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6 مناظر· 11/15/24
34 سبسکرائبرز

⁣I will let you decide.
This is an AI video of Brian Ruhe's blog at
Below is a link and the letter written by Gerald Light to Mr. Meade Layne, after Gerald Light witnessed Eisenhower’s meeting with E.T.s.
Gerald Light
10545 Scenario Lane
Los Angeles, California
Mr. Meade Layne
San Diego, California
My dear Friend: I have just returned from Muroc. The report is true — devastatingly true!
I made the journey in company with Franklin Allen of the Hearst papers and Edwin Nourse of Brookings Institute (Truman’s erstwhile financial advisor) and Bishop MacIntyre of L.A. (confidential names for the present, please).
When we were allowed to enter the restricted section (after about six hours in which we were checked on every possible item, event, incident and aspect of our personal and public lives), I had the distinct feeling that the world had come to an end with fantastic realism. For I have never seen so many human beings in a state of complete collapse and confusion, as they realized that their own world had indeed ended with such finality as to beggar description. The reality of the “other plane” aeroforms is now and forever removed from the realms of speculation and made a rather painful part of the consciousness of every responsible scientific and political group.
During my two days’ visit I saw five separate and distinct types of aircraft being studied and handled by our Air Force officials — with the assistance and permission of the Etherians! I have no words to express my reactions.
It has finally happened. It is now a matter of history.
President Eisenhower, as you may already know, was spirited over to Muroc one night during his visit to Palm Springs recently. And it is my conviction that he will ignore the terrific conflict between the various ‘authorities’ and go directly to the people via radio and television — if the impasse continues much longer. From what I could gather, an official statement to the country is being prepared for delivery about the middle of May.
I will leave it to your own excellent powers of deduction to construct a fitting picture of the mental and emotional pandemonium that is now shattering the consciousness of hundreds of our scientific “authorities” and all the pundits of the various specialized knowledges that make up our current physics. In some instance I could not stifle a wave of pity that arose in my own being as I watched the pathetic bewilderment of rather brilliant brains struggling to make some sort of rational explanation which would enable them to retain their familiar theories and concepts. And I thanked my own destiny for having long ago pushed me into the metaphysical woods and compelled me to find my way out. To watch strong minds cringe before totally irreconcilable aspects of “science” is not a pleasant thing. I had forgotten how commonplace things as dematerialization of “solid” objects had become to my own mind. The coming and going of an etheric, or spirit, body has been so familiar to me these many years I had forgotten that such a manifestation could snap the mental balance of a man not so conditioned. I shall never forget those forty-eight hours at Muroc!
OG Source: Brian Ruhe:

Got a fantastic comment from BitChute that deserves archiving👍
We should probably try to understand 'demons' as the 'lower or reduced ones' and the majority of flesh ones were killed off in the Great Flood, which is not as far back as we have been told, as they've meddled with the calendar, to obfuscate End of Times.

Psychotropic drugs (demon doorways) cause mood/behaviour changes or 'dementia' - not just street drugs, but pharmacueticals incl. anti-epileptics, anti-schizoid, anti-depressants, Parkinsons, Statins which may lead to 'dementia' in the elderly, so it's not just the aluminium in flu j.abs.

You will find many health issues stemming from adverse effects (some enduring) of v.a.x. , anti-biotics (mould based). Sugar is your worst enemy - causes inflammation, spikes in blood sugar. If you are really unlucky, you'll have hypos after a spike, then blackouts. They will diagnose epilepsy, & the meds will cause epilepsy (as happened with my father). LOOK AT YOUR SUGAR RICH DIET & modify that if you eat more than 30g of sugar incl in products per day.

Calcium supplemtents are synthetic (eat dairy instead). They form the bulk of plaques in the blood vessels for people who take supplements which they advicate for pregnant mothers and elderly. For the elderly, doses are set much too high and daily for elderly people whose bodies cannot process such large amounts of synthetic calcium, and the excess is then dumped in the blood where it accumulates. Studies have found calcium suppliments do not prevent fractures, so it's intnded to cause cardiac episodes and strokes. So they can then put you on 'Statins', which diminishes the critical cholesterol that the brain needs, and this leads to 'dementia'. A long pathway to your mental demise.

My mother was put on beta-blokers, just months later she had multiple strokes at just 49 with no other apparent causation. Now they are chasing me to have free health checks - so they can medicate & create a disease where there was none.

I may have taken much longer to be convinced about demons had I not seen many things, starting with my own father (who snapped back to normal for two years when I demanded he be taken off the toxic drugs, so then they conspired to put him back on them because he was doing so well).

I encountered a tiny frail old lady (barely 40kg or 6 stone) 'with dementia' who in a spontaneous rage lifted a heavy commode well above her head and was about to throw it at a bedridden patient who was resting. She was on toxic psychotropics, like my father was.

I think the PKU test at birth is not about a rare condition, it's looking for the arrival of the 'messiah'. Ofc they won't be fruitful. (Some think PKU is a poison.) I don't recall them doing the PKU for my daughters, only my son, as they only ever asked for consent with my son.

IMO, dark matter is just a catch word for what lurks in the darkness. If you take images of the dark (in your garden), increase exposure many times until you can see what you would see in daylight, then zoom in, and you will see the many eyes, faces and forms almost captive in the pixels. My back garden has been fruitful with all sorts of things. A large beaked goblin thing though the beak looked like a nose, critters that look like monkeys with white wool hair, meerkats, smiling skulls, zombies, a horned big jawed thing (like hellboy) - they all had black eyes, some even had light glinting in them alluding to depth. I captured a Cardiassian type inside a hex on woman's back in the local park during daylight, but trees created dark shadows for this to be clearer. Another in my garden was like Nesferatu.

I also saw a white thick 'smoke' at my former partner's. My partner was sleeping and I awoke suddenly to see the other side of the room, and the top of the wardrobe was not visible because of this 'cloud' near the ceiling. I thought it was smoke at first, but realised there was no smell. I continued to watch it, and then it was like someting sucked it from the room in about 3 seconds. Later I was told family and friends had also seen this smoke over the years in the other bedrooms and they had also thought the house was on fire until they checked it out.

I have others experiences: black creature floating in mid air (not flapping) barely 2 feet away from me (I frightened it off, it floated down like a balloon with what loked like a small cloak (kid you not) and it ran off, then I went back out again and it ran from where it was hiding into may garden - I might add I was also scared as it made me jump'), ultra bright white balls that flash in different parts of the lounge and hallway (sun was at the back of the house, and no street lights as it was during the day) and single red dots moving around the bedroom (at night, with curtains closed). Sometimes they appear in a corner to the side of the window, so not coming in from outside by a laser pointer for example. My ultra skeptical partner has seen the white balls and red dots, and offers no ideas. So what are they?

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