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11 Views · 9 months ago

⁣The #herbertarmstrongcollege Choir in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma included all the original verses of the Star Spangled Banner when they sang our nation anthem before a q&a session with students and @GenFlynn on the @FlynnMovie tour.


Complete version of "The Star-Spangled Banner" showing spelling and punctuation
from Francis Scott Key's manuscript in the Maryland Historical Society collection.
O say can you see, by the dawn's early light,
What so proudly we hail'd at the twilight's last gleaming,
Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight
O'er the ramparts we watch'd were so gallantly streaming?
And the rocket's red glare, the bomb bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there,
O say does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?

On the shore dimly seen through the mists of the deep
Where the foe's haughty host in dread silence reposes,
What is that which the breeze, o'er the towering steep,
As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?
Now it catches the gleam of the morning's first beam,
In full glory reflected now shines in the stream,
'Tis the star-spangled banner - O long may it wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

And where is that band who so vauntingly swore,
That the havoc of war and the battle's confusion
A home and a Country should leave us no more?
Their blood has wash'd out their foul footstep's pollution.
No refuge could save the hireling and slave
From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave,
And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

O thus be it ever when freemen shall stand
Between their lov'd home and the war's desolation!
Blest with vict'ry and peace may the heav'n rescued land
Praise the power that hath made and preserv'd us a nation!
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto - "In God is our trust,"
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

17 Views · 9 months ago

⁣Apparently in this reality, we now get 12 days of Christmas...but they're spread out throughout the year:



Their only joy is in making sure you have no joy. That’s why little by little all these vile anti-Israel protests and marches are backfiring—because they’re making the lives of everyday Americans miserable.

Is there a connection between sexual repression and antisemitism? Strange question, right?

But is it?

Over the last six months, since the start of the October 7th war, initiated by the Hamas massacre, I have debated some of America and the world’s leading antisemites. In nearly every case, I was viciously attacked for my international best-selling book “Kosher Sex” and the marital-aid company my daughter Chana, and IDF veteran, set up in Israel by the same name.

I was astonished at the sexual prudishness of my opponents and how much they indulged attacks about Jews and sex. Indeed, I was unprepared for just how obsessed each was about Jews and sex in general. The attacks were constant. Why did you write your books “Kosher Sex,” “Kosher Lust,” “The Kosher Sutra,” “Kosher Adultery,” etc etc. And why is your daughter selling products that enhance intimacy and passion between married, monogamous couples.

As I pondered why each of these antisemites brought up Jewish sexual activities and teachings, it dawned on me what the connection was between antisemitism and sex.

What is sex other than a celebration of life? At its best, sex is simply something that makes a husband and wife feel most alive. Let’s face it. Marriage can be filled with drudgery. Changing diapers. Paying bills. Affording a mortgage. And the stultifying deadness of any everyday routine. Then comes along a passionate sexual connection which invigorates the couple.

And that’s what antisemites must hate most about Jews: we always choose life.

Why does Hamas, Iran, Hezbollah, and all the other terrorist sickos hate us so much? Because no matter how much they pledge to spill our blood, we continue to choose life. Israel is filled with cafes, restaurants, museums, universities, parks, and children’s playgrounds. Gaza, by contrast, well before Israel’s invasion last year, was just a giant garbage dump. I know because I was personally there with the Reverend Al Sharpton in October of 2001. The place was an ugly trash heap. Our Palestinian brethren – not Israel – had chosen to make it so.

The same is true of so many other places that were once beautiful – like Lebanon and Beirut, once called the Paris of the Middle East – which today are essentially piles of rubble.

Our enemies hate us because no matter how hard they try to make our lives miserable, we remain joyous, we rise above their hate, we always choose life.

Have you noticed how miserable all the pro-Hamas and anti-Israel activists look? The only joy they get is by ruining your day. They will protest concerts and shut them down. They will shut down airports so you miss your flight and can’t visit your family or take a vacation. They are miserable people who spread misery. Show me even a single pro-Israel rally where we have taken that attitude or tried to spread agony.

