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6 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Ivermectin cures cancer.
I figured we needed a few laughs, but now it's time to get serious
Get #ivermectin #hydroxychloroquine #fenbendazole Online.
Order Now: ⟹
You'll notice I've not posted my big ol' breakthrough on every post pertaining, but it's a first time for someone: COVID19 is YOUR ASSIGNED MACHINE ACCESS CODE 🤔🤭🤫🤯
I was hardly the only one; following the thumbnail, we'll read of it ⇓
AltCastTV & Odysee thumbnail:
A team of Australian researchers at Monash University in Melbourne have found that Ivermectin — an FDA-approved anti-parasitic drug that has been used to effectively fight viruses including HIV, Influenza, and Zika — was able to stop the SARS-CoV-2 virus from growing in cell cultures.
While promising, the drug has yet to be shown to have the same effect inside the human body, because the Australian research was conducted "in vitro," meaning it was in a Petri dish at a lab. The researchers are still trying to nail down funding for pre-clinical testing and clinical trials, after which they'd have to start the long approval process for the trials themselves.
The results, though, are promising. In just 48 hours, the scientists say, all genetic material of the virus was eradicated.
"We found that even a single dose could essentially remove all viral RNA by 48 hours and that even at 24 hours there was a really significant reduction in it," Kylie Wagstaff, lead researcher and co-author of the study published today in Antiviral Research, said in a statement.
"Ivermectin is very widely used and seen as a safe drug," Wagstaff said. "We need to figure out now whether the dosage you can use it at in humans will be effective — that's the next step."
"As the virologist who was part of the team who were first to isolate and share SARS-COV2 outside of China in January 2020, I am excited about the prospect of Ivermectin being used as a potential drug against COVID-19," Leon Caly, senior medical scientist at the Victorian Infectious Diseases Reference Laboratory (VIDRL) at the Doherty Institute, said.
A vaccine for COVID-19 is likely still at least a year out, despite research teams across the world fast tracking work on potential vaccines. But that doesn't mean we're doomed.
"In times when we're having a global pandemic and there isn't an approved treatment, if we had a compound that was already available around the world then that might help people sooner," Wagstaff said in the statement. "Realistically it's going to be a while before a vaccine is broadly available."
He has a point to a certain degree, but vetting for myself

6 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Yer pal uncle🕋murry sits in on a great show with Ryan Messano, and John calls in to hype the channel! Thanks, brother!
Grabbing one comment from Jim's video from Persian-Drum:
Ryan is the man -- a great example of a Christian who humbly abides by the Lord's teaching: 'be gentle as a dove, and as shrewd as a serpent'. May God continue to uphold and protect Ryan, and surround him with strong support, as he continues to do the Lord's work. GREAT to hear that Ryan will be hosting his own show on SFR.
I also love Dianne's humility when responding to Ryan's biblical template vis-a-vis the role of women. A very rare quality these days.
[While I disagree with Ryan in regards to the GDL/CCDS' approach, it's patently obvious that instead of whining from a keyboard, he went out and did it his own way - and this is why we aren't losing this one, folks! 🥸 VfB]
Jim and (Late Joe Rizoli), Diane King (Dianna Ploss)
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BITCHUTE - Jim Rizoli -
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**** THE HOLOCAUST NARRATIVE, Dr. E. Michael Jones
**** Joe's BitChute videos:
**** Holocaust links
****** Holocaust Deprogramming Course:
****** Holocaust Handbooks
Holocaust Facts:
Zundel videos:
Messano News 📰 Basic information to restore America. At the bottom of this page is a library of PDFs and other titles, such as classics for children and adults

