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Collin Rugg - Jack in the Box staff beat a customer after she started attacking them for forgetting her curly fries.
The woman could be seen mocking the staff after throwing a cardboard promotion at them.
"Ahh beetch okayyy," the woman mocked.
The "Curly Fry Karen" then tried throwing a punch along with items on the order counter at the staff but missed, prompting one male staff member to punch her to the ground.
The incident allegedly took place at a Spartanburg, South Carolina location, according to the Daily Mail.
Jack in the Box has not yet made a statement.
Thumbnail: [ special thanks to for the meme]
In other news: Suspect in New Orleans attack that killed 10 is dead and FBI investigating as 'act of terrorism'
Except that the FBI does NOT see it as a terrorist attack 🙃
Truthseeker - Alanis Morissette
Excerpt [read the rest at the below URL]:
In the film, Morissette recalls traveling across Canada to work on what would become her self-titled debut record, Alanis, which dropped when she was 16. She describes the period as a "different era" that included an "element of lack of hyper-protection, no question." She remembers being "hit on a bunch of times by people way too old" when she visited nightclubs on off days, but she felt increasingly vulnerable as a young girl working in recording studios for in excess of 12 hours per day.
"I just thought it was my fault because almost every single person that I would work with, there'd be some turning point where the camera would go Dutch angle. I'd just wait for it, like, okay, this won't happen in the first week for this one, but it'll happen. Sure enough, it would, and it would either end the relationship or then there'd be some big secret that we'd keep forever," she says.
Later, an interview clip from the '90s shows a much younger Morissette discussing how she immersed herself in an industry that forced her into an "accelerated growth" and that she had to learn how to establish boundaries as an adult.
"Me not telling specific information about my experience as a teenager was almost solely around wanting to protect my parents, protect my brothers, protect future partners, protect myself, protect my physical safety," she says. "It was a lot of shame around having any kind of victimization of any kind, and it took me years in therapy to even admit that there had been any kind of victimization at my part. I'd always say, 'I was consenting,' then I'd be reminded, hey, you were 15. You're not consenting at 15. Now, I'm like, oh, yeah, they're all pedophiles. All statutory rape."
Morissette says the few people she told at the time received the information with "deaf ears," and most would stand up and walk out of the room after she confided in them.
"A lot of people say, 'Why did that woman wait 30 years?' I'm like, f--- off, they didn't wait 30 years. No one was listening, or their livelihood was threatened, or their family was threatened," she finishes. "So, yeah, the whole 'why do women wait' thing? Women don't wait. Culture doesn't listen."
Ahead of the film's TIFF debut, a representative for Morissette provided EW with a statement from the singer addressing the film's content that also confirmed she would not support the film at the Canadian festival. Morissette said she "agreed to participate in a piece about the celebration of Jagged Little Pill's 25th anniversary," though she alleged the project's interviews were conducted "during a very vulnerable time" as she struggled with postpartum depression for the third time.
"I was lulled into a false sense of security and their salacious agenda became apparent immediately upon my seeing the first cut of the film," she said. "This is when I knew our visions were in fact painfully diverged. This was not the story I agreed to tell. I sit here now experiencing the full impact of having trusted someone who did not warrant being trusted. I have chosen not to attend any event around this movie for two reasons: One is that I am on tour right now. The other is that, not unlike many 'stories' and unauthorized biographies out there over the years, this one includes implications and facts that are simply not true."
Representatives for Jagged did not provide EW with a response to Morissette's statement.
Elsewhere throughout the documentary, Morissette outlines her meteoric success throughout the mid-'90s with her classic album Jagged Little Pill, which went on to sell 33 million copies around the world. Still, she's open about other struggles she endured at the height of her career, including "active recovery" for an eating disorder that started when she was a teenager after producers told her she needed to watch her weight.
"We'd go out to eat, he'd have a whole large pizza, and I was allowed to buy a black coffee, but I couldn't put milk in it. So that kickstarted a massive eating disorder journey for me," she says. "I remember when I was like 15 or 16 I started gaining weight because I was going through puberty, and I was called into the studio to redo my vocals, and when I got there, the producer said, 'We're not doing vocals. We're here to talk about your weight.' Whenever I'd go to a video shoot, I remember sneaking Velveeta cheese slices from the fridge at three in the morning, and the next morning would come, and he'd walk in and count them and say, 'Did you eat two slices of cheese during the night?'"
