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34 Ansichten · 1 Jahr vor

⁣Friday, February 3rd, 2023
Episode No.286 – 2023 (What Lies in Store?) Thumbnail:

Welcome digital FREEBOOTERS! We’re kicking off Rrrrrr …. 2023 Friday night “Feature “ guest schedule w/ a look at what the NEW YEAR might hold in store.

8pm PST - LA, Vancouver, Seattle, Baja
11pm EST - New York, Toronto, Miami
(Saturday – 1pm Tokyo & Seoul)
Check your local listings

Opening the lines, while bringing guests and callers on board, from around the world, let us know what both YOUR predictions & concerns are. Along with a few solid speculations of our own, we’ll also likely offer several teasers re: what we’ve “quietly” been pursuing behind the scenes.

Can’t think of anything to talk about?

What major campaigns, or world events, will dominate the NEWS?
How will the NWO media and govt’s function as a whole?
Which stories will the “Mockingbird” MSM FAIL 2 report on?
How will LIFE in your part of the world generally go?
Feel free to call in via SKYPE = (Captain Sinclair)

Co-hosts & Guest commentators:
via UTAH, USA - Mr. Anderson52

New York City, USA - Vinny from Brooklyn

Coquitlam, B.C. Canada - Yvon Malefant




(be sure to like, SHARE & SUBSCRIBE!)$/search?q=wprpn



Calling ALL CREATIVE web, merch, marketing, engineering, promo, blogging, ART, podcasters & virtual cryptocurrency network developers; plus ANY random number of OTHER potentially valuable applicable and instrumental skill sets.

#WPRPN #PirateRadio #Openhouse #FUTURE #Predictions

20 Ansichten · 5 Monate vor


A review of the best TV news bloopers of the decade.


/ funnylocalnews

Funny Local News creates entertaining videos with original commentary to rank and comment on pop culture as part of a critical review.

5 Ansichten · 17 Tage vor

⁣White Europeans are being replaced in their own countries at an ever accelerating rate and it will mean the end of our civilization if we don’t turn things around.
That Greg Reese piece was BLOCKBUSTER...but would you believe VfB was on top of that nearly 14 years ago?
VfB needs to immortalize this moment and profane the unholy holiday of beltane by archiving this pathetic murmuring by The_Author_._--Oxide--
Another reminder:
If you embrace, promote and/or exhibit any New Era (post-2003) cultural aspects (e.g. internet memes, degenerate practices, degenerate / uncouth speaking styles, degenerate music types, pan-Europeanism, tattoos, piercings), and/or you use any New Era terminology or phrases (red pill, black pill, salty, chad, gigachad, based, lit, defo, roast, triggered, clown world, hopium, copium, woke, normie, dank, owned, selfie, get rekt, yeet, simp, boi, pureblood, merch, troll, glow, white hats, yo, shout out, OG, fear porn, cuck, psyop, lawfare, doxx, ratio'd, mental gymnastics, LOL, ROFL, LMAO, YOLO, 'cope and seethe', and so on), then you are no 'conservative'. You are no loyalist to the old world. You are no survivor of the evil influences that have plagued the West for decades. You are of the twisted conformist degenerate class! You are one of the infected! YOU ARE THE ENEMY!
After my 1sr bitchslap, he actually types this:
I care nothing for the inputs of filthy, infantile pieces of worthless, sick and twisted scum such as you.
Huh...that's weird - VfB thought it was HIS comments section...silly me 🤷
After another slap from someone else, we get this:
I was referring to the desirable social and cultural aspects of the old world. This should have been obvious to you.
The great parts of the old world are the only desirable reference points available!
As we hold him down to the curb, he croaks this out:
I do not care what any of the infected think. Scumbag.
By the way, enjoy your non-N/NW racial biology. Enjoy your mass squareheadedness, wideheadedness, snoutiness, flat mouth shapes, brute-like faces, far-apart eyes, swarthiness (BROWNNESS), blandness, masculine-looking female faces, and so on. I hope you like these features (these manifestations of non-N/NW racial biology), because there is NO ESCAPE from them now. Non-N/NW racial biology is EXTREMELY pervasive in the European-American population. You people are trapped with the features. Permanently. What a pity.
And now yer BOOTED, faggit 🤣

