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43 Views · 1 year ago



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1st Corinthians 6:9-10

9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,

10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.

"nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind" - would you bother to make a difference here? NO

There is a word switch apparent; the term is malakos; it does NOT mean 'homosexual' - arsenokoitai is the word

Once you know this, you know the secret

Paul and Philo Wrote About the Transpocalypse 2,000 Years Ago - Slave New World

16 Views · 1 year ago


Looks like Will Smith is gay and has a dick the “size of a pinky toe”.

Don't be distracted:

17 Views · 1 year ago



From Lilly Roche:

The ABC Action News I-Team has uncovered the record of a local plastic surgeon who has been arrested twice since 2020 for methamphetamine possession. Dr. William Wright Adams’ first felony criminal case was dropped. He’s now awaiting trial on his second crystal meth possession case. His license status is "Clear/Active" with no discipline or complaints

A St. Petersburg plastic surgeon who has been arrested twice since 2020 for methamphetamine possession is now awaiting trial on his second crystal meth case amid concerning details about the doctor's behavior.

Dr. William Wright Adams' first felony criminal case was dropped by prosecutors, but he now faces a December trial after police found meth in his backpack during a traffic stop while a patient waited under anesthesia in his office.

"They're putting someone to sleep right now for me to operate on. So I have to call them if I can't be there," Adams told officers in bodycam footage of the May 2022 arrest. "They're all waiting for me now."

Adams pleaded not guilty to meth possession and burglary charges from that arrest, although he has yet to stand trial 17 months later. This wasn't the doctor's first drug arrest, however.

In 2020, deputies seized crystal meth from Adams' backpack while he went through courthouse security during a dispute with an ex-boyfriend. That felony meth case was later dropped by the prosecutor in October 2020.

Beyond the drug allegations, records show deputies have responded to Adams' home more than 40 times in two years for "turbulent domestic" issues and fights with house guests. One guest went missing after threatening self-harm and was later found with meth.

Despite Adams' string of arrests and erratic behavior, the state health department shows his medical license remains clear and active. Meanwhile, the plastic surgeon continues seeing patients amid his impending trial.

# Doctor
# Plastic Surgeon
# Florida
# Meth
# Arrest

This is original content from NewsBreak’s Creator Program. Join today to publish and share your own content.

We're really going on with this epically failed drug war?

48 Views · 1 year ago

⁣Saturday Night Live Stream W The Perimeter

47 Views · 1 year ago


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It appears the voters didn't think the board was voting in the best interests of the electorate.

That a lot of voters are angry this year is a truism. What’s less clear as the campaigns head for big states like Ohio and Florida is the source of the anger.

Tom Edsall fingers the “end of net upward mobility” and the “shrinkage of the middle class.” Norman Ornstein points to the Wall Street bailouts after the financial collapse of 2008. And for that matter, Jared Bernstein of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities stresses the frustration of decades of stagnant to declining real wages for low- and middle-earning workers.

All of which seems about right. However, the Rust Belt geography of the nation’s anger suggests another, perhaps deeper, explanation for the populist rage that has driven Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders victories in primaries from New Hampshire to Michigan.

Take a look at this single, stark chart depicting the 35-year history of U.S. employment in manufacturing industries.

MM and SK on Voter Anger Manufacturing Employment Decline1

Reflecting decades of deindustrialization, it displays one of the most crucial sources of anger among working-class Americans—including those in upcoming primary states like Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.

In this regard, the chart traces not just the demolition of labor-intensive commodity manufacturing in America but also a crucial source of this year’s backlash against Wall Street, managerialism, and globalism especially in Rust Belt states.

According to these data, globalization, offshoring, and automation have since 1980 liquidated nearly 7 million manufacturing jobs in U.S. communities—more than one-third of U.S. manufacturing positions—as manufacturing employment plunged from 18.9 million jobs to 12.2 million. Moreover, as the chart depicts, while the trend is longstanding, it actually accelerated in the 2000s.