Antisemites are generally miserable. Their only joy is in making sure you have no joy. That’s why little by little all these vile anti-Israel protests and marches are backfiring—because they’re making the lives of everyday Americans miserable.

Jews don’t thrive on misery. Just the opposite. We thrive on joy. Arguably the single happiest nation on earth, relative to their historical misfortunes and current global challenges, are the Jewish people.

Larry David just ended his 24 year-run of the most successful comedy on TV, Curb Your Enthusiasm. Yes, he plays a curmudgeon. But it’s all about making you laugh. Notice how some of the world’s greatest comics and wits are Jews and how so much of their humor is about taking everyday misery and learning to laugh at it.

Who are the Jews? The nation that has learned not just to survive persecution but to flourish.

What is Israel? The most irrationally hated nation on earth that was simultaneously – according to the 2024 World Happiness Report released last month – just voted the fifth happiest country in the world, and this despite the war in Gaza and the October 7 massacre.
Now you see why all these Jew haters whom I’ve debated hate Jewish sex. Because Jewish sex is not only that which keeps our nation surviving, quite literally, but thriving, quite literally as well.

Judaism is the only religion on earth that says sex is not for procreation – survival – but for intimacy, thriving. As the book of Genesis says (2:24) “Therefore shalt a man leave his father and his mother, he shall cleave unto his wife and they shall become one flesh.”

⁣So much of religion leads to sexual repression. In Catholicism priests and nuns – the religious leaders of the Church – have to be completely celibate, easily the most unnatural human state.

St. Paul said, “Now to the unmarried and the widows I say: It is good for them to stay unmarried, as I do. But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion” (1 Corinthians 7).

And many Islamic countries have taken sexual repression to an extreme by cloaking women in such austere and severe garb, and by so separating the sexes, that there can be little everyday joy in social interactions.

Hitler, of course, famously created the Lebensborn program that likewise reduced sex to simply birthing more and more soldiers for the Fuhrer.

That may explain why so many antisemites attack my book “Kosher Sex” and my daughter Chana’s company of the same name. Because both are a clear distillation of that most essential of ideas, that Judaism wants us to celebrate life. That Judaism doesn’t believe that men and women marry primarily to have children but to feel alive in each other’s company and make love. And that life is meant to be lived at the mountain’s summit and not just the deep dark valleys.

The holiest book of the Hebrew Bible is something that is anathema to antisemites, who appear to hate life as much as they hate Jews. The Song of Solomon is an erotic lust poem that describes the burning yearning between a man and a woman: “Your breasts are like two fawns, like twin fawns of a gazelle that browse among the lilies… Your stature is like that of the palm, and your breasts like clusters of fruit. I said, ‘I will climb the palm tree; I will take hold of its fruit.” For Jews, lust within intimacy is hot, sexy, and holy. The tenth commandment is clear: “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife.” Which means, by direct implication, you ought to be coveting your own.

The antisemites, well, they too covet. They covet, whether they realize it or not, Jewish joy. They are jealous of Jewish prosperity, of Jewish success, of Jewish happiness. And instead of following our lead and imitating our greatest teaching of all – L’Chaim, always choose life – they’d rather drag us down so we can’t choose life by making us dead.

Rabbi Shmuley Boteach whom Newsweek and The Washington Post call “the most famous Rabbi in America,” has just published the 25th special anniversary edition of Kosher Sex (Skyhorse Publishing). His website is Follow him on Instagram and X @RabbiShmuley.

