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12 Views· 11/17/24
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⁣Not A Number - Project Slam Dunk



Some Cliff Notes:

The Whistle-Blower confessed on his deathbed to his son (the son is the man in the video). His name was Cyrus Eugene Akers (July 17, 1933-September 28, 2002) and he was one of three guards stationed at the hoax site. Air Police badge number D7596 (or maybe 07596)

Moon hoax project was called PROJECT SLAM DUNK

A filming location was: Cannon Air Force Base ( in center of very East border of New Mexico.

"[...] by the time [his father arrived] there were two large hangars connected [...] hundreds of dump trucks dumping sand and stone [...] cement powder was powdered all over to make it look like a lunar landscape."

"He said that in front of the airplane hangars was [... pole?] framing with large canvas tents that was concealing the inside of the staging area [...] Inside the staging area the lunar lander on flatbed trucks was uncrated ... that was reassembled back inside the hangars. All of the walls were planted flat black and the ceilings as well."

"He was sworn to secrecy by the NSA, and they would put him in prison for breaking that oath. When he saw the moon landing on TV he cried. He said he knew that what he witnessed was exactly what they'd recorded in that hangar."

He checked out a lot of [the names given] and he can verify what they do: President Johnson, Neil Armstrong, Edwin Alden, Werner von Braun, Robert Emenegger, [Eugene Francis] "Gene" Kranz, James Webb, Joe [Joseph P.] Kerwin, Dr. Thomas Payne, Glenn Looney, Dr. Christopher [C.] Kraft [Jr.], Dr. James Van Allen, General Trudeau, Lieutenant Colonel Donald Simon and Grant Norray

Robert Emenegger, the composer, also did "video work for the Department of Defense".

Grant Norray was some FBI/CIA/NSA "Who Knows?" sort of person.

President Johnson showed up for the first day of filming. It lasted 3 days (from June 1-3, 1968) and the project was restored to original. That is, every element was removed from the area after completion, even the sand.

He says although the official .MIL site had admitted the lander and President were there at the time, they have since removed that info from the site. Not incriminating at all, especially if they want to do some PR but it does unfortunately for them make it seem like an act of guilt.

He says he never had any problems until he contacted Bart Sibrel and told him his father's story. People broke into his house multiple times. He was told to drop the project by men in black suits or he and his family "could disappear." He would like someone to be able to pick up the research and prove what he's talking about because he feels it's true and he knows his father didn't lie to him.

Thank you so much Mr. Aker and son! You are good men. I sincerely hope more of you come to this planet to make a difference.

New Live Link of Moon Landing Hoax Confession:

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