate, Kyle Gass, at the duo’s concert in Australia. The two make up the band Tenacious D.

Black told Gass to “make a wish,” and Gass said, “Don’t miss Trump next time.”

Thomas Matthew Crooks, who shot at Trump, hit the former president’s ear with a bullet in what the FBI swiftly deemed an assassination attempt. Crooks was shot and killed by the authorities shortly after. Corey Comperatore, a Pennsylvania man at Trump’s rally, was also shot and killed.

Gass’s remark was called out, used as proof that the condemnation of the shooting coming from Trump’s opponents is hollow.

The video comes from a now-deleted TikTok, which was then shared on X by Greg Price, who works in communications for the State Freedom Caucus Network, a Republican organization.

Price has also written for the Daily Caller, a right-wing news outlet founded by Tucker Carlson.

“Jack Black went on stage with his band over the weekend and his bandmate said ‘don’t miss Trump next time’ to laughs from the audience,” Price tweeted. “A month ago, he was a featured speaker at Biden’s fundraiser in Los Angeles. ‘We must come together’ indeed.”

As referenced by Price, Black spoke at a June fundraiser for President Joe Biden’s campaign. In his speech, he said, “When democracy is at stake, Jack Black answers the call.”

Biden’s glitzy Hollywood fundraiser brought in tens of millions in contributions but also may have set the stage for recent backlash against his candidacy.

Price’s reference to “we must come together” seems to be about remarks Biden has made in the aftermath of the assassination attempt: On Saturday night, Biden said “Everybody must condemn” the violence, and last night he said Americans should be “standing together.”

Many responses to Price’s tweet expressed that Gass was out of line and trying to “incite violence.”

“That’s incitement to violence,” one X user replied. “He should be charged.”

“By ‘come together,’ the left means ‘obey me or I’ll kill you,’” another X user said.

And other right-wing figures have also tweeted about Gass’s statement.

“Wow. Jack Black laughs as his friend makes a birthday wish that they ‘don’t miss Trump next time.’ Jack was just @JoeBiden’s guest of honor and speaker at his Hollywood fundraiser,” Robby Starbuck tweeted. Starbuck ran for Congress as a Republican in Tennessee. “Biden supporters are inciting another attempt to assassinate President Trump. Evil and sick.”

“Jack Black’s band mate is garbage,” conservative commentator Drew Hernandez tweeted. “These people are doubling down on wanting Trump taken out because they know someone will respond.”

Chris Loesch, who is married to conservative radio host Dana Loesch, also tweeted saying that he will no longer be listening to Black’s band or watching his movies after what Gass said.

“I used to love @tenaciousd and thought Jack Black was funny. None of them or their music/movies will ever be played in our home again. Ever. Sickening,” Loesch tweeted. “Not funny and done in a foreign country is even worse. If you think it’s OK, unfollow and block me.”

3 Views · 11 days ago

⁣Why do women do this?

Sometimes your arse is just too big for the outfit. Maybe she is a plumber?

Source: ⁣

6 Views · 12 days ago

⁣The last NTNT is underway; lots of action already - let's take a look at HT & AB as they infiltrate and then narrowly escape Auschwitz [less than zero gassing]



