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10 Views· 07/21/24
33 Subscribers


Jotted down some quick notes while watching 🥸

On the subject of Handsome Truth, you've heard VfB say, "Don't show kindness to your oppressors"; like Jim says: if you don't like how he does it, make viable suggestions or actually show us...but yore keyboard critiques are weak sauce 👎

Cat report 😸

This next one was amazing - ever heard of the Black Holocaust Museum? Had to use that as the thumbnail 🫣

Thank You For Visiting Our Virtual Museum!
This is more than a website: it's a 3500+ page Virtual Museum!

So what can you do here?

Here are just a few ideas:

• Discover seldom-told stories in our Online History Galleries.

• Plan your in-person visit to our On-Site museum's galleries.

• Find out what the only known survivor of a US lynching did with the rest of his long life.

• Learn about present and past challenges facing the African American community in our Breaking News blog.

• Take the pledge to be a Freedom Lover and post your photo and/or name on our Roll Call Wall.

• Contribute to ABHM's work of education, reconciliation, and healing.

• Become a Member of the Museum!

ABHM is a one-of-a-kind historical and memorial museum about the Black Holocaust in America.

History museums study, exhibit, and interpret history. Memorial museums explain and commemorate past events of mass suffering.

Over the last 40 years, people around the world have created memorial museums to help their countries and communities make sense of and draw redemptive lessons from terrible periods of man’s inhumanity to man.

On the subject of the Federal Reserve - if QFS is legitimate AND can be meshed with cash...further research is required

The Crowdstrike outage, from what VfB has gathered, was DELIBERATE, and yes - the entire idea of the internet as a 'cloud' is a colossal bait and switch - below is an image describing the nature of the (((outage))): NULL bytes 🤔

CockleKlepper posted to Jim's channel:

Lack of imagination, direction, initiative and ACTION seems a major problem with so very many. I do believe there is objectively better ways than others to distribute information. Something that should be constantly happening whilst other ACTIONS are being taken. Even before I'd even heard of the bullshitter Alex jones and decades before HT even came on the scene, l was doing public film events and PAMPHLET ( Flier ) campaigns all off my own initiative and pocket ( never asked gor a cent ). This was ostensibly about Palestine, but as we dig the shit smells worse and l realised WE are getting screwed as well. It was me ( others ?), who was continually pushing HT and Brendan O'Connell to start pamphlet campaigns. AS I HAD BEEN DOING MYSELF....unknown to anyone but the enemy. Face to face ALTERCATIONS, I found to be highly stressful and totally unproductive. For that work l am well an truly on the shit list. My personal opinion, the POOR LEAST, is that the distribution of INFORMATION should always be going on ANONYMOUSLY. Initially l feel this is cowardice, but through my own experiences l feel it is also effective, not the least from understudying the enemies tactics. They didn't always have this position of " top dog " that they hold today. Unfortunately too many in our " own ranks " are intellectually lazy, have no direction and demand a leader, rather than posessing the faculty, inspiration or motivation to get off their arses to simply DO SOMETHING other than talk smack on the KIKES PLATFORMS.....


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