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2 Views · 5 days ago

⁣Redpill Drifter - YOUR STRAWMAN IDENTITY Believe it or not, you have been slave property of a corporation called the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. The UNITED STATES has been a private corporation since 1871 as defined in Black’s Law dictionary, Act of 1871, and 28 U.S.C. §3002/15 (A) (B) (C)



IIRC, said corporation was dissolved in 1999 in the 3rd bankruptcy of USA Corp

Excerpt from Missing 13th Amendment Found: “No Lawyers In Public Office” (Re-Post from Your Newswire):

Even though the Treaty of Paris ended the Revolutionary War in 1783, the simple fact of our existence threatened the monarchies. The United States stood as a heroic role model for other nations, that inspired them to also struggle against oppressive monarchies. The French Revolution (1789-1799) and the Polish national uprising (1794) were in part encouraged by the American Revolution. Though we stood like a beacon of hope for most of the world, the monarchies regarded the United States as a political typhoid Mary, the principle source of radical democracy that was destroying monarchies around the world. The monarchies must have realized that if the principle source of that infection could be destroyed, the rest of the world might avoid the contagion and the monarchies would be saved. Their survival at stake, the monarchies sought to destroy or subvert the American system of government. Knowing they couldn’t destroy us militarily, they resorted to more covert methods of political subversion, employing spies and secret agents skilled in bribery and legal deception — it was, perhaps, the first “cold war”. Since governments run on money, politicians run for money, and money is the usual enticement to commit treason, much of the monarchy’s counter- revolutionary efforts emanated
from English banks.

DON’T BANK ON IT (Modern Banking System)

The essence of banking was once explained by Sir Josiah Stamp, a former president of the Bank of England:”The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing. The process is perhaps the most astounding piece of sleight of hand that was ever invented. Banking was conceived in inequity and born in sin… Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them but leave them the power to create money, and, with a flick of a pen, they will create enough money to buy it back again… Take this great power away from them, or if you want to continue to be the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, then let bankers continue to create money and control credit.”

The last great abuse of the U.S. banking system caused the depression of the 1930’s. Today’s abuses may cause another. Current S&L and bank scandals illustrate the on-going relationships between banks, lawyers, politicians, and government agencies (look at the current BCCI bank scandal, involving lawyer Clark Clifford, politician Jimmy Carter, the Federal Reserve, the FDIC, and even the CIA). These scandals are the direct result of years of law-breaking by an alliance of bankers and lawyers using their influence and money to corrupt the political process and rob the public. (Think you’re not being robbed? Guess who’s going to pay the bill for the excesses of the S&L’s, U.S.-taxpayer? You are.) The systematic robbery of productive individuals by parasitic bankers and lawyers is not a recent phenomenon. This abuse is a human tradition that predates the Bible and spread from Europe to America despite early colonial prohibitions.

The bait and switch occurred when Article 9 of the Articles of Confederation was watered down into the largely toothless and replaced original 13th Amendment

2 Views · 5 days ago

⁣Why do the worst people seem to succeed while the good ones struggle? Friedrich Nietzsche had a radical perspective on power, morality, and success. He believed that those who reject conventional morality often rise to the top, while those who cling to traditional values remain trapped in mediocrity.

In this video, we explore Nietzsche’s theory of Master and Slave Morality, the psychology of power, and why ruthless individuals seem to dominate the world. Does this mean that success requires a lack of ethics? Or is there a way to rise without losing integrity? Discover the hidden truths about power, ambition, and survival in a world that rewards the strong.

📌 Subscribe for more deep psychological and philosophical insights!


2 Views · 5 days ago

⁣The Book of Enoch - Full Audiobook With Text (Complete Version)

Go here to grab your FREE eBook on using ancient knowledge to manifest your greatest desires.

Introducing the complete Book of Enoch audiobook - a full audio and text version presented in a uniquely expressive style. Our narration captures the beauty and wisdom of this ancient text, making it clear and easy to understand.

Dive into the ancient wisdom of The Book of Enoch, a Hebrew apocalyptic religious text traditionally attributed to Enoch, the great-grandfather of Noah. This profound work unveils insights into the origins of demons and giants, explores the reasons behind the fall of certain angels from heaven, provides a moral perspective on the necessity of the Great Flood, and offers a prophetic vision of the thousand-year reign of the Messiah.