5 Ansichten · 9 Tage vor

⁣illuminatibot - Why you shouldn't eat pork
The Torah (Pentateuch) contains passages in Leviticus that list the animals people are permitted to eat. According to Leviticus 11:3, animals like cows, sheep, and deer that have divided hooves and chew their cud may be consumed. Pigs should not be eaten because they do not chew their cud.
Just an excerpt - we'll discuss afterwards:
4. Pigs Prefer Mud, Not Crud
Pigs are actually very clean animals. If they are given sufficient space, pigs are careful not to soil the areas where they sleep or eat. And forget the silly saying “sweating like a pig”—pigs can’t even sweat! That’s why they bathe in water or mud to cool off. But in factory farms, they’re forced to live in their own feces and vomit and even amid the corpses of other pigs. Conditions are so filthy that at any given time, more than one-quarter of pigs suffer from mange—think of your worst case of poison ivy, and imagine having to suffer from it for the rest of your life.
This is part of the word magick being played upon you - the more you speak it, the harder it ensnares you
Recall the Ford bashing video - what Henry did was to invert the auto assembly line so that workers could be fit into all applicable positions
Factory farming can simply be made more humane to inverting it
Recall that Henry Ford never paid dime one to advertising agencies...and why would he? His well paid and compensated employees were his best advertising - and they did it for FREE [or rather, they all shared in the profits, a perfect example of STRENGTH THROUGH UNITY, or NATIONAL SOCIALISM]
Conversely - pigs with a much cleaner environment will tend to be cleaner overall, wouldn't you say?
In my idea of a pig farm, I'd most likely follow the leads of those already and actually doing this...but VfB adds in the idea of making positions for all
VfB wasted a lot of mental effort on things Ford had already figured out from his VfB makes up for that

9 Ansichten · 2 Monate vor

⁣How many times have they hit the reset button?

And here we are.

Living through it again in real time.



2017 Great American Eclipse Leaves USA - it's last place it touched America - Fort Sumpter, coincidence - you make the call -

Watch with us posted:

Click - you just need to see this...I told you about the Aristocrats, didn't I?

Think Idiocracy + They Live!

Anons going back to the future: 🫥

i suspect many times, this is why they seem to be always steps ahead of us serfs
they seen all this before
nothing new under the sun , as they say
when we start to get to uppity, they set man back, to start all over again
what could be the purpose to this madness i say
their has to be something they need from us surly they could wipe us all out if they wanted too

perhaps they need our genetic material

no 'perhaps'; the yids must re-graft into our genes or theirs unravel

true that

5 Ansichten · 16 Tage vor

⁣The FaceLeSs Man 🐸 #ddk jfk JR never left, he has been here the entire time. Just wait to the Hurdy Gurdy man comes!! The many faces of No one.



Was it truly possible for JFK, Jr. NOT to have foreseen his own (((suiciding))), with what occurred with both his father and his uncle? Recall that I was on Long Island, just finishing a Yankees game where David Cone just pitched a no-hitter, when the news came

The sky was clear for MILES

VfB then posited, later on, that JFK, Jr. HAD FAKED HIS DEATH


🚨BREAKING: The “antisemitism” law that just passed in the House does NOT just make it illegal to criticize Jews.

It makes it ILLEGAL to preach the GOSPEL. ✝

The House of Representatives just voted to make Christianity illegal in America. Let that sink in. 🇺🇸

5 Ansichten · 12 Tage vor


During WHITE BOY SUMMER 2023, VfB mentioned that he had just concluded his 24 year plan to destroy the works of the (((homosexual banking mafia)))...but imagine that this was the only plan running

Lots of us have gotten off of the couch and are OCCUPYING as we speak

Coach Dave had Tom Condit on the show today - there are people in place that can and are doing what needs to be done...but understand that our institutions were infiltrated by reckless and unholy creatures with no regard whatsoever for our well-being

They have poisoned the AIR

They have poisoned the WATER

They have poisoned the FOOD

Their very touch poisons everything in which they make contact

It's time for a BUG BOMB 💣

At the same time, shine a light about you 🌞 it's clean-up time

Part of the clean-up is waking those asleep to the facts of WW2





“Nearly two-thirds of US young adults unaware 6m Jews killed in the Holocaust,” The Guardian reported in 2020. “According to survey of adults 18-39, 23% said they believed the Holocaust was a myth, had been exaggerated or they weren’t sure.”

“Survey finds ‘shocking’ lack of Holocaust knowledge among millennials and Gen Z,” NBC wrote of the same study. “Over half of those thought the toll was under 2 million.”

“What do Americans know about the Holocaust? Some, not much,” said the Religion News Service of a different survey that same year. “A new Pew Research Center poll shows Americans generally know what the Holocaust was, but fewer than half can correctly cite the number of Jews killed in the Holocaust—6 million.”

“Asked to identify what Auschwitz is,” The Washington Post reported in 2018, “41 percent … could not come up with a correct response identifying it as a concentration camp or extermination camp.”

This sounds awful—until you discover what Americans know, or rather don’t know, about other things. According to a 2016 survey reported on by Voice of America, “Roughly 60 percent of college graduates couldn’t correctly name a requirement for the ratification of a constitutional amendment, and 40 percent didn’t know Congress has the constitutional authority to declare war. Not even half know that the Senate oversees presidential impeachments.” (Presumably, they’ve figured that one out since.)

When we move from college grads to all American adults, the results get even worse. 37 percent don’t know when Election Day occurs every four years.

