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The older the NASA 'production' the easier to spot the mistakes.
In STS-8, a NASA technician's head gets too close to the green-screen shuttle model, and citizens had their VCR's recording it. 🙄
Now, VfB couldn't gibs two tugs of a dead dog's dangler [credit to Warren Ellis] whether you believe this...but I figured this out at the age of 4.
Who set up the bloody camera?!?
So, as an unsung tech guy, I'm used to those trying to take credit, when they should actually thank the guys whom set up their scenarios...but I digress
'Ed Palefsky' probs isn't his name, but whomever the camera guy was...was 'the 1st man on the moon'.
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Hawaii Governor Josh Green Slips Up & CONFIRMS THE “SMART CITY” LAND GRAB He Catches Himself & Tries To Backpedal 🛰🏚⚡🔥🤑
Look up PANPSYCHISM - then you'll begin to understand how these (((minds))) work...such as that goes 🙃
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An outrageous new comedy that uses Sigmund Freud’s own poetic words as documented in his book, “The Cocaine Papers." Jonathan Slavin stars in the title role as one of the most important thinkers of the 20th century, a respected doctor, a loving husband, a devoted father — and a drug addict.
☠💉 - download and spread this!💉 ☠
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4:05 - Klebold and Harris
Subjects: survival, gun laws, Obama, constitution, rights, jewish criminals, jews, rahm emanuel, loyalty, bill of rights, patriotism, security, thomas jefferson, banks, finance, homelessness, foreclosures, tent cities, homeless, thieves, gun ammunition prices, D.C. gun ban, supreme court, constitutional rights, right to bear arms, martial law, communism, columbine, parasites, organic food, genetically modified food, monsanto
I'M GOING BALLS DEEP ON THIS ONE, BOYS! [go to 2:30 and strap in if you want the 🥊punch]
This guy did bloody fantastic work on this channel, only for things to peter out when Tucker threw Sidney Powell under the bus last year...but he could be coming back: - Tucker Carlson's Most Savage Moment Of All Time
Now, I've been on the Scalps of GAB group, and I got a couple last night - HUNTING SEASON IS OPEN, BOYS - NO RESTRICTIONS
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Brand new channel - stronk start, bruddah!
THIS is what I've said for years; you know there's a FUCK TON of Trump thumbnails I could use, but as TDS is fatal, I don't wish to commit 'friendly fire'...but I'm still waiting to hear anyone with a better plan to remove these scumbags from our sphere of influence.
I told you - VfB still habs NEVER seen a single bloody episode of The Apprentice, but the moral of the show was clear: if you go to take over a job for which you aren't suited, YOU WILL BE FIRED.
That is how reality worked...oh, up until the machinations and 'petty successes' of the (((homosexual banking mafia))) 'convinced' them that they could get away with performing the events of September 11, 2001, and beyond - but VfB cottoned to their scumbaggery at 10 AM that bloody morning; you nitwits couldn't help that I'd also had in mind the financial sacrifice to baphomet and to mammon the previous day, announced by rabbi Dov Zackheim and Donald Rumsfeld - oh, ya know...just anuddah $2.3 trillion shekels or so, goyimzes:
Want to hear about moar unreality that's about to right itself?
Yellow Flash does a decent video on this; otherwise, I'd rant on this soyfest of asshattery 😅
B-b-b-bbut the 'vaxxed'... - but NOTHING! Selfish bastards - now you can all ROT - pharmaceuticals equal DEATH!
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1988 - the Morton Downey Jr show
The full episode can be found here:
Sample episode of Morton Downey, Jr. how from The Out Of The Woods Collection discussing Police Violence and Racial Profiling. Guests include Reverend Al Sharpton (National Youth Movement), Dr. Gloria Toote, Curtis Sliwa (Guardian Angels), John Flynn (Coalition Against Crime), Prof. Michael Levin (CUNY) and Cyril Boynes of C.O.R.E.
