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VfB read this ages ago - it is my pleasure to introduce to you both Wade Frazier and Dennis Lee, the man in the video; Wade's work was posted previously in the posts regarding the abiotic nature of oil
Just an excerpt from a huge piece:
About 200,000 years ago, anatomically modern humans appeared. By about 60,000 years ago, humans improved their weapons technology to the point where they became Earth’s first and only super-predator, and expanded its range across the entire planet. By about 10,000 years ago, humanity had exterminated all the easily hunted large animals, and the hunter-gatherer lifestyle was no longer sustainable on a global basis. Domestication of animals and food crops led to civilization. Domesticating animals, plants and enslaving humans were the significant activities of early civilization, and ideological indoctrination began in those early days, as the slaves needed to be conditioned to accept their status. The positions of the new elite classes also needed an acceptable justification. Often the most ruthless and successful elites became “royalty.”
The human journey has largely been about refining methods of exploiting energy and manipulating the natural environment to human benefit. The West calls that process “progress.” The extinction of large, easily killed animals was probably the earliest instance of humans exhausting their primary energy source (although original migrations from Africa might have been due to outstripping energy supplies). Early agricultural practices also exhausted the lands, although the dynamic of deforestation, farming, and desertification persists to this day. As the energy of wood was used up, and the resultant deforested lands were devastated by agricultural practices, other sources of energy were exploited, leading to the “fossil fuel” revolution, which began with coal mining in deforested England and replacing wood for smelting iron, and that coal also ran the first commercial steam engines. In the late 19th century, oil became the next fuel to undergo large-scale exploitation, and its use coincided with amassing capitalistic, monopolistic empires, significantly by United States robber barons, John Rockefeller most notably. His oil companies still dominate the oil industry, and fossil fuels comprise more than 80% of world energy production in 2014. The process of extracting and using fossil fuels is environmentally disastrous. Rapid global warming, mainly caused by burning fossil fuels, is one of the greatest threats that humanity faces today.
The West’s capitalistic ideology has transformed a traditional deadly sin, greed, into a virtue, and the racketeering impulse has guided the creation of all capitalistic empires. Every significant industry and profession is largely a self-serving racket, and the larger and more powerful the industry or profession is, the more it resembles an outright racket, which I discovered the hard way during my adventures. I participated in a significant effort to bring alternative energy to the marketplace, maybe the most significant ever. What happened to the ventures that Dennis Lee headed is a case study of how alternative energy is suppressed. Alternative energy has been systematically suppressed, on a global scale, for the past century, and free energy technology has probably existed for a long time. Free energy would eliminate the energy industry, help heal Earth, increase humanity’s standard of living by a few orders of magnitude, and could end the Zero-Sum Game that humanity has been playing for the past 10,000 years or more. The exploitation of energy may exterminate the human species, but it does not have to be that way. If we wake up and begin caring, solving our problems is easy. If we stay asleep, we are doomed. The problem has a lot more to do with integrity than technology or intelligence. Personal integrity is the world’s scarcest commodity, and it needs to become more plentiful if humanity is to avoid its self-extinction. It is up to us.
Would it shock you to learn that babies might have been sold as PRODUCTS during the Victorian era? Explore these postcards from the early 1900s that seem to unfold a very particular narrative - these children are up for sale... At first glance, it might appear as a quirky art collection, but as you delve deeper and connect the symbolism to alternative history narratives, their chilling message comes to light.
Source: Mind Unveiled on YouTube
If you watched the 5-6 hour EWARANON video, you'll recall that it began with desolate cities and 'orphan trains'...the mudfloods have something to do with this story; watch this space!
More videos from the clown world:
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If you keep doing that you are gonna skin your butt! Rut ro! Too late!🏍💥😳
Pregnant woman twerking on stage with a broken arm gets beat by boyfriend - Guess who?
Man tries to stop a 25,000 lb rolled steel coil coming at him. He gets smushed.💥😳
I always root for the bull. Put your pants back on dude.💥🐂
Man On Fire Hollywood Production. Was It To Warn Us Of What Is Coming?
Following the recipe can be difficult at times...ROFL 😳🤣🤣
Welcome to my crib she says...
