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21 рд╡рд┐рдЪрд╛рд░реЛрдВ┬╖ 03/22/24
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тМи the internet never forgets
by Joseph Enders тАв тАв June 16, 2022 18 Comments
The secret life of conservative icon Jesse Lee Peterson
Jesse Lee Peterson is a self-described pastor. Church Militant's Joseph Enders uncovers the alleged homosexual grooming and purported spiritual predation that turned the founder of the Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny (BOND) into a BOND villain.
The comments at the time of posting:
Justin McQuillen тАв 27 minutes ago
Jesse's interpretation of The Bible is very accurate, he has not quoted the scripture inaccurately. It was not Jesse who said this but Jesus Christ who said to be in the world but not of this world.
2 Corinthians 13:5: "Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in youтАФunless, of course, you fail the test?"
Not to brag or espouse my superiority to many of those in this thread, but a lot of you seem to have "failed the test". You need to stop listening to your preacher and you need to start picking up The Bible and reading it. Christ is the Son of God, yes, but he is also the Son of Man. Christ in man is referring to the esoteric teaching of the scripture. Your long-nosed preacher wants you to not know about the esoteric teaching, the true teaching of Jesus Christ that comes from within. Your body is the cross and your human imagination is Christ consciousness nailed to the cross. Do you even know who you are?
Michael Coleman тАв an hour ago тАв edited
Incredible how Peterson appears righteous but his accusers appear credible, in particular his former House Manger. His for long time friend and homosexual partner....was the most convincing of the group, I was also shocked watching the first interview with Michael Voris and Peterson where Peterson denies the Reresection of Jesus in the #jessethegroomer P.S. I live in LA...
Elwood тАв 2 hours ago
There are so many red flags about all this. First, CM certainly needs to do a better job vetting its interviewees. This isn't the first one that later was exposed to have skeletons in their closet. But the accusers seem to be a group of emotionally damaged people, which may be expected from men who associate themselves with JLP, since his whole shtick seems very cult-like. (What legitimate leader has a house where he lives with followers?) CM could easily have done some background checking on JLP before claiming him "more "Catholic" than most ordained Catholics we encounter."
All in all, this seems like an attempt by CM to undo self inflicted damage it caused when it brought JLP into the studio and promoted him.
M. Williams тАв 3 hours ago
I'm not buying any of this... look at the accusers!
...check Rumble for the full set of comments archived

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