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17 Views· 01/30/24
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⁣Source: INFOWARS/Greg Reese
A lot of us are scratching our heads wondering how American culture became so void of morality in such a short period of time.
When I was growing up, there were limits on sexual displays on television, and anything aired before 9 p.m. was considered “family hour” and off-limits to adult behaviors.
Obviously, the media went south over time, and a good parent is now forced to control a child’s media intake or their children can be subjected to lewd content very easily. But what is most troubling is the fast-tracking of the sexualization of children.
In the past, people dressing as the opposite sex were thought to be oddities and a mental health-related phenomenon, but today people believe many young children are born a sex other than their biological sex. It is as if there is a trans-endemic in America.
Add to that the insidious sex education being taught to the very youngest students in government school, all I can say is Sodom and Gomorrah.
John Adams said: “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
I believe he said this because the Constitution provides for self-governance and virtuous people do what is right, whereas immoral people need to be controlled by the government. I believe the moral decay of America is on steroids and if not stopped, we will lose our freedom. This is likely an intentional agenda by those plotting the demise of this country.
An evidence report published by a group named Stop World Control “reveals how the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations (U.N.) are sexualizing little children worldwide for the purpose of normalizing pedophilia.”
It makes the case that the following list of five things are happening in a concerted effort by the WHO and the U.N. “in close partnership with the Rutgers Foundation, which is funded by Bill Gates and Planned Parenthood”:
1. Instructing all public schools worldwide to sexualize children.
2. Pushing innumerable drag queens into schools and libraries.
3. Pushing transgender confusion massively into every nation.
4. Using the media to call for the acceptance of pedophilia.
5. Judges calling for the legalization of sex with minors.
The claim about media calling for the acceptance of pedophilia is evidenced by pedophile-sympathetic headlines like this one: “CBC doc reveals the struggle of the world’s most-loathed population: pedophiles,” with the subtitle: “One in 100 men are born pedophile. So rather than stigmatizing them, why not help before they hurt someone?”
And this headline from The New York Times: “Pedophilia; a Disorder Not a Crime.”
Regarding judges calling for legalization of sex with minors, the International Commission of Jurists, or ICJ, and UNAIDS, a division of the United Nations, recently published a report on “Criminal Law Proscribing Conduct Associated With Sex, Reproduction, Drug Use, HIV, Homelessness and Poverty.”
The report says, “Sexual conduct involving persons below the domestically prescribed minimum age of consent to sex may be consensual in fact, if not in law.”
The problem is that the report neglects to address or even mention child sexual abuse and thereby allows pedophilia.
According to the report, the Rutgers Foundation was appointed by the WHO and U.N. to create school sex education materials in 27 nations. Included in the report are extremely graphic and obscene excerpts from the Rutgers curricula.
These sexually explicit materials and the push to get children to experiment sexually with themselves and others is shocking and appalling. The report also lays out evidence that proves Rutgers is a prominent promoter of pedophilia.
The outlandish things we are hearing about the sexualization of children through government schools, government libraries, the media and the justice system appear to be a well-funded intentional agenda being pumped into the 194 WHO member nations. Billionaire Bill Gates had a relationship with Jeffrey Epstein that played a role in his divorce.
Epstein was of course indicted on charges of nefarious sexual abuse and sex trafficking of minors, and he died in jail awaiting trial. Mr. Gates’ connection with Epstein provides rationale for why he would fund a movement to decriminalize child/adult sex.
Nothing good is coming from the World Health Organization and the United Nations. We all observed how countries, including our own, blindly followed WHO advice during the pandemic and the harm it did to the U.S. and the world. And now we are learning that the latest WHO assembly called for removing personal liberties.
The United States needs to withdraw its membership from the WHO and the U.N. with haste to protect American children and America’s sovereignty.
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