Watch The Book Of Enoch Movie 1 -

SUBSCRIBE for more:

#bookofenoch #audiobook #enoch source:

2 Views · 5 days ago

⁣Tina Zimmermann - Communications are done through the cables ❗❗❗ 🗺Sea cables map💊 -Beforeourtime-



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2 Views · 5 days ago

⁣Green Lives Matter - John Podesta, one of the main politicians accused of being involved in the pizzagate scandal, was a huge fan of Recount editor, Slade Sohmer's, work. He worked hard to debunk pizzagate but then it later came out that he was indicted with four charges of child po**nography.

So he was debunking Pizzagate while literally participating in pizzagate.?

You can't make this stuff up



Journalist Who Reportedly "Debunked" Pizzagate Charged With Two Counts Of Child Pornography [excerpt]:

Did Slade Sohmer "Debunk" Pizzagate?
The news has since gone viral on X (formerly Twitter), and users are suggesting that Sohmer himself debunked pizzagate. While Sohmer did seem to be acquainted with Hillary Clinton's former chairman, John Podesta, there aren't any articles to be found by Sohmer about the topic. It is unknown whether or not he ever wrote pieces about pizzagate or if Google is suppressing certain material.

People may be mistaking him for a former ABC journalist named James Gordon Meek, who called pizzagate a "conspiracy theory" and was later arrested on pornography charges.

This looks interesting:

Elon Musk Says, ‘Hammer of Justice’ Coming for Fact Checkers Who Falsely Debunked Pizza Gate

Many of these fact-checkers and mainstream journalists were later implicated in disturbing child exploitation cases, with some serving prison sentences for serious crimes related to child abuse.

Publishing House
2 Views · 4 days ago

⁣Publishing your better ideas!

International child abuse broadcasting update

If defective donald has been 'clear' about the fighting then what is
going to happen as reasonable punishment to the jews that raped and
murdered our children? How about the jews that are abusing stolen
children today in the hot tub at jca?

How about taxpayer funded terrorist jew invaders like tom orpaz that
make death threats in public about us? No punishment or arrests for the
jew right turd trump? Steal their children, rape them, murder them,
and then say, "Peace man...why you so angry?"

Dana White, Are You A Traitor?
Albert Einstein truly a genius, or was he just a fraudulent “scientist”
who has been elevated to glory by his fellow jewish tribesmen?

The answer is abundantly clear when you take a closer look (archived):
Einstein is today revered as “the Father of Modern Science”. His
wrinkled face and wild hair has become a symbol for scientific genius
and “his” E = mc^2 equation is repeatedly used as the symbol for
something scientific and intellectual. And yet there has for years been
mounting evidence that this “Father of Modern Science” was nothing but a
con man, lying about his ideas and achievements, and stealing the work
and the research of others.”

The most glaring evidence against Einstein concerns “his” most
famous equation. One website notes “The equation E=mc^2, which has been
forever linked to Einstein & his Theory of Relativity was not
originally published by Einstein. According to Umberto Bartocci, a
professor at the University of Perugia and a historian of mathematics,
this famous equation was first published by Olinto De Pretto …two years
prior to Einstein’s publishing of the equation. In 1903 De Pretto
published his equation in the scientific magazine Atte and in 1904 it
was republished by the Royal Science Institute of Veneto. Einstein’s
research was not published until 1905… Einstein was well versed in
Italian and even lived in Northern Italy for a brief time.

“Saint Einstein” is a key figure in the fraudulent notion of “jewish supremacy”.

All of the real scientists whom Einstein plagiarized were White. None
of their names are equated with the concept of “genius” the way
Einstein continues to be. Throughout his life, Einstein refused to
publicly debate ANY of his famous “theories”; he was a coward.

The best work exposing the fraud of Einstein is The Manufacture and
Sale of Saint Einstein by Jon Bjerknes. Here is a full PDF copy of that
book, which thoroughly discredits Einstein beyond all doubt.

From Chapter one of Bjerknes’ book we read:

“His favorite tactic to avoid debate was to accuse his critics of
being “anti-Semites”, while refusing to address their legitimate
accusations of his, Einstein’s, irrationality and plagiarism. Like most
bullies by bluff, Einstein was a coward, who hid behind the power of the
racist Jews who attempted to shield him from criticism through
well-orchestrated smear campaigns in the international press.”