Over half don’t know that Franklin D. Roosevelt spearheaded the New Deal. (This is setting aside the 18 percent in another survey who think it was composed by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.) Over 60 percent of respondents do not know the term lengths for senators and members of the House of Representatives. In 2021, the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania found that nearly half of American adults could not name all three branches of government. The list goes on: Half of Americans don’t know that the Supreme Court can overrule the president on constitutional questions. 64 percent don’t know that the Thirteenth Amendment ended slavery.

Put in this context, what Americans know about the Holocaust is actually quite impressive. According to Pew’s 2020 study:
When asked to describe in their own words what the Holocaust was, more than eight-in-ten Americans mention the attempted annihilation of the Jewish people or other related topics, such as concentration or death camps, Hitler, or the Nazis. Seven-in-ten know that the Holocaust happened between 1930 and 1950. And close to two-thirds know that Nazi-created ghettos were parts of a city or town where Jews were forced to live.

In other words, Americans demonstrate greater literacy about the Holocaust—an event that happened to a tiny fraction of the world’s population on a completely different continent—than they do about their own country’s institutions and history. More Americans can identify Auschwitz than their own branches of government. Tellingly, Americans across the ideological spectrum regularly make and debate Holocaust analogies, because its story is one of the few touchstones they all share. Far from a failure, Holocaust education in America has been a triumph, piercing the veil of civic ignorance that obscures so many other subjects in the popular consciousness.

5 Ansichten · 19 Std. vor

⁣COVIDIOCRACY brings you this tale:

⁣MMAKING YOU THINK posted on an alternate channel:

It's curious that all the symptoms of so-called COVID match those of Radiation Sickness. Also, if you do some deep research, you will find out that frequencies adversely affect the human body and are actually likely the cause of MOST illnesses today.

Frequencies will primarily attack the respiratory system. The Controllers, with the new weaponized 5g system now in place across America, can, at will, INCREASE the output and intensity of the frequencies, which will result in waves of illness across the nation.

The elderly will of course be the most vulnerable. The Controllers are trying hard to eliminate that sector of our society so the Deep State can continue on longer as the billions due in Medicare and Social Security payments would be hugely lessened if that sector was killed off.

Catherine Austin Fitts advanced the above assertion about two years ago, and we agree with it.

At the time when microwave output is being ramped up, persons exposed to it will feel a sensation of heat on the face and sometimes on the body but no fever will be present.

They will then experience a weird odor in the air as if the oxygen is literally being fried out of the atmosphere. At the same time, they will have a hissing in the ears, which is the bodily sensory apparatus sensing the incoming radiation. At very intense levels, the brain will feel like it is "sizzling."

While all those sensations are happening, the lungs and organs of the thorax are being attacked by the frequencies, often resulting in respiratory illness of one sort or another. If the intensity of the incoming radiation is strong enough, the heart will be affected and be thrown out of resonance. The general feeling will be one of extreme malaise.

That is all part of Radiation Sickness induced by the microwave and other radiations being blasted across certain areas of the country at regular intervals and now daily.

NOAA government maps exist which show the pulsing of Doplar Radar systems which use very high frequency microwave radiation. There are 158 Doplar installations in the US and its territories. Sometimes they pulse for 14 solid hours during the night. We are all being microwaved at high intensity----being cooked!

Other symptoms of being blasted with frequencies:
__Lack of balance
__Memory problems
__Extreme fatigue
__Myalgia (muscle aches)
__Neurological problems

__Concussion-like symptoms
__Heart palpitation
__Irregular heartbeat
__Heart attack

It's being called a healthcare crisis, as ERs across the nation are filled way over normal capacity, with a preponderance of respiratory and heart issues in many of the patients.

Due to the lack of space, many elderly are being left in hallways or waiting rooms in distress for hours on end, resulting in a portion of them later dying prematurely due to lack of prompt attention.

The situation is reportedly worse than at the height of the COVID lockdowns. The average person remains clueless as to the effect of the frequencies they are being exposed to and no doctor will ever mention it.

In other words, frequencies can vastly disrupt bodily functions and can be used, at will, by the Controllers, to "cause" a wave of illness or even deaths across the nation, which they could then blame on this or that virus.

When frequencies levels are blasting in a high intensity, you will feel an extreme discomfort inside the skull similar to standing close to a huge sound speaker at a rock concert.