Downey was a local sensation with his evening talk show on channel 9 New York. Eventually the show was syndicated nationally. A take off on Donahue and Oprah, he rode the success of the "shock jock" phenomenon of Howard Stern and don Imus, but the DNA of the show and JERRY SPRINGER, can be traced to JOE PYNE, a talk show host on radio and TV in the late 1960s, who also used the controversy of the changing times to boost his ratings.
There's an excellent doc on Morton Downey Phenomenon called Evocateur.
More info at
Presented for historical reference. I do not own the rights.
Reelblack's mission is to educate, elevate, entertain, enlighten, and empower through Black film. If there is content shared on this platform that you feel infringes on your intellectual property, please email me at and with details and it will be promptly removed.
.@antonioguterres Abbas justifies Hitler. Why is the UN silent? Why is he invited to the UN podium on Sept. 21?
Abbas: “They say Hitler killed the Jews for being Jews. Not true. It was because of their role in society: usury, money, and so on. This was not about antisemitism.”
Hillel Neuer (@HillelNeuer) September 7, 2023
Behind the Holocaust
What was Hitler’s Unforgivable Sin?
by J. B. Campbell
Hitler resisted Judaism. When you’re a little kid in school or at the movies, resisting Judaism can be made to seem a very wicked thing. As an adult, you can be made to think that to resist Judaism is the very worst, the most dangerous thing. When you see what has happened to people who have resisted Judaism, well – you certainly don’t want that to happen to you.
Adolf Hitler was, is and will always be the most dangerous character in history due to his resistance against Judaism combined with his eloquence in explaining why Judaism must be resisted. Some of us “Jew-fighters” have a personal motto, delenda est judaica, or Judaism must be destroyed. Or, Defense Against Jewish Aggression. When we have studied the history of whatever period you care to name, or just looked at the news, true humans react with the natural urge to remove this cancer from society. The most astonishing example of the Jewish mentality was last year’s murderous assault against the humanitarians attempting to bring food, medicine and building materials to the people of Gaza. Jewish ways are repellant to the human mind and are not examined overmuch for that reason.
Judaism can be simply described as very bad behavior.
Hitler never attempted to destroy Judaism but rather to isolate it and perhaps remove its adherents from Europe. This followed attempts to train Jews to be productive human beings in places such as Dachau and Theresienstadt. As Evelyn Kaye writes in The Hole in the Sheet, orthodox Jews do not work. They are allergic to work, preferring instead to occupy themselves by reading the Talmud and arguing endlessly with other Jews about what they read. So this is a big problem with Jews, their refusal to work and produce something that is not based on ripping off and confounding their victims.
Hitler’s attempt to re-train Jews, which didn’t work, and then to remove Jews from Europe was a work in progress. Since the Khazars had infiltrated Europe from the east, his plan for relocation was to put them back in the Pale whence they came. This scheme depended upon the success of Operation Barbarossa, the great assault against the Soviet Union which was always the ultimate and stated objective of the National Socialists. Communism had to be destroyed so that Judaism could be re-confined to its traditional home in the Pale of Settlement. Hitler’s basic plan for Jews was somehow to confine and isolate them in a place in which they could be prevented from doing humanity more harm. This is a very difficult thing to do because there are so many aspects to Judaism, the most dangerous of which is banking, which is the main point of this piece.
Because now I’m seeing that the main purpose of keeping alive the Holocaust is to protect Jewish banking practices.
Before we get to that, let’s examine the Holocaust briefly. It’s a big subject but the whole subject is demolished by the videotaped visit to Auschwitz by a young American Jew named David Cole, which took place back in 1992. For example, a dozen years ago I was visited by a reporter named Dave Hendrix from the Dallas Morning News. He was interviewing me for a big story he was writing on the militia and the general resistance movement in America. He would spend four days interviewing me at my home in Carmel, California. When we were first introduced, no doubt knowing my attitude, he made a disclosure: “I must tell you before we begin, that I am a believer in the Holocaust.” I immediately responded, “Not a problem.” And nothing more was said about it for a day or so. On the second day, before he retired to his hotel, I asked if he would be willing to look at a film? He agreed. I showed him David Cole’s Visit to Auschwitz and when it was over said, “Well, there’s another viewpoint.” Dave, however, was speechless. He finally said, “That was devastating to everything I’ve ever believed.”