As to the labor-market, wage, and social impacts of these developments, they have been brutal—as is well-known. Notwithstanding the heralded consumer benefits of trade and deindustrialization, these trends have also created substantial adjustment costs and distributional consequences in the labor market, with much of the pain visited on blue-collar workers in manufacturing-oriented metro areas. Exacerbating all of this, meanwhile, was the onset of what the economists David Autor, David Dorn, and Gordon Hanson call the “China shock”— the period beginning in 1991 when local factories found their outputs competing directly with Chinese imports. Those wondering about the deepest sources of populist anger in 2016 will find no better guide than the same authors’ painstaking new analysis of the regional and worker impacts of the China shock. Autor, Dorn, and Hanson show that the arrival of cheap Chinese imports demolished manufacturing in scores of communities, produced widespread unemployment, disrupted workers’ careers, and depressed wages for years. Most poignantly, the scholars show that deindustrialization’s losers have experienced difficulty in exiting threatened jobs, a hard time finding and keeping new employment, an inability to relocate, and diminished lifetime earnings.

No wonder they are frustrated. Only recently stabilized, the decline of U.S. manufacturing remains the primal scene of economic dissatisfaction, and the impacts are still being felt.

40 Views · 1 year ago



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From the great Simon Ateba - New York City!

Utica Avenue, Brooklyn, to be precise - this, my friends, is the LUNATIC FRINGE

If you weren't aware of my comic book expertise, check out Vin’s Comic Talk: 🚡

I've re-posted a number of WordPress articles of note, but for you comic book aficionados, start with this one: When Will We See Jim Lee’s Wonder Woman?

A wee taste:

I’m a grown man, so I don’t read comics for the purposes of titillation. I have adult media for that. I will, however, admit to doing double-takes reading some of those old Jim Lee X-Men. Psylocke, especially…one thing I wasn’t sure of, is that when she went through the Body Shoppe and received the Asian body, did she retain the British accent? I’ve met Tera Patrick, you know…’nuff said on that, dear readers.

So…I’ve put out the idea, but as to whom to write it?

Gail Simone.

In the lead-up to Infinite Crisis, there were six series, and one was a breakout, in my humble opinion. That series was Villians United. Gail wrote the hell out of that book, and Dale Eaglesham kicked absolute ass, ably inked by Wade von Grawbadger. Val Semeiks and Prentis Rollins did a fair job on #3, when Dale fell behind due to illness. Of course, her work on Birds of Prey with Ed Benes and then Joe Bennett was outstanding, and no one has even come close to making them work as well as she did.

Blessings to Dr. Lorraine Day 🙏 NO FEAR, my dear - thanks to Jim OG Rizoli for the info

20 Views · 1 year ago

⁣A routine First Amendment Audit uncovers widespread corruption in a small New Hampshire town. As PRESS NH NOW investigates, he is falsely arrested, attacked by town officials and citizens, retaliated against, maliciously prosecuted, and much more.

This is the COMPLETE STORY of PRESS NH NOW's harrowing experiences in Charlestown, NH, from his Arrest all the way to his Trial, and beyond.

Over 27 hours of content from 4 creators across 2 platforms has been condensed to bring you this one-of-a-kind Documentary.

========== CHAPTERS ==========

00:00 Introduction
01:55 Part 1 – The Whelen Audit
12:06 Part 2 – The Arrest
21:27 Part 3 – The Lessels Assault
36:57 Part 4 – Charlestown After Dark
56:23 Part 5 – Fear and Loathing in Charlestown
1:11:22 Part 6 – The Trial
1:29:08 Part 7 – Live Free or Die

========== SOURCES ==========

Featuring content from:

Press NH Now @TheRealPressNHNow
Breaking the Flaw @BreakingtheFlaw
Absolute Defiance @AbsoluteDefiance
Free Keene (YouTube) @FreeKeene
Free Keene (Odysee)

Press NH Now's Official Charlestown Playlist:


Showcase Audits' Charlestown Playlist (all source & reference videos*):

• Press NH Now in Charlestown
*not in Playlist (off-platform):
Full Trial video from Free Keene's Odysee channel:

========== MUSIC CREDITS ==========

Geographer - "From the Top"
Letter Box - "Tell the Angels"
Biocratic - "Fresh Healthy Perspectives"
TrackTribe - "Coastline"
Verified Picasso - "Scary Island"
Dan Lebowitz - "Torrance Sunset"
Coyote Hearing - "Fun House"
Coyote Hearing - "The End"
Patrick Patrikios - "Broken"

Music: Heartbeat by Soundridemusic
Link to Video:

• Heartbeat Trailer NoCopyright Backgro...

Music: Fear of The Dark by Soundridemusic
Link to Video:

• Cinematic Suspense Trailer NoCopyrigh...

Music: Hide and Shoot by Soundridemusic
Link to Video:

• Cinematic Trailer Teaser NoCopyright ...

Soundroll - "Gossip"
License code: 2SBCSSFCY1LPBOHD

Richard Bodgers - "Locked In"
License code: CTL5KAEIXL1V47LE

Alex Besss - "Call of Fate"
License code: WAI3BDX4CSW55R8I

Richard Bodgers - "Scar Sounds"
License code: ZEMNXTY7WWS0KZWN

Alex Besss - "Psycho"

Jonny Boyle - "Gypsy Jaxx"

TimKulig - "Irregular Rhythms"

========== THANKS FOR WATCHING ==========

"LIVE FREE OR DIE: How Press NH Now Took Down Charlestown"
Documentary written, produced, and edited by Showcase Audits.

Stock media from Pexels and Pixabay.

Welcome to Showcase Audits, where we highlight First Amendment Auditors and the important work these Patriots do: exposing tyrants, holding government workers accountable, and educating the ignorant whenever possible.

#firstamendment #audit

35 Views · 1 year ago


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Link to the actual debate: https://rnctxt/R6TYFKx

DeepFakes, Tasteless Humor, Free Speech, Hot Takes.
Everyone is Fair Game. Nothing is Sacred.
Protected Classes Fuck Off. Be mad somewhere else.

If you like my content you can use it freely.
You can help me by sharing my work.
You can support my work through Odysee or here:

CashApp: $OMGitsFLOOD
HandCash: $OMGitsFLOOD

Catch me on Gab or Telegram!


FL👀D can also be found here: he's being attacked by the SPLC:

125 Views · 1 year ago




Three white supremacist groups are overwhelmingly responsible for the increase: The Patriot Front distributed the most, with the American Identity Movement and the New Jersey European Heritage Association trailing in distant second and third.

These and other white-supremacist groups largely favor veiled hate over explicitly racist language, and some, such as the Patriot Front, lean heavily on “patriotic” imagery, incorporating American flags or red, white and blue color schemes. They all tend to use toned-down language about how “diversity destroys nations” and the need to take pride in “Western” culture. [Diversity isn't utter shite? Really? And White people shouldn't be worried? Talk about a badly aging talking point - VfB]

This is purposeful; it gives white supremacists an opening to a population of curious young people who would most likely be turned off by explicit neo-Nazi rhetoric or overtly racist language.

And it provides a greater chance of their signs passing under the radar instead of being immediately challenged. A poster encouraging passers-by to “Defend America” or urging “Nationalism Not Globalism” probably wouldn’t raise many eyebrows, while it might attract a few curious young people to visit the website printed in tiny letters at the bottom edge of the placard.

So...the ol' ADL Hate Watch is back to the same old trick: bait & switch ✡

I was on Mr. White Tuber's Republican Debate curbstomp last night, and on that list is muh dawg @omgit@OMGitsFLOOD

Mr. White Tuber's NOT on it - so that got me to thinking...what is one of their desired outcomes? Divide us within our own factions.

First of all, the list is divided by (((income))) 🤑

Ayo! Hol' up, fam! 🤨

I thought this was about an (((existential danger))), yids - what does (((income))) figure into that?

