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1 Views · 3 days ago

⁣AOC , what did americans vote for ?
why are you lying about it.


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Us Democratic Doggos need to be BARKING and SHOWING TEETH right now!

Everyone needs to call their Dem Senator right now. They are starting to cave.

Tell them:
1. Vote NO on Cloture
2. Vote NO on the Republican spending bill.

Don’t let them pivot to reconciliation. GOP doesn’t need Dem votes on that and they know it.

TODAY is the showdown.
🤳🏽: (202) 224-3121

It should be very clear to every Senate Democrat that any vote for Cloture will also be considered a vote for the bill.

People aren’t going to be tricked with procedural games.

They know exactly what is going on.

Defend Medicaid.
Vote NO on Cloture.
NO on bill.

1 Views · 3 days ago

⁣With Beanz Ep 21 - An Unscheduled Impromptu Show

Gigi is back! We go over news, reminisce, ask fun questions, and we also discuss why it is important to HOLD YOUR ELECTED OFFICIALS ACCOUNTABLE!! It really is a fun one today, so make sure to share it out with all of your friends and help me grow this thing! Also, SLEEP WELL! Get yourself some Pre-Sleep!!

Who is Dave Weldon?

Lee Zeldin:

Gigi takes on Lee Zeldin:

Things you should know:

RFK talks sense:


Surprisingly, the most important URL was NOT included:

1912 Eighth Grade Examination for Bullitt County Schools

This copy of the Eighth Grade Exam for Bullitt County Schools in 1912 was donated to the museum. We thought you might like to see what the test looked like more than a hundred years ago. Obviously it tested some things that were more relevant at that time than now, and it should not be used to compare student knowledge then and now.

1912 Eighth Grade Examination for Bullitt County Schools - Answers
The museum staff has put together the following answer sheet for the 1912 examination displayed on another page. As we noted on that page, the test focused on some things that were more relevant at that time than now, and it should not be used to compare student knowledge then and now.

Question #1: Define the following forms of government: Democracy, Limit Monarchy, Absolute Monarchy, Republic. Give examples of each.

The term democracy was derived from Greek meaning "people rule" in the fifth century B.C. to denote political systems that existed in some Greek city-states like Athens. While a "pure" democracy includes all of its people making all of its decisions as a group, as a practical matter this will not work except in quite small groups.

Article IV, Section 4 of the United States Constitution says, "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government," making it clear that this nation is a republic. However, we commonly hear it referred to as a democracy, and it seems possible, even likely that this was the intended response.

(We understand that some have objected to our selection of the United States as the likely answer to this question, and we accept that it is better classified as a republic, a representative democracy, or something similar. However, since there did not exist a single nation in 1912 that could be considered a pure democracy, we can't think of a better answer. If you disagree, you are welcome to do so. Please keep in mind that we do not have the original answers, and this page represents our best effort to provide answers.)

Limited or constitutional monarchy is a form of government in which a monarch acts as head of state within the guidelines of a constitution. The likely answer in 1912 would have been Great Britain.

In an absolute monarchy, the monarch wields unrestricted political power over the sovereign state and its people. Until 1905 the Tsars of Russia governed as absolute monarchs. Another possible example might have been Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany and Prussia.

A republic is a government where the head of state is not a monarch. Leadership positions are directly or indirectly elected or appointed rather than inherited. In 1912 an example might have been the Republic of France or even the United States of America.

Publishing House
1 Views · 3 hours ago

⁣March 15 2025 Notes
Bum jews misuse 'laws' to abuse children and call them baby goats to be groomed.
They quote what pigs say about 'god' instead of what Jesus said and did while claiming to be Christian.

Solomon - The first collection, Proverbs 10:1-22:16, consists of an assortment of proverbs written by Solomon.
A Good Name

1A good name is more desirable than great riches;

favor is better than silver and gold.

2The rich and the poor have this in common:

The LORD is Maker of them all.

3The prudent see danger and take cover,

but the simple keep going and suffer the consequences.

5Thorns and snares lie on the path of the perverse;

he who guards his soul stays far from them.

6Train up a child in the way he should go,

and when he is old he will not depart from it.

7The rich rule over the poor,

and the borrower is slave to the lender.

9A generous man will be blessed,

for he shares his bread with the poor.

How To Grow Your Kid
Real Life with Jack Hibbs
726K subscribers
53,419 views Aug 22, 2024 Podcasts
The Bible says that we should "train up our children in the way that they should go, and when they are old, they will not depart from it." What does this mean and how do we put this into practice with kids? When you start to train your children in the daily, mundane acts of life, they'll begin to trust you and you can then start to bring spiritual lessons to them. Learn how to "grow your kid" so that they will never be confused about who they are and who God is.
DAZE OF DECEPTION BOOK: jackhibbs .com/daze-of-deception/
youtu .be/g3GVB-oo2eA 4:00 boy do we know
How To Grow Your Kid
The Bible says that we should "train up our chi
t .me/s/jackhibbs?before=2906

backtojerusalem .com/%F0%9F%94%A5new%F0%9F%94%A5-btj-launches-new-confidential-chat-on-telegram-for-gatekeepers/
instagram .com/wjctjax/?hl=en jew jabs on children
Born on Nov. 2, 1952, Fink grew up in a Jewish family in Van Nuys, California, where his mother was an English professor and his father owned a shoe store. He earned a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science in 1974 from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from the University of California, Berkeley in 1976.
Co-founder of Blackrock, the largest money-management firm in the world with more than $9 trillion in assets under management.
Fun Fact:
Wagner oversaw BlackRock's 2009 merger with Barclay's Global Investors, which transformed the firm into the world's largest asset manager. Despite retiring in 2012, she remains on BlackRock's board and serves as a director of Apple, Swiss Rem and more.

Trump Godfather of the GREEN CARD MAFIA
All the new multi-unit buildings going up around town here, and there are a lot of them, are being constructed by foreign crews. These foreign crews don't speak English, aren't familiar with Osha Guidelines, don't pay taxes, drive around without car licenses, live in hotels, and are moved around the country. These construction firms are entirely subsidized by the Government at insane rates. They are run by Mafias exactly the same as infrastructure projects that have been around for generations. I personally witnessed entire Bridge, water, and road projects, manned by various ethnicities from all over the world, doing routine jobs that American high school graduates could do. These were long term GREEN CARD HOLDERS who had participated for generations and learned the language fluently. These people were at the mercy of the Mafias that control the big Firms responsible for Infrastructure projects and took 70% of their paychecks. Then, most of the projects went over the initial bid by 25 - 130%.

0 Views · 1 year ago



Congrats and Thank you GDL. I know i didn't get everyone in the video, but i hope everyone gets the video.

Gott Mit Uns o/

Only lawful activism was committed during most of this footage ;)

Part 2

DeepFakes, Tasteless Humor, Free Speech, Hot Takes.
Everyone is Fair Game. Nothing is Sacred.
Protected Classes Fuck Off. Be mad somewhere else.

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I do not support or condone violence or crime against any people.


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