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Independent documentary positing the theory that Barack Obama's spouse is male.
From the vaults of VfB
Something is going on at BitChute - it looks as if a script was embedded to stop videos from playing
Well, that's a load of I fixed this video!
A young woman ran over and killed a man in Campo Grande, last Sunday (22), around 7 pm. The images were recorded by a security camera.
The man was the boyfriend of the driver’s mother. According to the police, he assaulted and raped her mother, which motivated the daughter’s retaliation.
The video shows the moment the man appears sitting on the sidewalk, in front of a market, when the car runs over him. It all happened around 7 pm, on Rua Afluente. Another man, who was at the scene talking to the victim, managed to divert and was not hit.
Mulher atropela e mata padrasto que agrediu sua mãe - Veja o vídeo - Portal do Lobão
After running over the victim for the first time, the driver again threw the car on top of the man, who was injured. The driver still got out of the vehicle and started arguing with the victim and then fled the scene.
The man was rescued by teams from the Mobile Emergency Service (Samu) and the Military Fire Department. As found, he was sent in serious condition to Santa Casa.
According to the Civil Police, the driver remains outlawed. Teams carry out diligences in the region, but she has not yet been located. The case has been registered as attempted murder and is still being investigated.
Juliette Bryant
"I posted this video for protection as I was recently followed in my car and have been feeling at threat"
My main #twitter account was soon deleted
Twitter allowed child porn before Musk , so this is not much of a change
A Rhodesian explains that all White liberals and conservatives that talk about the "based" Blacks are what brought their countries to ruin because they do not understand Blacks. If you're not intellectually dishonest you'll listen to this man. He explains that there were people saying the same exact thing as these cuckservatives and shitlibs are today in the US and that they should never have been listened to then.
"A very important thing I must add with regards to the American situation is that many Whites will be looking as we used to do, they'll be looking for Black leaders who are sane and they'll be looking for Black leaders to come out and say 'well, you know, this is wrong' you know maybe like Walter Williams or some other conservative, some conservative Black. I want to tell you from my own experiences here. We spent lots and lots of time dealing with Black conservatives, Black liberals, Black moderates, all kinds of decent sounding Blacks. Black Christians, yeah, lots of, lots of dealings with Black Christians and I want to tell you something. You will find that all of these people are worthless, absolutely worthless. Worthless as worthless can be. You can put them on TV and they'll come and they'll talk their stuff and they'll sound sane and they'll sound like any White man and you'll say to yourself, yeah yeah, there we got a reasonable Black man, we can work with him. The one thing you'll find is that none of the Black leaders and the Black wealthy and Black generals and Black officers and Black senators and Black congressman, you will never find that any of them rush over to the Blacks and tell them angrily 'Hey! Stop your fucking shit, stop your fucking shit you're destroying the country you fucking morons! Stop it or we'll shoot you, stop it!' you know some kind of firm stance, confront them, stand in front of them and say 'hey you fucking idiots, cut that out now, you're destroying this country, don't you see what you're doing to this country? Look at what you're doing to these White people needlessly.' Let me tell you something you will never never find Blacks who will do that. Out of all of those millions of good Blacks, you'll never find any of them standing up and being firm and stopping the crazy ones that are listening to liberals and jews. Instead it will always fall on the White man that he's gotta make decisions even though he's been told he mustn't." ~ Rhodesian man, starts at 10 minute mark.
Original file. 💐
The Real Story of January 6 | Documentary
EpochTV Live -
We’re making the documentary available FREE online for all viewers now through the end of September.
SHARE this documentary with as many of your friends as possible.
(Deadline: September 30, 2022)
“The Real Story of January 6,” a documentary by The Epoch Times, reveals the truth that has been hidden from the American people. While a narrative has been set that what took place that day was an insurrection, key events and witnesses have been ignored until now. The documentary takes an unvarnished look at police use of force and the deaths that resulted in some measure from it. The film asks tough questions about who was responsible for the chaos that day. With compelling interviews and exclusive video footage, the documentary tells the real story of January 6. The film is narrated by Joshua Philipp, host of “Crossroads” on EpochTV and a senior investigative reporter at The Epoch Times.
Jasper Fakkert, editor-in-chief of The Epoch Times, said: “There has been a narrative perpetuated about January 6 that omits many of the facts about what happened that day.