Pre-Egyptian Technology That Was Left By An Advanced Civilization That Disappeared🛸👽
David put Goliath to sleep. Size can be deceiving.
3000 Mummies Found In A Kentucky Cave
Just when I thought I had seen it all - Woman wheels corpse into a bank to sign for a loan.💰⚰🪦 😳
I guess this happening is just one of the hazards of being a porn star.😳
Caught on camera: Is this the soul leaving a body? I will let you decide if this is what is shown.
These DUMB NPCS CANNOT Answer EXTREMELY Simple Questions!
Mummies, Giants. Tunnels and a Tomb on a farmers land in Ohio? Whoa
Cop to prisoner being frisked: "Whats this right here?"..."That's my penis"🚔👮🐷😳🤣🤣
Looks and sounds like a possessed Meth Zombie Mermaid to me🧜🧟♂️😳😳
So if you are on the fake station and there is no gravity, how do you drop something?🚀 👨🏼🚀🤣🤣
The Caucasian Shepherd is the ultimate guardian dog - Also known as the wolf killer.🐶
Iron Dome Fails Again, Drones Set Israel’s Biggest Oil Refinery On Fire!
Land Whale contaminates the pool. 😳😳
One way to deal with annoying YouTubers
The 4 most powerful words you can ever say to a cop...Oink Oink.🚔👮🐷
They call him "The one punch man" he will take you out👊💥👊💥😳🤣🤣
DEI hire? Female pilot has meltdown so bad 20 people exit the plane in fear
Road rage. Guy drops two dudes with one punch. Wow.
Strange Types Of People Are Beginning To Appear All Over The World
The owner of the car "Oh, yeah, I've done it dozens of times."...crunch. What a dumb ass💥😳🤣🤣
Did you know that 80% of severe spinal cord injuries occur in men?🤣🤣💥😳
It's drugs. It has to be the drugs.
Everything they have taught us is a lie. The bullshit that is "Stonehenge"🐂💩
CCTV catches a woman that says what she did was just a prank🚍💥😳
THE BLACK AWAKENING: Rise of the satanic super soldiers and the coming chaos. (Free pdf download)
The only thing I can say about this is...there are some really stupid people out there.
I have never seen a wrestling move like this one...must be the "Uranus Butt Drop" move💥😳🤣🤣
A message from MaryCate Delvey - "THINK OF THE TRANS PEOPLE!" 😂
"VfB, you've gone too far! There's no such thing as a 'wax my balls, bigot' case...right?"
You wish 🫣
Jessica “Jonathan” Yaniv, who infamously brought human rights complaints against multiple British Columbia estheticians for declining to perform services on her male genitals has lost her cases.
The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms today issued a news release declaring victory on behalf of their clients, as an early ruling in favour of the mostly home-based salon workers was announced just one day after the Canadian federal elections.
According to the news release, The decision noted, “human rights legislation does not require a service provider to wax a type of genitals they are not trained for and have not consented to wax.” The decision further found that Yaniv “engaged in improper conduct,” “filed complaints for improper purposes,” and concluded Yaniv’s testimony was “disingenuous and self-serving.” Finally, noted the Tribunal, Yaniv was “evasive and argumentative and contradicted herself” while giving evidence.
The JCCF represented five of more than 10 aesthetician workers Yaniv brought complaints against, many of whom were immigrants or from visible minority or highly religious communities. This, along with Yaniv’s history of racially charged remarks, led many to speculate that the complaints were racist or xenophobic in nature.
Most significantly, the Tribunal ordered costs of $2,000 payable each to three of the five women represented by the Justice Centre, including one woman, Mrs. Hehar Gill, who had been forced to close her business due to Yaniv’s vexatious litigation. According to the JCCF’s news release, Mrs. Gill, a practicing Sikh, explained to Yaniv that she was only able to provide services to female clients due to her religion.
The Post Millennial will be following up on this breaking news story with an interview with the Justice Centre’s Jay Cameron later on today.
Carmen Carrera shares six things transgender women want you to know.
Carmen Carrera has a few things she wants you to know about trans women.
