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20 Views · 9 months ago

⁣Truth News Australia shared this.

There's some shocking images, so be prepared.


⁣Utterly brilliant cover of the entire 🏳‍🌈 circus!

H/T Deanna F 🇦🇺 @HerMajestyDeanna

Source: ⁣

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AltCastTV & Odysee thumbnail: ⁣

20 Views · 9 months ago


There exists some extremely disturbing scientific evidence which totally undermines the official 911 story. It does not matter what theories you believe in, the material here speaks for itself:

The picture above (click on the hyperlink to see the picture, otherwise, click on the title to navigate to SpookyWeather's page - his links are intact within his posting) shows MOLTEN STEEL being removed from the World Trade Centre rubble pile. However, from all accounts (even the official NISTs report concedes this point) the fires in the WTC buildings were too weak to cause such melting. Conventional building fires, including ones initiated with aviation kerosene, cannot raise the temperature of structural steel to its melting point of around 1300 degrees celsius. According to all the available data, the fires in the Towers could only have reached a maximum temperature of around 650 degrees celsius- yet here we can see steel so hot that it has taken on a yellow look (an observation that indicates a temperature of between 850-1000 degrees celsius !!).

There are only two ways which would enable this steel to reach such a high temperature.

1. In a blast furnace.
2. From Explosives.
The rubble pile was not a blast furnace.
Therefore one must assume that explosives were the most likely agent.

Furthermore, we have supporting eyewitness testimony from firefighters and civilians which reveals that many of them felt, and were knocked over by, huge explosions occurring in the lower floors of the WTC buildings -far away from the fire zones.


23 Views · 9 months ago

⁣Concerned Citizen - Watch this plane stop its spraying. Nothing to do with altitude or moisture in the air. It’s exactly what it looks like - it simply stops dispersing it’s metallic compound.



What is a chemtrail?

According to Wikipedia (which is not a bad place to start, rather than finish, your research):

'The chemtrail conspiracy theory posits that some trails left by aircraft are chemical or biological agents deliberately sprayed in the sky for purposes undisclosed to the general public and directed by various government officials. This theory has been refuted by the scientific community: such trails are simply normal contrails (condensation trails).'

Condensation trails – or contrails – form behind jets flying above 25,000 feet and are created by a combination of the hot air generated by the aircraft engines and the hydrocarbon by-products of jetfuel consumption. Dependent on meteorological and atmospheric conditions – particularly wind speed and humidity – contrails generally last from a few seconds to a few minutes, but can also last a lot longer in the right conditions.

For a counterpoint, let’s see what the good folks over at Collective Evolution have to say:

'Geoengineering is not a conspiracy, it’s the deliberate and large-sacle [sic] intervention in the Earth’s climatic system. Simply put, it is the spraying of chemicals into the air via planes into the atmosphere. Independent testing over the past decade confirms that Chemtrails around the country contain a dangerous and extremely poisonous mix of chemicals that includes: barium, nano aluminum-coated fiberglass [known as CHAFF], radioactive thorium, cadmium, chromium, nickel, desiccated blood, mold spores, yellow fungal mycotoxins, ethylene dibromide, and polymer fibers.'

Well, that certainly sounds nasty.

Doing a quick search, it seems that Geoengineering is indeed not a conspiracy – it’s a university-supported science, that is also not currently happening on any significant scale.

The rational side of my brain compels me to ask: is there any evidence chemtrails exist?
Come on, I said 'rational'!

It is at this point that my search leads me to Contrail Science, a site which has worked long and hard to link to all evidence of chemtrails. Most of it is pretty weak, but my favourite pieces of ‘evidence’ are:

Persistent condensation trails were not observed before 1998! (Really? That’s their best evidence? Unless someone was keeping records, this is a good example of confirmation bias.)

People get sick after chemtrail spraying! (But not at other times, I’m sure. Confirmation bias again.)

Chemical analysis has shown the presence of unexpected chemicals in rainwater. (Unexpected by whom? Someone hunting for anomalies?)
Hmmm... I’m not sure we have the same definition of the word evidence. Moving on…

But former USAF environmental specialist Kristen Meghan blew the whistle!

Well, that certainly sounds nasty.

Doing a quick search, it seems that Geoengineering is indeed not a conspiracy – it’s a university-supported science, that is also not currently happening on any significant scale.

The rational side of my brain compels me to ask: is there any evidence chemtrails exist?

Come on, I said 'rational'!

It is at this point that my search leads me to Contrail Science, a site which has worked long and hard to link to all evidence of chemtrails. Most of it is pretty weak, but my favourite pieces of ‘evidence’ are:

Persistent condensation trails were not observed before 1998! (Really? That’s their best evidence? Unless someone was keeping records, this is a good example of confirmation bias.)

