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32 Visualizações· 02/24/23
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⁣Fox News host Tucker Carlson examines the role diversity, equity and inclusion are playing in the aviation industry on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight.’


I think I've got a good one here!

Tucker Carlson blames Biden & minorities for aviation incidents

Tucker Carlson went on a nearly four minute rant last night. Let me summarize what he said, so you don’t actually have to watch it:

Aviation used to be safe until Biden became president, because “Biden imposed the principles of equity on the airlines, and that meant dramatically lowering hiring standards for pilots and for air traffic controllers”

Last week there was a go-around at Houston’s Airport that “terrified” passengers, yet the media isn’t talking about it (lol)

Carlson wants to know what’s going on, so he reached out to an unnamed United Airlines pilot, who claims that “under its woke CEO Scott Kirby, the airline has allowed politics and racialist ideologies to trump safety concerns,” putting the lives of passengers in grave danger

Carlson then quotes the same unnamed pilot who says he heard from another unnamed pilot that “the captain of the Maui flight was brand new,” and “there was a new-hire first officer,” and talks about how in the training simulators, a new pilot tried to make 25 landings, and “15 ended up in the dirt”

Southwest has also dramatically lowered its hiring standards, and people in Southwest’s academy largely end up flying for charter airline Swift Air, to “fly illegal aliens around the country without the American population knowing about it”

Carlson concludes that “this is what it looks like in real terms when you decide that identity is more important than aptitude in something critical like aviation”


Bottom line: Tucker Carlson is trying to insinuate that we’re seeing a series of aviation incidents because of President Biden’s “woke” policies.

Regardless of where you stand politically, this is patently false.

Yes, there’s reason to be concerned by the alarming number of near miss aviation incidents we’ve seen recently. These incidents are on some level happening because of the industry currently being less experienced than in the past.

However, that’s not because of any “woke” hiring practices, but rather because we have a pilot shortage. That pilot shortage is happening because of how many pilots took...[VfB sez 💉]

Before I even get my teeth into this; one of the hashtags is #diea - diversity, inclusion, equity and asshattery...well, misspelling IDEA doesn't seem to produce fruitful results...but I digress

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