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Vince McMahon accused of sex Trafficking and Assault 👊 of former WWE Employee he paid for NDA 🚨 [NSF
I've heard some raunchy rantings in my time...but this goes in the top echelon of berserko 🤬
Vince McMahon accused of sex Trafficking and Assault of former WWE Employee he paid for NDA
I’ve obtained several text messages that were included in the court documents McMahone sent and they are pretty vile, so I redacted some words out.
A woman named Janel Grant, a former employee at WWE's headquarters said McMahon made her sign a non-disclosure agreement about their relationship for an agreed amount of $3 million. However, Grant didn't receive full payment from McMahon, and wants to void the agreement with the lawsuit.
The court filings alleges the McMahon took part in sex trafficking and put her through sexual acts that were done with "extreme cruelty and degradation."
Pretty vile and degrading stuff, if true…
You can read the rest here…