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22nd of March 2025 Publishing House Local Jacksonville Florida USA Livestream
What's My Race Again
American conservatives tend to support Christian values, moral absolutism, and American exceptionalism, while generally opposing abortion, euthanasia, and various LGBT rights. They tend to favor economic liberalism, and are generally pro-business and pro-capitalism, while opposing communism and labor unions. ~jewpedia
NOT A SWAT AND NOT A CONSERVACUCK! This is taxpayer funded terrorism purveyed by invader liberal police tools of the jew.
3/21/25 Morning crime, degeneracy, and laws fraud jew spic 'officer' k a gines of Jacksonville Florida refuses to enforce because his only job as an invader is to harass the local Native resident population! ALL ACTIVE ONGOING RIGHT NOW STARTING AT MIDNIGHT! Now 11:00 a.m.
FIVE JEA trucks blocking passage and illegally parked doing NOTHING behind
6020 Harlow Blvd, jax FL 32210
FOR YEARS! Degenerate jew pig JSO police lower the value of homes owned by the resident population by parking taxpayer funded cop SUVs on the lawn like a trailer park even though they have a driveway and a garage paid for by our taxes and generations of hard work. Also, sometimes their dog harasses everyone walking by.
5705 Crestview Rd, jax FL 32210
Two invaders (one bald looking jewish) parked illegally with expired Florida registration in an oversized work truck. License says it expired over a month ago before February 2025. They are loitering, blocking business traffic, and fraud taxpayer funded terrorist invader pig k a gines refuses to enforce laws and instead harasses ME for no reason at all. Also currently a black female parked in the fire lane who just took off and left the car there illegally blocking the entrance for disabled people.
6316 San Juan jax fl 32210
Multiple trucks parked illegally on sidewalk blocking travel for over 14 hours while fraud pig invader k a gines harasses Native RED disabled left behind fathers in need of emergency shelter.
6362 Raw Hyde Trail S, jax FL 32210
Endless dog abuse, harassment, and neglect by morbid obese brown latinx spic invaders with a death wish!
6372 Badnur Dr, jax, FL 32210
Invader jew slum criminally neglects their property to the point where their roof has fallen on the public sidewalk preventing travel by disabled people but criminal sheriff k a gines refuses to enforce laws on other jew invaders so he can ONLY misuse our taxes attacking RED Native fathers that tell the truth about jew criminals and local police that rape children.
6060 103rd St, Jacksonville, FL 32210
Resident male sleeping in public outside for months illegally that the pigs refuse to deal with.
6250 103rd St, Jacksonville, FL 32210
Criminal black male with wheel chair that is not needed sleeping in public illegally every night for months breaking state laws that the local sheriff refuses to enforce.
5315 Jammes Rd, Jacksonville, FL 32210
Criminals with gun violence, drugs, lewd behavior, death threats, and attack dogs around child continue to neglect and abuse their dogs so they harass everyone going by the busy intersection from blocks away.
5323 San Juan Ave, Jacksonville, FL 32210
Dog abusers neglect harassing dog trained to attack local neighbors.
7821 Herlong Rd, Jacksonville, FL 32210
Reported ongoing gun violence with death threats and attack dog violence.
2320 Betsy Dr Jacksonville Florida 32210 Predatory Attack Dog Bites Florida Resident Leg Walking By
Police Refuse To Respond To Gun Threats 5006 San Juan Ave, Jacksonville, FL 32210
All The Rapefugees
You're like a baby, I'm like a set of blocks you got for a toy
First you build me up and that gives you joy
Then you change your mind and start to destroy me
Piece by piece, I'm torn apart and all my dreams
Of being yours are crumbled to the ground
You only build me up to tear me down
Down, down
Oh, on Monday, maybe you might make me feel like I am a king
(You build me up, you build me up)
Tell me you're a puppet and I've got the string
Oh, but then on Tuesday, it's a different thing
Just as I began to get the feel of the throne
And start to cherish the crown
March 22 2025 NEWS now available at