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Shabbos goy to the jewish invader from israel uses theft by deception with those who pay them!

2 Views· 10/11/24
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⁣You can't even get into the jew cult for the 'good' things that happen in their temples. You are only allowed to use the harmful things like the child rape music at the Winston *Family* YMCA where smelly child rapist muslims gaslight you with weapons while you are naked in the jew jabed sauna. Another example is that jew jodi and aaron katz will let you ride in their crappy car but will not let you join them for the weekly free kegger with deadly alcohol and jew slave children at their jew temple. That is only for the jews they like and don't ban. This is their false synthedic tribal mantality.

After you observe the jew's abusive behavior and they see that don't you consent to it, they will use "theft by deception" to steal anything they can from you that will usually be given to their other invader slave jews or shabbos goy. Almost everyone in the United States can name jew slum business owners who have solen deposits when renting locations, gym memberships, housing, cars, offices, and other products or services. Some may donate to a jew-ish church or temple just to find out they are assisting in abducting their children and abusing them with parental loss.

# ChristianScams use "Theft by deception"

812.014 Theft.—
(1) A person commits theft if he or she knowingly obtains or uses, or endeavors to obtain or to use, the property of another with intent to, either temporarily or permanently:
(a) Deprive the other person of a right to the property or a benefit from the property.
(b) Appropriate the property to his or her own use or to the use of any person not entitled to the use of the property.

(c) A person who commits petit theft and who has previously been convicted two or more times of any theft commits a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.

(f) Except as provided in paragraph (d), if the property stolen is valued at $100 or more, but less than $750, the offender commits petit theft of the first degree, punishable as a misdemeanor of the first degree, as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.

(c) If the funds, assets, or property involved in the theft from a person 65 years of age or older is valued at $300 or more, but less than $10,000, the offender commits a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.

(2) Any person who initiates, organizes, plans, finances, directs, manages, or supervises the theft of property and traffics in such stolen property shall be guilty of a felony of the first degree, punishable as provided in ss. 775.082, 775.083, and 775.084.

Shortly after a disabled protected vunerable father reported child abuse at the Winston Family YMCA his six months of membership money from US TAXPAYER FUNDED DISABILITY and hundreds of dollars of property was stolen through organized theft by deception.
Was told if I did not meet in-person with Burt Cannon on 10/1/24 when entering the gym at about 6 a.m. that I would not be able to use any YMCAs ever again. They didn't give me a time to meet with him and said he would be in at 9 a.m. Then they said he would be in at 10 a.m. or later. The YMCA has already taken my money to complete a six month membership and a locker with a few hundred dollars of personal items in it. I was not able to stay for more than four hours at the YMCA waiting for him so I am not allowed to go to anymore YMCAs. Asked them to put the threat in writing and the front desk refused. They said it is Burt Cannon who told them and he is their manager. Burt Cannon Associate Executive Director (904)839-7039. No response from emails or phone calls. Recordings and other information available by request on jitsi.
~Publishing House Owner

# Using Shabbos Goy To Ban Non-Tribalists

Bum jews can't do anything except obsess about taking and raping the children of others so they use others to ban or steal from the Native local population in the United States. Invader jewish owners of property will have their shabbos goy property manager steal the deposits from renters. The jewish investors of the YMCA will have their shabbos goy 'associates' steal their membership funds before they are able to use them and belongings and there are excessive examples of this.

chabad dot org/library/article_cdo/aid/910980/jewish/Talmud-Torah-Chapter-Six.htm

A ban of ostracism is imposed upon a person - either man or woman - for [the following] 24 reasons:
a) a person who disgraces a sage, even after his passing;
b) a person who embarrasses a messenger of a court;
c) a person who calls a colleague a slave;
d) a person who was ordered [to appear before] a court at a specific time and did not come;
e) a person who treats even one point of Rabbinic law with disrespect; needless to say, this applies regarding [matters of] Torah law;
f) a person who refuses to comply with the decisions [rendered by a court] is placed under ban until he complies;
g) a person who possesses an entity that can cause damage - e.g., a dangerous dog or a faulty ladder - is placed under ban until he removes that entity;
h) a person who sells land to a gentile is placed under ban until he accepts responsibility for any damages which the gentile may cause his Jewish neighbor;
i) a person who testifies against a Jewish colleague in a secular court and causes money which Torah law would not [require him to pay] to be expropriated from him is placed under ban until he repays [that amount];
j) a butcher who is a priest and does not separate the priestly gifts and give them to another priest is placed under ban until he gives them;
k) a person who violates the sanctity of the second day of the festivals in the Diaspora, even though [their observance] is only a custom;
l) a person who performs work on Pesach eve after noon;
m) a person who takes God's name in vain or takes an oath casually;
n) a person who causes the many to desecrate God's name;
o) a person who causes the many to eat sacrificial food outside [its proper place];
p) a person who calculates the years [and declares a leap year] or fixes the day of the new month in the Diaspora;
q) a person who causes the blind [ - i.e., the morally unaware - ] to stumble;
r) a person who prevents the many from performing a mitzvah;
s) a butcher who sold non-kosher meat;
t) a butcher who does not inspect his knife in the presence of a sage;
u) a person who intentionally causes himself to have an erection;
v) a person who divorced his wife, and then entered into a partnership or business dealing with her which requires them to come into contact. When they come to court, they are placed under ban;
w) a sage whose reputation is unsavory;
x) a person who places a person under ban when the latter does not deserve [such punishment];

Remember to idiot criminal jew invaders, they don't need to follow the rules they post, only you do if you don't do their bidding and let them fluff up children to be raped and killed at their next perv events.

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