21 Views · 9 months ago

⁣🇺🇸 BOOM: Ryan Messano names the Jews while Jewish pride faggots destroy his message
ℹ LOOK AT ALL THESE JEWS! I'm angry because my dear friend has not a single man willing to fight for him as he travels around America to do his duty, to name the Jews.
Where are all the tough guys ⁉
Where are all those faggots who speak loud words ⁉
Where are all those who say "Jews must go" ⁉
None of them are willing to do anything but cry on the internet.
➕ Follow Ryan on GAB: @RyanMessano1
📅 Walnut Creek, California, April 16, 2024.
🔗 Ryan's last appearance:
Don’t let the NSA take over the internet. Call your Senator at 202-224-3121 and demand they vote against warrantless searches.
VfB disagrees with "None of them are willing to do anything but cry on the internet"; the PaperGoys | CCDS | GDL and other groups have done a phenomenal job - not every effort gained nationwide attention, but the important thing to note is that WE WON THE INFORMATION WAR!!! - check the red pills at the top right for awesome documentaries you must see, like Europa: The Last Battle and Hellstorm
This, you MUST see: 👀
Da Shmoo habs blabbed the plot!

29 Views · 9 months ago

⁣illuminatibot - Doctor dropping truth bombs on the Covid vaccines
You all habs LESS THAN ZERO idea as to how much VfB wants to fedpost on this...but we'll go easy
First, once again - VfB figured this out back on May 16, 2020: 📶
Just like JFK warned us all before his head was turned into an exploding chia pet [but see what was written on TRUMP CAN RELEASE THE JFK FILES 💀 WE ALL KNOW THE MOSSAD YEETED KENNEDY], he warned us about (((infiltration))) - that was the mechanism by which we were all endangered; the ship-in-a-bottle theory came about a year later [confirmed independently by Carrie Madej, Todd Callendar and others]
A day ago, my s-i-a-b theory was VERIFIED: ✅
Dropping some other news items:
🧐 The horrific truth about the British royal family and their paedophile network 🤮🤮🤮

16 Views · 9 months ago

⁣Recently reposted THIS KIND OF CRAP IS WHY VfB GETS TROLLS 🗣 to AltCastTV; the reason for that being the endless entreaties to the interrogating officer regarding ((legal)))
(((Legal))) simply means a prohibited act that can be PAID FOR; does that sound like anything that would exist in a constitutional republic?
Golf Cart Matt made the same mistake Leo Max Frank did - he neglected situational physics while committing his least GCM didn't get to touch his intended target, unlike what happened to little Mary Phagan...but I digress
The pendulum is swinging back, and all of the DEI, ESG and other anti-White initiatives are being shoved down trash compactors everywhere - scream 'NAZIS!' all you nitwits want - WE DO NOT CARE

11 Views · 9 months ago

⁣NOW - 51-49: U.S. Senate Democrats dismiss both articles of impeachment against DHS Secretary Mayorkas.
Chuck da Schmuck couldn't be moar pleased
The senators voted 51-48 against considering the first article of impeachment, with one Republican, Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, voting present. The vote to kill the second article split 51-49, with Murkowski siding with her party. Three independent senators — Bernie Sanders of Vermont, Angus King of Maine and Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona — sided with the Democrats on both votes.
Sort or filter the table below to see how individual senators voted on the rejection of each article.
Go ahead and check the article, if you wish...but let VfB offer a much easier answer as to why this is occurring, against the wishes of We The People:
Take out a dollar bill, and look on the back - see that pyramid?
That's a representation of...the Israeli Supreme Court
THAT is for whom all your so-called (((representatives))) work
Everyday I see how our country is run by very depraved ppl.
Yesterday, California’s Senate Democrats Rejected Bill to Make Purchasing 16, 17-year-olds for Sex a Felony.
Democrats rejected Bill authored by Sen. Shannon Grove to make the buying of children for sex a prison felony, and hijacked her bill forcing hostile amendments by denying Grove’s efforts to protect 16 and 17-year-old children from being purchased as part of commercial sex trafficking.
Under the amended bill now solicitation of 16 and 17 year-olds will remain a misdemeanor, punishable by as little as 2 days in jail or up to a $10,000 fine.
Grove’s bill would make solicitation, attempting to engage or engaging in sex with a minor for money a felony with a prison sentence ranging from 2 to 4 years, a fine not exceeding $25,000, and registration as a sex offender. The bill would punish all those who solicit from a child, regardless of whether or not the person knew or reasonably should have known that the person solicited was a minor.
Anons Ed Buck'ing Chuck da Shmuck: 🤣
Filthy vile evil Jews. Schumer is fucking pedo