[youtube 54aJHSXF1YQ]
By the fourth day, I had persuaded Dave to drop the militia/resistance project and instead write a big piece on Oklahoma City, since my good friend Cheri Seymour had so much primary information on the subject in her files. Reluctant at first to attack that subject, he eventually requested and got the green light from Dallas. This nearly got him killed. Dave met with Cheri and me a week or so later in Hermosa Beach and received his first load of documents from Cheri. He went back to his apartment and was felled by a severe heart attack. His wife was fortunately and unusually at home and got the EMT people there in time to save him, which he would not have been able to do for himself. When he finally recovered, the OKC story was canceled and Dave was made a story editor, never again to investigate and write as he had been doing for many years.
When we met again, he said simply, “They got me. It was not a natural heart attack.”
As you will see in the Cole video, the holy gas chamber is a fake. Which makes the entire Holocaust story a fake. You can study it for a day or for a lifetime and your conclusion will be the same. There was never a plan for exterminating Jews and there was never an instrument. As Professor Robert Faurisson has asked for years, “Show me a gas chamber. Draw for me a gas chamber.” It can’t be done because there was never such a thing.
There is the matter of the Six Million. As we in the anti-Jewish movement well know, the Jews were claiming years before, during and after the First World War that six million Jews had been exterminated by the Germans. Of course, no one took this seriously. By 1943, American Jews were once again claiming that six million Jews were in danger of annihilation or had in fact been annihilated, years before the same wild claim would start up again around 1960. Now, why is this?
We now know that the insane Jewish liars are guided in this by a mystical attachment to the number six, as seen with their national symbol, the six-pointed star. Six, or six hundred, or six thousand, or six hundred thousand, or six million Jews must be removed before the messiah returns or Israel reappears or whatever. It’s not important to us, just that this is a magic number to them. And they should be wholly burnt in ovens. Hence, Holocaust (wholly burnt). Read >>> Jewish History and the Scriptual Orgin of the 6 Million Dollar Number
The six million Jews exterminated by the Nazis depended in large part (66%) on Auschwitz, where four million of them were infamously done to death. Thanks to Ernst Zundel and the International Red Cross, Mikhail Gorbachev in 1989 released to the Red Cross the captured death records from Auschwitz.
The forty-six volumes cover the period of 1941 to ’43 and record about 69,000 deaths, mainly from disease or natural causes. The IRC had investigated all the German and Polish camps during and after the war and estimated about 200,000 deaths, some of them Jewish.
When the US Army liberated Dachau, for example, of the 32,000 inmates, about 1,200 were Jews. Jewish representation was so tiny during WWII as to be insignificant, except in their minds. In their minds, the 60 million actual deaths of real people were insignificant, not worthy of consideration. Read >>>
Long-Hidden Death Certificates Discredit Extermination Claims
We can read and read and the more we read the bigger the swindle is revealed. That’s why the main thing is to watch David Cole’s video and not get too wrapped up in the Holocaust, one way or the other. But we should understand the real purpose of Holocaust indoctrination, which I now believe is this: our money.
Our money is our lifeblood. Without money, of course, we die as individuals. Without a proper money system, society dies, which is pretty much what is happening to our society now. This is due to the Jewish money system imposed on us by the aliens who own the private money-making company they call the Federal Reserve System.
We are today witnessing the dangers of precious metals. The only metals that are precious to me are steel, lead and brass. Gold and silver, while intoxicating in their wonderfulness, are just as dangerous and volatile as liquid intoxicants and just as likely to make you lose your wits – and your fortune. There is nothing righteous or magical or even necessary about a nation’s currency being “backed” by gold or silver. This was proved by Adolf Hitler during the 1930s. It was proved so conclusively that the Jews want to make sure that it’s never tried again. The best way to
ensure this is to associate debt-free currency with mass murder!