Gee… eighty years later, it’s almost like these same strategies are being used today…

The greatest scientific mind, Nikola Tesla, once observed about Einstein:

“Einstein’s relativity work is a magnificent mathematical garb which
fascinates, dazzles and makes people blind to the underlying errors. The
theory is like a beggar clothed in purple whom ignorant people take for
a king… its exponents are brilliant men but they are metaphysicists
rather than scientists.”

Tesla also once infamously told his secretary, “Never trust a jew.”

Why do I need to know about this?
Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe
author and lecturer Warren Wendell Wiersbe was born in East Chicago on
May 16, 1929. He attended Indiana University, Roosevelt University and
Northern Baptist Seminary.
He was ordained in 1953 and was the pastor
of a number of churches, including Moody Church in Chicago. He was the
general director for the radio show, Back to the Bible, and is
Writer-in-Residence at Cornerstone College and Distinguished Professor
of Preaching at Grand Rapids Seminary.
He has written more than one hundred books and is the Senior Contributing Editor for Baker Book House.
(Bowker Author Biography)

2 Views · 4 days ago

⁣“Sudden And Unexpected” - “There’s a reason they don’t teach basic life skills in school”



2 Views · 4 days ago

⁣Sarge is joined by regular Thursday guest hosts, Mike Gaddy, Cal Robbins and DW along with Special Guests, Cathy Meskel of the Support Our Soldiers Foundation and Phil Tourney of the USS Liberty Survivors. They discuss the heart-breaking story of the US government's treasonous betrayal of the U.S.S. Liberty and her crew when they were attacked by Israel in a false flag attempt to get the US into WWIII with Egypt and the middle east. They also cover Cathy's mission to create a Memorial to the USS Liberty and her crew and to find a place to call its home as the US governement will not allow it to be placed on government land.



2 Views · 4 days ago

⁣Ian Carroll - In case you’re new here. Here’s a throwback to when we discovered that they’re poisoning all of our babies for profit. We didn’t even get to the formula, which is probably even worse.


Thumbnail: [thanks to 🖲]

Mommys Natural Helpers on Instagram: " Baby Food: Poison in Plain Sight ...

Ian | Link to the spreadsheets in my bio for free # ... - Instagram

2 Views · 4 days ago

⁣Sandman Contact Info & Store:

Bitchute Link:



2 Views · 3 days ago

⁣Upcoming 10-Part Series ‘Rise of the Raven’ to Tell Story of Legendary Hungarian Commander János Hunyadi

The first image for the upcoming epic miniseries Rise of the Raven has been released. Dubbed “one of the most epic European TV productions of all time” and based on a series of novels, the show, about the life of János Hunyadi, is in the advanced editing stage and is being financed by Beta Film GmbH and the National Film Institute of Hungary.

Rise of the Raven has a multimillion-euro production value. As aforementioned, it tells the story of János Hunyadi, also known as John Hunyadi, a Hungarian military commander and governor who lived between 1406-56. It stars Gellért L. Kadar as the famed leader and Vivien Rujder as Elizabeth, his life partner, with Robert Dornhelm, Attila Szasz and Orsi Nagypal directing.

Others slated to appear in the 10-episode series include Giancarlo Giannini, Cornelius Obonya, Laurence Rupp, Karl Roden, Rade Serbedzija, Elena Rusconi, Murathan Muslu, Francesco Acquaroli and Thomas Trabacchi.

Born into a noble family, Hunyadi’s early life was “plagued by scandal, political power plays and conspiracies between noble families from Italy, Poland, Austria, Serbia, and Hungary.” He became knowledgeable and skilled in warfare at a young age, becoming one of the best soldiers in southern Hungary. This proved crucial during early skirmishes with the Ottomans, who found it difficult to succeed against Hunyadi’s small force of troops.

Hunyadi’s battlefield prowess led to him being named the military governor of Severin, which continuously suffered attacks by the Ottoman Empire. Before long, he was promoted to the governor of Transylvania and given control of all defensive measures along Hungary’s southern borders. By 1443-44, the commander was involved in the Long Campaign and had grown his military force exponentially.