That isn't true for demons, however
We're going to follow up with another perspective on this; you'll hear a common theme
Paul English said something brilliant at the end of Rea Bow's show today [3:51:48]:
Hear the rest at:
Red Pill Radio (Hosts from UK. US. Ireland. Canada. South Africa)
This Georgia school teacher was arrested for slapping a 5th grader who called “her” Mr. Lady.
Why was this Mr Lady mad at that boy… ??Kids do not lie and l must say child was polite by choosing his words correctly and address the guy correct.If I were that child’s parents… I’d be going down there to see Mr. Lady… You come around there looking like that… "The kids are gonna say as they should...exactly what they see.
Top 10 media fails of 2024
Very funny video
Woke David Pakman PANICS After BASED Host CORNERS Him LIVE On Air
Exclusive | Behind Closed Doors: The Spy-World Scientists Who Argued Covid Was a Lab Leak
The idea that the pandemic’s origins lie with a research facility in China was once labeled a conspiracy theory. Disagreements among intelligence experts on the issue ran deeper than is publicly known.…
“Sudden And Unexpected” - A Compilation of Fauci’s many Lies and Deceptions..
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Award-winning documentarian Jenner Furst seeks answers from Dr. Fauci about the origins of COVID-19, a bio-arms race with China and what could be the largest coverup in modern history. Awaiting Fauci’s reply… Furst falls down a rabbit hole, decoding hundreds of thousands of pages of documents with prominent scientists, intelligence analysts, former government officials and whistleblowers. Risking career and reputation, Furst depoliticizes one of the most controversial stories of our time, in an urgent scientific docu-thriller that is Oppenheimer meets Outbreak.
ACTION : RELEASE J6 AND PROLIFERS! - Liberty Action Network Browse to Donald J Trump
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Coach at the Capitol: [Source]
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JD Vance Senate message:
Email Melania (?)
Mollie Hemmingway on Liz Cheney:
Ivan Raiklin Talks to Commie Reporter:
Nancy Pelosi Interview Interruptions:
Psalm 2: 2&version=KJV
Dave Daubenmire, a veteran 35 year high school football coach, was spurred to action when attacked and eventually sued by the ACLU in the late 1990’s for mixing prayer with his coaching. As a result of the experience, Coach heard the call to move out of coaching a high school team, to the job of coaching God’s team. PASS THE SALT was formed to encourage the Body of Christ to step into the cultural war. “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood…” PASS THE SALT is convinced that God has given the Body a window of opportunity to take our culture back.
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2022 (p)&(c) Mach1 Records GmbH & Co KG
All music tracks are produced by Reinhard Raith, Henning Reith and Wolfgang Boss for voodoo music GmbH
All videos directed by Sigfrid Söderberg and Andreas Wicklund and produced by Kaktus for Mach 1 Records Gmbh & Co KG
#crazyfrog #axelf #soundtrack
Ring ding ding daa baa
Baa aramba baa bom baa barooumba
Wh-wha-what's going on-on?
Ding, ding
This is the Crazy Frog
Ding, ding
Bem, bem!
Ring ding ding ding ding ding
Ring ding ding ding bem bem bem
Ring ding ding ding ding ding
Ring ding ding ding baa baa
Ring ding ding ding ding ding
Ring ding ding ding bem bem bem
Ring ding ding ding ding ding
This is the Crazy Frog
Ding, ding
Br-br-break it, br-break it
Dum dum dumda dum dum dum
Dum dum dumda dum dum dum
Dum dum dumda dum dum dum
Bem, bem!
Dum dum dumda dum dum dum
Dum dum dumda dum dum dum
Dum dum dumda dum dum dum
This is the Crazy Frog
A ram me ma bra ba bra bra rim bran
Dran drra ma mababa baabeeeaaaaaaa!
Ding, ding
This is the Crazy Frog
Ding, ding
Da, da
Ring ding ding ding ding ding
Ring ding ding ding bem bem bem
Ring ding ding ding ding ding
Ring ding ding ding baa baa
Ring ding ding ding ding ding
Ring ding ding ding bem bem bem
Ring ding ding ding ding ding
This is the Crazy Frog
Ding, ding
Br-br-break it, br-break it
Dum dum dumda dum dum dum
Dum dum dumda dum dum dum
Dum dum dumda dum dum dum
Bem, bem!