People get sick after chemtrail spraying! (But not at other times, I’m sure. Confirmation bias again.)

Chemical analysis has shown the presence of unexpected chemicals in rainwater. (Unexpected by whom? Someone hunting for anomalies?)

Hmmm... I’m not sure we have the same definition of the word evidence. Moving on…

But former USAF environmental specialist Kristen Meghan blew the whistle!

Final thoughts

The size of the conspiracy necessary to cover up chemtrails makes them highly improbable.

Literally hundreds of thousands of aircraft engineers, maintenance workers and on-ground staff around the world would have to be involved in the cover-up — none of whom have ever come forward with a solid piece of photographic or scientific evidence.

While it is certain the practice of aerial chemical dispersal does exist, it is done from low altitude to control pests and is popularly known as cropdusting.

Read the rest at the thumbnail URL

29 Views · 9 months ago

⁣SheriContrary posted:
Will you also cover Matt Gaetz Video about how Mike Johnson had to make the decision he made about Ukraine because they were afraid that Republicans would leave the House and leave a Democrat majority. I can give you more information if you're interested. I have been sharing this information.but people don't believe it. People don't do their own research. I guess they think that cannot happen in the United States of America.
I hope you watch Matt Gaetz' video because he tells a different part of the story. Watch Shane Vaughn Secret plot to steal the house revealed.
🚨 Trump's strategy revealed! Find out why he stood with Mike Johnson and the secret plan to save the House. Watch the full explanation on my show, tomorrow night at 8 PM central time. Don't miss it! #trump #mikejohnson #HouseStrategy
#conservativecollege #professortoto / @firstharvestministries
It's all about CONSENT and a HIGH TRUST SOCIETY 🧐
We currently live in neither of those, but the (((homosexual banking mafia))) wants you to believe that whole-heartedly
This...morass or whatever you want to call this present day amalgam of IDIOCRACY mixed in with THEY LIVE! is in no way a high trust society, and because of that, the social contract has been broken
VfB said these four words on Coach Dave's show numerous times, and on Dr. Alan Keyes' 1st Brighteon show, as well:
Strike down palisades, stand your ground and OCCUPY!
These scumbags get this land...OVER MY DEAD BODY 🥸

23 Views · 9 months ago

⁣An 85-year-old woman in Idaho woke up at 2:00 a.m. to an intruder standing over her, pointing a 9mm pistol at her. The robber hit her, then took her into her living room, where he handcuffed her to a chair and demanded valuables.
She then told the robber there were safes with valuables downstairs. When he went downstairs to look, she dragged herself–chair and all–to where she kept her revolver, retrieved it, and waited for the robber to come back upstairs.
He returned in a rage because he had discovered her disabled son was in the home.
Seeing her moment, the 85-year-old woman grabbed the revolver and shot the intruder twice.
He returned fire, shooting in her arm, leg, chest, and abdomen.
However, the robber’s wounds caught up with him as he struggled to the kitchen, where he died.
Being 85 means this woman is part of The Silent Generation. If you know anything about the Silent Generation, Baby Boomers, &Generation X, they're psychos, in the best way possible, because they were raised differently.
This actually reminds me of a post I saw that said:
"Don't mess around with anyone over 42, they built different, their families had them formally trained in something by the time they were 2, they had keys to the house by age 5, could cook full meals at 7 and were pretty much self sufficient at 9.
They left their house at dawn every Summer morning and didn't come back til nightfall and survived all day on water from garden hoses, they might get a sandwich on the off chance somebody's parents had went shopping, they spent three quarters of their lives by themselves with a parent maybe checking on them twice a month, most of them have evaded at least one kidnapping attempt, and, they know 15 different ways to remove blood stains from clothing.
They are the real f&^k around and find-out people. "
And this robber learned this the hard way.
This demonstrates the power of self-reliance.
People from generation x and back lived an existence where they were thought that their safety was in their hands and no one else.
They didn't wait on the government to keep them safe, they did it themselves and they leaned on the second amendment to do it.
So what y'all should be really screaming for is some money, so you can get some guns. Check out our need money for Pew Pew and Need Money for Guns Collection:
Need Money For Pew Pew
Need Money For Guns
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42 Views · 9 months ago

The discovery of a huge fossilised skull that was wrapped up and hidden in a Chinese well nearly 90 years ago has forced scientists to rewrite the story of human evolution.

Analysis of the remains has revealed a new branch of the human family tree that points to a previously unknown sister group more closely related to modern humans than the Neanderthals.

The extraordinary fossil has been named a new human species, Homo longi or “Dragon man”, by Chinese researchers, although other experts are more cautious about the designation.

