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31 Views· 03/28/23
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⁣It's starting to sound a lot like (((p a n i c))) 🔯

First - have you heard of the (((Restrict Act))):

Oh yes - this is from the ones 'feeling threatened'...isn't that a bloody shame, you shower of twunts 🦄

VfB detected your (((multi-pronged attack))), and now is time for the rope, baby! 🤠

I just figured out the perfect hashtag for this 📱

THIS is the (((hail sarah)))✡🏈🦄😂


Let me prove it with a couple of excerpts:

The bill is not likely to be popular among influencers. There are a lot of American content creators on TikTok, and many have managed to devise a revenue stream from their popularity on the app.

Well, let me speak to that. My understanding—and I'm not an expert on influencer reimbursement—is that, actually, YouTube and some of the other platforms are, frankly, more lucrative for influencers. But I don't think this kind of social media app will disappear. I believe in the robustness of the competition system. People doing creative things on video. I'm all for it. It just needs to be done from a trusted source. And I'm not saying the videos themselves are being manipulated, but the types of videos being seen, I think the way that's being manipulated is a real concern. I don't have that concern as much if it's an app coming from a nation-state other than China. I might still have concerns as a father, but that doesn't morph into a national security concern.

Mordechai, their limp-wristed QB🦄🏈 , is setting up for a helly ghey throw - ball's got lube all over it...geez 🫣

Was there a specific event that really motivated you to go ahead with this bill?

Look, I've listened to TikTok's management. I've heard about the firewalls they've tried to build. They did not convince me. There are still constant reports of TikTok being potentially used to follow journalists. You continue to see these things where Chinese engineers are gaining access to American data, even though TikTok management says they're not. At the end of the day, you've got a hundred million Americans using TikTok on average 90 minutes a day. That's a powerful tool.

Oofa - this is epic levels of faggitry :🦄

A former Bush speechwriter wrote about TikTok in The Washington Post recently. He said, "Americans would not tolerate their own government collecting so much sensitive information about them.” Last week, the FBI acknowledged that it had, in the past, purchased US location data rather than get a warrant to obtain it. What do you say to people more worried about their own government tracking them than one thousands of miles overseas?

That concerns me. I think the onus is on the FBI to ensure privacy is protected, and I do have concerns about some of the American-based companies, the Facebooks and Googles of the world. But they also enjoy First Amendment protections, and where I've tried to focus my activities, with regard to American companies, is on things like data portability and interoperability, so if you get tired of Facebook it's easier to transport yourself over to NewCo. Right now, it's really hard for new competitors to come into the space. Or dark patterns, things where there's manipulation. The old thing where apps only allow you to say “yes.” I think precluding dark patterns on American-based social media makes sense, and I've got bipartisan legislation on that. But it hasn't moved. I do think there is a different level of threat when the ultimate recipient, or manipulator, could be an authoritarian regime. I do think that raises the threat. But that doesn't mean there are no obligations on the FBI, and I think there should be obligations on American social media, and I think it's an embarrassment that we don't have a national privacy law.


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#StandUpToJewishHate with The Voice, in partnership with The Foundation to Combat Antisemitism 🤡

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