For some reason, the Jews of the world wanted to destroy Germany. We can probably never understand their insane drive to do this but the facts cannot be denied. They also wanted to destroy the Russian ruling class and the Russian people, as we saw happen following their takeover of Russia in 1917. And we see that they apparently wanted to destroy the American people from an early time, dating at least since 1913. The destruction of the Russians, Germans and Europeans in general depended on their takeover of the American banking system in 1913, because it was followed closely by the totalitarian devastation that began in 1914 with the assassination of the Austrian archduke by Gavrilo Princip.
World War I ended in 1918 and this began Germany’s great misery. They were blamed by the victors for starting the war and were forced to pay “reparations” that became so extreme by the early 1920s that their money became worthless. Hundreds of thousands of Germans starved to death because of the money and because of a blockade by England and America to prevent food from getting in. A food convoy was organized by Henry Ford, Herbert Hoover and Norway’s Vidkun Quisling to rescue the starving people of Germany and others in Europe. Quisling’s name has been turned into a dirty word by the Jews and is misused today by people who should know better. He was a great humanitarian and took Germany’s side against the forces of
Judaism and Bolshevism for over twenty years.
Adolf Hitler, like Franklin Roosevelt, came to power democratically in January, 1933, in the depths of the world depression. Both Germany and America were starving because of the actions of the Federal Reserve System, now twenty years old. They were starving because the Fed had “deflated” the money supply, withdrew currency from circulation and refused to issue new currency. Credit to farmers and businesses and individuals was denied for no particular reason. Roosevelt outlawed gold and began its confiscation in April, with punishment of ten years in prison and ten thousand dollars in fines.
Once he got all of our gold, which was then priced at about twenty dollars an ounce, he raised the price to thirty-two dollars. That made it the biggest, boldest swindle up until that time. Of course, the Federal Reserve System swindlers got the gold – and the massive increase in value.
Hitler came to power over a bankrupt and starving country with unemployment at roughly 50%! The Americans had stolen all Germany’s gold by the early ‘20s, so there was no basis for a monetary system other than to keep borrowing from the Jewish crooks on Wall Street that had given Germany the Young Plan and the Dawes Plan of perpetual indebtedness to private bankers masquerading as the “central bank.” What to do?
Hitler and Hjalmar Schacht issued debt-free currency based on Lincoln’s debt-free currency. What they did led to the swift regeneration of the German economy and the world’s greatest prosperity of the working class, while the rest of the world stayed mired in the Great Depression being run by the sadistic central bankers. This was the worst possible crime and had to be punished by the most terrible war in human history, including fire-bombings of entire cities and deliberate mass starvations of millions following the war. Our nuclear bombs would have dropped on Germans but they weren’t ready in time, so they were dropped on Germany’s allies who were trying to surrender. Please refer to Theodore Kaufman’s charming little book, Germany Must Perish!, which was the basis of the Morgenthau Plan for Germany, executed mercilessly by Dwight David Eisenhower, which resulted in the starvation deaths of millions of Germans.
[youtube h8qLkpA_PSs]
Ellen Brown and Bill Still have provided us with debt-free currency plans that will deliver us from the Federal Reserve racketeers and eliminate our indebtedness to the pinstriped scum-rats in less than one year, based on the Hitler model, which they don’t want to say. John F. Kennedy declared war on the Fed racketeers by issuing four billion dollars in debt-free US Notes in April of his last year on earth. Abraham Lincoln first issued debt-free currency when the bankers whom he’d approached for war loans wanted 34% in interest. He only survived a few days longer than his war for crimes against the bankers.
So let’s understand what’s behind the Holocaust. Why don’t Brown and Still, both monetary geniuses, want to credit Hitler and Schacht with the secret to economic prosperity in the face of total meltdown? Why, because of the Holocaust! The greatest economic miracle in history occurred in Germany under Adolf Hitler, who ignored the central bankers intent on raping the world, seizing real property, through high interest and deflation. The Russians have recently confirmed suspicions that the American legend of the Depression (“As bad as it was – nobody starved.”) is a lie. Russian investigators have revealed that millions of Americans actually died of starvation and exposure during the years 1929 to 1941 but their deaths were written off to natural causes.