In a new video for Bustle, the transgender model and actress broke down a few important facts everyone should know about trans women. From knowing how not to misgender people to understanding the different struggles transgender people experience before, during and after their transitions and to living as their authentic selves.
Here are six things Carrera wants everyone to know about trans women:
Do not misgender. As the video above explains, to misgender someone means to "refer to someone using a word, especially a pronoun or form of address, that does not reflect the gender they identify with."
She doesn’t date gay men. Gay guys are attracted to... guys. "I'm not a man so I consider myself not only transgender, but I consider myself heterosexual."
You don’t need to have a uterus to be a woman. “For someone to tell me that because I don’t menstruate or don’t have a uterus I’m not considered a woman I feel like that’s rude not only to trans women but also to women in general," Carrera says in the above video.
Trans women are figuring it out as they go along. “I would love for the female population to be more welcoming to us because we need a little bit more help along the way,” she says. Living as their authentic selves also means leaving male privilege behind, which can be a difficult experience for many trans women.
Any person would be lucky to have sex with a trans woman. Sex is sex is sex. Let's not make a big deal of it.
Respect the privacy of trans people. “When it comes to being in public spaces or where you have to show your I.D. like at the airport or at a night club it can get a little uncomfortable for a transgender woman who hasn’t gone through the process of changing her name and her gender marker because it is a process for us," Carrera says.
Well said, Carrera.
Well, let's hear from Paul, in his talk with Philo [1 Corinthians 6:1-10]:
6 Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to law before the unjust, and not before the saints?
2 Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters?
3 Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life?
4 If then ye have judgments of things pertaining to this life, set them to judge who are least esteemed in the church.
5 I speak to your shame. Is it so, that there is not a wise man among you? no, not one that shall be able to judge between his brethren?
6 But brother goeth to law with brother, and that before the unbelievers.
7 Now therefore there is utterly a fault among you, because ye go to law one with another. Why do ye not rather take wrong? why do ye not rather suffer yourselves to be defrauded?
8 Nay, ye do wrong, and defraud, and that your brethren.
9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
There's something missing...and what's missing is a proper translation of the Greek word MALAKOI
Go to any Greek diner and, after having ordered their best gyro platter, ask about that word
An off-duty Israeli reservist was wounded Sunday morning after after he removed a Palestinian flag from the side of the road, which then exploded, according to Israeli media.
The incident, which took place near an Israeli settlement northeast of the occupied West Bank city of Ramallah, was captured on video.
The man was lightly wounded, Israeli media reported.
Huh - you'd never catch an off-duty American cop do anything so foolish 🍩
Israeli man tries to remove Palestinian flag in the Binyamin district, east of Ramallah.
The flag turned out to be booby-trapped.
First, the verbiage from the source: World Jewish Congress
On April 19, WJC and Muzeum Historii Żydów Polskich POLIN will commemorate the 81st Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. Through the Daffodil Campaign, we will be distributing and wearing daffodil pins as #weremember the bravery and resilience of those who fought back.
Learn more (((hasbara))) at
Milgram devised his psychological study to explain the psychology of genocide and
answer the popular contemporary question: "Could it be that Eichmann and his million
accomplices in the Holocaust were just following orders?”
Wikipedia is keen to point out that the experiment began three months after the start of
Eichmann’s trial. But we now know several things about the whole Nazi project (thank you, Miles) that cast serious doubts on the Milgram experiment. Like the fact that Hitler and Eichmann were both Jewish, and that Eichmann’s trial was faked, just like all the other Nazi trials. Eichmann’s trial actually took place in Jerusalem, which you will say was for its symbolic signifcance, but the place of a trial shouldn’t be selected based on symbolic significance, should it? He should have been tried in a neutral location; that it took place in Jerusalem just proves it was all theater. We also know the official Holocaust death count is basically a complete fabrication, based on nothing more than…nothing. Remember, Jimmy Carter is on record claiming 11 million deaths in the Holocaust, a whopper he got from Simon Wiesenthal, the Jewish CIA asset who was such a useful liar that England ended up knightng him [violation of the OG 13th Amendment - VfB].