22 Views · 9 months ago

By God We'll Have Our Home Again by Mannerbund - peacedozer acoustic guitar cover
Leonard Cohen - Jewish World Supremacy Song
Alex Jones
Stew Peters
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Anons feeling the spirit: 🫥
The evil synagogue of satan Zionist agenda to annihilate the chosen anglo saxon white race on schedule.
Dustin Nemos is a warrior 4 TRUTH & a HERO 4 humanity! God Speed!

21 Views · 9 months ago

⁣NEXT! Tuesday, April 16th, 2024
World Pirate Radio News™ (Show No.277)

8PM PST - LA, Vancouver, Seattle, Baja
11PM EST - New York, Toronto, Miami
(Weds - NOON Tokyo & Seoul)
Check your LOCAL listings!

Ahoy! Dropping Anchor in Port for Lusty Tales of Adventure:
Welcome everyone, 2 Arrrrrrrr - 277th Official installment of "WORLD PIRATE RADIO NEWS™", & 2024 Mid-week MUCK-AROUND!

CALL IN via SKYPE ID = (Captain Sinclair)

The MOST HIGHLY CENSORED English internet live-stream, via South Korea.

Multiple accounts suspended via DISCORD, & TWITCH.
Shows (periodically) BLOCKED via Fakebook ..…
What could “THEY” possibly be so AFRAID of ?????

Topics 2 include: Anything via our planet’s Apocalyptic political, & current-event landscape.

From 5th Generational, & WWZ, to BIG TECH's "unchecked" censorship, rampant de-platforming, & anti FREE-SPEECH dirty tricks. Nor will we forget BIG MEDIA's blanket cover-up and suppression of the unvarnished TRUTH, Canada's FREEDOM Convoy, “LOCKSTEP” eugenics, COVID 1984, the Great Reset, & "Operation DARK WINTER".


Along with any issue mainstream "legacy" corporate media has chosen 2 ignore, mix in a few choice "off-beat" Pop Culture or gaming items, and PRESTO! You've got yourself the perfect news "Muck-around" formula.

N.B. All "FREE" RAW feed content provided herein is an entirely unscripted, uncensored and authentic exchange of profoundly refreshing insights, ideas, and opinions.

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Looking to have your voice heard? Got a story you think the world needs to know more about? Something the MSM has largely ignored? Politics, religion, pop culture, health, activism, lifestyle & the paranormal; pretty much ANYTHING goes.

The more fascinating, pressing, & intriguing the better.
#wprpn #election2024 #genocide #blackswan #awakening

23 Views · 9 months ago

⁣Chuck Callesto - BOMBSHELL REPORT: ⚠ Exclusive intel reveals that the attack on The Francis Scott Key Bridge was a TERRORIST ATTACK launched by the Chinese Communist Party on American soil, using “remote towing” technology on the “The DALI”. DEVELOPING..
VfB was one of the first to posit 'remote control' of the MV Dali - sometimes, you must be fearless

33 Views · 9 months ago

⁣I have repeatedly mentioned that VfB would walk the 102 stories to the top of the Empire State Building and throw myself off of the rooftop before I ever endangered a child, so you'll never see a video like this with me in it
This is exactly how the noahide laws will work, btw
Thanks to Jᴏᴇʏ’s TCᴀP Cʜᴀɴɴᴇʟ: and Hate Speech: - the source
Golf Cart Matt: Doomsday Predator Interrogation
40 year old Matt, a a doomsday YouTuber by the name of, drove a green golf cart to an underage sex sting in Monroe County, Michigan in October of 2022. He is currently out on bail and facing three felony charges related to the sting.
Watch his arrest and interview with Chris Hansen at
Grindr, eh?
So...I imagine that this tool also believes in (((oral law))) as well✡🙃
This guy's excuses are absolutely ridiculous - this is Michael Shermer's jumping around argument applied to trying to beat a pederasty rap.
I was going to post this, but it's just a beatdown...but it was gunna be titled, "Just when you thought it was safe to get dat chicken sammich at Popeye's?"
This reporter VANISHED after covering the Pelosi story | Redacted with Natali and Clayton Morris