6 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Censored Men - 🇮🇱🇺🇸 You'd never hear a member of Congress speaking this passionately about America; that passion is reserved for Israel!
Hey look - it's our pal Chuck from the other day!
On June 8, 1967, Israeli war planes and torpedo boats attacked the USS Liberty, an intelligence gathering ship, while it was on a signals collections mission in international waters off the Sinai Peninsula during the Six-Day War.
It was the first attack on a U.S. navy vessel since Pearl Harbor, and the first attack on America by a Middle East nation. Of the 294-member crew, 34 Americans died and 174 were wounded during an attack that lasted as long as the attack on Pearl Harbor.
The ship, armed only with four machine guns, was first strafed by Israel Defense Forces aircraft, which took out its communication antennas so it could not radio for help. The Liberty was then bombed, hit with napalm and torpedoed.
It remains the only peacetime attack on a U.S. naval vessel that Congress formally refuses to investigate. As a result, some believe North Korea was emboldened to seize the USS Pueblo on Jan. 23, 1968, as that intelligence engaged in routine surveillance.
Israel claimed it mistook the Liberty for an enemy vessel. Surviving crewmen say that was not possible.
One cannot imagine the horror the crew went through, nor their anger that the White House twice called back aircraft assistance that Rear Admiral Lawrence Geis launched from carriers after a crewman jerry-rigged an antenna in the midst of the attack and sent an SOS call.
While recalling rescue planes a second time, President Lyndon Johnson reportedly told Geis he didn't care if the ship sank, he wasn't going to embarrass an ally. The mystery is how Johnson knew the attackers were Israelis. Not even the crewmen knew their attackers' identities because unmarked aircraft were used.
This, plus survivors' orders to keep silent about the attack or risk life in prison - or worse - and an investigator's allegation before he died that a cover up had been ordered by Admiral John McCain., Jr., father of current U.S. Sen. John McCain, R-AZ, have led to conspiracy theories.
It wasn't until Johnson died in 1973 - 12 years after the attack - that surviving crewmen broke their silence. Their voices have been joined by a litany of other interested parties, Israelis and pro-Israeli Americans.

8 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Excerpt from "Epidemic of Fraud".
A brief history of the first class of medications ever used for an infectious disease.
For more visit

6 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Proof that AIPAC controls/controlled America…
Untold History..
Internal Enemy..
#zionism #jfk #banaipac #israel source:
The FIFTH COLUMN stands revealed
In a high-trust society, one can expect those purporting to represent you to uphold their commitments and to carry our their fiduciary duties.
In a MASQUERADE of such, well, we get what we have now; this is nothing new
What needs to be new is our RESPONSE
I hope you all enjoyed the previous broadcast, PIRATE RADIO PODCASTS™ 🏴‍☠🦜 EPISODE No.324 📻 SECRETS OF THE OCCULT

5 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Friday, March 15th, 2024
Episode No.324 – Secrets of the Occult
(w/ Robert Morningstar)

Joining us for his 1st 2024 Friday night “Feature” guest appearance, it’s friend of the show, & fellow digital freebooter Robert Morningstar.

Civilian intelligence analyst, & Manhattan based psychotherapist, Robert is an expert in Chinese language, history, and martial arts. He was awarded a degree in psychology via Fordham University, is an FAA-licensed pilot, & Instrument Ground Instructor with nearly 30 years flying experience.

8pm PST - LA, Vancouver, Seattle, Baja
11pm EST - New York, Toronto, Miami
(Saturday – 12 NOON Tokyo & Seoul)
Check your local listings

All things esoteric, and occult, are this week’s potential talking points. From freemasonry, & the Knights Templar, to jewish mysticism, & eastern spiritual traditions, Robert & his special guest companion, will be open to exploring pretty much everything under the sun.

Social Media Links:

Feel free to call in via SKYPE = (Captain Sinclair)

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Calling ALL CREATIVE web, merch, marketing, engineering, promo, blogging, ART, podcasters & virtual cryptocurrency network developers; plus ANY random number of OTHER potentially valuable applicable and instrumental skill sets.
#wprpn #morningstar #esoteric #occult #mysticism

5 Views · 2 months ago

⁣You didn't really think VfB was going soft or anything, did ya? 😁
'We have a major Tiktok problem.'
Leaked audio of ADL chief executive Jonathan Greenblatt freaking out because global youth aren't buying Israel's propaganda anymore. #gaza source:
Had a fantastic meeting just before posting this with, among others, a fellow with one of those no-cap names, whom proceeded to confirm most of the research I've accomplished in my travels - and it all goes down to FREE WILL, CONSENT & CONTRACTS 📜
Confirm this and more at:
"If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive, or retain any title of nobility or honour, or shall without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office, or emolument of any kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince, or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them."

5 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Clown world 🤡

Gets the jew jab still thinks covid is serious. I can't anymore. People like this need to be eradicated



A high-trust society does not expect, nor can it suffer, gangsters 💉☠⚰ what's in the jabs

Huh - some blowback:

Israeli soldiers deployed in Gaza are committing suicide.

In some instances, their families had to watch their attempts on Facebook livestream.

Why is this being kept hidden and why is there a media blackout on it?

