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1 Views ¡ 20 hours ago

⁣Corrupt Utah Judge Freed Fire Chief Charged with Child Exploitation — Now Both Arrested in Shocking Child Exploitation and Illicit Relationship Scandal

Two high-profile Box Elder County officials—former Tremonton Fire Department Chief Ned Brady Hansen and First District Justice Court Judge Kevin Christensen—are now behind bars, facing a slew of felony charges tied to the sexual exploitation of children.

Hansen, who was first arrested in January on suspicion of child sex crimes, had been released on bail—thanks to a questionable ruling by none other than Judge Christensen.

Now, new evidence uncovered by the FBI has led to Hansen’s rearrest on March 11, 2025, and has blown the lid off a sickening relationship between the two men.

Christensen, 64, was arrested on March 6 and faces six felony counts, including attempted exploitation of a minor, enticing a minor, and dealing in materials harmful to a minor, The Herald Journal reported.

Hansen, meanwhile, was slapped with eight felony counts of aggravated sexual exploitation of a minor on March 10.

Court documents paint a horrifying picture of the duo’s alleged crimes. Using the shady internet app KIK, Hansen and Christensen reportedly traded vile fantasies about sexually abusing and exploiting children, even bragging about meeting “in real life” to engage in sexual acts with each other.

Charging documents reveal they discussed targeting children in their own families—proof, if any was needed, of the depths of their moral rot.

The FBI affidavit, penned by Agent Jason Merrill, alleges the pair’s chats were a cesspool of depravity, filled with plans to commit unspeakable acts against the most vulnerable among us.

What’s worse, Christensen—acting as judge in Hansen’s initial case—ignored law enforcement’s pleas to keep the fire chief locked up without bail after his January arrest.

Instead, he let Hansen walk free, a decision authorities now say was tainted by their secret, perverse connection. “Despite the request of law enforcement to hold defendant Hansen without bail, Christensen released the defendant from custody on bail,” Agent Merrill wrote.

“Christensen did not disclose that he had engaged in sexually charged chats regarding children with Defendant Hansen.”

This wasn’t justice—it was a cover-up, plain and simple.

More from KSL News Radio:

While searching Hansen’s electronic devices, investigators found multiple chats with another person, which was discovered to be Kevin Robert Christensen, 64, a Box Elder County judge.

According to court documents, Hansen and Christensen spoke about how they could sexually abuse children, including extended family members of one of the men.

Eventually, the two discussed meeting up in person and engaged in a sexual relationship, documents stated.
According to court documents, this prompted an investigation into Christensen, and investigators discovered the two’s relationship.

On Monday, Christensen was also charged in the 1st District Court with two counts of enticing a minor using the internet, one second-degree felony and one third-degree felony, two counts of dealing in materials harmful to a minor, three counts of attempted aggravated sexual exploitation of a minor, and obstruction of justice, third-degree felonies, according to court documents.


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Corrupt Utah Judge Freed Fire Chief Charged with Child Exploitation — Now Both Arrested in Shocking Child Exploitation and Illicit Relationship Scandal

Publishing House
1 Views ¡ 19 hours ago
Great White Man Who Helps Protect Everyone In His Community Including Women And Children Is

Attacked With Libel On False Charges Of Making Threats And Waving!

Content found at

1 Views ¡ 18 hours ago

⁣AOC , what did americans vote for ?
why are you lying about it.


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Us Democratic Doggos need to be BARKING and SHOWING TEETH right now!

Everyone needs to call their Dem Senator right now. They are starting to cave.

Tell them:
1. Vote NO on Cloture
2. Vote NO on the Republican spending bill.

Don’t let them pivot to reconciliation. GOP doesn’t need Dem votes on that and they know it.

TODAY is the showdown.
🤳🏽: (202) 224-3121

It should be very clear to every Senate Democrat that any vote for Cloture will also be considered a vote for the bill.

People aren’t going to be tricked with procedural games.

They know exactly what is going on.

Defend Medicaid.
Vote NO on Cloture.
NO on bill.

1 Views ¡ 15 hours ago

⁣With Beanz Ep 21 - An Unscheduled Impromptu Show

Gigi is back! We go over news, reminisce, ask fun questions, and we also discuss why it is important to HOLD YOUR ELECTED OFFICIALS ACCOUNTABLE!! It really is a fun one today, so make sure to share it out with all of your friends and help me grow this thing! Also, SLEEP WELL! Get yourself some Pre-Sleep!!

Who is Dave Weldon?

Lee Zeldin:

Gigi takes on Lee Zeldin:

Things you should know:

RFK talks sense:


Surprisingly, the most important URL was NOT included:

1912 Eighth Grade Examination for Bullitt County Schools

This copy of the Eighth Grade Exam for Bullitt County Schools in 1912 was donated to the museum. We thought you might like to see what the test looked like more than a hundred years ago. Obviously it tested some things that were more relevant at that time than now, and it should not be used to compare student knowledge then and now.

1912 Eighth Grade Examination for Bullitt County Schools - Answers
The museum staff has put together the following answer sheet for the 1912 examination displayed on another page. As we noted on that page, the test focused on some things that were more relevant at that time than now, and it should not be used to compare student knowledge then and now.