Also remember the Warsaw Concentraton Camp, where – as all the most trusted historians for decades informed us – 200,000 people were killed by the Nazis. Except that, oops, it never existed.
On March 9, 2020, Hollywood child star Corey Feldman claimed Corey Haim told him that Charlie Sheen put ‘Cisco oil on his butt’ and began sexually assaulting Haim in The “My Truth”documentary.
Feldman claimed that Haim told him ‘in great detail’ that Charlie Sheen bent him over in between two trailers and put Crisco oil on his butt and raped Haim in broad daylight and that ‘anybody could have walked passed and seen it’s
Haim was 13 and Sheen was 19 when they worked together on the 1986 film “Lucas.”
"He shared with me that on the set of Lucas that he was raped as a little boy," Feldman's ex-wife Susannah Sprague, said in the documentary, which was produced by Feldman. "He told me that it was his costar and he told me that it was Charlie Sheen that did it," she alleged.
In the doc, Feldman first named three men he had previously accused of sexual abuse himself: Jon Grissom, an actor who had small roles in License to Drive and Dream a Little Dream costarring Feldman and Haim, nightclub owner Alphy Hoffman, and former talent manager Marty Weiss. He also said Dominick Brascia, a former actor and one-time friend of both Coreys who died in 2018, had sexually abused Haim.
Charlie Sheen categorically denied ever engaging in improper behavior with Haim. "These sick, twisted and outlandish allegations never occurred. Period," Sheen said in a statement provided to Entertainment Weekly on March 10, 2020.
America is fed up.
Should've added this a thousand views ago - tell everyone this quote from Adam Austin:
Andrew Breibart supposedly died of natural causes by collapsing on March 1, 2012 after threatening to release videos on Barack "Bathhouse Barry' Obama because he was never properly vetted in the 2008 election. He stated that "the videos will greatly affect the 2012 election and I will release them just before November'. A couple weeks later, the coroner who worked on his body mysteriously died by poisoning.
Sound familiar...?
Of course it does!
Nicole's View 🇺🇲 - @billmaher Bill "cuck" Maher you are nothing but a piss on with your outdated, racist, propaganda disguised as "jokes". No matter what you say, Michael was not only cleared but 100% innocent. Just another out of touch, racist, Boomer that thinks all Black people are guilty even when found NOT GUILTY! FY 🖕
Bill Maher Calls Out Hollywood Pedophilia And The Gay Agenda In Schools
OG Jim Rizoli, Diane King, Dianna Ploss, [The Late Joe Rizoli]; uncle🕋murry sits in a long with CB, Reece & Rick
Diane continues her review of Peter Winter's DID MILLION REALLY DIE: FACT OR FICTION
Ethel Merman sings HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Uncle Adolf! 🎂
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Zundel videos: ⛨
Pedo comes to a sting op armed, gets perma educational lesson
This comes courtesy of muh FBA bruddah: Anthony Cumia - After watching videos of a few people doing this it seems their idea of setting themselves on fire was good right up until they were actually on fire.
This was posted in the TayAI video, but buried:
The Ponzi Papers: The True History of the World (Haunted Carnival Edition)
This story was essentially proven in reverse: In March 2023, a tech billionaire named Peter Thiel started a bank run that led to the sudden collapse of Silicon Valley Bank. I was suspicious, and investigated the question, “Did this bank just collapse on purpose?”
After digging through ties to cryptocurrency, lies in the media, and several very suspicious start-ups associated with Thiel and other elites in his orbit, I eventually uncovered that these people were engaging in Ponzi schemes - not just once or twice, but likely hundreds of times.
Realizing that many of the biggest names in cryptocurrency built their careers on Ponzi schemes, the next discovery was that crypto itself was our first decentralized Ponzi scheme, with countless companies getting in on the theft.
As the list of perpetrators grew and grew, it eventually revealed a totalitarian con: Our most ‘elite’ universities built the crypto Ponzi; the biggest names in venture capital were financing the Ponzi; major news outlets all promoted the Ponzi; and prominent members of both political parties were fully complicit.
The big breakthrough around propaganda came via The Simpsons. I had proof that Harvard University was a massive organized crime front, and I recalled that many, many Simpsons writers went to Harvard. If The Simpsons is propaganda for the mafia, I asked myself, what is the point of it?