Anons agree: 🫥

this was obvious people like owen benjamin are telling his follower its their fault the jews are killing them and they should let the jews kill them

and to not react in any way

the only war that will be fought will be civil and it will be normal people going for the operation kike mouthpiece fuckers

they won't be invited into the bunkers

⮡ SofiaDivideBonus
Exactly,it´s a jewish kosher operation through and through, people NEED TO WAKE UP TO THE PROBLEM, and I mean the real PROBLEM, the


Jews are evil

⮡ InitialPressModest
they are demons indeed

5 Views · 2 months ago

⁣🇺🇸🇨🇳 Who Is REALLY behind the TikTok ban? (🇮🇱)
TikTok has 103 million monthly active users in the US.
More than 1/3 (37.36%) of mobile internet users actively engage with TikTok.
Half of TikTok’s US users are between the age of 10 and 29, with teens making up the bulk of the user base.
Over 50% of content creators are between 18 and 24 years old.
From October 23-30, 2023, posts with the # ‘standwithPalestine’ were posted 10x more than posts with the # ‘standwithIsrael’.
Posts with the # ‘standwithPalestine’ also received 5x as many views.
When TikTok was accused of deliberately pushing Pro-Palestinian content, they denied the claim and made it clear that the algorithm pushes whatever people engage with.
Jonathan Greenblatt, the director of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), which is an extremely powerful Jewish-Zionist organization that has often targeted free speech, was very worried by this.
Seeing Gen Z in the US overwhelmingly support Palestine in the face of Israeli aggression, TERRIFIED him.
Is it such a coincidence that today the ‘TikTok Ban Bill’ passes after MONTHS of congress pushing for it so heavily?
They are demanding that the Chinese company ‘ByteDance’ sell the platform if the app wants to remain in the US.
With the ADL being so entangled with this decision, I would imagine they’d want to manipulate the algorithm to push Pro-Israeli content while halting Pro-Palestinian content.
The Chinese lobby isn’t a lobby Americans should be worried about, it’s the Zionist one.
Because the Zionist lobby has been altering US domestic and foreign policy for over half a century.
AltCastTV & Odysee thumbnail:
Right on cue for the New York Times. Pay attention in the coming days as corporate news coalesces around a narrative that rising opposition to apartheid and genocide is because of Chinese-owned propaganda and not because of simple exposure to facts.
"VfB - Borat is a ganster?"
YES, just like Johnny GreenRAT 🐀 you need to de-program your mind as to WHAT GANGSTERS LOOK LIKE - real gangsters don't show it...and speaking of Noseyferatu:
'We have a major Tiktok problem.'
Leaked audio of ADL chief executive Jonathan Greenblatt freaking out because global youth aren't buying Israel's propaganda anymore. #Gaza
'Shame', BoRAT? VfB doesn't think so - that's our baliwick to wield, NOT yours, pal - the real shame is how you and yore fellow tunnel hustlers fooled everyone with the Woe of the Wooden Doors for so bloody long 🚪

7 Views · 2 months ago

⁣BREAKING INSIDE THE PENTAGON: Associate Director in the Office of the Secretary of Defense says, “Why not just have an open border?” “Tear down the wall.”
“I think we should repeal the Second Amendment and take the guns all away!” says Jason Beck, who has a classified security clearance and works for the Department of Defense. Beck, who uses a fake name Aiden Grey in his meetings with a disguised James O’Keefe, describes his extremist policies, including “mobilizing the national guard” to confiscate guns from people’s homes. Beck says he wants a “monopoly on state violence,” a concept he describes as “‘We {the government), are the only ones with guns.”
Jason Beck works in Total Force Requirements & Sourcing Policy in the Office of @SecDef Lloyd Austin. This office oversees the @DeptofDefense and acts as the principal defense policy maker and adviser to the President of the United States. Beck says he helps “writes answers for testimony” of “the department’s senior leadership – basically they go over to the Hill for hearings on the department’s posture.”
In this shocking footage we get an INSIDE look as Jason Beck tells James O'Keefe, “we need to pack the Supreme court,” ban the United States Senate, and abolish the electoral college. He also discusses his “bottom surgery’ being painful and the changes to his plumbing.