Also very dangerous to human health are Ultra-Low-Frequencies (ULF) which can be generated by wind turbines and other devices.
If you found this info interesting or helpful, please hit thumbs up



5 Ansichten · 11 Tage vor

⁣The United Spot is a popular comedy channel that creates funny parody and meme videos on current events. With a mission to bring laughter to those with common sense and educate those who may not know much about certain topics, The United Spot has been entertaining viewers for nearly a decade. The channel is active on various social media platforms including YouTube, Rumble, Twitter, Facebook, Truth Social, and Instagram, reaching a wide audience with its unique brand of humor. As a fan of comedy and satire, following The United Spot can bring joy and laughter to your day.
Over the years, The United Spot has become a well-known name in the world of online comedy. The channel's success can be attributed to its ability to take complex issues and current events and turn them into humorous skits that resonate with viewers. By using satire and parody, The United Spot is able to deliver important messages in a lighthearted and entertaining way, making it easier for audiences to digest information and stay informed about what's happening in the world.
One of the key figures behind The United Spot is its creator, who has a talent for turning serious topics into comedy gold. Through clever writing, impeccable timing, and skilled editing, The United Spot has gained a loyal following of fans who eagerly await each new video release. The channel's ability to touch on sensitive issues while still maintaining a sense of humor is a testament to the creator's skill and vision.
Influential individuals who have contributed to the field of comedy and satire, like those at The United Spot, play an important role in shaping public discourse and challenging mainstream narratives. By offering alternative perspectives on current events and injecting humor into serious topics, comedy channels like The United Spot help to keep audiences engaged and informed.
While The United Spot has garnered a strong following and positive reception for its unique brand of humor, there are also critics who argue that satire can sometimes be misunderstood or taken out of context. Some may view certain jokes as offensive or inappropriate, leading to controversy and backlash. It's important for creators of comedy content to be mindful of their audience and the potential impact of their humor on different groups of people.
In conclusion, The United Spot is a comedy channel that has successfully carved out a niche for itself in the online entertainment landscape. By creating funny parody and meme videos on current events, the channel brings laughter and education to its viewers in a unique and engaging way. While there are both positive and negative aspects to consider when it comes to comedy and satire, the overall impact of channels like The United Spot is undeniable. As the world of online content continues to evolve, it will be interesting to see how comedy channels like The United Spot adapt and grow to reach even wider audiences in the future. So, consider following The United Spot today and treat yourself to some much-needed laughter and entertainment

8 Ansichten · 1 Monat vor

⁣Chapter 5 The Ship Wreckers.


5 Ansichten · 7 Tage vor

⁣From the data banks of VfB [source located! 🫡


Just the flawed conclusion:

The Frank case not only was a miscarriage of justice but also symbolized many of the South’s fears at that time. Workers resented being exploited by northern factory owners who had come south to reorganize a declining agrarian economy. Frank’s Jewish identity compounded southern resentment toward him, as latent anti-Semitic sentiments, inflamed by Tom Watson, became more pronounced. Editorials and commentaries in newspapers all over the United States supporting a new trial for Frank and/or claiming his innocence reinforced the beliefs of many outraged Georgians, who saw in them the attempt of Jews to use their money and influence to undermine justice.

Frank’s trial had far-reaching impacts. It struck fear in Jewish southerners, causing them to monitor their behavior in the region closely for the next fifty years—until the civil rights movement led to more significant changes. But it also inspired the formation of the Anti-Defamation League, one of the nation’s foremost civil rights organizations.

In 1986 the Georgia State Board of Pardons and Paroles pardoned Frank, stating:

Without attempting to address the question of guilt or innocence, and in recognition of the State’s failure to protect the person of Leo M. Frank and thereby preserve his opportunity for continued legal appeal of his conviction, and in recognition of the State’s failure to bring his killers to justice, and as an effort to heal old wounds, the State Board of Pardons and Paroles, in compliance with its Constitutional and statutory authority, hereby grants to Leo M. Frank a Pardon.

The pardon was motivated in part by the 1982 testimony of eighty-three-year-old Alonzo Mann, who as an office boy had seen Jim Conley carrying Mary Phagan’s body to the basement on the day of her death. Conley had threatened to kill Mann if he said anything, and the boy’s mother advised him to keep silent. For those who thought Frank innocent, this provided confirmation; for those who believed him guilty, this was insufficient evidence to change their views.

The case inspired several scholarly treatments by historians and also made its way, through various media, into the popular culture. In 1915 Georgia musician Fiddlin’ John Carson wrote a ballad about Mary Phagan, which he performed on the steps of the state capitol to protest the commutation of Frank’s sentence. Ten years later the song was recorded as “Little Mary Phagan” by Moonshine Kate, Carson’s daughter, and around the same time Carson recorded a related song, “The Grave of Little Mary Phagan.”

Other popular interpretations of the case include the film They Won’t Forget (1937), based on Ward Greene’s fictionalized account Death in the Deep South (1936), with Lana Turner playing the victim in her first credited screen role; the television mini-series The Murder of Mary Phagan (1988), starring Jack Lemmon as Governor John Slaton; two novels—Richard Kluger’s Members of the Tribe (1977), a detailed reconstruction of the case, but set in Savannah rather than Atlanta, and David Mamet’s The Old Religion (1997), in which a fictionalized Frank tells his story in the first person; and Atlanta playwright Alfred Uhry’s Broadway musical Parade (1999), the title a reference to both the Confederate Memorial Day parade that brought Mary Phagan to town and the lynch mob that took Frank from Milledgeville to Marietta.