“With in-depth interviews and exclusive video footage, we take an objective look at the issues, the people, and the impacts of the events.”
The film takes a close look at the shooting of 35-year-old Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt and the deaths of three other supporters of former President Donald J. Trump. It analyzes the police response to the massive crowds and use of force around the U.S. Capitol.
It examines the human impacts of Jan. 6, including the suicide of one defendant and the long pretrial imprisonment of dozens of others. It also investigates claims that some attacks on the Capitol and police were carried out by unindicted suspicious actors.
What Really Happened on January 6? | The Real Story of January 6
While the dust from Jan. 6, 2021, has long cleared, it has been replaced by a smoke screen. A carefully crafted narrative has been set that claims the events of that day amounted to a “violent insurrection.” This claim, however, does not match the facts. “The Real Story of January 6” takes an objective look at what happened through the eyes of those who were there. The Epoch Times provides the first comprehensive look into what really happened that day. The Truth can’t be hidden.
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While this documentary is groundbreaking in providing a complete overview of what happened on January 6, The Epoch Times has been censored and suppressed by Big Tech. In order to spread the documentary, The Epoch Times relies on its own Epoch TV as well as other non-cancelable platforms to spread the truth. Stand up for free speech and oppose censorship by sharing the documentary with as many people as you can.
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BUY DVD: The Real Story of Jan. 6 Documentary(102 Minutes, Color) , Promo Code “EpochTV” for 20% off.
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The Enternal Jew an original Third Reich documentary film about jews. Hard-coded English subtitles.
Whatevs...anyhoo, the thumbnail: 🚀🏢💥
Posted By: SpaceCommando [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 21-Sep-2022 16:22:20
Anyone that saw the news coverage on the day 9-11 happened knew damn well that a plane did not hit the Pentagon. The hole in the side of the building was about 15 feet in diameter (with intact windows directly above the hole) and there was absolutely no plane wreckage on the ground around the building in that area. Here's confirmation of what we suspected all along. It should also be noted that this video matches up well with the only surveillance video of the attack on the Pentagon that has been released by the government (note that this appears to be a cruise missile, not a "scud" missile the woman keeps talking about) . . . SC
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Dramatic moment Russian soldiers are wiped out by ‘death ray’ weapon fired by Ukraine -
THIS is the moment a group of Russian soldiers are blown to bits by Ukrainians using an insane "death ray" weapon.
In the video, a group of Vladimir Putin's soldiers are seen wandering through a field littered with detonated mines.
They seem unaware until a moment later, many are killed and others are mortally wounded.
The weapon catapults through the oblivious soldiers, who clearly didn't see the attack coming.
The weapon used is thought to be a Ukrainian anti-tank missile shooter, the Stugna-P, according to users on Twitter.
The incredible weapon can pinpoint targets and penetrate armour up to 800mm thick, making the Russian soldiers an easy target.
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THIS is the moment a group of Russian soldiers are blown to bits by Ukrainians using an insane "death ray" weapon.
In the video, a group of Vladimir Putin's soldiers are seen wandering through a field littered with detonated mines.
The battlefield was covered in other explosion marks from Russian soldiers dying
The battlefield was covered in other explosion marks from Russian soldiers dyingCredit: Twitter - @bayraktar_
They seem unaware until a moment later, many are killed and others are mortally wounded.
The weapon catapults through the oblivious soldiers, who clearly didn't see the attack coming.
The weapon used is thought to be a Ukrainian anti-tank missile shooter, the Stugna-P, according to users on Twitter.
The incredible weapon can pinpoint targets and penetrate armour up to 800mm thick, making the Russian soldiers an easy target.
Putin mobilising 200k troops for new invasion in Ukraine, warns Nato chief
INVASION 2.0 Putin mobilising 200k troops for new invasion in Ukraine, warns Nato chief
Menacing German tanks 'head to Ukraine' as West's armour to drive out Putin
ROLLING THUNDER Menacing German tanks 'head to Ukraine' as West's armour to drive out Putin
Twitter users were amazed by the precision of the weapon.
One replied: "Whoever landed those three shots is, without a doubt, the best ATGM operator on earth. He's practically sniping with it."
After being struck by the killer weapon, two soldiers run back to try and save their comrades.
One social media user said: "I am surprised they went back for their wounded comrades.
Someone shared with me the above work was stolen from an investigative journalist…. So I did a little digging and came across the name, Dilyana Gaytandzhieva.