Dum dum dumda dum dum dum
Dum dum dumda dum dum dum
Dum dum dumda dum dum dum
This is the Crazy Frog
Bem, bem!
Check out the official music video for Crazy Frog's worldwide hit "Axel F"! This catchy and fun tune is sure to get you dancing. Don't miss out on this crazy frog phenomenon that took the world by storm. Watch now and get ready to sing and dance along!
In this Crazy Frog Axel F official video, the wacky amphibian goes on a really fun adventure! He jumps through hoops, does flips and even dances to some catchy music.
Axel F is the perfect meme for when you just need a little bit of comedic relief. Watch this hilarious animation and enjoy the laughs!
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Mario Nawfal - 🇺🇸IRS: TAXES ARE VOLUNTARY “And if the public doesn’t see that the IRS is enforcing the law, we will see a decline in those willing to comply.”
Nurzburkarg posted on BitChute:
viruses do not exist, vaccination is a jewish fraud, word vaccination was created so that the action of injecting a substance sounds scientific, reliable and reasonable. if a special word was not created for this action then everyone would be asking questions and not believing that injecting something is a conventional medicine. vaccination has always been a jewish human experimentation on non-jews.
vaccination is a jewish industry, for profit and to poison non-jews. injecting anything does make you immune to it, it is nonsense.
in every host nation jews produce mixed jews and install them as leaders, managers and influencers of their host nation, jews have done it since ancient egyp, jospeh married an egyptian woman to produce hybrids. jews call hybrids erev rav, meaning mixed multitude, they also call them traitors because they are raised and trained to betry their host nation and side with jews. erev rav exist in all countries, in europe they are askhenazis, in africa they are beta israel, in india they are desi jews, in china they are kaifeng jews, all working toward their ultimate objective to populate the whole world with people ancestrally related to abraham and force everyone else to slavery.
a branch of askhenazi jews are a blond breed of jews called yekkes,
example of famous yekke jews.
andy gibb a jew
david berkovitz a jew
robin wlliams a jew
justin mohn a jew
sam kinison a jew
john bachar a jew
james eagan holmes a jew
jimmy buffett a jew
toby keith a jew
matthew perry a jew
paul newman a jew
andy kaufman a jew
rik mayall a jew
gene wilder a jew
adam weishaupt a jew
heinrich heine a jew
adam yauch a jew
mark latunski a jew
matthew falder a jew
kurt cobain a jew, the most difficult yekke to recognize,
I dreamed: I am the good Lord, and sit up in heaven above, and angels sit around me, praising my verses.
And I eat cakes and sweets worth many a guilder, and I drink cardinal's liquor with them, and I have no debts.
But boredom plagues me greatly, I wish I were on earth, and if I were not the good Lord, I could become the devil.
heinrich heine a jew
the story about garden of eden represents a model for a total jewish domination over non-jews. (it is a model of how jews want to control non-jews, as it is shown for example in the movie, the planet of the apes, 1968 or in the movie the island, 2005.)
god represents jews and adam and eve represent non-jews. adam and eve own nothing and know nothing, and a jew is playing a god in their lives. snake represents a jewish infiltrator who's task it is to discover dissidents, those who know about jews and plays a virtual opposition to god. examples of such snakes were for example, jordan maxwell (russell pine) a jew, alan watt a jew, milton william cooper a jew, george carlin a jew, talking about everything else except jews, preventing non-jews to learn about jews.
the story of garden of eden is mockery of non-jews who are not able to recognize them by their faces. face is the evidence of jewishness. adam already understood the difference between good and evil prior to eating from the tree of knowledge, or else he would not be able to comprehend the death threat from god, that he will die, if he would eat from the tree of knowledge, because death is the ultimate evil.
jews want to use the pandemic treaty as a founding document to establish a global jewsih governement.
"goyim were born only to serve us. without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the people of israel. -ovadia yosef, 2010, sephardic jew,
he said this when he was 90 years old, after intensely studying judaism his whole life. his funeral in jerusalem in 2013 was the largest in israel's history, with an estimated attendance of 850,000.