In 2008 the William Breman Jewish Heritage Museum in Atlanta opened a special exhibition entitled Seeking Justice: The Leo Frank Case Revisited, and in 2009 an episode of the PBS series American Experience entitled “The People v. Leo Frank” premiered in Atlanta, where the program was also filmed.

#kmprising 🔥

5 Ansichten · 10 Tage vor

⁣Tuesday, May 7th, 2024
World Pirate Radio News™ (Show No.280)

8PM PST - LA, Vancouver, Seattle, Baja
11PM EST - New York, Toronto, Miami
(Weds - NOON Tokyo & Seoul)
Check your LOCAL listings!

Ahoy! Dropping Anchor in Port for Lusty Tales of Adventure:
Welcome everyone, 2 Arrrrrrrr - 280th Official installment of "WORLD PIRATE RADIO NEWS™", & 2024 Mid-week MUCK-AROUND!

CALL IN via SKYPE ID = (Captain Sinclair)

The MOST HIGHLY CENSORED English internet live-stream, via South Korea.

Multiple accounts suspended via DISCORD, & TWITCH.
Shows (periodically) BLOCKED via Fakebook ..…
What could “THEY” possibly be so AFRAID of ?????

Topics 2 include: Anything via our planet’s Apocalyptic political, & current-event landscape.

From 5th Generational, & WWZ, to BIG TECH's "unchecked" censorship, rampant de-platforming, & anti FREE-SPEECH dirty tricks. Nor will we forget BIG MEDIA's blanket cover-up and suppression of the unvarnished TRUTH, Canada's FREEDOM Convoy, “LOCKSTEP” eugenics, COVID 1984, the Great Reset, & "Operation DARK WINTER".


Along with any issue mainstream "legacy" corporate media has chosen 2 ignore, mix in a few choice "off-beat" Pop Culture or gaming items, and PRESTO! You've got yourself the perfect news "Muck-around" formula.

N.B. All "FREE" RAW feed content provided herein is an entirely unscripted, uncensored and authentic exchange of profoundly refreshing insights, ideas, and opinions.

Remember 2 SUPPORT the show, and drop by our sponsors today!

Be sure to check out Arrrrrrrrr ..... regular weekly FEATURE show, the SAME time, EACH and EVERY Friday Night (Saturday afternoons in Asia).

CURRENT ARCHIVES:$/search?q=wprpn



Looking to have your voice heard? Got a story you think the world needs to know more about? Something the MSM has largely ignored? Politics, religion, pop culture, health, activism, lifestyle & the paranormal; pretty much ANYTHING goes.

The more fascinating, pressing, & intriguing the better.
#wprpn #kalergi #korea #chemtrails #palestine

4 Ansichten · 16 Tage vor

⁣Protesters were arrested on Thursday morning as police surrounded the PSU library.



After a dayslong occupation by protesters at the Portland State University library, city officers cleared people from inside and outside of the building Thursday morning.

Activists opposed to Israel’s role in the ongoing war in Gaza took over the library Monday night. Since then, university and city officials told protesters several times that they must leave, or they could be arrested. PSU President Ann Cudd said Wednesday that anyone inside the library was criminally trespassing.

Over the past week, demonstrators called for Portland State to cut ties from companies connected to Israel, among other demands.

Portland police announced just after 10 a.m. Thursday that they had finished their removal of those still gathered in the library.

Protesters flee library

Several dozen protesters fled the PSU library shortly before 9 a.m., briefly gathered on the building’s steps, and then quickly darted in different directions through campus.

Minutes later, more than a dozen state troopers in riot gear pulled up and joined officers already on campus.

It appeared that protesters left the library from a different exit than where police had entered.

At Southwest Montgomery Street and Southwest 10th Avenue, near the library, another group of more than 50 demonstrators linked arms chanting “let them go,” in reference to at least two people arrested by Portland police. The protesters appeared to be attempting to block the police from leaving the area with arrested demonstrators, but a police van and several squad cars were able to leave around 9:45 a.m.

PSU president responds

In a statement, Cudd expressed gratitude to city and state police and other leaders.

“What we’ve seen take place so far on the Park Blocks, while distressing to see, has been peaceful and calm overall, which is an immense relief,” Cudd said. “The safety and well being of our campus community is our top priority.”

Cudd said police entered the library “only after extensive negotiations using faculty members as intermediaries.”

Cudd did not indicate when campus would reopen, but said PSU looks forward “to opening our campus to all students as soon as possible.” The school announced earlier Thursday that it would be closed for the day.

Police enter library

Earlier Thursday morning, police announced they would clear out the people who were still in the library. Several blocks around the library were closed as police began the operation just after 6 a.m. They estimated it would take hours — it lasted four.

Police shared on X, formerly Twitter, that officers were inside the library at 7:47 a.m. Thursday. Officers confirmed shortly afterward that they had arrested two people outside of the library. No additional details were released.