“I think this is one of the most important finds of the past 50 years,” said Prof Chris Stringer, research leader at the Natural History Museum in London, who worked on the project. “It’s a wonderfully preserved fossil.”

The skull appears to have a remarkable backstory. According to the researchers, it was originally found in 1933 by Chinese labourers building a bridge over the Songhua River in Harbin, in China’s northernmost province, Heilongjiang, during the Japanese occupation. To keep the skull from falling into Japanese hands it was wrapped and hidden in an abandoned well, resurfacing only in 2018 after the man who hid it told his grandson about it shortly before he died.

Read the rest at the above URL


Can you spot what VfB found in the following piece?

A 70,000-year-old Neanderthal skeleton found in the foothills of Iraq has been described as “a truly spectacular find”.

The remains, consisting of a crushed but complete skull, upper thorax and both hands, were unearthed at the Shanidar Cave site 500 miles north of Baghdad.

Although its gender is yet to be determined, early analysis suggests the skeleton, named Shanidar Z, is more than 70,000 years old and has the teeth of a “middle- to older-aged adult”.

The cave has also been home to remains of 10 other Neanderthal people excavated around 60 years ago, with clumps of ancient pollen surrounding one of the skeletons.

The presence of pollen was seen by some archaeologists as evidence that these hominid species not only buried their dead but did so with flowers, challenging the widely-held belief that Neanderthals were dumb and animalistic.

Chris Hunt, a professor of cultural paleoecology at Liverpool John Moores University, described Shanidar Z as “a truly spectacular find”.

He said: “The upper remains are staggeringly complete, although the skull was flattened by compression under many tons of cave sediment.

“The body was placed in a depression on the cave floor in a semi-reclining position, with a big stone lying behind the head.”

Four of the 10 Neanderthals at the site were positioned in what the researchers described as a “unique assemblage”, raising a question as to whether they were returning to the same spot to lay their dead.

It'll be moar fun to reveal this in the comments!

15 Views · 9 months ago

⁣illuminatibot - Rare footage inside WTC Building 7 on 9/11 after the destruction of the Twin Towers This 47-story steel framed skyscraper completely collapsed due to “office fires” a few hours later. Notice anything interesting?



VfB proves yet again that (((fact-checkers))) aren't worth a bucket of piss: 🪣

A post on Instagram has claimed that on 9/11, World Trade Center 7 collapsed “for no apparent reason”.

During the terror attacks of 11 September 2001, four planes were hijacked: two were flown into the Twin Towers, one into the Pentagon and another crashed in a field in Pennsylvania. Two planes were flown into the North and South towers, part of the World Trade Center complex of seven buildings. Both towers collapsed shortly afterwards. World Trade Center 7 was a 47-storey building in the complex, which was not directly hit by an aircraft, and also collapsed later that day.

There are a number of reasons this building collapsed on the day, despite not being hit by planes, which have been described by investigators, scientists and experts since.

According to the US government’s National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), which investigated the reasons behind the collapse for years, a number of fires are behind World Trade Center 7’s collapse.

NIST says that debris from the collapse of the North Tower ignited fires on at least 10 floors of World Trade Center 7, some of which burned out of control because the automatic sprinkler system for some floors had failed (partly due to city water lines damaged by the collapse of the Twin Towers).

Heat from the fires then caused steel support beams to expand which led to several floors collapsing. This then triggered a number of other structural failures, which eventually resulted in the whole building collapsing.

The theory that an explosion caused the building’s collapse was investigated, but no evidence of this was found.

It’s true that fire causing tall buildings to collapse is rare. NIST lead investigator Shyam Sunder told journalists at the time: “This is the first time that we are aware of, that a building taller than about 15 stories has collapsed primarily due to fires”.

We’ve written previously about other conspiracy theories relating to World Trade Center 7.

This article is part of our work fact checking potentially false pictures, videos and stories on Facebook. You can read more about this—and find out how to report Facebook content—here. For the purposes of that scheme, we’ve rated this claim as partly false because the Building 7 of the WTC did not collapse for “no apparent reason”.

OK, terrific!

34 Views · 9 months ago

⁣An angry, unhinged guy picks a fight with Brian Derksen and loses.

There are lessons here.

📽 @TShirtRadicaI



Apparently, they didn't listen when we first said, "WE TOLD YOU NOT TO BE STUPID, YOU MORONS!🤡" the first time

Just a couple of comments:

Congratulations for Brian exercising restraint.
He gives the guy enough taps he won't forget - but doesn't hurt him too much.