20 Views · 9 months ago

⁣11-year-old boy who hit intruder with machete gives first look inside house
An 11-year-old boy who hit an intruder with a machete says hes glad the man was arrested. Now, he hopes Orange County sheriffs deputies find the other two people involved.
Braydon Smith had a $30 gift card to spend as he was walking down an aisle at Academy Sports + Outdoors and saw an ax and a machete.
The 11-year-old decided he could use them to help cut down trees and branches for campfires. His dad put up the extra $15 to make the purchase possible.
“Me and my Dad go camping a decent amount,” Braydon said.
Braydon used the tools in the backyard of his gray mobile home that sits amid winding rural roads, open pastures and plenty of woods to explore. The blade on the machete rusted a little and red tape held the handle on.
Braydon hadn’t taken the tools camping yet, but the 70-pound sixth-grader with freckles on his nose and cheeks used the machete last week when an intruder broke into his home and tried to steal his PlayStation.
The tools were propped against Braydon’s bedroom wall, near his bunk bed, baseball trophies and Pokémon cards. Braydon has been playing baseball since he was big enough to swing a bat. In a cabinet under his bed, he keeps a box with his 11 championship rings from area recreational and travel leagues.
He also likes playing video games and with his dogs, boxers named Dixon and Zena.
Around 11 a.m. Friday, Braydon was playing Grand Theft Auto on his PlayStation when he heard someone outside his Mebane, North Carolina, home.
He ran to his bedroom in the 900-square-foot home and looked out the window.
A woman was knocking on the door, and two men were standing near a champagne-colored car.
Braydon was on the phone with his mom. He asked her to call the police before he put the phone down in the living room and stepped behind the door in his bedroom.
Through his window, he saw one of the men walk toward the other side of the home and heard a window “get slammed in.”
“My heart was beating, but I knew that I had to do something, like hit him with something, so I just grabbed a weapon that was nearby,” he said.
A young man, whom police later identified as Jataveon Deshawn Hall, 19, slowly walked through the home. He grabbed a pellet rifle, which Braydon knew was not loaded.
When he came to Braydon’s room, the man peeked through door with the rifle.
“He grabbed my machete and told me to sit on the ground and get in the closet,” Braydon said.
Braydon obeyed, until the man turned his back as he walked into the living room and started to pocket Braydon’s cell phone.
Braydon picked up the machete the man had dropped on the floor and swung it at him, striking him in the back of the neck.
The man kicked Braydon a few times and pushed him down, he said.
Braydon swung the machete again but missed.
The man tried to grab the PlayStation and television.
“He noticed that he was bleeding in the back of the head really badly,” Braydon said. “So he just dropped everything and ran out of the door.”
Braydon’s mother, who lives out of state, called his aunt, who called 911.
“You hit them in the back of the head with a machete?” the 911 operator asked after Braydon told the story.
“Did you see if he was bleeding at all?” the operator said.
“Yes,” Braydon said. “There is blood on my floor.”
Hall showed up later at UNC Hospitals in Hillsborough but was transferred to the Chapel Hill hospital, which he left around 8 p.m. Friday against medical advice and without the Sheriff’s Office being alerted, The News & Observer reported.
Hall was arrested Sunday in Burlington on charges of breaking and entering, second-degree kidnapping, interfering with emergency communications and assault on a child under 12. He is being held on $175,000 bail.
No other arrest have been made.
Braydon worried that Hall or the others might come back. His Dad slept on the couch for a few days with a pistol nearby.
Hall “should have got a job before he broke into people’s houses,” Braydon said.
Christopher Smith, 30, who works for a small electrical company, was minutes from his home when he learned about the break in.
It was rare for Braydon to be home alone, Smith said, but he thought his son’s camp started Thursday instead of the following Monday.
Braydon said he wanted to stay home and play video games.
“I trust him,” Smith said. “I felt like he could feed himself. And, of course, not burn the house down. And he could defend himself.”
Questions like what if the man had a gun “play in my mind over and over,” Smith said.
“It was all a higher power than us,” he said.
Read the rest at the thumbnail URL

