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40 Views· 05/30/24
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⁣Wall Street Apes - We Have Been Lied To About EVERYTHING Testimony: Challenger Astronauts Allegedly Alive “I think we all remember the Challenger explosion that took place in 1986 that tragically took the lives of all seven astronauts on board. It launched not too far from where we're standing



VfB has been perusing the writing of Miles Mathis; first read his work on the Paul McCartney bait and switch, but he's written extensively on a myriad of topics [and he may be a reader of some of VfB's postings, from what's been presented], and one of those topics was the idea that our 'space program' is a colossal hoax

Interestingly, that essay was expunged from his online repository...but you need to go full Hillary shamois to beat VfB:


We now know that the Apollo program was an even more massive fraud, and that no one ever went to the Moon. That is what I would call common knowledge, although the governors wish it weren't, and pretend it isn't so. They are still trying to sell it, but have very few buyers outside of their government,university, and military hires. We also know the more recent SpaceX launches are fraudulent. They are so poorly faked even school children can see the seams. They have rockets flying backwards and landing on tiny spots in the ocean, while paid crowds of college students, meth heads, and gangbangers cheer and high-five. We also know—courtesy of Simon Shack at Clues Forum—that the Challenger astronauts, who are supposed to be dead, aren't. That “tragedy” was another bold fraud, and I suppose it was pulled to make the project look real. A fail now and then adds to the perceived reality of the show. People will think, “They aren't going to blow up a fake Shuttle with people onboard!”. No, and they aren't going to blow up a real one, either. But they did blow up a fake one with no one onboard,since that would kill several birds with one stone. To start with, tragedies act as the greatest
confirmation of projects, since they are unanswerable. They defy analysis and questioning, since(almost) no one wants to question a tragedy. It can so easily be dismissed as heartless that no one wants to go there. [Fortunately, many of us outgrew that trick after 911, and many more after Sandy Hook. The fake tragedies eventually became so transparent, the “heartless” slur no longer held any water. But at the time of the Challenger event, that wasn't yet the case. Analysis was still verboten.]Such tragedies also draw attention from real things at the time, that should be in the news but aren't. They also help the governors control us, by creating a false sense of community. In tragedy, people come together, and this gives the hoaxing governors the opportunity of joining the hugfest, and profiting from it. Plus, if you think a Shuttle has been destroyed, you won't complain when they spend your tax dollars to replace it with yet another one. It's all about spending, as you should know by now.Billing you for new expensive stuff every year, and delivering none of it.

Given that, I went to the Wiki page on the Space Shuttle expecting the worst. I was not disappointed.As usual, all I had to do is read for a few moments with my eyes open and the whole conjob immediately collapsed like a house of cards. The collapse began with the photos posted, as is usually the case. Study the photo under title. My entire thesis could rest on that (though it won't). Just ask yourself this: isn't it an amazing coincidence that all five still photos (allegedly taken from films of the launches) would be taken at exactly the same angle? In other words, there is way too little variation between the five photos to indicate they are real. If you photographed or filmed five different launches with five different shuttles and five different rockets on five different days, you would expect far more variation. Instead, we see carbon copies, with a few slight differences edited in. They have changed the names, the color of the sky, the color of the central pod (external tank), and a few other lines here and there. But it isn't convincing, since they forgot to change the template.You will say they just shot this from the same camera on the same spot at the same exact split second of launch: the shuttle and rockets hadn't changed much, so of course we get carbon copies. But that is disproved by the photos themselves. This can't have been at the exact same moment of launch, since the tower (scaffolding) is different in three of them. That is one of the differences they edited in. But that was a mistake, because it shows up the fake.

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