⁣Polish authorities arrested American tourist Jon Minadeo Jr. for violating the country’s hate speech laws after the Holocaust denier demonstrated in front of the Auschwitz-Birkenau extermination and concentration camp. He was released shortly after.
His arrest represents the first time the antisemitic influencer has publicly faced legal repercussions for spreading antisemitic propaganda. Unlike the U.S., Poland criminalizes certain forms of hate speech, and the country’s laws reference Nazism and fascism specifically.
According to a press officer with the Auschwitz Memorial, two suspects later identified as Minadeo and Robert Wilson “illegally bursted” into the site on Aug. 27 and “escaped immediately after taking out the hidden messages & taking the pictures.”
“This disgusting and primitive incident was immediately reported to the authorities that began investigating,” Paweł Sawicki wrote in an email to J.
At home in the U.S., in addition to hosting near-daily livestreams for 4,200 followers on his website Goyim TV, Minadeo periodically engages in what he calls “activism”: hanging antisemitic banners on highway overpasses that blame Jews for fomenting a “race war,” for example, and orchestrating nationwide flyer campaigns.
The 39-year-old, who until recently lived in Petaluma, has more than 10,000 combined followers on Telegram, Gab and Goyim TV, where he rants against Jews for hours at a time.
His arrest came after he published a smiling photo taken at the death camp where 1.1 million mostly Jewish victims, including more than 200,000 children, were murdered by the Nazis in gas chambers or died from starvation and disease.
Wearing sunglasses, shorts and athletic shoes, Minadeo held up a sign reading: “Greenblatt suck 6 million dicks,” a reference to Anti-Defamation League CEO Jonathan Greenblatt, a frequent target. Standing next to him was Wilson, nicknamed “Aryan Bacon,” formerly of San Diego County. He held a sign that said “Shoah the ADL.”
Minadeo published one of the photos on Gab, a site known for being welcoming to Nazi sympathizers and members of the extreme right; he has 4,900 followers under his moniker Handsome Truth. The post said: “We must continue exposing the Jewish anti white propaganda! That for decades has conditioned our people to be slaves for the Jews.” It attacks the ADL as “an anti white terrorist organization” and says the Holocaust is “a f***ing hoax.”
The post garnered more than 850 “likes” and enthusiastic expressions of encouragement. Some also left words of warning: “Hope you left already, in Europe they can arrest you for shit you said in America,” user @IllinoisValleyMale wrote.
Minadeo is the ringleader of the so-called Goyim Defense League, an antisemitic group that in 2021 was responsible for at least 74 propaganda incidents in the U.S., according to the ADL. The group orchestrated numerous flyer drops in Bay Area cities, leaving them on sidewalks and in front yards weighted down with white rice or pebbles, that blamed Jews for a cornucopia of perceived ills, from the war in Ukraine to gun control to “mass immigration.”
The GDL first gained national attention in 2018 after successfully duping NFL quarterback Brett Favre into recording an antisemitic video on Cameo. The Hall of Famer later apologized.
Minadeo hosts frequent livestreams on Goyim TV where he espouses virulent antisemitism, racism and homophobia, soliciting viewers for “donations” in each episode.
Earlier this year he gained even more notoriety in the Bay Area after multiple newspapers reported his girlfriend, a popular yoga instructor, had been fired for links to the hate group.
Days after the photo first appeared on Gab, other images of Minadeo and Wilson smiling at the Auschwitz gate generated outrage on Twitter. “My great grandmother would spit on him and have choice Yiddish words,” one person wrote on Sept. 2.
Minadeo documented his vacation to Poland in a number of other photos and videos — including one in which he verbally attacks a South Asian man for more than 4 minutes.
The video, which went viral on Reddit, bore the headline “American tourist in Poland goes on racial tirade against Indian guy.” It shows Minadeo, who espouses the “Great Replacement” theory — that Jews are orchestrating mass migration to European countries to dilute white populations — harassing the man on a sidewalk. He calls him an “invader” and tells him to go back to India. “Why are you in Poland? Why are you here?” Minadeo says while following him. “You have your own country.”
A different video posted on Gab shows Minadeo sitting on a restaurant patio. He is wearing a “white pride” T-shirt and a long, gold-colored swastika necklace, when a tall man in a tartan blazer approaches him and tells him it is illegal to display a swastika in Poland.
The man turns and walks away. Minadeo follows him inside the restaurant, recording him.
“Who makes it illegal?” Minadeo asks. “The Polish government,” the man replies. “No, the Jewish government,” Mindeo responds. He calls the man a “cuck” and a “f***ing pussy” before asking if he would like to “go outside” to fight.
In announcing his arrest on Sunday on Gab, a dour-looking Minadeo holds up a legal document outlining some of his rights as a defendant. His jewelry, including his swastika necklace, is gone.

⁣Minadeo announced he had been arrested by Polish authorities in a Sept. 4 post on Gab.


⁣The Polish national police did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Article 256 of the Penal Code states: “Whoever publicly propagates a fascist or another totalitarian state or calls for hatred against national, ethnic, racial or religious differences or for non-denominational status, is subject to a fine, penalty of restriction of liberty or deprivation of liberty for up to 2 years.”
Article 13 of the Polish constitution bans “totalitarian” political parties rooted in fascism, communism or Nazism.
“Got handcuffed & arrested in Poland today for (((Hate Speech))) regarding Aushwitz [sic],” Minadeo’s Gab post read. “Just got released tonight with a fine and my chains and computer temporarily confiscated. Life’s good! You can’t keep me down Jews! #handsometruth.”