Best line: "I'm a senior citizen!" 😂😂😂.
Just don't FA with him, or you'll FO real quick 😎

That’s why it’s good to know a little Jiu jitsu. Control the angry Marxist on the ground and nobody gets hurt

Don't poke people and swear at them.

That’s so nice of him….he TOLD him to “hit me again!”

Momma, what happens when you FAFO?
well, son…

First rule: respect spatial boundaries with others.
Leftist liberals want to shout you down, and poke and push you for your opinion.
Nice to see someone defend themselves. Now, he'll know to not bully and get in the face of others.

Is the boxer this guy?
"Brian Derksen (age 72) is a Canadian former professional ice hockey defenceman."

The senior citizen didn't even have to put down his phone. He beat him with one hand. LMFAO

When you get in someone’s face and put hands on them with ill intent, doesn’t the victim have a right to defend themselves? I hope they learned a lesson from the SENIOR!!

33 Views · 9 months ago

⁣"@DoniTheDon_ and I had a very serious conversation with @futureradiocast about his gun case in New York City.

The government is trying to lock him up for 18 years for manufacturing his own firearms.

Check out this clip.

I'll be writing about this later with more detail."

The (((homosexual banking mafia))) is going for it!

Judge says the 2nd does not exist in his courtroom: He needs to be removed NOW. Are New Yorkers really that oblivious or just too dumb to care? Is there any hope for New York?



In an interview prior to his conviction, Taylor told RedState:

I found out that you can actually legally buy a receiver and you can machine that receiver to completion, and you buy your parts and you put them together and you’ve got a pistol or a rifle. And once I saw that I was hooked. I was like, ‘This is the coolest thing ever. This is the most cool thing you could possibly do in your machine shop.’

From the beginning of Taylor’s trial, it was evident that the court would be biased against the defendant, according to Varghese, who explained that two judges presided over his case before the current official, Judge Abena Darkeh, took over.

The judge disrupted Varghese’s opening statement multiple times as he tried to set the stage for Taylor’s defense. Even further, she admonished the defense to refrain from mentioning the Second Amendment during the trial. Varghese told RedState:

She told us, ‘Do not bring the Second Amendment into this courtroom. It doesn’t exist here. So you can’t argue Second Amendment. This is New York.'

Varghese said he had filed the appropriate paperwork to “preserve these arguments for appeal” but that the judge "rejected these arguments, and she went out of her way to limit me.”

During the trial, the prosecution attempted to paint Taylor as a dangerous individual who was building dangerous firearms in his basement. In this vein, the prosecution objected to allowing Taylor’s family in the courtroom to show support, nor did they allow his upstairs neighbor, who knew about Tayor’s hobby, to testify on his behalf. Varghese described the prosecutor’s opening statement:

He opens up, and he says that Mr. Taylor had a parade of horror. He was building this horrible place. When they saw this horror that he was making under the noses of his neighbors because all of those guns intended to hit their targets, basically implying that he was going to do some harm with these things.

When Varghese countered this narrative during his opening statement, the judge interrupted him again. “There’s no crime here, there’s no allegation of violence,” Varghese recounted, saying, “I got up and said, ‘You’re going to learn what Dexter is, who he is. You’re going to learn that he never fired these guns.’”

The judge interrupted again and asked the lawyers to come to her chambers for the second time.

Varghese explained that he believed the only chance of having the case go in his client’s favor was through jury nullification, which occurs when members of a jury believe a defendant violated a law, but decide against prosecuting them because they disagree with the law itself, or other reasons.

Judge Darkeh attempted to shut this argument down and led the jury to believe they would face consequences if they did not vote to convict Taylor. In reality, this is not the case. Jury nullification is not illegal, according to Varghese.

“I actually argued that jury nullification is allowed because there is some law from the High Court of New York that talks about lawyers who made jury nullification arguments. And basically, they said that judges shouldn’t encourage it, but they can’t prevent it. I actually made a pitch directly to Judge Darkeh to allow me to argue during nullification. She, of course, rejected that.”

He added: “She basically said, ‘You must vote guilty’ without saying ‘you must vote guilty.’”

He characterized Judge Darkeh as “the most aggressive prosecutor in the room.”

On April 16, when it was almost time for the court to close for the day, the jury returned with a verdict. They found Taylor guilty of all but two counts. He was immediately taken into custody.