I don’t know 100% if the work was “stolen” or not, and frankly I don’t care, but a lot of the content & documents appears to originate from this journalist and at the very least, Dilyana’s hard work deserves to be looked at as well.
Giving what we are fighting against, I have the attitude of who cares who’s work it is, but I do understand & Dilyana appears to have put her herself in some very dangerous situations to find what she has uncovered. She has an incredible article. Make sure you read it. Clandestine also did a great job getting it out there.
Integrity matters and we should try our best to support each other, honestly. 🙏 💉
Two space cadets crash-land on a desert planet, where an evil wizard seeks the ultimate power to take over the world. Although the movie borrows some background footage from Star Wars, the plot is mostly unrelated.
The strange case of Turkish Star Wars
The Ottoman Empire Strikes Back
The sub-genre of mockbusters has been celebrated (albeit somewhat ironically) for years, with a brisk trade in VHS tapes and copied DVDs. Now, many of the “classics” of that genre are freely available on the internet, often with recently-added English subtitles.
While the likes of Asylum studio in America are currently doing fine with modern straight-to-DVD rip-offs and Bollywood regularly steals from American films (“now with added dancing”), few do it better than the Turks did. Some spectacular mockbusters were made in the 1970s and ’80s in Turkey that really need to be seen to be believed. The most famous of the collection is the “Turkish Star Wars”.
In 1982, director Çetin Inanç made a film called Dünyay Kurtaran Adam, which translates as “The Man Who Saves the World”. It would become famous by its unofficial title “Turkish Star Wars”. This was mostly due to the wholly unauthorised use of spliced-in footage from George Lucas’ ’77 original that Inanç used for many of his film’s scenes. Not all of them made sense in context and they were all in a different aspect ratio to the rest of the film. But that didn’t stop the sticky-fingered director, who seemed to have a plan that consisted of stealing clips and music from wherever he could. He filled the rest of the (very loose) narrative with his own actors, and although the plot doesn’t follow the original Star Wars shot-for-shot (far from it) it’s very clear what film is mostly being copied.
Inanç’s film, and numerous others like it, was made because around that time the Turkish film board wasn’t letting many Western blockbusters into the country. Inanç had started out making erotica, but following the military coup d’état of the country in 1980 and the passing of new censorship laws, he decided to move into propaganda and action films instead. He soon gained the nickname “jet director” due to his penchant for making entire films in just ten days.
Unfortunately, the lack of money at his disposal and minimal time spent on his films was clearly evident in the final products.
As well as stealing actual footage from Star Wars, other gaps in the film – and budget – were filled with stock footage of the Russian space programme and old newsreel clips of NASA rocket launches. And when it came to the original effects shot in Turkey, it’s evident that no expense was spent.
They did a least have a recognised actor. The film’s star was Cüneyt Arkin, who far from being a desperate B-movie jobber was one of the biggest actors in the country at the time. (He is now considered a legend of Turkish cinema, with over 250 films to his name.) Arkin was a qualified doctor but, more relevantly, was also a trained martial arts expert. So rather than lightsaber fights there are a lot of hand-to-hand combat scenes that make good use of his skills. One scene in particular – the training montage – has become cult viewing. While such scenes have become a cliché to the point that even doing a parody of it is now clichéd, this one is bewilderingly fantastic. At one point the hero kicks a boulder into a wall causing an explosion. The fact that it’s all set to the Giorgio Moroder version of the Battlestar Galactica theme just makes it somehow better. And weirder.
In fact, the whole soundtrack is a rip-off, but as with the montage, rather than just taking the original Star Wars music by John Williams, it also makes use of other famous scores. Along with Battlestar Galactica’s music, the director also incorporates the Raiders of the Lost Ark theme tune; at other points it “borrows” music from Flash Gordon, Moonraker, Planet of the Apes, Silent Running and even uses Bach’s “Toccata and Fugue in D Minor”.
It was not uncommon at the time for soundtracks and characters from other films to be used in Turkish cinema. For example, in one of the Turkish Batman films, the villain looks suspiciously like a total rip-off of Ernst Blofeld from the James Bond series. Those suspicions are confirmed when you see him in one scene with a cat on his lap and then, just in case you still weren’t sure, the famous John Barry 007 theme strikes up.
