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Terrorist biden harris funds amtrak purveying theft by deception stealing hundreds from disabled!

9 Views· 10/25/24
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⁣Amtrak / Greyhound Nashville terrorizes clients with threats of abandonment then hides in their hole
This is not to say that Amtrak—or any other passenger rail service—does not provide any benefits to people. As I wrote at the beginning of this article, I enjoy riding the rails with my wife, just as I have enjoyed riding trains in Europe and when I go back to China to teach within the year, we will take advantage of the massive Chinese tax subsidies of passenger rail there as well. However, I’m also sure I would benefit from taxpayers providing me with free helicopter service, a free home, and free meals the rest of my life.
⁣While people die in Kentucky like Taylor, the local population reported to be named "Chase" cry wolf about a man walking down the road. Today, Monday September 13, 2021 around noon, I was pulled over by THREE black police SUVs while WALKING in Kentucky. The police who asked me at least five times if my "Pants were around my ankles to flash people" must have not been able to see well since I was not wearing pants, I am wearing shorts, and they were on in a usual way. He required my state ID which includes my full name, birth date, address, and other information about where I was going. Of course "Dispatch" did not require any information from the cry wolf caller besides a name which may be fictitious. In other states when you call the police, you need to give them your full name and other information to confirm it is you before police are sent to the scene. This helps a little to prevent people from making up lies to waste our taxes like they did today. While HALF of the local police department in Kentucky was responding to the false claims that my pants were down around my ankles, some child was being raped and killed or murdered like in the case of Taylor. Liberal (leftist) does not mean waste our taxes with false claims against men who choose to walk along the road instead of wasting fuel. It means we pool our taxes together to help people who are actually in need.

The police did drive me south as requested but I am in the same position as I was before where I am not allowed to walk along the freeway, and when I walk along the road next to the freeway, some liar calls the police with a false claim. Kentucky is much like every other state in the US where the police do not serve or protect the public and instead they harass them when child rapist / child killers call because a real man is walking.
Even Paul Krugman might recognize that the items listed in the last sentence would not confer net benefits to society at large. Even if I were to declare all these things to be “public investments,” that would not change the fact that they were naked wealth transfers and that enough of them would ultimately drag down an entire society.

Economically speaking, however, there is no substantive differenc

⁣INVESTING IN AMERICA: Biden-Harris Administration Makes More Than $1 Billion in
Additional Funding Available to Support America’s Passenger Rail Future
Tuesday, October 1, 2024

⁣This new funding, provided through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, builds
on $8.2 billion in grants announced last December for 10 passenger rail
projects across the country, including the first high-speed rail
projects in our country’s history, as the Biden-Harris Administration
continues to fund projects that will deliver the world-class passenger
rail service Americans deserve.

“The funding we’re announcing today will help add new train routes and
improve existing train lines across the country - another important step
the Biden-Harris administration is taking to deliver world-class rail
to Americans,” said U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg.


⁣While people die in Kentucky like Taylor, the local population reported to be named "Chase" cry wolf about a man walking down the road. Today, Monday September 13, 2021 around noon, I was pulled over by THREE black police SUVs while WALKING in Kentucky. The police who asked me at least five times if my "Pants were around my ankles to flash people" must have not been able to see well since I was not wearing pants, I am wearing shorts, and they were on in a usual way. He required my state ID which includes my full name, birth date, address, and other information about where I was going. Of course "Dispatch" did not require any information from the cry wolf caller besides a name which may be fictitious. In other states when you call the police, you need to give them your full name and other information to confirm it is you before police are sent to the scene. This helps a little to prevent people from making up lies to waste our taxes like they did today. While HALF of the local police department in Kentucky was responding to the false claims that my pants were down around my ankles, some child was being raped and killed or murdered like in the case of Taylor. Liberal (leftist) does not mean waste our taxes with false claims against men who choose to walk along the road instead of wasting fuel. It means we pool our taxes together to help people who are actually in need.

The police did drive me south as requested but I am in the same position as I was before where I am not allowed to walk along the freeway, and when I walk along the road next to the freeway, some liar calls the police with a false claim. Kentucky is much like every other state in the US where the police do not serve or protect the public and instead they harass them when child rapist / child killers call because a real man is walking.

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Hospitality 5 months ago

INVESTING IN AMERICA: Biden-Harris Administration Makes More Than $1 Billion in Additional Funding Available to Support America’s Passenger Rail Future

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

This new funding, provided through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, builds on $8.2 billion in grants announced last December for 10 passenger rail projects across the country, including the first high-speed rail projects in our country’s history, as the Biden-Harris Administration continues to fund projects that will deliver the world-class passenger rail service Americans deserve.

“The funding we’re announcing today will help add new train routes and improve existing train lines across the country - another important step the Biden-Harris administration is taking to deliver world-class rail to Americans,” said U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg.

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