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2 Bekeken· 03/07/25
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International child abuse broadcasting update

If defective donald has been 'clear' about the fighting then what is
going to happen as reasonable punishment to the jews that raped and
murdered our children? How about the jews that are abusing stolen
children today in the hot tub at jca?

How about taxpayer funded terrorist jew invaders like tom orpaz that
make death threats in public about us? No punishment or arrests for the
jew right turd trump? Steal their children, rape them, murder them,
and then say, "Peace man...why you so angry?"

Dana White, Are You A Traitor?
Albert Einstein truly a genius, or was he just a fraudulent “scientist”
who has been elevated to glory by his fellow jewish tribesmen?

The answer is abundantly clear when you take a closer look (archived):
Einstein is today revered as “the Father of Modern Science”. His
wrinkled face and wild hair has become a symbol for scientific genius
and “his” E = mc^2 equation is repeatedly used as the symbol for
something scientific and intellectual. And yet there has for years been
mounting evidence that this “Father of Modern Science” was nothing but a
con man, lying about his ideas and achievements, and stealing the work
and the research of others.”

The most glaring evidence against Einstein concerns “his” most
famous equation. One website notes “The equation E=mc^2, which has been
forever linked to Einstein & his Theory of Relativity was not
originally published by Einstein. According to Umberto Bartocci, a
professor at the University of Perugia and a historian of mathematics,
this famous equation was first published by Olinto De Pretto …two years
prior to Einstein’s publishing of the equation. In 1903 De Pretto
published his equation in the scientific magazine Atte and in 1904 it
was republished by the Royal Science Institute of Veneto. Einstein’s
research was not published until 1905… Einstein was well versed in
Italian and even lived in Northern Italy for a brief time.

“Saint Einstein” is a key figure in the fraudulent notion of “jewish supremacy”.

All of the real scientists whom Einstein plagiarized were White. None
of their names are equated with the concept of “genius” the way
Einstein continues to be. Throughout his life, Einstein refused to
publicly debate ANY of his famous “theories”; he was a coward.

The best work exposing the fraud of Einstein is The Manufacture and
Sale of Saint Einstein by Jon Bjerknes. Here is a full PDF copy of that
book, which thoroughly discredits Einstein beyond all doubt.

From Chapter one of Bjerknes’ book we read:

“His favorite tactic to avoid debate was to accuse his critics of
being “anti-Semites”, while refusing to address their legitimate
accusations of his, Einstein’s, irrationality and plagiarism. Like most
bullies by bluff, Einstein was a coward, who hid behind the power of the
racist Jews who attempted to shield him from criticism through
well-orchestrated smear campaigns in the international press.”

Gee… eighty years later, it’s almost like these same strategies are being used today…

The greatest scientific mind, Nikola Tesla, once observed about Einstein:

“Einstein’s relativity work is a magnificent mathematical garb which
fascinates, dazzles and makes people blind to the underlying errors. The
theory is like a beggar clothed in purple whom ignorant people take for
a king… its exponents are brilliant men but they are metaphysicists
rather than scientists.”

Tesla also once infamously told his secretary, “Never trust a jew.”

Why do I need to know about this?
Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe
author and lecturer Warren Wendell Wiersbe was born in East Chicago on
May 16, 1929. He attended Indiana University, Roosevelt University and
Northern Baptist Seminary.
He was ordained in 1953 and was the pastor
of a number of churches, including Moody Church in Chicago. He was the
general director for the radio show, Back to the Bible, and is
Writer-in-Residence at Cornerstone College and Distinguished Professor
of Preaching at Grand Rapids Seminary.
He has written more than one hundred books and is the Senior Contributing Editor for Baker Book House.
(Bowker Author Biography)

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