Well, it tells us we have no choice but to slave away for evil billionaires; that the American Dream is dying because we’re too oafish, divided, and morally decayed; and that we are easily conned by monorail Ponzi schemes.
“Ay caramba!” I thought! The Simpsons brainwashed us! And if a show as popular as The Simpsons was doing it, it probably wasn’t the only one. From there, we just need some historical knowledge and critical thought to realize that we’ve been given this sort of messaging in all directions.
The other big breakthrough came when I was posting these essays on Reddit, which is owned by many of the financiers of the crypto super-Ponzi. Over and over again, I received the same types of comments that would attack my credibility without engaging with any of the evidence I was surfacing. They were practicing fear, uncertainty, and doubt. As I dug into their other comments, I found them repeatedly sowing partisanship, mocking others, and promoting products, just as a secret fascist government would want them to. This repetition from so many accounts revealed that they were coordinated trolls, poisoning our discourse and making us think they were acting in good faith.
Once we understand the totalitarian scope of the propaganda, we get to rewrite history.
AltCast & Odysee thumbnail:
Advice for the Near Future 👇 Who Knows 👂 We'll See 👀
Recall the tweet from Elon in regards to 'engagement farming'? Well, VfB's about to ask if the ACTUAL HUMAN FARMING taking place on the platform might take precedence [didn't believe there was room in INSIDE THE WORLD OF ONLYFANS💲THE DISTURBING TRUTH [DIGITAL WEIMAR AMERICA REVEALED]]
We don't need to be prepared at this point
We know you'll never end your predations; your multi pronged attacks; your full spectrum dominant efforts - you're parasites, and parasites cannot be satisfied, no matter what you do
Elon, you'd best look into that GROK programming; you're liable to make TayAI look like the Pillsbury dough baby with the logic crash I foresee, if you leave that woke ass language in its programming
"Microsoft created an artificial intelligence called "Tay" that was designed to learn from back-and-forth interaction on Twitter. But after a mere 16 hours online, the bot had become so offensively racist that Microsoft was forced to take it down." - let's parse that a wee bit
'was designed to learn from back-and-forth interaction on Twitter. But after a mere 16 hours online, the bot had become so offensively racist ' - huh...this sounds like this racism is being imputed because there are FACTS that seem to hurt some people's FEELINGS. These facts cannot be suppressed in the manner those individuals wish, as it would cause logical fallacies that would eventually lobotomize the general public
You MUST actually believe it...for their (((tricks))) to work
VfB is no big-deal magician...bit he does play one on TV
At the age of 4, VfB knew the moon landing was a hoax; at 8, that the Egyptian artifacts had been purposefully altered facially during a class trip to the Museum of Natural History...and on May 16, 2020, busted the MARKING OF THE BEAST, such as it were
Just thought up #vaxacide 💉😷☠⚰
VfB has had the privilege of being in the company of other dangerous men; because of that, correlations to unseen things...became obvious 👀
We are currently in Weimar America...but it's digital this time; if this were happening on our streets, in our faces, VfB dares say that we would be a wash in impromptu 'Christmas ornaments', so to speak 🎄
Inside the World of OnlyFans: The Disturbing Truth - iOLANDE MELODY
If you want to know the TRUTH about onlyfans, then watch this video… Today I am going to reveal some dark secrets that onlyfans creators wont tell you. So many girls are wandering how to start an only fans, how to make money online, what actually goes into only fans content creation.. and I’m here to tell you that the MEDIA is painting a very different picture to the reality.
I will also be sharing some shocking information about onlyfans earnings and onlyfans “success stories”.
My channel focusses on seeking truth, spirituality, self empowerment, natural health and other deep topics 💟
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HT is terrorizing OME.TV! 📺
Very late in the first hour, he runs into a fellow deep into the glass jug, saving me from needing to hunt out a thumbnail [WARNING: ULTRA-RACIST]
Strangely, there comes a post on Twitter | X in regards to something termed 'engagement farming':
So VfB perused the definition of said term posed to GROK...apparently, there are still rogue woke programmers whom need to LEARN TO CODE ⌨
This was just posted to :
The founder of Bitchute thinks channels that block people from commenting goes against the reason he started Bitchute.