TOOBAH is much higher on the income scale than FLOOD; not that I'm paying any special attention, but that's the nature of the placement - FLOOD does a morning show, and most likely, people are beginning their days; TOOBAH starts at 11 AM EST, so by that time, the crucial business of the mornings are done - now one can relax and catch up on things.

I would also suppose that the yids are terrified of TOOBAH; after all, it was with his help that VfB solved the (((jq))) - it was the mention of (((panpsychism))) that dovetailed directly into my theory of the yids actually being homo capensis, a human-like animal; these creatures do NOT possess a mammalian brain, only the reptilian one...because of this, yids lack the capacity of abstract thought. you are all seeing, the yids are screaming that October 7, the (((jewish 9/11))); funny, that - you mean, someone knew what was coming, yet no one was warned...?

There's LESS THAN ZERO chance that the queens of backdooring every bit of technology we have...didn't know - this is just the King David Hotel bombing all over again.

Too long ago? How about the marines barracks bombing in 1981? I know angry old men like myself recall that vividly.

I think you grok my points there - back to the list

I stated above that the yids probably didn't put TOOBAH on their list so that [1] he would be insulted, and [2] others would 'wonder why he isn't on it'

This is simply digital dissembling

Not to clue these fuckwits in...but you should be just as terrified about FLOOD

It's possible that they think he's a teenager; if so, I won't disabuse them of that idea

I am going to say this: you bitch ass faggits are on MY LIST

VfB is going to make a project of ASS RAPING each and every one of you dopey bastards.


Because you feel free to ASS RAPE our sons...with impunity

Posting below will be my personal expose of homo capensis; hardly a scholarly work, but deserving of a journalism prize, to be certain:


How did I happen to come about this?

Gene Roddenberry told me...or, to be honest, he sort of leaked out - have you seen 'AMOK TIME'?

If you haven't, just click what's here: 'AMOK TIME' 🏳‍🌈🍆💉🦄💩🏦🔫 GAVE AWAY THE VULNERABILITY OF THE (((HOMOSEXUAL BANKING MAFIA)))

The script definitely was changed mid-shoot, and I believe it's because THIS SAID TOO MUCH...but you should've burned this footage instead of airing it.

VfB knows yer secret, yids! ✅

⁣⁣@toddneilmacintyre wrote 3 weeks ago:

Very interesting. Jason Breshears acquired this information through the historical record and various chronologies.

29 Views · 1 year ago

⁣There are many out there like VfB, who just want to see the scumbags BURN 🔥 to wit:


CHOOSE: Watch in High Quality- Leave a comment. JftV was formed in 1981 out of the ashes of Madame Wong's West nightclub and the influential West LA underground music scene. My friend, Allen Pitch , and I were the DJs there, meeting many interesting musicians and making contacts. We wanted to perform music like all these bands we were getting to know. I bought a Moog Synthesizer and Allen bought ONE drum and ONE broken cymbal. We found 3 other musicians who didn't realize how bad we were, since they weren't much better! We all had terrible singing voices and we played our instruments at differing levels of ineptitude. Fortunately, we improved our sound with dedicated practice and experience.

You could describe us as rock, power pop, punk, new wave, melodic, alternative, garage, satirical, unlistenable, rock opera, artsy-fartsy, but mainly, Theatrical Performance Rock-- kind of a Jewish Alice Cooper. By 1982, the original members split up due to artistic differences. Imagine that. So, Marc and Allen brought in Joe and Dave to add funky chops and actual musical talent.

The original line-up had a career resembling the Sex Pistols, in that we were so offensive, infamous hilarity ensued. We were attacked with food, tomatoes, and whatnot during our sets. The principal of Fairfax High School (Phil Spector's Alma Mater) rightfully pulled the plug on us after our second number, a rollicking punkish version of "Springtime for Hitler" during lunch hour. I clearly remember being berated by an outraged rabbi's wife who didn't get the joke. Well, we deserved it. We were asking for it simply by getting up and performing this front of paying customers. We definitely got a reaction. Eventually, I'll create a memorial website for Jews from the Valley. No reunions planned, don't worry!