Among the victories Hunyadi secured during this time were the Battle of Kunovica and the capture of Sofia, Kruševac and Niš. He suffered a defeat at the Battle of Varna, narrowly escaping the enemy forces, and went to serve as a governor of Hungary, doing all he could to restore political, military, social and economic order to the country.

It was his victory during the Siege of Belgrade in 1455-56 that earned him a permanent place in history as the “Man Who Saved Europe.” A new offensive was launched by the Ottomans on the city, which Huyandi opted to take on with a band of mercenaries and untrained peasants who fought with everything they had to push back the assault.

They were successful, but the victory cost the commander his life. He’d caught an illness that had spread through the army during the battle and died a few days later. In honor of Huyandi’s victory, Pope Callixtus III ordered that every European church ring its bells at noon each day, a custom that still exists in some congregations.

Speaking in a news release, Koby Gal-Raday, Beta Film’s Chief Content Officer said, “Rise of the Raven delivers on its promises – a highly entertaining, emotional, and powerful historical saga of exceptional production value. With a strong and unique emphasis on female perspectives, the series offers captivating storylines that are highly relevant to today’s audience. Supported by a stellar creative team and an excellent international cast, we firmly believe in its significant global potential.”

Producer Robert Lantos added in a statement, “T S Eliot once wrote that between the dream and the reality there lies the shadow. Throughout my entire career I have been battling this shadow. Finally, with Rise of the Raven, the shadow has been vanquished. This time, the dream is the reality.”

There’s currently no release date set for Rise of the Raven.


2 Views · 3 days ago

⁣VfB brags about uncovering the PSYOP at 10:00 AM the morning of September 11, 2001, but it took Allan Weisbecker's work to expose the psyop-within-a-psyop of John O'Neill: Orwells Optimism: The Deep State, Self-Deception, 9/11, and the Legend of "FBI Maverick" John O'Neill

Gerald Shea Memo: Senate Select C'tee Intelligence - Israeli fore-knowledge and Israeli Art Students








2 Views · 2 days ago

⁣Amit Shah (Parody) - @onlyfights_ Instead of giving them Ipad.


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2 Views · 2 days ago

⁣illuminatibot - This is how an Overunity Motor Generator works and if implemented would provide free energy for households across the world.



AltCastTV & Odysee thumbnail:

The Reality of Overunity Generators: Evidence for an Open-System Universe

Publishing House
2 Views · 2 days ago

⁣Jacksonville Sheriffs Office harasses residents and rapes children using text messages, facebook, and whatsapp. 219 views

2000+ views about turd tucker harming Whites.

Defective desantis funds child abuse with hundreds of views. 256 views

Dementia donald demands child abductors get more of our taxes. 100+ views

40-6-296: (a) Every bicycle when in use at nighttime shall be equipped with a light on the front which shall emit a white light visible from a distance of 300 feet to the front and with a light on the back which shall emit a red light visible from a distance of 300 feet to the rear.

A bicycle operated between sunset and sunrise must be equipped with a lamp on the from exhibiting a white light visible from 500 feet to the front and both a red reflector and a lamp on the rear exhibiting a red light visible from 600 feet to the rear.
https://www.gahighwaysafety.or....g/laws-pertaining-to Every bicycle in use between sunset and sunrise shall be equipped with a lamp on the front exhibiting a white light visible from a distance of at least 500 feet to the front and a lamp and reflector on the rear each exhibiting a red light visible from a distance of 600 feet to the rear.

Ticket is invalid because it says I am White. The Whites know I am RED but jew spic invaders can't tell so they say I am White.

2 Views · 2 days ago

⁣Show #2362 show Notes:

'Astral Projection':
Where Did God Come From - Kent Hovind:
Genesis 1-2: 1-2&version=KJV
What is the Human Soul?
The Soul:
Romans 12: 12&version=KJV
Genesis 3: 3&version=KJV

Dave Daubenmire, a veteran 35 year high school football coach, was spurred to action when attacked and eventually sued by the ACLU in the late 1990’s for mixing prayer with his coaching. As a result of the experience, Coach heard the call to move out of coaching a high school team, to the job of coaching God’s team. PASS THE SALT was formed to encourage the Body of Christ to step into the cultural war. “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood…” PASS THE SALT is convinced that God has given the Body a window of opportunity to take our culture back.

Video Membership Site - https://CoachDaveLIVE.TV

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