While some of the martial art skills on display in Dünyayı Kurtaran Adam are fairly decent, it seems strange to see them being used in the famous Alderaan cantina scene on home-made aliens that look like Sesame Street puppets. At one point, a large Elmo look-alike is karate-chopped in half. All of this is intercut with actual Star Wars alien footage and with a ropey cover of the cantina bands music playing in the background.
Along the way we see a copy of Robbie the Robot from Lost In Space, working for someone who is clearly based on Ming the Merciless. There are skeletons on horseback, zombies, slave girls, ’50s style spacemen, two golden ninjas and a big furry monster that even the props department from early Doctor Who episodes would laugh at. This creature’s voice was seemingly over-dubbed by someone going “Grrrrr…raaaah” in post-production. It’s all a wonderful mess, but other than the unintentional hilarity, the only thing going for it compared to the Lucas series is the complete absence of Jar Jar Binks.
Although not a success at the box office, it spawned a sequel — Son Of The Man Who Saves The World. Arkin continued to get regular work although his last film in 2008 was a poorly-received Turkish sex comedy that currently has an IMDb score of 1.8 out of ten.
Turkish Star Wars, however, has become cult viewing, with surprisingly regular public screenings, and it has led to director Çetin Inanç being celebrated as the Turkish Ed Wood. Inanç would go on to make rip offs of Jaws and Rambo (see right) during the ’80s, but Turkish Star Wars will forever be his magnum opus.
Despite the fact that the film infringes on a huge number of copyrights, the film itself is seemingly not in copyright so is free in the public domain to view or download via the excellent It’s worth seeing, if only so the next time someone says to you that the latest Hollywood film was the worst film they have ever seen, you’ll be able to reply, “Hang on, have you ever seen Turkish Star Wars?”
Six other Turkish mockbusters
Korkusuz (1986)
Translated as “Rampage”, this is the Turkish version of Rambo, and despite the low standard set by the American original this still falls comically short. His rocket launcher appears to be a child’s toy that barely shoots more than six feet, but that doesn’t stop the many explosions in the distance and hammy deaths galore.
Badi (1983)
Special effects are tricky to do with no budget, but that didn’t stop the Turks making their own version of E.T. using a child in a rubber alien suit. It emits smoke from its rear end and some scenes are speeded up, but then it veers from slapstick comedy to heartbreaking scenes of animal death that would give Kes a run for its money. The sequel (Homoti) features an alien with a visible zip on his back.
Seytan (1974)
The Exorcist gets the treatment with a plot that pretty much follows the original (except being Turkish instead of using the Bible they use the Muslim Holy book) while the famous scene with the possessed child in bed is like a strange parody. That said, it’s not as bad as the others listed here. Sure it’s not going to have you leaving the lights on at night, but we’ve seen worse effects in recent B-movies.
Süpermen Dönüyor (1979)
This version of Superman has some truly horrible flying special-effects and the fight scenes are comically choreographed, in places looking more like an episode of The Benny Hill Show. In its defence, however, unlike the Indian Superman rip off, at least his Turkish counterpart doesn’t occasionally break into a very camp dance routine for no reason.
Çöl (1983)
In the Turkish version of Jaws, along with the famous shark (and its visibly peeling paint job) there are martial arts fights, high-speed car chases and in the middle of the film, an exotic dance sequence. Purists will be glad to see the famous John William theme is used, but also present one the soundtrack are Survivor’s “Eye of the Tiger” from Rocky and instrumental cover version of Led Zeppelin’s “Whole Lotta Love”.
Turist Ömer Uzay Yolunda (1974)
The Star Trek rip-off was loosely based on one of the 1966 episodes of the original TV series and notably would have had a budget of about the same. And, rather than an American soundstage they got to use the actual ruins at Ephesus as a setting for an alien planet, yet still this comes off as pretty terrible. The addition of a comedy Turkish tramp named Ömer the Tourist (mentioned in the title) really doesn’t add to Gene Roddenberry’s original vision.
After many attempts to gather the original actors in the film to create a sequel to The Man Who Saved the World, a follow-up, The Son of the Man Who Saved the World (Dünyayı Kurtaran Adam'ın Oğlu), commonly known as Turks in Space, was shot in 2006.
