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29 Visualizzazioni· 05/23/24
34 Iscritti

⁣Google 1940s terrorism press enter, image & read! - Miami Florida USA Rabbi sexually assaults 11 year old girl

Magically, the judge let him go with only 9 months of probation.

Florida protects Jewish pedophiles.



Update: According to a report in the Miami Herald, Steve Karro had originally been charged with lewd and lascivious behavior with a minor but agreed to plead guilty to a misdemeanor battery charge in December of 2015. The judge in the case said the charge would be dropped if Karro completed a sentence of nine months' probation. Court documents indicate that his record was expunged in December of 2017.

Steve Karro, a 55-year-old rabbi on Miami Beach, is behind bars today on charges of molesting an 11-year-old girl. The alleged incident happened last month, but Karro told police that he was merely trying to cleanse the girl of her "negative energy."

Karro is a substitute rabbi at Shaare Ezra Sephardic Congregation. He also pursues a career as a fine artist, and indeed has his own art gallery on Arthur Godfrey Road. That's where the incident happened back on April 16.

Karro allegedly grabbed the girl's buttocks over her clothes at the gallery. He then sat the girl down on his lap and kissed her along the neck. The victim then ran out of the gallery, but not before Karro alleged gave her a bag of candy and told her not to tell her mother.

An interesting comment: (((please remove all reports on Rabbi Karo . it's all sheker .)))

That required a further search:

When someone wants to register an opinion that something is completely false, one favored Hebrew expression is the emphatic “Sheker v’chazav!” But since no two synonyms in Lashon Kodesh have exactly the same meaning, there must be some subtle difference between these two words for falsity.

What are their distinct meanings?

Sheker is the easy one. It means a simple falsehood, a plain lie. We (hopefully) know sheker when we see it – because it’s right there in open view.

Cazav, on the other hand, is defined by the great Malbim, who authored an entire work on Hebrew synonyms, as something that has the veneer of truth, but is false at its core. It is a lie encased in truth.

The letters of each of these words, in fact, reflect this distinction. The Gemara (Shabbos 104a) makes an observation about the particular letters forming the words emes and sheker. Emes consists of three letters – aleph, mem and sof – which all rest firmly either on some form of a broad base. Sheker, in contrast, is formed by three letters – shin, kuf and reish – all of which teeter precariously on a single slender leg or pointy bottom. The medium, says the Gemara, is itself the message: emes ka’i, shikra lo ka’i. This means that emes stands – or better, it remains standing, endures – while sheker “doesn’t have a leg to stand on.”

It’s not only the shapes of the letters that convey this message, but also the particular letters comprising these words. The word emes begins with the alphabet’s first letter, aleph, and ends with its last one, sof; in between them is the mem, which is close to the alphabet’s center. The symbolism is unmistakable: Emes lasts from beginning to end. No wonder the Gemara (Shabbos 55a) teaches that emes is what serves as chosamo shel Hakadosh Boruch Hu, the stamp of He Who declares Ani rishon va’Ani acharon (Yeshayah 44:6). Sheker, in contrast, is composed of three letters at the end of the alphabet, “toppling” it over on one end.

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