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Jack Kruse is a neurosurgeon who focuses on the study of physics, light, magnetism, and electricity. He ultimately concluded that modern medicine lacked a deep understanding of how humans function in relation to the natural world.
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Spotify -
Apple -
00:00 - Making America healthy
18:23 - Dr. Becker & the body's electric current
28:35 - who built Las Vegas
36:04 - MK-ULTRA's blue light weapon
43:38 - Marshmello experiment
01:00:11 - Mysterious nuclear medical device
01:12:09 - Unconventional weapons
01:25:37 - The NEW MK-Ultra
01:35:14 - Funding black operations
01:43:14 - Why the deep state hates Trump
01:49:18 - Follow the money
01:54:25 - Rick Rubin
01:59:08 - Allodial money
02:07:43 - Uniting America
02:15:44 - JFK
02:28:42 - Saving Rick Rubin's life
02:30:54 - Dealing w/ death as a neurosurgeon
02:42:43 - 20-hour brain surgery
02:46:20 - Methylene blue
02:51:02 - Unconventional brain surgery techniques
03:03:50 - How the human body creates light
03:09:37 - Red light can repair vision
03:13:35 - Dom D'Agostino & ketosis
03:21:31 - Blue light & testosterone
03:30:42 - Debunking health trends
03:32:18 - Jack's personal health protocol
03:37:30 - Why the human body works better in cold
03:42:14 - How humans will survive on Mars
03:48:07 - Neuroplasticity
04:01:40 - Making skin invisible
04:07:57 - Muscle is bad for longevity
🧐Dr. Ana Mihalcea uses a 4000x microscope to examine the blood of vaccinated and unvaccinated people,alive and deceased...
Exact moment Lila Rose won the debate with Destiny
#lbac 👼
Suffer the Little Children: Mike Pence’s Disturbing Connections to the Teen Treatment Industry
When I was fifteen, my parents sent me to Escuela Caribe, a fundamentalist Christian reform school in the Dominican Republic. At this…
Christian Athletes(Chris✞hlete™) on Instagram: - _christhlete on January 11, 2025: "Even after a tough loss to Ohio State in the college football semifinals, Texas CB Jahdae Barron still used his presser to talk about Jesus…
THE GREATEST COVERUPS: Former Head of the FBI confirms that 9/11 was orchestrated at the highest level by the U.S. Government. Oklahoma city bombing, JFK, RFK assassinations, World Trade Center and Child Sex Trafficking by the Military, CIA and Politicians are all huge coverups.
It is confirmed through documented evidence that the FBI had advance knowledge of the 9/11 attacks and did nothing to prevent this from occurring. He goes on to say that It is very obvious that this whole thing has been orchestrated by the powers at be, at the highest level of our government and he wants the world to know about it.
They are using terrorism as an excuse to take away our constitutional rights and civil liberties, murdering thousands of innocent Americans. 9/11 was all orchestrated. The Twin Towers and building 7 were imploded. The planes did not bring the buildings down. They were imploded deliberately.
In the Oklahoma city bombing they recovered a bomb inside the building that did not go off and it was made by the U.S. Army. This was another U.S. Government terrorist attack against Americans on U.S. soil.
As a private investigator when he retired from the FBI he took on the Jeffrey Robert MacDonald case who was an American medical doctor and United States Army captain who was convicted in August 1979 of murdering his pregnant wife and two daughters in February 1970 while serving as an Army Special Forces physician.
During his investigations into the MacDonald case he received a signed confession from Helena Stoeckley stating that Jeffrey MacDonald did not do it, that it was her Satanic cult group that committed these murders. The courts ignored the confession from her.
Helena Stoeckley went on to confess that this was a large scale drug operation that was being covered up. They were flying drugs in plastic bags in the body cavities of the dead GI's coming out of Southeast Asia. There were military Generals involved, other military personnel officers, Police Officers and investigators for the Army.
He also worked the Franklin Coverup Case involving illegal Government drug operations and Satanic cults. They were taking children out of orphanages and foster homes privately flying them to Washington DC for sex orgies with U.S. Congressmen and Senators. This was filmed and pictures were taken for blackmail control.
Through his investigation of the Franklin case it led him to a Washington DC organization called "The Finders" which is a CIA covert operation for kidnapping children and trafficking them internationally around the world.
