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31 Views· 06/23/24
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⁣VfB told you that he doped out the PSYOP at 10 AM that morning, as the first building disintegrated; this was verified 20 minutes beforehand when Jerome Hauer and Binyamin Netanyahu appeared on national television announcing Tim Osman, the crisis actor known as Osama bin Laden, as the perp.

Does anyone remember that the WTC location was offered to the (((art project))) GELITIN | B-Thing? What exactly was it?

You all saw it



The 'falling man' footage was likely performed in a sequestered elevator shaft

Source: [by way of Allan Weisbecker's blog: 🌊]

This ‘new’ angle of the South Tower hit is likely ‘legitimate’ in the sense that it was filmed by a bystander on that day and is not a CGI fraud. I say this because this new one is another dead giveaway of hologram technology. (CGI would not have the mistakes we see here.)

I suggest you carefully examine the video , frame by frame, starting at about 2 minutes in. First, the ‘aircraft’ suddenly turns into a silhouette — this also happens in a clip from my video — after being front lit; I assume this is a glitch of some kind in the hologram.

As if the above isn’t enough, when the plane gets close to the building the image disappears completely for at least three frames. In one previous frame the left wing disappears; this happens in other videos I’ve seen, which means the videos are ‘real’ in the sense that the aircraft images are in the camera, not added later in post, via CGI or whatever.

This is impossible lighting.

It’s another insult to our intelligences that they’ve posted this, given that it is more proof of fraud; nor do they mention in the text anything about the impossible lighting or the disappearance of the plane image.

And of course, an aluminum/plastic airplane could not (by the laws of physics) slice through a steel framed building. It would crumple on the facade with only bits and pieces making it to the interior of the structure.

One of the frames wherein the plane disappears well before ‘hitting’ the tower.

I could of course go on and on about the video glitches and/or 9/11 in general.

Another aspect of this is its relation to the Spacex frauds I’ve exposed. 9/11 was more than 20 years ago: Imagine how much hologram technology has improved.

# speaking of special effects and historical frauds, this is as good a place as any to mention another bit of evidence that the Apollo moon landings were faked, and done so by none other than Stanley Kubrick (using the same front screen projection he used in the ‘Dawn of Man’ segment of 2001: A Space Odyssey).

I recommend Jay Weidner’s film, Kubrick’s Odyssey for proof Stanley did the deed.

Humor me and click this and the next one.

Addendum: On the other hand, Weidner has disgraced himself with his recent JFK film, which is right out of the Miles Mathis playbook. It’s nauseating, truly.

This subject is worthy of a full-blown essay but you guys will likely get my point quite easily; with those who are incapable, nothing will wise you up anyway.

It’s well known that the Warner Bros. honchos were outraged by Kubrick’s cut of Eyes Wide Shut and demanded a major re-edit; some 24 minutes had to go. As we all know, the movie exposed the PTB for the sickos they are; this is obvious even from the bastardized travesty seen in theaters back in 1999 and since. I’d bet a valued possession that Stanley went way too far in his exposé: This was the issue behind the demand for a major re-edit (24 minutes is a lot of screen time!)

Kubrick had contractual control and refused. Six days later he’s dead and the movie is released with the re-edit.

Kubrick was murdered, obviously. That this is virtually never brought up by anyone is evidence of the fear the PTB have instilled in the zeitgeist.

Addendum: As most of you know, The Shining is chock full of references to the moon landings and Kubrick’s involvement in their fakery. Look it up, but my favorite, aside from Danny’s sweater, is the ‘All work and no play make Jack a dull boy’ bit. Right: ‘Apollo 11 work’ and so on.

You can bet Kubrick was warned about fucking around with shit like this. The date of EWS release might have been the straw that did it. Stanley had been warned…

Here’s what you probably haven’t heard. Contractually Kubrick demanded that Eyes Wide Shut be released on July 16, 1999. Is there a ring to that date? Right: The 30th anniversary of the launch of Apollo 11.

Read the rest at his blog, among other things

Anons asking, 'Where's the beef?": 🥩

Never forget the SIX MILLION Jews baked to death in Hamas 🔥 Ovens On Oct 7TH 2023.

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