Read more at the thumbnail URL

16 Views · 9 months ago

⁣Western Lensman - A Warning to America: 25 Ways the US is Being Destroyed | Explained in Under 2 Minutes
Written by Miles Mathis, but exactly my sentiment:
One of the ways they normalize theft and other crimes is through language. They have long encouraged the use of euphemisms, whereby you aren't supposed to call liars 'liars' or thieves 'thieves'. You were expected to couch everything in conciliatory language, either to avoid lawsuits or just to be politic. But now they have graduated to the next level: destroying language at its roots by breaking the link from signifier to signified. You aren't supposed to call mothers 'mothers' anymore, though I am still not sure why. You aren't supposed to call immigrants 'immigrants'. You aren't supposed to call women 'women' or blacks 'blacks' or Chinese 'Chinese', all because . . . someone might be triggered. All the correct definitions of words are now triggering, I guess, and the next step is removing all dictionaries from libraries
Dictionaries are just so suprematist, you know? So white male.
And why is this being done? I think it is being done mainly so that words like “thief” and “liar” and “criminal” can no longer be used for the usual suspects. They hope to outlaw their own prosecution via killing the language. If you can't talk in court, it is sort of hard to argue a case. They want us all stammering and searching for words instead of throwing them all from a high cliff.
- excerpt from
Foolish and unlearned questions, fam 🐸
Remember that anyone with a voice was mocked, smeared, de-platformed, de-banked? Some...were even poisoned
Don't accept their bastardization of language; reclaiming it gets you the keys to the myriad cages about you 🗝
The freaks are going for it 👀
Judge says the 2nd does not exist in his courtroom: He needs to be removed NOW. Are New Yorkers really that oblivious or just too dumb to care? Is there any hope for New York?

24 Views · 9 months ago

⁣JoshWho #seekingthetruth*⃣ - 🚨EXPOSING THE CABAL‼🔊👀👇 | Obama Biden John Podesta Tony Podesta Clinton DC Underground Human Trafficking Cartel networks | Human Sacrifices #pedosrundc #podesta the (((homosexual banking mafia))) is going for it! 🚨 [2nd Amendment Abridgment] 🚨
13 minutes ago
Judge says the 2nd does not exist in his courtroom: He needs to be removed NOW. Are New Yorkers really that oblivious or just too dumb to care? Is there any hope for New York?



Thread: 🧵

Just the end of this digital tripe:

Here’s the bottom line: If we can’t build some new things in a few backyards, the climate crisis will destroy everyone’s backyards—along with the livelihoods, communities, wildlife, and biodiversity we all want to protect.

I might not be popular among my friends in the environmental movement for saying that—but it’s the reality.

“The general tactic used by the opponents of projects—delay it until it goes away—is in effect a form of climate denial.” Those aren’t my words—it’s what Bill McKibben, one of our nation’s leading environmentalists, wrote in Mother Jones last month.

He then said, “When you’re in an emergency, acting at least gives you a chance—not acting guarantees an outcome, and not a good one.”

It’s time that we confront crisis with pragmatism. To go from stopping things to building things again. And with pragmatic, bipartisan action from Congress, we’ll build a secure, resilient, affordable, clean energy future—together.

Thank you and I look forward to the discussion.

Hahahahahahaaaaaa, Skippy! No one's discussing a bloody thing with yore bitch ass 😁

9 Views · 9 months ago

⁣"A horrific video is circulating online. It features a man speaking in Turkish with an Arabic accent, talking about the arrival of 10 girls from Ukraine. He promises two of them, "the most beautiful" ones, to a man named Abu Jaffar
The video shows the passports of Ukrainian women who appear to have been sold as sex slaves to foreign countries, and a girl kneeling in the human trafficker's room.
Users have noted that the accent of the speaker seems similar to that of residents of Aleppo Province. It is likely that he is a mercenary with the "Syrian National Army", an auxiliary force of the Turkish Armed Forces." 😳🤷‍♂️
Human rights activists working in Ukraine and Russia share with Farida Kurbangaleeva their concerns about the new risks of human trafficking. Ukrainian women and children who flee the war zone are targets for sex trafficking.
Manicure, wax, hair done and definitely makeup - this was the “workplace” dress code at the erotic massage parlor. Anastasia didn’t mind as she was in major need of money.
The establishment in Novosibirsk didn’t provide sex services, but as it quickly became clear –
only officially it didn’t. Penetration during a session was forbidden, for which the girls could be fired. But clients could resort to violence or be really persistent, so “it was easier to agree than to refuse and then get in trouble because of a fuss.” “That is, it’s a regular brothel, only with a different sign,” Anastasia concludes.
Up to ten girls worked at the parlor at one time. They were of different ages and had different education and different goals in life. But they all had a common problem – they were broke. The ones who came from other cities lived right “at work,” in a changing room.
“One girl had a baby, and she worked at night and left the baby with her grandmother,” recalls Anastasia. “Another had an adult daughter, and she would come in from another city periodically to earn money for the daughter’s education. A girl from Kazakhstan needed money to legalize herself in Russia. Another girl was earning money for her own education because her parents couldn’t pay for it.”
The work schedule was irregular. After a shift Anastasia was free to go home, but she was often asked “urgently to stay on,” and she might stay at the parlor for up to four days in a row.
Easier to recruit than to kidnap
Experts warn against calling sex trafficking “slavery.” According to Gelya Bessmertnaya, coordinator of the Eurydice feminist initiative, the term breeds the widespread stereotype that exploitation occurs only when a person is kept somewhere by force:
“According to statistics, in most cases women are exploited during recruitment and not through abduction. The same thing happens with refugees – they’re cheaper and easier to recruit than to kidnap. How they’re later harbored is another question. But the main factor of coercion is psychological.”
At the parlor Anastasia often heard: “Where else would you make so much? Look at what a good team we have, we are for you heart and soul!” Some girls fell into debt bondage. The parlor could give them an advance or money to rent an apartment, which then had to be “worked off.”
Unlike individual cases of sexual violence, trafficking is a long-term crime, and the perpetrator has an interest in exploiting the victim for as long and as much as possible. According to Veronika Antimonik, coordinator of the Safe House Foundation, the situation could last for decades:
“We’re aware of cases where a person was exploited both in forced labor and sexually. For example, during the day a woman was forced to work in a market or at a business, and in the evening she was sold as a prostitute.[…] At the same time, the perpetrators know that the longer it lasts, the less the victim tries to leave.”
Read the rest at the thumbnail URL

