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Bushels Per Acre - Government making a Dairy Farm in Southern Ontario dump 30,000 litres of milk because they have gone over quota. Can’t donate it to a food bank, or to a hospital, or to a homeless shelter. Right down the drain so we can pay $7 per litre for milk.
Imagine that, goyimzes
When you value (((profits over people))), this is just (((business)))
MONKEY BUSINESS...and there's always a monkey in the middle cashing off of the efforts of real producing men and women
VfB learned about DEATH, SEX and MONEY at the tender ages of 6, 7 and 8...and not necessarily in said order, frens; but because of those essential lessons, I habs seen through the veneer of green and can experience the entire spectrum
We habs established a PARALLEL ECONOMY; in fact, it's always been there
The thing we must do is to NOT ALLOW ITS (((monetization)))
The PE works, irregardless of (((profits))) - it's about home, community and your ecosystem
The scumbags managed to break up the family unit using (((solve et coagula)))
All of our responsible men are away from their homes at least 40+ hours every week; our women are programmed to hate what they are best at - MOTHERHOOD
With the parents led astray, the scumbags get to play...WITH OUR CHILDREN
What's the main motto of this channel?!?
CHILDREN ARE NOT SEX TOYS...B U T when you allow (((grooming))) to take place in those satanic cults called public school, you are allowing them to be converted into non-procreating entities...and their only recourse, after the delusion to be...A SEX TOY for the (((homosexual banking mafia)))
Run out of ways to support your family?!? Got a cute kid? Someone will buy them from you.
That's how it works, frens
I've been trolling (((Meathead))) 🥩🤤