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17 意见· 09/08/24
34 订户

⁣Concerned Citizen - “2 out of 3 Americans use Mouthwash” Am starting to think there isn’t a single product out there that doesn’t harm us in some way.



Mouthwash is used by a large population. Short-term clinical trials have shown that antibacterial mouthwash deplete oral nitrate-reducing bacteria, and decrease systemic nitric oxide bioavailability. Our previous publication from the San Juan Overweight Adults Longitudinal Study (SOALS) was the first to show frequent over-the-counter mouthwash use was independently associated with increased risk of prediabetes/diabetes. This manuscript evaluates whether over-the-counter mouthwash was associated with increased risk of hypertension.

Materials and Methods:
SOALS recruited 40-65 year old overweight/obese individuals; baseline evaluations started in 2011 and the 3-year follow-up exam was completed by 2016. From the 1028 participants (76%) who completed follow-up, we excluded people with reported physician diagnosis of hypertension or systolic or diastolic BP at or above the hypertension cutoffs (n=481), missing smoking (n=1), missing physical activity (n=1) and missing alcohol intake (n=5) at baseline; 540 participants were included. The primary exposure was mouthwash use twice daily or more. The primary outcome for this manuscript is self-reported physician-diagnosed hypertension over the follow-up. We used Poisson regression controlling for age, sex, smoking, physical activity, waist circumference, alcohol intake, systolic blood pressure, pre-diabetes/diabetes status and cardiac medication use. We additionally evaluated other mouthwash use categorizations.

Twelve percent (66/540) developed hypertension over follow-up. People who used mouthwash twice/day or more had higher incidence of hypertension compared to less frequent users (Incidence Rate Ratio = 1.85; 95% Confidence Interval: 1.17, 2.94), and compared to non-users (IRR = 2.17; 95% CI: 1.27, 3.71). Several additional potential confounders evaluated did not impact these associations. Associations persisted among never smokers. Additional outcomes including BP assessed at a single study visit did not show associations.

In this study, frequent regular use of over-the-counter mouthwash was associated with increased risk of hypertension, independent of major risk factors for hypertension and several other potential confounders.

Keywords: cardiovascular disease(s), dental public health, epidemiology, microbial ecology, nitric oxide(s), oral hygiene, hypertension

VfB has his own personal troll, ⁣The_Author_._--Oxide--👎

No one should have any motivation to resist the depopulation agenda.

This is a world where, every single second of every single day, countless numbers of prey animals face agonising deaths as they are eaten alive. Their predators suffer too, as the parasitic worms and ticks which are abundant in all of their bodies cause malnutrition and painful diseases. Runts of litters are left behind by their mothers to slowly starve to death. Droughts leave animals dying of thirst, and monsoons leave them buried alive in mudslides. Humans continue to be raped, murdered, brutalised, tortured, languishing in 9-to-5 slavery, being killed by diseases, falling victim to life-ruining diseases, and so on. Millions upon millions will continue to be killed, maimed or displaced by wars.

Birth rates seemingly irreversibly low. N/NW European gene pools very heavily polluted or being very heavily polluted with non-N/NW racial biology (Germanic, Slavic, Alpinid, Mediterranean, and so on). Soon, you people will have nothing to even fight for!

This world is, always has been and always will be one of extreme suffering, misery and pain (both mental and physical) for billions upon billions of beings. Non-stop and VERY widespread war, rape, child molestation / sodomy, domestic violence, murder, massacres, bereavements, maiming, torture (of humans and animals), genocide, degeneracy, injustice, tyranny, stupidity, insanity, slavery, 9-to-5 work hell, paedophilia, religion (fairytale insanity), psychopathy, sociopathy, narcissism, sadism, starvation, senescence (ageing), birth defects, natural disasters, very painful / debilitating diseases, diseases painfully killing children, animals eating other animals alive, flesh-eating bacteria, eye-burrowing / blindness-causing parasites, and so much more. MILLIONS OF YEARS OF TERROR, AGONY AND BLOODSHED, AND THIS SUFFERING IS AND ALWAYS HAS BEEN POINTLESS.

Why fight to preserve such a world?! Why the hell should anyone be even remotely invested in ANY of this world's constructs?!

Huh...sounds hinky to me, nitwit ⁣😒


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