Fledgling network MTV said they wouldn't even think of playing our videos. Of course they never got a chance to see this little gem, which is admittedly ethnically offensive, but not nearly as appalling as our original line-up's songs. They banned the original line-up for life, so we just assumed the new line-up was also banned...making this video a notorious little ditty for your viewing 'pleasure', meant to mildly offend you, yet entertain you with several chuckles that you're embarrassed about verbalizing. Our song titles included "Beirut is Burning", "Mr. Kosher Man", "The Shool was Rockin", "Hava Nagila/Harvey & Sheila", and "I'm 13" spoofing "I'm 18" with a gruesome Bar Mitzvah twist, which perfectly meshed my 2 favorite influences, Alice Cooper and Allan Sherman. I think we had talent and we were funny, but just not good enough to invest into a career move. We were smart to treat this as a 2 year hobby. I hope all the lads are thriving in their chosen lines of work. They say guys start rock bands to meet girls....curiously that didn't really happen with JftV. Not too many nice Jewish girls hung out at the Starwood, Wong's West, or the Whiskey back then.

Our band featured a few guest appearances I must chronicle (since this stupid youtube description has grown into our official biography): Gigi Mariam on keyboards, Elliot on guitar and harmonies, Rob on drums, and of course the late great Jeff Seidman as the Misguided Ex-Terrorist who subtly sees the error of his ways in this video. Jeff also leapt up onstage unexpectedly, a la Andy Kaufman and Bob Zmuda, as the psychotic Rabbi during our live shows. Jeff's passing in 1983 was a great loss to the community, to comedy, to film, and a personal loss for me since he was my good friend throughout all of high school and college.

Jews from the Valley was seriously reviewed by Craig Lee for the LA Times when we opened for Redd Kross. He wrote that we were "a one-joke garage band. " I guess he didn't think the one joke was funny. I found that criticism unfair since, although we were definitely a concept band performing grungy rock operas and producing/projecting films and videos built around the overall concept, we created many many laughs and shrieks of shock...and isn't outrage what we were taught rock 'n roll was all about?

Please feel free to add a comment. If you like our music and/or our lyrics (you do?
really?), I might be tempted to track down and upload more Jews from the Valley footage...if it's not too inappropriate or
controversial for youtube [or BitChute!].

Please see our other video upload for more info on the band:

• "Jews from the Vallley"-banned by MTV...

Special thanks to Mr. White Tuber and to Sinead McCarthy for this!

37 Views · 1 year ago

⁣There are many out there like VfB, who just want to see the scumbags BURN 🔥 to wit:


CHOOSE: Watch in High Quality- Leave a comment. JftV was formed in 1981 out of the ashes of Madame Wong's West nightclub and the influential West LA underground music scene. My friend, Allen Pitch , and I were the DJs there, meeting many interesting musicians and making contacts. We wanted to perform music like all these bands we were getting to know. I bought a Moog Synthesizer and Allen bought ONE drum and ONE broken cymbal. We found 3 other musicians who didn't realize how bad we were, since they weren't much better! We all had terrible singing voices and we played our instruments at differing levels of ineptitude. Fortunately, we improved our sound with dedicated practice and experience.

You could describe us as rock, power pop, punk, new wave, melodic, alternative, garage, satirical, unlistenable, rock opera, artsy-fartsy, but mainly, Theatrical Performance Rock-- kind of a Jewish Alice Cooper. By 1982, the original members split up due to artistic differences. Imagine that. So, Marc and Allen brought in Joe and Dave to add funky chops and actual musical talent.