The children are used for body parts, satanic ceremonies, human sacrifices and sex slaves. In 1997 he received a tip from an airline employee that 210 children flew out of Denver to New York and then to Paris. The airline employee asked the female adult and two male adults who were with the children, who are these kids? The woman said "Child Protective Services, mind your own business." The employee disappeared.
Some of these children are auctioned off and sold for up to $50,000 dollars each, their ages are between 2 years old and 21 years old. This was all reported to the United States Customs and is on record with them, but nothing is being done about it. It is all being covered up.
We are at war, a war against evil. They have deceived us, they have terrorized us. They have murdered us and they have raped innocent children. They must be destroyed or imprisoned. They are the Committee of 300 and all their puppets installed around the world at the highest level in our society.
Humanity must unite to bring them all down before they unleash more terror and death upon the world. Be brave, protect the innocent children, fight for freedom and life. Now is the time to act.
Bret Flat Earth Bible Jesus - But somehow we are the crazy ones to globlins!🙃🤣🤷♂️ Repost @FitstFlatEarthr The “Laws” of #physics #earth
Nick Sortor - 🚨 JUST IN: A SCREAMING Joe Biden just bizarrely declared a non-existent 28th Amendment to the Constitution
Biden is totally cooked 🤣
This is the SECOND time he’s made this statement today, with his earlier post on 𝕏 about it getting Community Noted almost immediately.
An amendment would require three-fourths of the states to ratify it through their legislatures, and the Archivist of the United States confirms this did NOT happen.
Biden’s just trying to lie it into existence.
Has project blue beam been used before...
And we didn't notice?
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Honourable mention:
Who was involved in 9/11? Documentary reveals shocking facts
On the anniversary of 9/11, an Italian-produced documentary called ZERO, investigating the tragedy, is opening in Russia. The authors believe that the U.S. official version of events surrounding the attacks can't be true. U.S. networks have rejected the film.
Zero: An Investigation into 9/11 Official website:
This is a response to the fact that a coordinated mob of people, showed up on the odysee post about ending their relationship with Stripe, to blame ME for the result of the gay little war that THEY started. I am not to blame for their demonetization, or numerous other things they claim. So I brough the receipts. All this came down because of a group of trouble makers, who sought to destroy my good reputation by scapegoating me for the bad actions that they commit. This was required, because I refuse to let all the good people of odysee, the good committed nationalist creators be mislead by this mob any more.
Don't bother trying to report it to silence the truth, it will be posted on platforms where your reporting and complaints mean nothing and never will.
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VfB is NOT telling you that you must listen to MWT or AIS; however, the option should be available; receipts for this below:
All clips are for fair use commentary, criticism, and educational purposes. See Hosseinzadeh v. Klein, 276 F.Supp.3d 34 (S.D.N.Y. 2017); Equals Three, LLC v. Jukin Media, Inc., 139 F. Supp. 3d 1094 (C.D. Cal. 2015)
ℙℍ𝕆𝔼ℕ𝕀𝕏 DℝAGOℕ - 🤔 Why are birth certificates really created❓️
This is what they did❗
Warm shelter available in Jacksonville! Leave a comment here to get information on the jitsi app by request!
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FREE 24 Hour restrooms, WiFi, water, food, clothing, and ROOMs to rest in! Work on computers, use phones, and reconnect with your biologically interested family!
Update now available at
Missing Child
please help
Alyssa is 15, was on meth and fentanyl, and is currently being trafficked by grown, adult malea. These are facts, not hearsay Latest update: Being held by black male named Gregory Desir
Alyssa Nicole Umbaugh
age 15
hair shoulder length brown
height 5'7' thin build
weight 90 lbs
last seen December 1 2024 in Orange Park Florida
Alyssa was seen around the orange park area near you youngerman circle blanding blvd and i295
make any information public. if help is needed contact any publishing house affiliates
posted in public near orange park mall January 12 2025
Supports the child rapist police with criminally defaced US flags.
5305 Palmer Ave Jacksonville, Florida
(1) Whoever knowingly mutilates, defaces, physically defiles, burns, maintains on the floor or ground, or tramples upon any flag of the United States shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than one year, or both.
7821 Herlong Rd Jacksonville Florida 32210 🦴 Taxpayer funded terrorist police and jaxpets refuse to do their job enforcing harassment and animal abuse laws in Jacksonville Florida USA