13 Views · 9 months ago

⁣The ADL was created to protect rapists and murderers like Leo Max Frank - what if...some of the lynching of Blacks & Whites were actually due to yiddish predations...?
I propose two new holidays:
April 26: Mary Phagan Day
August 17: Leo Frank Hanging Day
April 10, 2024
WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Representatives Brian Fitzpatrick (PA-1), Chris Smith (NJ-4), Randy Weber (TX-14), and Kathy Manning (NC-6), along with Senators Jacky Rosen (NV) and James Lankford (OK) introduced the bipartisan Countering Antisemitism Act to take historic action to counter antisemitism in the United States. While antisemitism has been on the rise in the U.S. for years, it has skyrocketed since the terrorist attack on Israel launched by Hamas on October 7, 2023. In the three months following the October 7 attack, the ADL found there had been a 360 percent increase in antisemitic attacks in the U.S. as compared to the same period the year before. This bipartisan legislation would take comprehensive action to strengthen efforts to combat antisemitism in America, including by establishing a first-ever National Coordinator to Counter Antisemitism, who would oversee federal efforts to counter domestic antisemitism and lead an interagency task force to implement the U.S. National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism and future government strategies.
“Antisemitism has no place in our country,” said Congressman Fitzpatrick. “I am alarmed by the rising acts and incidences of antisemitism and hate across our nation. As a Co-Chair of the Bipartisan Taskforce for Combatting Antisemitism, I am proud to join this bipartisan and bicameral effort to make sure that our federal government is doing everything we can to protect our Jewish communities.”
“The threat of antisemitic violent extremism has grown massively since Hamas’ atrocity spree on October 7, and the annual threat assessment from the FBI and other security agencies will focus attention on the dangers of antisemitic violence across the United States, including in my own congressional district,” said Congressman Chris Smith, who authored the law that created the international Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Antisemitism. “The National Coordinator will oversee an Interagency Task Force to Counter Antisemitism—with a responsibility to report to Congress—and the bill strongly states that the federal government should apply the IHRA definition of antisemitism. Additionally, provisions on the Department of Education should help break through bottlenecks and roadblocks to countering antisemitic discrimination in higher education. I’ll work hard to pass this bill—and then to conduct oversight to ensure that it’s correctly and vigorously implemented by the Executive Branch.”
“Over the past decade, antisemitism has been on the rise in the United States. In the aftermath of the October 7th Hamas terrorist attack on Israel, American Jews are facing an explosion of antisemitic hatred and violence. This frightening development requires a comprehensive, all-of-government, approach. Our bipartisan, bicameral Countering Antisemitism Act will do just that,” said Congresswoman Manning. “This critically needed legislation will strengthen federal efforts to combat antisemitism and protect the Jewish community by codifying portions of the President’s first-ever National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism and establishing a National Coordinator in the White House to oversee an Interagency Task Force to Counter Antisemitism. This Act requires law enforcement to ensure robust threat assessment reporting, enhances education about the history of antisemitism and the dangers posed not just to Jews but to Democracy, requires an analysis of online antisemitism with recommendations to Congress, supports the Nonprofit Security Grant Program, and more.”
“Over the past six months, we've witnessed an alarming surge in antisemitism to levels unseen in our nation's history, and it's utterly appalling,” said Congressman Weber. “As members of Congress, we cannot stand idly by and watch our Jewish community face relentless attacks on account of their faith. This reprehensible behavior has no place on American soil, and my colleagues and I refuse to tolerate it any longer. It's time for the federal government to ramp up its efforts to safeguard our Jewish friends, and this bipartisan legislation will serve as a crucial step in achieving that goal.”
“Antisemitism has been dramatically rising in the United States in the last several years and skyrocketed in the months since the horrific October 7 terror attack on Israel,” said Senator Rosen.