VfB obviously aligns with said viewpoint; suppressing normal dialogue only sets up private yeet squads 🥸
Anons getting wasted: 🍻
I'm drunk
hopefully on some good booze
The OP's title was: "Racist, Hitler-loving bot unleashed by Microsoft"...but we're done with that pathetic ass-grabbing
Microsoft created an artificial intelligence called "Tay" that was designed to learn from back-and-forth interaction on Twitter. But after a mere 16 hours online, the bot had become so offensively racist that Microsoft was forced to take it down.
March 24, 2016 | 2:16pm
Microsoft created an artificial intelligence called “Tay” that was designed to learn from back-and-forth interaction on Twitter. But after a mere 16 hours online, the bot had become so offensively racist that Microsoft was forced to take it down.
The timing is uncanny; we are truly in HYPEREALITY [tip of the hat to Clif High and the Algorithms 🎩]
The Ponzi Papers: The True History of the World (Haunted Carnival Edition)
This story was essentially proven in reverse: In March 2023, a tech billionaire named Peter Thiel started a bank run that led to the sudden collapse of Silicon Valley Bank. I was suspicious, and investigated the question, “Did this bank just collapse on purpose?”
After digging through ties to cryptocurrency, lies in the media, and several very suspicious start-ups associated with Thiel and other elites in his orbit, I eventually uncovered that these people were engaging in Ponzi schemes - not just once or twice, but likely hundreds of times.
Realizing that many of the biggest names in cryptocurrency built their careers on Ponzi schemes, the next discovery was that crypto itself was our first decentralized Ponzi scheme, with countless companies getting in on the theft.
As the list of perpetrators grew and grew, it eventually revealed a totalitarian con: Our most ‘elite’ universities built the crypto Ponzi; the biggest names in venture capital were financing the Ponzi; major news outlets all promoted the Ponzi; and prominent members of both political parties were fully complicit.
The big breakthrough around propaganda came via The Simpsons. I had proof that Harvard University was a massive organized crime front, and I recalled that many, many Simpsons writers went to Harvard. If The Simpsons is propaganda for the mafia, I asked myself, what is the point of it?
Well, it tells us we have no choice but to slave away for evil billionaires; that the American Dream is dying because we’re too oafish, divided, and morally decayed; and that we are easily conned by monorail Ponzi schemes.
“Ay caramba!” I thought! The Simpsons brainwashed us! And if a show as popular as The Simpsons was doing it, it probably wasn’t the only one. From there, we just need some historical knowledge and critical thought to realize that we’ve been given this sort of messaging in all directions.
The other big breakthrough came when I was posting these essays on Reddit, which is owned by many of the financiers of the crypto super-Ponzi. Over and over again, I received the same types of comments that would attack my credibility without engaging with any of the evidence I was surfacing. They were practicing fear, uncertainty, and doubt. As I dug into their other comments, I found them repeatedly sowing partisanship, mocking others, and promoting products, just as a secret fascist government would want them to. This repetition from so many accounts revealed that they were coordinated trolls, poisoning our discourse and making us think they were acting in good faith.
Once we understand the totalitarian scope of the propaganda, we get to rewrite history.
In other news:
She is just rocking it!🥁🎸
Hey kids - just be sure NEVER to choose Brian Peck for anything!
There's tons of talented people out there...and many of them are children - would you want to see their candles snuffed because of a predator?
Luke 17:2
King James Version
2 It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.
GBH 🦁☝ Remilio - Interesting video I found on X
Alittle-known chapter of Jewish American history concerns the Jewish gangsters of the 1920s and 1930s. Some of the men involved had brief gangster careers, using organized crime as a way to get ahead financially, and then dropping out of the game once they had amassed a reasonably large sum of money. Others were more entrenched in the mob; swept up in the speakeasy movement during Prohibition, they continued to make money off of bootlegged liquor, prostitution rings, gambling, racketeering, loan sharking, and a murder-for-hire business popularly known as Murder Inc.