Question #1: Define the following forms of government: Democracy, Limit Monarchy, Absolute Monarchy, Republic. Give examples of each.

The term democracy was derived from Greek meaning "people rule" in the fifth century B.C. to denote political systems that existed in some Greek city-states like Athens. While a "pure" democracy includes all of its people making all of its decisions as a group, as a practical matter this will not work except in quite small groups.

Article IV, Section 4 of the United States Constitution says, "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government," making it clear that this nation is a republic. However, we commonly hear it referred to as a democracy, and it seems possible, even likely that this was the intended response.

(We understand that some have objected to our selection of the United States as the likely answer to this question, and we accept that it is better classified as a republic, a representative democracy, or something similar. However, since there did not exist a single nation in 1912 that could be considered a pure democracy, we can't think of a better answer. If you disagree, you are welcome to do so. Please keep in mind that we do not have the original answers, and this page represents our best effort to provide answers.)

Limited or constitutional monarchy is a form of government in which a monarch acts as head of state within the guidelines of a constitution. The likely answer in 1912 would have been Great Britain.

In an absolute monarchy, the monarch wields unrestricted political power over the sovereign state and its people. Until 1905 the Tsars of Russia governed as absolute monarchs. Another possible example might have been Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany and Prussia.

A republic is a government where the head of state is not a monarch. Leadership positions are directly or indirectly elected or appointed rather than inherited. In 1912 an example might have been the Republic of France or even the United States of America.

1 Views ¡ 14 hours ago

⁣E M M A ✨ K A T H E R I N E - 🚨“My father was a serial killer, a grave digger & transporter of human remains for the cult… He would refer to it as the ‘fruit business’… I was taken to Ocean Spray & Dole Citrus plants as a child…

They would juice & process human remains in their facilities & on their equipment…” - Satanic Ritual Abuse, MK ULTRA & Child Sex Trafficking Survivor, Cali Shai Bergandi🚨





1 Views ¡ 6 hours ago



Thumbnail: [thanks to 🖲]

AltCastTV & Odysee thumbnail:

VfB approves ✅


Show #2365 Show Notes:

Isaiah 1:18-19 1%3A18-19&version=KJV
Jude: 1&version=KJV
2 Timothy 2:23 tim 2%3A23&version=KJV
Ephesians 4:11 4%3A11&version=KJV
Trump signs EO on Lower Court rulings:
AI tells the truth about control:
Massey on AIPAC:

uncle🕋murry joined RUMBLE yesterday and is thinking of making the account a hangout - will set up in a couple of days

The Tracy Beanz video WITH BEANZ EP 21 🫘 AN UNSCHEDULED IMPROMPTU SHOW is worth a watch for providing this information: 1912 Eighth Grade Examination for Bullitt County Schools

This copy of the Eighth Grade Exam for Bullitt County Schools in 1912 was donated to the museum. We thought you might like to see what the test looked like more than a hundred years ago. Obviously it tested some things that were more relevant at that time than now, and it should not be used to compare student knowledge then and now.

1912 Eighth Grade Examination for Bullitt County Schools - Answers

The museum staff has put together the following answer sheet for the 1912 examination displayed on another page. As we noted on that page, the test focused on some things that were more relevant at that time than now, and it should not be used to compare student knowledge then and now.

Question #1: Define the following forms of government: Democracy, Limit Monarchy, Absolute Monarchy, Republic. Give examples of each [there wouldn't be any confusion whatsoever, if we were teaching children at this level...but the Department of Education is complicit in the dumbing down of public schools].

The term democracy was derived from Greek meaning "people rule" in the fifth century B.C. to denote political systems that existed in some Greek city-states like Athens. While a "pure" democracy includes all of its people making all of its decisions as a group, as a practical matter this will not work except in quite small groups.

Article IV, Section 4 of the United States Constitution says, "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government," making it clear that this nation is a republic. However, we commonly hear it referred to as a democracy, and it seems possible, even likely that this was the intended response.

(We understand that some have objected to our selection of the United States as the likely answer to this question, and we accept that it is better classified as a republic, a representative democracy, or something similar. However, since there did not exist a single nation in 1912 that could be considered a pure democracy, we can't think of a better answer. If you disagree, you are welcome to do so. Please keep in mind that we do not have the original answers, and this page represents our best effort to provide answers.)

Limited or constitutional monarchy is a form of government in which a monarch acts as head of state within the guidelines of a constitution. The likely answer in 1912 would have been Great Britain.

In an absolute monarchy, the monarch wields unrestricted political power over the sovereign state and its people. Until 1905 the Tsars of Russia governed as absolute monarchs. Another possible example might have been Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany and Prussia.

A republic is a government where the head of state is not a monarch. Leadership positions are directly or indirectly elected or appointed rather than inherited. In 1912 an example might have been the Republic of France or even the United States of America.

0 Views ¡ 1 year ago



Congrats and Thank you GDL. I know i didn't get everyone in the video, but i hope everyone gets the video.

Gott Mit Uns o/

Only lawful activism was committed during most of this footage ;)

Part 2

DeepFakes, Tasteless Humor, Free Speech, Hot Takes.
Everyone is Fair Game. Nothing is Sacred.
Protected Classes Fuck Off. Be mad somewhere else.

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I do not support or condone violence or crime against any people.


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