32 Views · 9 months ago

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Leftover Women THOUGHT Dating Would Be EASIER As They Got Older
• Why Older Women are GETTING DESPERATE...
boss babe, independent woman, based, hypergamy, masculinity, reaction, post-wall, 304, divorced, modern marriage, modern women, spoiled wife, passport bros, the wall, chivalry, traditional, single mom, mothers, step dads, rich cooper, rational male, tattoos
Instagram - / acenateyt
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Let's see how this one ages:
Forget ‘Leftover Women.’ Let’s Talk About the Women Being Left Out.
With media outlets and policymakers focused on unmarried, highly educated women, the challenges faced by those who marry early often go overlooked.
By Cai Manlin
As an unmarried female Ph.D. student, concerns and questions about my love life are unavoidable. Annoying as they are — I’m just 25 years old — I see my education as a privilege, rather than a burden.
Not everyone agrees. There is still a stigma attached to being a single, highly educated woman in China, 14 years after the Ministry of Education first formally adopted the popular buzzword “leftover women” to refer to our supposed plight. Just last month, for example, an expert suggested governments in rural areas sign local unmarried men up for skills trainings and then “export” them to cities where they could pair up with leftover women.
My own mother, when I first told her that I wanted to pursue a doctorate, responded angrily: “You would be better off just marrying someone than applying for a useless Ph.D. in sociology.” Enticed by the prospect of my one day becoming a university professor, she ultimately did not stand in my way, but over the years, my relatives, my parents’ friends, and even their colleagues have all constantly nagged us, urging me to find a husband, or at least get a boyfriend.

19 Views · 9 months ago

⁣illuminatibot - This guy nailed it 💯
How did things change from the America I heard about and grew up the utter asshattery of the present day?
VfB termed this...the MULTI PRONGED ATTACK; simply my personal interpretation of asymmetrical warfare
It works by weaponizing the seven deadly sins against one's opponents
Run the gamut of human weaknesses - every one is a viable attack vector
The secret to its success is by employing it incrementally and imperceptibly
Framing one's MPA into a trendy narrative cloaks your true objective so that one can proceed without backlash; by the time the threat is perceived, there usually is little that can be done, save for outrage that can be further weaponized to one's benefit

25 Views · 9 months ago

⁣@RyanAFournier - This happened 40 minutes from where I grew up.
A Good Samaritan named Jonathan Adam Lecompte, 38, of Fayetteville, North Carolina, was killed in the incident while trying to stop a car jacking.
The thug, once realizing he couldn’t steal the vehicle he was going for, stole Jonathan’s truck and ran him over.
My heart breaks for the families and NC. Pray 🙏🏻

