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The Twirl Shines His Peanut Head 🥜💉 at a COVID Center in Detroit

131 Views· 03/20/23
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VfB must go off

Earl "The Twirl' Cureton [ ⁣ ] appears at a COVID center and advocates for taking the death jab...with all the authority and celebrity his peanut head could evoke

No link to the story as of yet, but I did find this: - wonder how this program's working out for the 'youth'...but I digress

Are you fucking INSANO?!?

YOU did the 'research', yes?!?

NO, ya bloody didn't ⁣❌

Now, maybe you saw this - from your own city:

⁣Have there been other mRNA vaccines?

These are the first messenger RNA vaccines to be produced and tested in large-scale phase III human trials. The advantage of mRNA technology compared with conventional approaches is that it allows for faster development and scale-up of production. Vaccine development has traditionally been measured on the timeframe of a decade. It’s an amazing scientific accomplishment to be where we are right now. A year ago, most people had not even heard of this disease, and now healthcare workers are starting to receive a vaccine for it.

⁣How can people feel confident that these mRNA vaccines are effective and safe?

We now have data from tens of thousands of people, and they show that these vaccines are more than 90% effective in terms of preventing infections.
Some people have mild to moderate side effects, but they don’t last long — about one to three days. The most common side effects include soreness at the injection site, fatigue (feeling tired), headache, aches, and fever. They are more common after the second dose, and you might need extra rest. Severe side effects are rare and treatable. Experts at the US Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are still monitoring trial participants — and will continue to monitor them — as well as members of the general public who get the vaccine.

It’s very important for people to understand that these data are reviewed by groups independent from the pharmaceutical companies that make the drugs. These are experts who have no stake in the vaccine development or commercialization. I personally will have no hesitation in receiving either of these vaccines. I’m going to recommend to my family members and colleagues to take them.

The vaccines offer intermediate to long-term solutions to this pandemic. But we can’t give up the short-term measures that we know are effective, such as wearing masks, social distancing, and washing hands. There is light at the end of the tunnel. ⁣🧗

Nopes - that's a drop, baby ⁣😱

Yeah, many people are you bastards responsible for murdering with your time bomb snake oil? ⁣🐍💉☠

VfB DID the research, you putz

#PUREBLOOD, baby ⁣🩸

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snax 2 years ago

Walking right into the slaughterhouse.

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