4 Views · 12 days ago

⁣As we began the weekend with the passing of Shelley Duvall, we'll close it out with a performance just viewed; here is the comment VfB posted as it played:

"as cheesy as this is, it beats anything put out in the last decade"

It's even better than that, when you see the entire performance...and stories like these have been passed from generation to generation - so it is VfB's honour to pass the torch, as it were 🔥

As part of the Faerie Tale Theatre television series, this story is "Rumpelstiltskin".

The lead role is played by Herve Villechaize (The Man With The Golden Gun, Fantasy Island [1977-tv], Return To Fantasy Island [1978-tv], Fantasy island tv series [1978-1984]).

If you liked Herve in several of the films he was in and Fantasy Island, you will find him a delight as "Rumpelstiltskin", the little man that helps the fair maid spin straw into gold. Made for children to see, but adults will find it entertaining too.


7 Views · 12 days ago

⁣VfB sees a bunch of psyops running; the main narrative that seems to be taking place [and that which VfB agrees] is that we now clearly have in place a lawless demoncracy [what VfB calls COVIDIOCRACY, said plandemic being the lynchpin of the further op - remember that VfB reckons World War 2 is still occurring, and 9/11 went terribly WRONG]

The spin doctors are throwing themselves out of windows at this point - there is less than zero chance of spinning this to any advantage whatsoever - evidence being 'NOBODY LIKES A BULLY' ☭ 'TRUMP NEEDS TO BE CAREFUL WITH HOW HE SPEAKS OF TATERTOT'S AGE AT RNC'

Shame and ridicule is a societal function; the only way to weaponize it is to successfully manipulate others to think things that aren't true...and have everyone else go along with it, out of politeness

Boy oh boy...did you nitwits read the room wrong

With that all said - let's get back to dunking on TaterTot 🥔☢🔥🐐😆


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10 Views · 14 days ago

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9 Views · 17 days ago

⁣VfB figured he owed you guys after missing the inaugural broadcast of the HOAXBUSTERS last Saturday; attempting to stay conscious for the dinghy out to the Jolly Roger 🏴‍☠🦜

Asmongold Clips / Asmongold Reacts To: COME HOLLA
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6 Views · 17 days ago


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AltCastTV & Odysee thumbnail:

4 Views · 18 days ago

⁣The Brotherhood of the Bell is a great 1970 TV movie directed by Paul Wendkos. Just ask Quentin Tarantino. Glenn Ford depicts a successful economics professor who discovers that an elite fraternity he joined is really a callous banking and business cabal that obtains wealth and power for its members through nefarious practices.
Classic Robb's Glenn Ford Channel:
Glenn Ford as Prof. Andrew Patterson
Rosemary Forsyth as Vivian Patterson
Dean Jagger as Chad Harmon
Maurice Evans as Harry Masters
Will Geer as Mike Patterson
Eduard Franz as Dr. Konstantin Horvathy
William Conrad as Bart Harris
Robert Pine as Philip Everest Dunning
William Smithers as Dr. Jerome Fielder
Logan Field as Thaddeus Burns
Dabney Coleman as Agent Shephard
Scott Graham as Weber, the Beta Epsilon Lambda house proctor
Quentin Tarantino has given us some details about Rick Dalton's fate following the events of Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.
"But the thing is, on the episodic-TV circuit, he's a bigger name now. He's not quite Darren McGavin, all right? Darren McGavin (Cade's County Episode One "The Homecoming") would get paid the highest you could get paid as a guest star back in that time. But Rick's about where John Saxon was, maybe just a little bit higher. So he's getting good money and doing the best shows. And the episodes are all built around him. So as opposed to doing 'Land of the Giants' and 'Bingo Martin,' now he's the bad guy on 'Mission: Impossible,' and it's his episode...
Oh, and he does a Vince Edwards show, 'Matt Lincoln.' Or a Glenn Ford show, 'Cade's County.' And that's a big deal, 'cause he did 'Hell-Fire Texas' with Glenn Ford and they didn't really get along. But now they bury the hatchet and they make a big deal about the two guys doing it together. And then he does a couple of Paul Wendkos' (The Brotherhood of the Bell) TV movies. And you know, he's doing OK."
Hell-Fire Texas is a fictional 1964 western directed by Phil Karlson starring Glenn Ford, Rick Dalton, Inger Stevens, Max Baer and Harrison Ford (his debut). The poster is based on the French poster for A Time For Killing (1967) which is an actual movie starring Glenn Ford, George Hamilton, Inger Stevens, Max Baer Jr. and Harrison Ford (his debut).

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