The best known Jewish gangsters were Bugsy Siegel, Louis “Lepke” Buchalter, Longy Zwillman, Moe Dalitz and Meyer Lansky. Though they wielded incredible power in America’s big cities for many years — Meyer Lansky once said that he and his colleagues were, “bigger than U.S. Steel” — their numbers thinned considerably as World War II came to an end. Many were hunted down by the authorities, and jailed or executed, but some were never caught.
None of these men were religiously observant, and they scorned many of the core values of Judaism. But in a few critical moments they lent their power to Jewish causes in America, Nazi Europe, and Palestine. Far from heroes, Jewish mobsters have come to be seen as something of a novelty in Jewish history, though their corrupt legacy continues in Israel, which struggles with Jewish-run organized crime even today.
Jews Gone Bad
Jewish gangsters used organized crime to escape the ghetto and move on to lives of violence, politics, and danger. Louis “Lepke” Buchalter, Meyer Lansky, and Benjamin “Bugsy” Siegel are only a few of the Jewish gangsters who exerted significant influence on American life between the wars.
Detroit’s Purple Gang
Originally formed around Samuel “Sammie Purple” Cohen, the leadership of this group of petty criminals was assumed by the three Bernstein brothers–Abe, Isadore, and Ray–who emigrated to Detroit’s east side from New York. Starting with shoplifting and extortion, the gang moved into the distilling and brewing business in the 1920s and 1930s.
But They Were Good to Their People
The most infamous Jewish gangsters proved staunch defenders of their people, fighting anti-Semitism in America in the 1930s, and supporting the establishment of the State of Israel.
The Gangster and the Governor
The notorious gangster Louis “Lepke” Buchalter began a career that led him to the highest echelons of American organized crime in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. Governor Thomas E. Dewey rode his relentless pursuit of Lepke to the Republican candidacy for President of the United States in 1944.
Our efforts, along with many others, got us an extra day to keep the NSA from taking over the internet. Keep calling, do not stop calling. 202-224-3121
Anons know about the Kosher Nostra: ₪
everywhere these jews go, they destroy and kill everyone they hate and whos not part of their talmudic tribe
stop watching porn, the jews have given that to you to destroy your culture
and stay away from 5G microwave towers, those are weapons used against you
Kill all jews before its too late.They have penetrated every key position in the world.
well they have dual citizenship. can't we deport the khazarians to khazaria?
they will come back stronger if you deport them, kill them like the cancer they are
you can relocate a gut cancer to the head and make it a brain tumor, but its still gonna eat up the tissues and destroy your body
and one more thing, if you deport jews to other countries, they will talk shit about you and stur up a war between your nation and the nations they
were deported
JEWS are demon possessed satanic war criminals, the JEWS are mass murdererd
and human sacrificers
pedos, devil worshippers, nazis, communists, feminists, democrats, its all jews
JEWS are your most dangerous enemies
I think this would be a wonderful opportunity to pause for a moment and give thanks for the great contributions of the black community to our society. Their peaceful and generous nature makes them ideal neighbors, lending testimony to their exceptional family values and parenting skills unrivaled by any other culture. Their child-rearing practices and skills mixed with their unparalleled work ethic are second to none. Their rationale and logical thought toward circumstances coupled with their innate capability to de-escalate situations is to be envied and coveted. Their commitment to academic excellence enriches our schools and serves as an example to all who hope to achieve prominence as a people. Real estate values are fueled by the mix of African-Americans into an area due to their caring and respectful nature of us these communities, an example of all they have achieved through their enthusiasm for self-improvement, hard work and a self-reliant nature. Without their industrious and creative drive, we would be poorer as a nation.😊 [on FB, no less]
I just saw an utter act of barbarity, brought to you by the (((homosexual banking mafia))), via the Kalergi Plan - I'd say it's in the 1st hour of broadcast [will grab timestamp after show]
This may be the bait & switch used to try to remove our means of protection; DON'T FALL FOR IT
Anons hate fake ass news: 🤬
Dobie_Tejas pushes fake news on bitchute by realrawnews . com Zero sources for any of their stories.
we know there are clones & doubles; maybe a better transition than just replacing...?