30 Views · 9 months ago

⁣What is a fifth column in war?
A fifth column is any group of people who undermine a larger group or nation from within, usually in favor of an enemy group or another nation.
Credit to OP JiveTurkeyUSA - God Is Truth
Remember the USS Liberty; Remember the dancing Israelis on 9/11:
What was the motto of the Mossad?
Mossad - Wikipedia
Motto. Mossad's former motto, be-tachbūlōt ta`aseh lekhā milchāmāh (Hebrew: בתחבולות תעשה לך מלחמה) is a quote from the Bible (Proverbs 24:6): "For by wise guidance you can wage your war" (NRSV).
Where in the Bible does it say by way of deception thou shalt do war?
(The actual motto was from Proverbs 24:6; the KJV translates it as "by wise counsel thou shalt make thy war".)
False Flag attacks are Israel's specialty. Mossad motto: "By way of Deception thou shalt make War". #HandsOffIran

27 Views · 9 months ago

⁣Moar 'DYING THE FRIENDLY SKIES' brought to you by DEI [properly spelled D I E 🤔]


VasAviation- Support Victor here!


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Theme: "Weightless" Aram Bedrosian


24 Views · 9 months ago

⁣This yid is a real pip! 😅

Antisemites should face aggressive legal consequences. Sue the bastards and get the law to pursue them as relentlesslly as possible. They must experience a painful cost to their racially motivated attacks on Jews and Jewish life.

Dear American Jews

You are now fighting for all Jews

Win this for all of us

Be the ones future generations look to for inspiration

Everything happening began when Islamic fundamentalists raped women, killed children and kidnapped babies

These rapists still have children kidnapped

If you’ve picked these people as your team, God help your country…




A nonprofit organization is tackling growing attacks on the Jewish community in a splashy way – by installing bright pink billboards across the country that denounce antisemitism.

The New Jersey-based organization, JewBelong, launched the #endjewhate campaign last June with billboards in New York, Boston, San Francisco, Washington D.C., Las Vegas and now, Miami, after flyers blaming Jews for Covid-19 were found distributed in two South Florida cities last month.

With messages like “I promise to love being Jewish 10x more than anyone hates me for it," “3,500 years of antisemitism doesn’t make it right," and “Does your church need armed guards? ‘Cause our synagogue does,” the organization hopes to spread awareness of antisemitism around the country.

Archie Gottesman and Stacy Stuart worked in branding and marketing for over 20 years before co-founding JewBelong. Now the self-proclaimed ‘Co-Chief-Rebrander-of-Judaism’ and ‘Chief Branding Badass’ are taking notes from their previous experience designing witty billboards to draw attention to antisemitism.

JewBelong started with the intention to make Judaism more approachable to who the organization refers to as “Disengaged Jews”—a group of Jews who may not feel connected to their Jewish-ness for one reason or another—with relatable affirming messages like, “We don’t care which half of you is Jewish” and “So you eat bacon. God has other things to worry about.”

Stuart told ABC News that a rise in antisemitism following the 2021 Israel-Palestine crisis last May was a turning point.

“You know, there was so much hatred on social media and in the street and we just felt like it was necessary to do something, not just because of our Judaism and our passion for the religion, but because we felt like the Disengaged Jews are our target market. They already have hurdles to their Judaism,” she said.“And now you throw antisemitism into it and we were afraid we were really going to lose a large chunk of them.”

