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26 Views· 03/18/23
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John Basham: OPINION: This Populist Push Of People Reasserting Control Over Their Governments Will Spread Like Wildfire & Spark Civil Wars Or Coups Worldwide!
“We have beh#@ded Louis XVI and we can do it again with Macron!” : Protestors chanting in France over Macron's retirement age push

Joe Biden Has Now Been on Vacation More Days Than the Rounds of Golf Played by President Trump His Entire First Term

"Foreign Aid" you say?
18 U.S.C. § 2381 says, “Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or imprisoned and fined, and incapable of holding any U.S. office.”
"Treason" our fathers said!

again the metal has been ... pilfered?
🇧🇴 EVO MORALES: "The [International Criminal Court] issues a void arrest warrant against the brother president of 🇷🇺 Russia #VladimirPutin, days before his meeting with his counterpart of 🇨🇳 China, #XiJinping that seeks to create the conditions for a process of pacification of the conflict with Ukraine.
We express all our solidarity with brother #Putin & warn that this political & forced accusation for alleged crimes of "deportation", aims to maintain the state of war between two brotherly peoples of #Europe to satisfy the [militarism of the 🇺🇸 U.S. & 🏳‍🌈 NATO].
We, the free #peoples fighting for a world free from [US 🇺🇸🏳‍🌈 interventionism], express our repudiation of the [empire's worldwide stigmatization campaign] against the brotherly 🇷🇺 Russian people. The real perpetrator of war crimes & crimes against humanity is the 🇺🇸 USA."

🇺🇸 "Biden called the ICC warrant for the "arrest" of Putin "justified", although the United States - like Russia - does not recognize the jurisdiction of this court." (Biden & #Pedowood in need of little children)

#SanctionsWork: "The New York Times writes that after the start of the #SMO special operation, airlines from the 🇺🇸 United States "lost the opportunity" to use the airspace of the 🇷🇺 Russian Federation, while carriers like Air 🇮🇳 India, 🇦🇪 Emirates & 🇨🇳 China Eastern Airlines continue to do so. They received an "unfair advantage", they make flights between the USA & Asia faster & cheaper, besides saving fuel. Now American airlines have stepped up lobbyists & are demanding that the authorities force other carriers to "fly on the same routes as their American competitors."😂

🇬🇧 "The UK intends to help #Kazakhstan in finding alternative oil export routes. The head of British diplomatic meddling department arrived on an official visit to #Astana from #Georgia on the eve of the early elections of deputies of Majilis (lower house of parliament) & maslikhats (local representative bodies), which will be held in Kazakhstan on March 19."

[Their] [ #IMF] has made changes to its rules that will allow to provide #loans: This is stated in a written statement issued by the [IMF]. We are talking about providing loans to countries 🇺🇸🇪🇺🇩🇪 facing "exceptionally high uncertainty". Changes in the IMF's policy on granting credit programs will apply to states experiencing" #externalshocks that are beyond the control of the country's authorities & the scope of their economic policy capabilities."

🇸🇰🇺🇦 "Slovakia signed an agreement with Ukraine on the transfer of MiG-29 fighters. The Russian Embassy in Bratislava, commenting on the decision to supply Kiev, called it illegal, since "Russian-Slovak agreements unequivocally exclude the transfer of weapons & military equipment [of Soviet & Russian production] to third states without permission of the producing country."

Vasily Nebenzya's, Russian diplomat & Permanent Representative of 🇷🇺 Russia to the United Nations, statements at the UN:
* The refusal of the West, to let speak the Ombudsman of the #DPR at the UN Security Council means, that the West does not consider the inhabitants of #Donbass to be people.
* Russia regrets that the #UNSecurityCouncil did not approve the speech of the DPR Ombudsman & will reconsider its attitude to the admission of speakers to meetings of the UN Security Council, take into account the behavior of the 🇺🇸 United States;
* Russia will hold an informal meeting of the UN Security Council in early April on the topic of #children evacuated from the 🇺🇦 Ukrainian ( #babyfarms) conflict zone;

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