As Hitler remarked in his declaration of war following Pearl Harbor, he had delivered Germany from the doubly devastating conditions of the Versailles Treaty and the general world Depression by 1935 while Roosevelt kept mighty America in abject misery with his Federal Reserve starvation policies right to the present time (December, 1941). He stole all the people’s gold and then increased its value by 60%. And he refused to do what Lincoln had done before him and what Kennedy would do after him: he refused to issue debt-free currency and rescue the American people from aggravated poverty, degradation and death by starvation.
How could that be? How could Hitler state such a thing? Because it was true. It was simple and it was true. The secret to general and permanent prosperity is for the government of any country to issue debt-free currency in amounts necessary for commerce and growth. That is what the founders had in mind with Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution. We should read that over from time to time. Clause 5 says that the “Congress shall have power To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures.” Clause 6 is even better: “Congress shall have the power To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States.”
You can see where this puts the owners of the counterfeiting company called the Federal Reserve System. The proposed punishment for counterfeiting was execution by hanging.
Anyway, let us recognize the Holocaust for what it is, a device to make the idea of debt-free currency repellant to our minds, because anyone who would do it really just wants to gas the Jews.
Larry Sinclair: Press Conference Exposing Barack Obama. (2008)
Mirroring from
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Yore pal VfB didn't habs the skillz he habs, without further ado, I bring you Bathhouse Barry's Greatest Hits! 🔫⚱
How did Oprah get private firefighters while Maui burned?!
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Now - VfB's exposé [thanks to TimTruth] on tranny murderer Steve Calanog; on -scene at the California (((wildfires))) of 2017, as well as the Maui Massacre [John Pelletier is not the only scumbag playing dual roles]: 🏳🌈🦄🍆💉💩😋
Interview with EPA's Steve Calanog
Never forget this by Joan Rivers….. a few weeks before she died.
I know a lot of people saw this after it was broadcasted - but VfB caught it when it happened
9 months ago
I saw this movie on TV in CT in 1963 or 64. I can't recall any of the animal slaughters as they may have been editied for TV. I found those the hardest to watch. The only images that stuck in my memory were the scenes of the foie gras geese and the Capuchin cemetery. in Rome. It was the recent statement of Charles III banning Fois Gras for state dinners that reminded me of it.
This movie was very influential.
I suppose one has to agree that nothing it shows is very flattering about human nature but to damn their memory as perverse is to ignore that many of the actions depicted were also survival strategies.
It has a very Roman Catholic perspective that I was raised in, I don't think the scenes that touch on Eastern religions are very well understood. Their is more than a bit of religious chauvinism and misrepresentation to them.
What really amazes me is that world was only about 60 years ago. There probably isn't a single primitive tribe depicted that still lives as their grandparents, even great grandparents lived. They were all human beings and developed faster than even those in the developed world. That is the most staggering thing about them.
It makes me feel very stupid actually. I can't look at them with much of a sense of self-congratulatory chauvinism. I didn't make myself and didn't have to travel nearly as fast or cover such a great distance.
No good memes - so Adam West wins the day
VfB bought all of you who called him a (((sodomite))) on the 'It's Pat!' post...a 1st class ticket to HELL 🎫🔥
Enjoy the slide 🛝
VfB had LESS THAN ZERO CLUE that a show called 'The Closet' even existed; so when I post clear and present evidence that the (((homosexual banking mafia))) is behind all of this hot garbage...instead of "wew - looks like we got ourselves a purty li'l faggit"; instead, I get called a bloody sodomite?!?
Was that supposed to hurt me?
So solly - I've been under attacks that most of you would PAY to throttle
Next vid should blow that nonsense to a thousand pieces
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FULTON COUNTY!🚨 The Fulton County Sheriff Pat Labat, that decided President Trump & others would all receive mugshots, & who is in charge of one of the Nations dirtiest & deadliest jails, appears to have taken part in a gay web-series called “The CLOSET”.