Police used a fire escape to get into the building, according to journalists with the student-run PSU Vanguard, and some officers were carrying chainsaws.

Portland police also said on X around 8:10 a.m. that officers in the library were armed with “40mm less-lethal launchers,” which the department says are tools for public events and regular patrol. In the same post, Portland police said officers did not have tear gas inside the library.

PSU issued a shelter-in-place alert for two student residence buildings close to the library, Montgomery and Blackstone halls, around 9 a.m.

Response to protests

Aiden Griffen is a sophomore at PSU and lives close to the library. He said he’s been watching the protests unfold and supports some aspects of the demonstrations.

“While they were protesting peacefully there was a lot of support for the protesters,” Griffen, 20, said. “The library break-in was a real tipping point — I and a lot of other people lost favor with them and now really are not fans of what’s going on. Some people, though, are still in support.”

Gov. Tina Kotek issued a statement Thursday morning that, in part, addressed the “acts of vandalism seen this week at the Portland State University library and against nearby businesses.”

“These actions are in direct opposition to Oregon values and threaten working people, families, businesses, and our community as a whole. The Oregon State Police have launched a response on the outer perimeter of Portland State University. The state is prepared to exercise the full extent of the law,” Kotek stated.

Tension spills into the streets

As police cleared the PSU library, there were some altercations between protesters and officers. Demonstrators attempted to block police from arresting protesters along Southwest Broadway.

Read the rest at the thumbnail URL

4 Ansichten · 16 Tage vor

⁣Ian Carroll - Congress is suddenly rushing a bill to ban “antisemitic speech” in places like… college campuses. (HR 6090) Criticizing Israel or claiming Jews own the media is obviously included. So naturally, ima exercise some free speech and do both those things. Cuz Fuq you guys.

18 Ansichten · 1 Jahr vor

⁣Die Deutsche Wochenschau⁣ was the title of the unified newsreel series released in the cinemas of the Third Reich from August of 1939 until the end of the War.

Continuing series.

⁣05/08/1940, German audio no subtitles.

11 Ansichten · 1 Monat vor

⁣Distrust the government, beware of your doctor... your life or the lives of those around you may depend on this.
Just an excerpt:
So, how is the coronavirus scandal responsible for the food shortages that are coming?
That’s easy to explain.
Processing plants and distribution centres all around the world have been deliberately severely disrupted by the massive over-reaction to this fairly ordinary virus.
Around the world more and more testing is being done. And although the tests are about as trustworthy as Gates, Clinton and Soros – your local purveyors of fear and death – they are treated with undeserved reverence. Curiously, it seems to me that farms and food distribution centres are being tested more than, say, civil servants or tax officials. This is odd because the chances of the virus being carried on food are roughly the same as the chance that the moon is made of cheese.
And so if one worker on a farm or in a warehouse falls ill with flu like symptoms then the authorities will close down that farm or the warehouse. Delivery systems have been massively affected as drivers are sent home for two weeks and all their colleagues sent home for two weeks too.
As a result, huge crops of vegetables and fruit are being ploughed into the ground. Millions of animals are being slaughtered and then buried or burnt because the supply chains have been shut down. America, almost unbelievably, has been importing beef because of the shortages.
The world lockdown, and the mass house arrests that were engineered to keep us all subservient, mean that thousands of farmers cannot get their crops picked. Fruit in particular is likely to rot in the fields, and tankers full of milk are being poured away. Controls on transport have meant that it has been difficult to move food from where there is a glut to where there is a dearth. It would have been easy for governments to insist that furloughed workers should help pick the crops but they didn’t do so. And why would they? The plan is to eradicate the poor and the weak.
And the unsurprising consequence of all this is that there are going to be massive shortages of fruit and vegetables, and prices are going to rocket.
In the UK, the most toxic of the Remainers, the fascist EU loving lunatics, bigoted, soaked in their own prejudices and consumed by ignorance, will blame Brexit for the shortages. But then, if they develop a bald spot or lose their keys they blame Brexit.
In the US, the media will doubtless blame Trump for the food shortages.
Sadly for them all, the shortages will be global.
All around the world there will be a shortage of almost all foods.
This isn’t the sort of fear-porn favoured by irresponsible main stream media giants such as the EU and Gates supported BBC.
This is real.
Read the rest at the above URL

From BitChat:


Who knows what they do with your OVA
There is no such things as triple sex chrcomosome disorders - made up!
you inherit one X form your XX mother, and X or Y from your XY father
Eve was created from Adam (Adam means stone, fixed =enduring)
There is no XXX or XXY - these are made up to explain WHY men look feminised and women look masculine
and have those sex related traits
TRANSGENDER by hormones in vaxxxines
The alum in vaxs causes autism = and most gender dysphoria is found in autistic children/adults
They concoted this alchemy of poisons to mess with your bodily chemicals that differentiate your organs and development
Theyve been giving menopausal women testosterone for deacedss, but claim they are 'just going to introduce it'
Yet take a look at some elderly women - are they not masulinsed? This is to normalise trannies, most of whom have no clue
Over the last couple of years, I ahve met many over65's who have no children -likely due to being infertile or sterile
he only way these natural states of being can be compromised is by toxic chemical interference
- their non human sex hormones do this. But wait? Do they make hormaones? Nope.
They use CATTLE, sheep and pig versions, micxed with other garbage
Animals share many DNA aspects with us
Animus - means soul in Latin. So yes, we ARE animals, but ashkenazi basradized the word
They do this only in English,as other languages are specific, with no like sounding words and have male/female versions
ie Le chien (dog = 'le' is masculine), Spanish el chavo - the toy, el is masculine (also means god in Latin)
oops chavo - means kid
memory failed me there
Only english can be bastadrized - rather like the laws they create to be ambiguous so they can set precedents in varying scenarios
If law was specific, we would find it easier to challenge them with their garbage rules
Their laws are ambiguous so they can repurpose them in various scenarios - this is no accident, it's they way they srcipt them
and it leaves room for their ability to get out of jail free, or impose penalties oon the rest of us
That is why the law is ambiguous - and assunptive. Whenever you challenge anything legally, make sure you can find laws that underpin your claims.
Lack of this, is why the RIGGED court systemthrows aout most claims.
The law is assumptive of all things being equal - you have to provide evidence thatthey are not
and how they are not
and how you have been disadvantaged
with evidence of that disadvantage
for the most part, this has to be demonstrated
HAH - I am reminded that 'demo' means reducing to it''s lowest form - ie demote, demolition, DEMOCRACY
Yes, democracy means reduce us to the lowest class -that would be the slave class
Learn to understand their terms, their literal meanings are not 'lost to the history books' they are only lost from your knowledge
but not theirs
The holo-caust (burnt offerings) relates to 6 million GERMANS who were fire bombed into oblivion. There were no crematoriums in concetration camps
They were added after the war to propagate their LIE
They want protections fro persecution, because they are DESTROYERS
And they have built up protections for decades to make every little crticicsm be 'anti semitic'
ey further bolter this with their 'hate crime' laws
* they further bolster this
It's all about protecting themselves from the evild deeds they have been perpetrating on humanity for centuries
They don;t want you running them out of town, protesting etc, they want you silenced so they can carry on destryoying the natural world
BTW - OIL comes from decomposed plants, not dinosaurs.
Oil is replenished, providing it is not over extracted
there is a level at which it will continuously replenish versus running out due to over extraction
It's not running out, it's a finite resource, so long as we take it as we need it
*an infinite!
not taking it to store in tankers sitting out in the oceans
or refineries
There is an old adage that a face that does not age well, is due to the badness inside. Isn't it apparent why ashkenazis look so hideous in old age?
There are no female ashkenazis - all are trannies
The more passable ones in youth are heavily photshopped and took high levels of oestrogen
but once they age, it all falls apart and we see their real gender
This si wht they pump menopausal women with testosterone (claiming it's oestrogen)
hence making women look more masculine as they age - so trannies blend in better
To be fair, many in their old age do not know they have been trans'd, if you are infertile, you've been given opposite sexhormones
in childhood v.accines
This is possibly an explanation why some homos are camp and effeminate
And maybe even why they are homosexual in the first place
their brains have been induced by regular childhood vaccines that contain oestrogen
Women who have endometriosis, could well be so due to testosterone in their childhood vaccines, which destroys their female fertility
This is why IVF has low success rates - it all depends on how many jabs they had
IVF is purley to STEAL human eggs
likewise with sperm banks
What are they using these for?
They cannot - I repeat cannot - create life outside of a womb or any other reproductive system of animals
The ovum splits into different cells in the pacenta, and this cannot be repleciated in artificial pods, tanks etc - all LIES
This is to commoditize babies for sale in a less offensive way than was done in the 1800s
They want us to pay for everything, they want to be seen as creators (albeit of peverse things)
They cannot transplant wombs - they are made up stories, not reality. If you are taking rejection suppressants, your body cannot
nurture a child - this is why cancer patients go off chemo, to save the child (so they believe)
A placenta is cyclical, and requires FEMALE working ovaries! So wombs of menopasual women are defunct!
They will not accept the ova ofwith differing DNA than the original owner.
No child could be nurtured in THAT

