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The Truth Above All$/invite/@januszkowalskii1979:e

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Knowledge must be free

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In some cases its very hard find link to creators channel because was banned or number of re-uploads
I download/upload a lot from shared NAS or my own multiple drives-There is no link provided
If there is no link provided to the source/content provider but you know it please share

If you see video on my channel it does not mean I agree with all content provided
I provide info but people should be smart enough to figure out what they think
If you CANT comprehend it and you are still going to argue with me and not the content creator,you are just a retard who cant read.
Never argue with an idiot
Idiot will always bring you down to his level and ALWAYS will defeat you with experience

I have created this channel to provide info.
I am not here to tell you what to think but in certain topics, I might try convince you by providing evidence.
What you will do with info its up to you.

I am sick of people asking: where is proof?
A lot of people is just lazy as FCK and expect everything will be given to them on a golden platter!
This channel is created to give info about certain topics
Do your own research in the particular matter you are interested in!

You can bring horse to water but you cant make him drink!

Where is proof?

QUESTION: Why I Do What I Do?
1.Read this comment section in full
2.Watch and listen - content of video will explain everything

I challenge you to watch it without any emotions
Its worth to mention that 'our ELITES' are highly involved in this behavior

Keep conversation civil
If you are going to leave comment you should watch

Trolls & blasphemers will be blocked

COVID-Combination Of Vaccination and IDentification

It is easier to deceive people than to convince them they have been deceived!

James Bullard-Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis President
"Planned,organized,partial shut down of US economy during 2nd quarter of 2019"
We know the PLANdemic was introduced and imposed not only in the USA
How did they know there will be pandemic?

Thats why its called PLANdemic

To understand what is going on,we need go back to basics
GovernMent from Greek and Latin (combined) consisted of 2 parts:
Govern/Kuberna (Greek) means to rule/to guide
Ment (Latin mente) means mind/thought
Connecting those 2 words means TO RULE/GUIDE YOUR MIND/THOUGHT

To understand what is going on we need get back to basics again: Anarchy original definition
Not changed and adjusted by the global agenda narrative by adding for example connections with Marxism or 'far left-wing movement' BS.
In ancient Greece the chief magistrate in various Greek city states was called archon/arkhia/άρχια (ruler)
An Archon (Greek ἀναρχία - anarkhia) - WITHOUT ruler
To be real anarchist means that you dont want to be RULED by anyone (inc. govs)-THATS ALL.

True anarchist means to be individual who does not want to be ruled by anyone-thats all
If someone call himself as an anarchist but he riots and burns
He does not know what anarchy stands for and he is using this phrase to his own gain
It's obvious that media changed the definition of the word anarchist
Today,by mainstream media,anarchist is called the person who burns,destroys,riot
Thats the Incendiary and Rioter-basic definition again
BLM are NOT anarchists!



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