18 Views · 9 months ago

⁣MAVERICK X - Oops!! she accidentally showed something...
Given what has been released about the music industry, the following paragraph from Dazed Digital should give some clues as to what is occurring:
After all, it was Sean Paul who introduced an eight-year-old Bad Gyal to the sounds of Jamaica, his bombastic floor-fillers scoring an otherwise quiet childhood spent in a seaside town on the outskirts of Barcelona. Vilassar de Mar is a far cry from Kingston, but dancehall and bashment stirred in Bad Gyal a deep and enduring sense of affinity – one which she’d later infuse with reggaeton and seductive electronica on hit records like “Fiebre”, “Zorra”, and “Alocao”. At first, her allegiance to the genre came under fire, her affectations and aesthetics embroiled in all the discourse surrounding cultural appropriation that dominated the late-2010s. But in the six years since her breakout track went viral – “Pai”, a Catalan redux of Rihanna’s “Work” – Bad Gyal’s complex relationship with Jamaican culture has been accepted as just that: complex.
Early life [Bad_Gyal]
Alba Farelo Solé was born on 7 March 1997 in Vilassar de Mar, Barcelona. The eldest of five children,[7] Farelo is the daughter of Eduard Farelo [ca], an actor and voice actor.[8][9] Farelo's younger sister Irma has also pursue a musical career under the name Mushkaa [es].[10] After taking selectividad, Farelo earned a degree in fashion design at the University of Barcelona. While attending university, and working at a call centre, she released "Pai" (2016), an adaptation of "Work" by Rihanna in Catalan.[11] She stated that she never meant for that song to become viral, and that she just did it to create a funny memory with her group of friends. However, with that video, Farelo became one of the first artists to sing typically Latino/Spanish-language music genres in Catalan. She was named one of the most promising young musicians in Spain after the cover was picked up by a local radio station. While working in a bakery in her hometown, she decided to drop out of college to pursue a serious career in the music industry. She began as an independent artist, singing covers and playing music in nightclubs in and around Barcelona. She later became more interested in producing her own music and, with the money she made from gigs, soon rented recording studios and hired new producers. She would then release "Indapanden" and "No Pierdo Nada", among other songs produced by Fakeguido.
Taken from:
Huh - methinks there's a pronoun EPIC FAIL
Men and women are simply designed differently
If you are of the belief that DEI is still viable, check out this episode of Dr. Phil: Dr. Phil, Pastor James Ward Jr: The TRUTH Behind DEI Initiatives
Remember the Janet Jackson | Justin Timberlake 'nip slip'?
That was no accident; it was totally planned...unless you're attempting to tell me that most breast coverings will simply fall away with a quick brush - I'm thinking the ladies out there will probably pass on such clothing; the following link mentions other 'wardrobe malfunctions':
Anons grok mind programming: 🫥
Evil's Big Bang: Sex equals agreement and man never calls sex rape! Did you catch it? It's evil's Big Bang. It is where it all started!
Now, pay men in sex; a poor under travelled people say the whole planet is flat! No shortage of people encouraged with sex to ignore that it's sex and
take that "certainty" into making up lies! CHILDREN WHO ARE RAPED BECOME SEX SLAVES.. Hpw can anyone be anti pedo-rape and not get this?! At 17 the
sex slave is split into several, now fully formed alters; she can't report; she can't control her own money; she's secretly ran by a council of owners
4 to five owners make up the council that runs the sex slave. Freemasons - sex slave makers - Masonic rites are numbered for sex-training of different
types. Different sex tortures and abuses for different ages, and it's all to get evil men sex they do not have to work for! For all Flat Earthers:
Adult Dicks Soaked in Child Blood!

29 Views · 9 months ago

⁣The beatings will only get worse from this point forward 🥊🤕


Anons curbstomping asshats: 🥾

,'CANST' is a psyop as well.

⮡ FieldUniqueBicycle
No, there is ZERO mental issues among children and teens for lack of sex. Are you a pedo?

Can you imagine what a peaceful, healthy, happy, productive world we could live in if all the Zionists were obliterated off the planet! Our # 1 enemy!

Fake viruses, Fake vaccines,Fake news media, Fake cures, Fake flus. Brought to you by the evil Synagogue of Satan!

18 Views · 9 months ago

⁣Chuck Callesto - SHOCK VIDEO: ⚠ Unidentified Object with humanoid characteristics caught on camera slowly descending in the skies of Sequoia Park, California.. VIDEO: @528vibes
Thumbnail: - actually it isn't the thumbnail; it was extracted from the actual video
It is another video of a levitating form, but not this very incident

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