The sequel was released on 15 December 2006. Some fans expressed their disapproval that the special effects were not similar to the original film, where all the space scenes were ripped directly from science fiction titles of the time, such as Star Wars, the Star Trek series, and Battlestar Galactica. Famous actors from Turkey, such as Mehmet Ali Erbil took part, and Kartal Tibet directed.
Published on Jul 26, 2015 on Brighteon; couldn't quite get it uploaded at the time to this channel - this involves GC proteins, Vitamin D, nagalase and the untimely deaths of doctors involved with same [now 🔎]
The Hagmann and Hagmann Report is broadcasting a special Saturday edition, featuring the very knowledgeable and articulate Dr. Ted Broer, founder of director of HealthMasters. But it’s not just about health.
Dr. Broer is perhaps one of the most informed people about the state of affairs in America. He knows history and is a leading voice in the world of geopolitical analysis.
Save it for yourself:
SOURCE 👇 by way of DarknessToLight.111
LUKE 17:2
It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were thrown into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.
Antony Blinken represents neither the beginning nor the end of the info ops run to convince voters the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation. Revisiting the contemporaneous coverage of the laptop story in light of last week’s revelations about Blinken reveals the scandal extends far beyond the Biden campaign and involves government agents.
Last week, news broke that a former top CIA official, Michael Morell, testified as part of a House Judiciary Committee investigation that Blinken, now-secretary of state and then-Biden campaign senior adviser, had contacted Morell to discuss the New York Post’s Hunter Biden laptop story.
Blinken and Morell reportedly “discussed possible Russian involvement in the spreading of information related to Hunter Biden.” According to Morell, Blinken’s outreach “set in motion” what led to the public statement signed by 51 former intelligence agents that falsely framed the laptop as Russian disinformation.
This revelation is huge — but it’s only a start to understanding the scope of the plot to interfere in the 2020 election by framing the laptop exposing Biden family corruption as foreign disinformation.
Read the rest at the above URL
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JUST IN: Video re-emerges of South Korea customs seizing thousands of drug capsules containing THE POWDERED FLESH OF DEAD BABIES..Korean customs say ‘they were made in north eastern China from babies whose bodies were chopped into small pieces’..
Chuck Callesto (@ChuckCallesto) May 29, 2023
billyjones posted:
Hunter and his 16 yr old niece Natalie, feel free to repost.
Shadow of Ezra - Joan Rivers daughter believes that the Obamas killed her mother because she exposed Michelle Obama as a man.
Jaguar Wright LEAKS Footage Showing Diddy Having S3x With Td Jakes
Is Jaguar Wright's latest bombshell about Diddy the real deal? Jaguar leaked evidence that shows Diddy doing the deed with Td Jakes if you know what I mean… Revealed EVIDENCE, secrets, and controversies – we're unpacking it all! Jaguar Wright isn't holding back – her explosive claims about Diddy have sent shockwaves through the industry. So, What's the truth behind Jaguar Wright's claims amid this whirlwind of revelations? Let’s discuss it all.
Disclaimer: Content might be gossip, rumors, exaggerated or indirectly beside the truth. Viewer are advised to do own research before forming their opinion. Content might be opinionated.
To Stalingrad with my camera! Video clips from someone in the Third Reich on their way to Stalingrad, online sources of info for these video files conflict.
This is the actual video of illegal alien Israel Trejo murdering White American Jimi Patterson by pl
In October 2022, a White American was murdered by an illegal alien when that illegal alien, unprovoked, split the White man's skull in half with an axe.
It was caught on home surveillance, and the sight and sound are utterly sickening (the video will be added as a comment below this post, behind a content warning).
Yet virtually no one has heard about it.
Because there was no national media coverage of the shocking murder. Literally none.
On October 17th, 22-year-old Jimi Patterson was at a friend's apartment in Tulsa, Oklahoma, where 26-year-old Israel Trejo - an illegal alien from Mexico - came to purchase an axe that someone living at the apartment was selling. Patterson and Trejo did not know each other.
As Israel Trejo stood in the living room handling the axe, Jimi Patterson sat casually on the couch. No words were exchanged, and there was no conflict or commotion before the moment Trejo hauled the axe back with both hands and swung it straight down through the skull of Patterson.
Lt. Brandon Watkins of the Tulsa Police Department had this to say:
“There’s no lessons here. There’s nothing to this."
Go ahead and read that again:
“There’s no lessons here. There’s nothing to this."
