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Rep. McCormick: “You said in an interview that you gave us part of an audio book, written by Michael Specter, that you believed an institution should make it hard for people to live their lives so they’d feel pressured to get vaccinated. Can we run the audio clip on that, please?”
Clip of Dr. Fauci, Summer 2021: “I have to say that I don’t see a big solution, other than some sort of mandatory vaccination. I know federal officials don’t like to use that term. Once people feel empowered and protected legally, you’re going to have schools, universities, and colleges are going to say, ‘you want to come to this college buddy, you’re going to get vaccinated. Lady, you’re going to get vaccinated.’ Yeah, big corporations, like Amazon and Facebook and all of those others, are going to say ‘you want to work for us, you get vaccinated.’ And it’s been proven that when you make it difficult for people in their lives, they lose their ideological bullshit and they get vaccinated.”
Rep. McCormick: “Thank you. Are all objections to COVID vaccinations ideological bullshit, Dr. Fauci?”
Dr. Fauci: “No, they’re not. And that’s not what I was referring to.”
Rep. McCormick: “Well, in reference to making it hard for people to get education, traveling, working, I’d say it very much was in context. And I take great offense…I think Americans take great offense to this. That’s exactly what you meant when you said ‘making it hard for people to live without getting a vaccination.’ You affected people’s ability to work, travel, be educated, to actually flourish in America, to self-determine, as we’re all given God given rights. Shame on you. Dr. Fauci, you become Dr. Fear. Americans do not hate science. I don’t hate science. The American people hate having their freedoms taken from them. You inspired and created fear through mask mandates, school closures, vaccine mandates that have destroyed the American people’s trust in our public health institutions. This fear you created will continue to have ripple effects over generations to come. You have already seen its effects in education, in the economy, and everything else. Quite frankly, you said if you disagree with me, you disagree with science. Dr. Fauci, I disagree with you because I disagree with fear.”
Rep. John Joyce (R-Pa.), M.D., reaffirmed that the “six feet apart” social distancing guidance promoted by Dr. Fauci and his team was not based on science. Dr. Fauci attempted to evade accountability for his part in promoting this harmful narrative by blaming the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).