The original line-up had a career resembling the Sex Pistols, in that we were so offensive, infamous hilarity ensued. We were attacked with food, tomatoes, and whatnot during our sets. The principal of Fairfax High School (Phil Spector's Alma Mater) rightfully pulled the plug on us after our second number, a rollicking punkish version of "Springtime for Hitler" during lunch hour. I clearly remember being berated by an outraged rabbi's wife who didn't get the joke. Well, we deserved it. We were asking for it simply by getting up and performing this front of paying customers. We definitely got a reaction. Eventually, I'll create a memorial website for Jews from the Valley. No reunions planned, don't worry!

Fledgling network MTV said they wouldn't even think of playing our videos. Of course they never got a chance to see this little gem, which is admittedly ethnically offensive, but not nearly as appalling as our original line-up's songs. They banned the original line-up for life, so we just assumed the new line-up was also banned...making this video a notorious little ditty for your viewing 'pleasure', meant to mildly offend you, yet entertain you with several chuckles that you're embarrassed about verbalizing. Our song titles included "Beirut is Burning", "Mr. Kosher Man", "The Shool was Rockin", "Hava Nagila/Harvey & Sheila", and "I'm 13" spoofing "I'm 18" with a gruesome Bar Mitzvah twist, which perfectly meshed my 2 favorite influences, Alice Cooper and Allan Sherman. I think we had talent and we were funny, but just not good enough to invest into a career move. We were smart to treat this as a 2 year hobby. I hope all the lads are thriving in their chosen lines of work. They say guys start rock bands to meet girls....curiously that didn't really happen with JftV. Not too many nice Jewish girls hung out at the Starwood, Wong's West, or the Whiskey back then.

Our band featured a few guest appearances I must chronicle (since this stupid youtube description has grown into our official biography): Gigi Mariam on keyboards, Elliot on guitar and harmonies, Rob on drums, and of course the late great Jeff Seidman as the Misguided Ex-Terrorist who subtly sees the error of his ways in this video. Jeff also leapt up onstage unexpectedly, a la Andy Kaufman and Bob Zmuda, as the psychotic Rabbi during our live shows. Jeff's passing in 1983 was a great loss to the community, to comedy, to film, and a personal loss for me since he was my good friend throughout all of high school and college.

Jews from the Valley was seriously reviewed by Craig Lee for the LA Times when we opened for Redd Kross. He wrote that we were "a one-joke garage band. " I guess he didn't think the one joke was funny. I found that criticism unfair since, although we were definitely a concept band performing grungy rock operas and producing/projecting films and videos built around the overall concept, we created many many laughs and shrieks of shock...and isn't outrage what we were taught rock 'n roll was all about?

Please feel free to add a comment. If you like our music and/or our lyrics (you do?
really?), I might be tempted to track down and upload more Jews from the Valley footage...if it's not too inappropriate or
controversial for youtube [or BitChute!].

Please see our other video upload for more info on the band:

• "Jews from the Vallley"-banned by MTV...

Special thanks to Mr. White Tuber and to Sinead McCarthy for this!

26 Views · 1 year ago


The Hodge Twins play a clip from Larry Kudlow's FOX program, interviewing President Donald John Trump's firebrand attorney, Alina Habba; they then break into a discussion regarding the 'rights' of invaders to our nation

An interesting transition - when the twins appear, pay attention; they're bringing up an interesting dynamic - that of posses administering justice

I bring up the trial of Leo Max Frank [who murderously raped and murdered little Mary Phagan, then tried blaming it on two Black men and her former suitor], because they both gave testimony...but one man is being legally choked from speaking about what he knows about business, realty and property values, while the other tried saving his filthy neck by boring those in attendance into a waking coma by going about the 'engineering' that went into the production of his pencils - YMMV

For details on that case, see THE PEOPLE ⚖ (& FRANKENFOOT) VS. LEO MAX FRANK

For more of the shenanigans regarding the trial:

25 Views · 1 year ago

⁣Coach Dave Daubenmire discusses what may or may not have occurred at the former site of the Georgia Guidestones...we are WINNING, folks!

Occupy until His return...and I think he never left, TBH


Showing 139 out of 140