Now - you guessed it - we are going to "imagine if the races were reversed."
Because if they were, we'd have the Mexican George Floyd and the incident would be used to justify the continued open flow of non-White migration across the southern border of the United States for the explicit purpose of displacing the inherently evil White population of this country.
If a calm, quiet, unassuming Mexican national, illegally in the US, was sitting on a couch in Tulsa, OK, and a White American man, absolutely out of nowhere, plunged an axe through that Mexican's skull, killing him - and it was all caught on video...
~ Would there be a national media blackout or would the media's spotlight shine brighter than it has since Saint George of Minneapolis overdosed in proximity to a White guy?
~ Would there be total Uniparty silence, or would every grandstanding whore on either side of the aisle rush to press conferences, TV appearances, and social media accounts to "condemn the unconscionable and unprovoked execution of an innocent man who was just trying to make a better life for himself and his family!"?
~ Would there be total inaction from the FBI and White House or would their bosses at the ADL have immediately dispatched them to cook up "hate crime" charges and recite headline fodder about this indisputable proof that "wHiTe SuPrEmAcY iS tHe GrEaTeSt tHrEaT tO tHe HoMeLaNd!"?
~ Would the police reflexively conclude that "there's no lesson here" or would the world never stop learning the lesson that "White People Bad!"?
As is so often the case, the system silence from the Anti-White Industrial Complex is proof positive of their complicity.
Some White American kid gets his skull split like firewood by a non-White illegal?
LOL, shhh.
A non-White illegal gets his skull split like firewood called a name by some White America kid?
My objective here isn't to point out some double-standard - it's to point out the only standard:
The Anti-White standard.
Because just as frightening as the unrelenting stream of Anti-White migration and violence is the continued insistence of so many White Americans that "it's not about race!"
Of course it's about race.
The entire reason you haven't heard about this is because the victim is an innocent White kid and the murderer is an illegal alien from Mexico.
And our Anti-White ruling class wants more illegal aliens and more dead White people.
Glory to the Peter Muskrat Army!
Reminder that this game has existed since February 2022. #ItsHuntersCoke #CocaineHunter
🍊🍊YoSniper🍊🍊 (@Yo5niper) July 7, 2023
VfB must go off
Earl "The Twirl' Cureton [ ] appears at a COVID center and advocates for taking the death jab...with all the authority and celebrity his peanut head could evoke
No link to the story as of yet, but I did find this: - wonder how this program's working out for the 'youth'...but I digress
Are you fucking INSANO?!?
YOU did the 'research', yes?!?
NO, ya bloody didn't ❌
Now, maybe you saw this - from your own city:
Have there been other mRNA vaccines?
These are the first messenger RNA vaccines to be produced and tested in large-scale phase III human trials. The advantage of mRNA technology compared with conventional approaches is that it allows for faster development and scale-up of production. Vaccine development has traditionally been measured on the timeframe of a decade. It’s an amazing scientific accomplishment to be where we are right now. A year ago, most people had not even heard of this disease, and now healthcare workers are starting to receive a vaccine for it.
How can people feel confident that these mRNA vaccines are effective and safe?
We now have data from tens of thousands of people, and they show that these vaccines are more than 90% effective in terms of preventing infections.
Some people have mild to moderate side effects, but they don’t last long — about one to three days. The most common side effects include soreness at the injection site, fatigue (feeling tired), headache, aches, and fever. They are more common after the second dose, and you might need extra rest. Severe side effects are rare and treatable. Experts at the US Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are still monitoring trial participants — and will continue to monitor them — as well as members of the general public who get the vaccine.
It’s very important for people to understand that these data are reviewed by groups independent from the pharmaceutical companies that make the drugs. These are experts who have no stake in the vaccine development or commercialization. I personally will have no hesitation in receiving either of these vaccines. I’m going to recommend to my family members and colleagues to take them.
The vaccines offer intermediate to long-term solutions to this pandemic. But we can’t give up the short-term measures that we know are effective, such as wearing masks, social distancing, and washing hands. There is light at the end of the tunnel. 🧗
Nopes - that's a drop, baby 😱
Yeah, many people are you bastards responsible for murdering with your time bomb snake oil? 🐍💉☠
VfB DID the research, you putz
#PUREBLOOD, baby 🩸
In other news👍
I posted the other video from the channel, but only found out today it had been (((orwellized)))