All lies

11 Ansichten · 23 Tage vor

Our legal system is based on law of the Sea and commerce. It’s the law for banks. Lawyers aren’t taught this. Whenever you see a yellow fringe flag that represents the Corporation of THE UNITED STATES of AMERICA. Pay attention to any legal documentation your name will always be capitalized representing you as a corporation.
Out of Place Artifacts
There are literally thousands of "out of place artifacts" that show how we have been here MUCH longer than the official story of both evolution and the bible, yet no high school or university will come near to approaching this topic because it would blow the lid off of all religions.
For example, in Illinois, a well bit brought up a 200,000 year old bronze coin from a depth of 114 feet just outside Chillicothe, Illinois. According to the Illinois State Geological Survey, the deposits containing the coin are between 200,000 and 400,000 years old.
Also see: Out of Place Artifacts
If our true history was revealed, it would cause every system of education to rewrite history and would make the professors teaching “history” look like idiots, so it's much easier to suppress the truth than to admit they were wrong while killing religion.
In the Beginning… there was Religion and Government
It is blatantly obvious that religion has been teaching either half truths or full out lies, right from the start. According to the Christian bible, God created Adam and Eve and told them to be fruitful and multiply. Based under this premise, we would all be the products of incest.
There are four different blood types (A, B, AB and O) along with 2 different Rh values (positive and negative). It is literally IMPOSSIBLE to have 4 different blood types and 2 different Rh blood values all originating from Adam and Eve, yet people happily accept this as the truth without ever questioning their human origins.
The bible dates back to approximately 6,000 years ago. Assuming God created everything at that point in time, then there shouldn't be any fossils older than 6,000 years of age.
In Genesis 1:26, it is stated, “Let US make man in OUR own image…”. Who is US and OUR? Some religious zealots will say it's the Father, son and the Holy Ghost, but this was LONG before the “son” was conceptualized, let alone Adam or Eve.
Another example would be Noah and his alleged gathering of every pair of animals on the planet. How did he gather animals that were not indigenous to the Middle East, such as polar bears, penguins and sea lions?
Most people have an equally hard time understanding that both religions and governments will lie to you in order to fulfill an agenda. In religion, look no further than several clergy members of the Roman Catholic Church who admitted that the fictitious hell does not exist.
Ayo! Hol' up, fam!
The "Well to Hell" is an urban legend regarding a putative borehole in Russia which was purportedly drilled so deep that it broke through into Hell. It is first attested in English as a 1989 broadcast by a U.S. domestic religion-based TV broadcaster, Trinity Broadcasting Network.
Sounds from the Hell 🔥 The Borehole Drilling Project that went Very Wrong

4 Ansichten · 18 Tage vor

⁣Let's kick this off like the curbstomp in American History X - John D Rockefeller is a reverso tranny, like most of his family [and many in the (((homosexual banking mafia))); part of that explains his HATRED of you and I 🦄
VfB came up with #peeotus back in 2017, and thought there really wouldn't be any need for it, since the pee dossier was so utterly cringe...but logic and the minds of the (((hbm))) travel inversely ∦
CONFIRMED – IT WAS ALL A SETUP: New Evidence Affirms Previous TGP Reporting that Deep State Sent Documents to Mar-a Lago to Set Up Trump FBI agents spread documents from Mar-a-Lago on the floor during their raid on President Trump’s home. On pages 2-3 of the ruling Judge Cannon revealed that it was JOE BIDEN who ordered the FBI access to the Mar-a-Lago documents and President Trump’s personal belongings.

4 Ansichten · 10 Tage vor


Ask yourselves: what is the purpose of a FINE? 💸

A fine is to ensure good nature whilst living amongst society - we'll come back to this in a future video

Media personality Vitaly Zdorovetskiy has transitioned from pranks to apprehending predators, and his most recent catch is his most shocking yet.

On May 7, 2024, Vitaly premiered his stream Catching Predators with DJ Deorro and YouTuber Bradley Martyn. A viral video from the series features an alleged predator who looks to be in his 70s. In the clip, an old man sits alongside a young girl at a restaurant and is confronted by the camera crew and Martyn. When Martyn asks the man for his name, he responds with "Boris."

The old man claims the young woman was "23 on a dating site" and attempts to deflect. He's later heard stating, "All we've done is talk." Martyn then presses him for answers, and the man finally admits the girl told him she was 15.

"Why are you here? Why are you sitting here?" the streamer asks, "With a 15-year-old?”

The alleged predator explains, “That’s not against the law. We’ve just been talking. Yeah, we’ve been talking and flirting, it’s not a big deal.” Disgusting.

Social media sleuths later noticed that the old man wore a circular ring similar to the one worn by Space Jam producer and American screenwriter Herschel Weingrod in his prior interviews.

While the man's identity remains unconfirmed, many have noticed strong resemblances between him and the producer. People are actively sharing side-by-side images to compare the two. Take a look for yourself:

On May 8, Vitaly posted that he'd never harm himself. "Just to clarify, I would never commit suicide," he wrote. Is he insinuating that his life is in danger?

Who Is Herschel Weingrod?
Herschel Weingrod, 76, was a screenwriter and producer on the hit live-action and animated film Space Jam starring Michael Jordan. In addition, he co-wrote the screenplay for the 1983 comedy film Trading Places, which starred Eddie Murphy and Dan Aykroyd.

Herschel Weingrod has yet to respond to the allegations.


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