Stuart says they wanted JewBelong to be “not just a voice talking to the community, but talking to the world at large.”

“Jews belong in the conversation. Hate is painful. Hate is scary. It's painful. It doesn't allow us to become who we are,” said Gottesman. “It just makes us feel less than like all of those terrible things about marginalized groups, which again, this country is trying to work on and should be working on.”

According to a 2020 Pew Research Center report, there are 5.8 million Jewish adults in the United States, accounting for 2.4% of the United States’ adult population.

“One of the reasons that JewBelong is doing the campaign is not everybody realizes this, Jews are only 2% of the population in the United States,” said Gottesman. “We're so tiny that it's like, we need some help in terms of being able to get the message out there.”

According to the NYPD Hate Crimes Dashboard, there were 198 confirmed hate crime incidents against Jewish people in 2021, up from a still-alarming 121 incidents in 2020. The Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism recorded 2,024 antisemitic incidents in their 2020 annual audit, making it the third-highest year on record since 1979.

Incidents like the recent hostage situation at Congregation Beth Israel in Colleyville, Texas, have prompted the Department of Homeland Security to address the “continuing threat of violence based upon racial or religious motivations, as well as threats against faith-based organizations.”

British national Malik Faisal Akram took a rabbi and other congregants at the Texas synagogue hostage on Jan. 15 for several hours before he was killed by police, authorities said. The incident prompted American Jewish organizations to offer solidarity and calls to action across the country.

You can read the rest at the thumbnail URL 🚪 suffice it to say that WOODEN DOORS DO NOT A HOMICIDAL GAS CHAMBER MAKE

21 Views · 9 months ago

GONZALES COUNTY, Texas (KSAT) - An RV park is now the center of a story that is hard to believe happened.

It started with a threat on a school bus and ended with investigators possibly solving a two-year homicide case and the suspect at the center of this is a 10-year-old boy.

According to the Gonzales County Sheriff’s Office, the 10-year-old boy admitted he killed a man when he was just 7 years old.

Law enforcement said the child will not be charged with the homicide because he is too young.

The victim’s father, Kenneth Rasberry, said he could not believe that a child was the person investigators say killed his son, Brandon Rasberry.

Brandon Rasberry, 32, was found dead at the Lazy J RV Park in Nixon on January 18, 2022.

Investigators said that at the time, the boy had been staying with his grandfather who lived in that RV park.

Authorities said the boy told them he grabbed a 9mm gun out of his grandfather’s truck, went into Rasberry’s RV, saw him sleeping and shot him in the head. The boy also told investigators he had only seen Rasberry walking around the RV park earlier that day.

The boy’s identity has not been released because he is so young.
Investigators connected him to Rasberry’s death while they were investigating another recent case where the same boy was accused of threatening to assault and kill another student on a bus from the Nixon-Smiley Consolidated Independent School District.

When leaders from the district spoke with the child, they said he commented on shooting and killing a man two years ago.

The 10-year-old was booked on charges for the threat, but as for the death of Brandon Rasberry, the boy will not be criminally prosecuted.

He was 7 years old when the victim was killed and in the state of Texas, a child does not have criminal culpability until they are 10 years old.



11 Views · 9 months ago

⁣Pelham - BREAKING🚨🚜 Palestinian civil defense has discovered hundreds of bodies buried by the IDF in a mass grave outside the Nasser Hospital… At least 400 bodies have been found with many being children with their hands bound behind their backs… THIS IS A GENOCIDE…🇵🇸💔



Anons grok that our election infrastructure is being held hostage:

America is run by rigging elections.

29 Views · 9 months ago

⁣🔥 Shirley Temple Admits Hollywood Is Run by Pedophiles



The entertainment industry is run by elite pedophiles who traffic and sacrifice children for their own depraved pleasure, according to Hollywood producer John Paul Rice who says “the most powerful six corporations in the land are all implicated in human trafficking of kids.“ “This issue of human trafficking, which many people are waking up to today for a variety of reasons, is the issue that defines all of us in our time,” says Rice, an L.A. based film producer who worked on Jerry Bruckheimer’s Remember the Titans before producing a string of critically acclaimed films. “The media corporations, the most powerful six corporations in the land, in the world for that matter, are all implicated in human trafficking of kids.“

- via #planettoday:

“And I would point for anyone anyone who wants to know more about that to Project Veritas and the leak disclosure of off-air footage of Amy Robach from ABC News when she found out and was discussing in 2016 that they had everything from Virginia Guiffre, everything, all of it, everything who was involved, they had all the evidence. “Their own lawyer said ‘when all is said and done, Jeffrey Epstein will go down as one of the most prolific pedophiles in all of history, and they buried that story to have access to the Royal family, for which we know now Prince Andrew is implicated. “They did not have any remorse for the victims in that video. This is a bigger problem because most people know in that world, and the world that I come from in Hollywood, that it’s a hidden layer that everyone knows is there. When the MeToo movement started in 2017 I reached out to my female actress friends who were prominent in LA, you would know them by name, and I said ‘What about the children? What about the children?’ “And the response was ‘We know, we know’ but they were silent on it. And it destroyed me because it destroyed my illusion of what human rights were. What children’s rights were. “This is a child abuse system that we have been living in for a very long time and it’s been allowed to go on. And I will not be silent about this. Because it affects every single one of us. “The people on television who smile at you, who tell you stories, who give you news, are the ones who hide all of this from us.

They are not talking about the real issues. They are distracting you with division issues. This is a unification issue. When the Maxwell files came out 48 hours ago, I went on MSNBC, I went on, I looked at every single one of their headlines and there was no mention of it whatsoever. “This is a child issue, this is a human issue. This is not a political issue. It has nothing to do with left vs right, Democrat vs Republican, liberal vs conservative, or anything that you are or identify as in between. “We are faced with a crisis of confidence in the leadership of our banking institutions, our media corporations, the Hollywood entertainment industry, the music industry. “This is not about a bunch of young women who were having sex with older men and make it about a bunch of perverts. They raped and tortured these girls against their own free will. No matter whether they paid them or not, if you read these articles, and you listen to what Ghislaine Maxwell said about the girls they picked up in West Palm Beach trailer parks, she was asked ‘what about the young girls, what are we going to do to them?” she said “they are trash, they are nothing.” That’s a direct quote from the New Yorker.

RELATED: Adult Star Jenna Jameson: Hollywood Is Run By Pedophiles Who ‘Sacrifice and Torture Children’ “When I went and looked at which you can find out was a multi-billionaire club of people that was financed by Jeffrey Epstein. You can look up today and look up people under “G.” You’ll see Bill Gates on their as a contributing member of that organization. And you’d have to go back on the wayback machine and internet archives to see all the other people. Marina Abramovich was on there. Paul Allen was on there. All the heads of major industries were on there. “And if you start reading some of the articles, one of which I have a direct link to, there is a direct quote on there, that said “Indeed human beings are, in our youngest years, among the most useless creatures in all of the animal kingdom.” This is how they view children, through science. This is their expression.

Read the rest at

18 Views · 9 months ago

⁣In the past few months, Cassidy Armstrong has been forced to cope with two disturbing diagnoses. First, doctors said she was dying of a rare cancer.
Then, she found out the mass in her liver was actually a rare parasite from coyote or dog feces.
“[Doctors] said, ‘We have some good news for you. We don’t think this is cancer. We think this is a parasite,'” Armstrong told Global News.
“I was like, ‘This is good?’ They’re like, ‘Yes, it’s very good. It’s much better.'”
In November of 2019, the 36-year-old started having severe pain near her ribs and noticed she was losing weight. An MRI revealed a mass the size of a grapefruit in her liver. She was diagnosed with a rare, terminal liver cancer.
“I was basically getting ready to just die,” said Armstrong. “It didn’t look good. It was pretty sad and scary.”
Surgeons removed 65 per cent of her liver, her entire gallbladder and some nodules from her lungs. Then a biopsy revealed the mass was actually a large cyst created by the tapeworm Echinococcus multilocularis.
“This (parasite) is a totally new thing… this didn’t used to be here,” said Dr. Stan Houston, an infectious disease specialist at the University of Alberta.
Since 2013, Alberta has confirmed 15 cases of the parasite in patients; 13 were dog owners.
Houston explains the parasite likely came from Europe and is becoming more common in Alberta coyotes. The tapeworm eggs are passed in the feces, which rodents eat.
A dog can become infected by eating the feces or an infected rodent. Humans can become infected if they touch the infected dog’s feces and then touch their face or food.
Human cases have also been confirmed in Saskatchewan, Ontario and Quebec.
“Coyotes are no longer wild creatures of the forest and the prairies. They are urban animals,” said Houston.
He reminds everyone to wash their hands after touching a dog, and to clean fruits and vegetables that may come from a contaminated garden.

29 Views · 9 months ago

⁣🚨‼🇮🇱 Bizarre video released before the 2024 Passover shows members of the Talmudic community dancing with ‘Ukrainian’ and Russian flags.What does this mean? A ritual dance?

🤔 Also, what’s with the Star Wars music?

Orthodox Canonist (@OCanonist) April 21, 2024



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