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9 Views· 08/06/24
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⁣Dr. Pierre Kory: "The EUA rushed through a gene therapy vaccine. This is not a normal traditional vaccine. This is something where you're putting in genetic material into a patient and you're having their body produce a protein with no shut off valve and no ability to keep that spike protein in the arm. So that was a dangerous product that was very very poorly tested...That was one factor that led to the calamity and really what is a humanitarian catastrophe.

But in terms of the pandemic there would have been almost no disruption to our society or really a pandemic at all had we gone full in on the use of effective repurposed off patent medicines like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. And there are actually dozens of different therapies that we now know work for Covid, but yet it was the singular focus on the vaccine.

And the real crime to me was what we just talked about. It was the overall suppression and attacks in the media. The propaganda and censorship around the use of early repurposed drugs. Doctors who came out early, saying that hydroxychloroquine was working, they were put on television, there were hit jobs done and they're made to look ridiculous and fringe and a quack. Same thing happened to me when I started to present the science around ivermectin, my career ended...

I would say the vast majority of US deaths in this country were due to lack of early treatments."


VfB mentions his role in exposing the COVIDIOCRACY; but a good deal of the credit goes to Jim Stone, who has been MIA since October 26th of last year

VfB figured out the method of administration, but Jim realizes what the bastards were doing:

Machine access code (or MAC address) is how, through quintillions of transactions of data going to and fro, that requested data satisfies said requests.

This is why your garage door opener doesn’t open EVERY GARAGE AROUND.

They are all on the SAME FREQUENCY.

So are WE.

So...the “vaccine” is YOUR OWN PERSONAL MAC ADDRESS:

UPDATE [04/06/21]- From JSF: RED ALERT:


ONE LINE EXPLANATION: The Covid vax programs your body to produce a spike protein, which just so happens to be the prion for mad cow disease.

It was a trap. The entire Covid ruse was a con job to get people to accept a shot that would cause their body to manufacture the prions. The Americans who got the shot will die from this or become non- functional in about a year. And they intend to blame Trump for it. Watch this hour and a half long Alex vid NOW:

He cuts to the chase right in the beginning, this video is not some guy wasting an hour to say a sentence of relevant stuff. A white hat got all the elite documents with regard to the entire COVID plot and handed them to Alex Jones. HERE IS THE COVID GAME PLAN: We all know the "covid vax" re-programs your DNA to produce a spike protein that's supposed to fight "covid". Alex got the real dirt on this, and the spike protein your body is actually programmed to produce is the prion that causes Crutzfeld Jacobs disease - otherwise known as "Mad Cow disease". Once you get the shot, you're a goner, you might as well just sit down and eat 10 mad cows.

HERE IS THE KICKER: Lately in media reports, they are already starting to report mysterious and un-traceable pockets of mad cow disease popping up in people in geographically separated areas, with no way to draw a link to a contaminated food source. Alex did not say this, it is something I noticed but did not even think about posting because mad cow disease is an old topic. Soon it will be the ONLY topic. AND WORSE: Once Alex got this tip off, he was able to go through old journals that talked about this plan 10 years ago, and originally Covid-19 was being discussed as a prion disease that is the same as mad cow disease. Their original outbreak plan did not use the coronavirus, it used prions and THAT is why the shots were ready so soon, they have been working on them since at least 2010 - a prion shot that goes in, produces no symptoms for six months or so, and then BOOM, your brain is GONE. THEY ARE LYING ABOUT THE NUMBER OF PEOPLE VAXXED BIG TIME The latest figure I heard was that 40 percent of Americans have been jabbed. But reality shows that the actual number of people jabbed is approximately on par with how many actually voted Biden. New Mexico has the highest vaccination rate in the country, at 25.56%. Utah has the lowest vaccination rate, at 12.88 percent. 30 states have a vaccination rate below 20 percent. The average vaccination rate is right around 17 percent. SEE THIS. So when the prion strikes, it will be highly visible, but it won't wipe out society.


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