BREAKING: Fulton County, Ga deleted evidence, against state and federal law, that would prove Former President Trump won Georgia by around 2,000 votes, based on the Cast Vote Record for those files.
Fascinating stuff:
The morphic field is why we are going to win this thing and beat the Satanic Luciferian banksters who run the world. We know. Look at Gabon. They just imprisoned the family that has been looting their country for the past fifty years. People in every country know our leaders with almost no exception, are psychopaths stealing everything not nailed down. In every country in the world, people are recognizing we have the power, and the money that we don’t have, has been stolen by them. The games of globalists, the little feints and releases and projects they try are being met with universal dislike and there is so much dislike now that people feel comfortable voicing their displeasure.
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They think there was an Ebola outbreak at burning man
I find it ironic since (((Burning WHITE Man))) represents the destruction of the patriarchy
Remember - VfB does NOT ascribe to (((germ theory))); so this 'outbreak' has different outliers that have not yet been determined [just personally murdered a parasite in my own system]
I'm sure this will get JUST AS MUCH attention from the lamestream media... yeah... don't hold your breath. It doesn't match the narrative, even with two nobel laureates signing on, so you'll see zero air time.
"Do better"
We are not even close to the same.
🎂🥂🎉🎈 VfB makes it anudder year! 🎂🥂🎉🎈
Despite the evidence of your currently working senses, the (((hbm))) is still putting out HOT ASS GARBAGE 🗑🔥 that you are expected to uncritically believe 🤤
WAILUKU (HawaiiNewsNow) - Government officials are blasting social media posts that they say are spreading misinformation about the Maui wildfires, especially the blaze in Lahaina that has so far claimed 111 lives.
“Do not rely on people who fancy themselves as influencers,” Gov. Josh Green said at a briefing Wednesday.
There have been posts speculating about the cause of the fire and also claims that federal emergency agencies can’t be trusted.
“You have people who have predators on social media. We know that for a fact. We have people who want to spread negativity,” the governor said.
One post claimed FEMA was confiscating shipping containers loaded with supplies for Maui.
FEMA has its own social media, and said it’s actually just coordinating with relief agencies. Another FEMA post tries to debunk a rumor that people who apply for federal assistance could have their property confiscated.
“After a crisis like this, trust in government really does suffer, and the only way to overcome that is for our public officials to deliver consistent messages, to deliver high quality services as quickly as possible,” said HNN political analyst Colin Moore.
Meanwhile, Hoku Award-winning rapper and recording artist Thomas Ianucci took to his Instagram page, pleading with people to stop posting misinformation.
“It wasn’t the government doing an inside job to try to take out kanaka. It wasn’t a space laser or something like that. It’s just a horrible tragedy,” he said in the post.
“It’s hard already to find the correct info, but it’s getting hard to find almost any info, because if you go on TikTok, you look up the Maui fires or Lahaina, that stuff is all kine conspiracy stuff,” Ianucci told HNN.
“I think a week of some understandable chaos in this tragic situation is understandable,” said Moore. “But now I think residents should expect and deserve very clear communications from the state and from the county.”
Maui County Mayor Richard Bissen had his own message at the press briefing.
“The reason you should trust us is because this is our home. The reason you should trust us is because we’re the ones who suffered the loss. That’s the reason you should trust us.”
OK, terrific!
Did you hear about this? 😳
#MauiFires #Hawaii
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Bodycam footage shows the DUI arrest of an alleged rapist caught with six young boys and girls in his car in July 2022. The New Mexico State Police said when 41-year-old Jeremy Guthrie was pulled over for driving erratically, he denied having alcohol in his system and claimed the minors he was with were “just friends.” The Law&Crime Network’s Sierra Gillespie breaks down the disturbing traffic stop and how it led to a slew of charges against Guthrie.
Sierra Gillespie:
#NewMexico #Bodycam #LawAndCrime
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