12 Views · 2 months ago

⁣A foreign government is manipulating US politics - but it isn't Russia or China [the lead-up to this video]
I figured let’s just test this TikTok is controlled by China claim directly 🤷‍♂️
I’ll keep you posted on the results.
If you blink, you'll miss this (((bait and switch))): House Passes Bill to Force TikTok Sale From Chinese Owner or Ban the App
The legislation received wide bipartisan support, with both Republicans and Democrats showing an eagerness to appear tough on China.
The House on Wednesday passed a bill with broad bipartisan support that would force TikTok’s Chinese owner to sell the hugely popular video app or be banned in the United States. The move escalates a showdown between Beijing and Washington over the control of technologies that could affect national security, free speech and the social media industry.
Republican leaders fast-tracked the bill through the House with limited debate, and it passed on a lopsided vote of 352-65, reflecting widespread backing for legislation that would take direct aim at China in an election year.
The action came despite TikTok’s efforts to mobilize its 170 million U.S. users against the measure, and amid the Biden administration’s push to persuade lawmakers that Chinese ownership of the platform poses grave national security risks to the United States.
The result was a bipartisan coalition behind the measure that included Republicans, who defied former President Donald J. Trump in supporting it, and Democrats, who also fell in line behind a bill that President Biden has said he would sign.
The bill faces a difficult road to passage in the Senate, where Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, the majority leader, has been noncommittal about bringing it to the floor for a vote and where some lawmakers have vowed to fight it.
TikTok has been under threat since 2020, with lawmakers increasingly arguing that Beijing’s relationship with TikTok’s parent company, ByteDance, raises national security risks. The bill is aimed at getting ByteDance to sell TikTok to non-Chinese owners within six months. The president would sign off on the sale if it resolved national security concerns. If that sale did not happen, the app would be banned.
Representative Mike Gallagher, the Wisconsin Republican who is among the lawmakers leading the bill, said on the floor before the vote that it “forces TikTok to break up with the Chinese Communist Party.”
“This is a common-sense measure to protect our national security,” he said.
If the bill were to become law, it would likely deepen a cold war between the United States and China over the control of important technologies.
On Wednesday, before the House vote, Beijing condemned the push by U.S. lawmakers and rejected that TikTok was a danger to the United States. At a daily press briefing, Wang Wenbin, a spokesman for China’s foreign ministry, accused Washington of “resorting to hegemonic moves when one could not succeed in fair competition.”
Mr. Biden has announced limitations on how American financial firms can invest in Chinese companies and restricted the sale of Americans’ sensitive data like location and health information to data brokers that could sell it to China. Platforms like Facebook and YouTube are blocked in China, and Beijing said last year that it would oppose a sale of TikTok.
TikTok has said that it has gone to great lengths to protect U.S. user data and provide third-party oversight of the platform and that no government can influence the company’s recommendation model. It has also said there is no proof that Beijing has used TikTok to obtain U.S. user data or to influence Americans’ views, two of the claims lawmakers have made.
TikTok prompted users to call their representatives last week to protest the bill in an unusually aggressive move for a technology company, saying: “This legislation has a predetermined outcome: a total ban of TikTok in the United States.”
TikTok has spent more than $1 billion on an extensive plan known as Project Texas that aims to handle sensitive U.S. user data separately from the rest of the company’s operations. That plan has been under review by a panel known as the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, or CFIUS, for several years.
Two of the lawmakers behind the bill, Mr. Gallagher and Raja Krishnamoorthi, an Illinois Democrat, said last week that lawmakers were acting because CFIUS “hasn’t solved the problem.”
Some experts said that if the bill were to become law, it would probably face First Amendment scrutiny in courts.
Read the rest at the above URL

6 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Tuesday, March 12th, 2024
World Pirate Radio News (Show No.272)
8PM PST - LA, Vancouver, Seattle, Baja
11PM EST - New York, Toronto, Miami
(Weds - NOON Tokyo & Seoul)
Check your LOCAL listings!
Ahoy! Dropping Anchor in Port for Lusty Tales of Adventure:
Welcome everyone, 2 Arrrrrrrr - 272nd Official installment of "WORLD PIRATE RADIO NEWS", & 2024 Mid-week MUCK-AROUND!
CALL IN via SKYPE ID = (Captain Sinclair)
The MOST HIGHLY CENSORED English internet live-stream, via South Korea.
Multiple accounts suspended via DISCORD, & TWITCH.
Shows (periodically) BLOCKED via Fakebook ..…
What could “THEY” possibly be so AFRAID of ?????
Topics 2 include: Anything via our planet’s Apocalyptic political, & current-event landscape.
From the 5th Generation, & WWZ, to BIG TECH's "unchecked" censorship, rampant de-platforming, & anti FREE-SPEECH dirty tricks. Nor will we forget BIG MEDIA's blanket cover-up and suppression of the unvarnished TRUTH, Canada's FREEDOM Convoy, “LOCKSTEP” eugenics, COVID 1984, the Great Reset, & "Operation DARK WINTER".

Along with any issue mainstream "legacy" corporate media has chosen 2 ignore, mix in a few choice "off-beat" Pop Culture or gaming items, and PRESTO! You've got yourself the perfect news "Muck-around" formula.
N.B. All "FREE" RAW feed content provided herein is an entirely unscripted, uncensored and authentic exchange of profoundly refreshing insights, ideas, and opinions.
Remember 2 SUPPORT the show, and drop by our sponsors today!
Be sure to check out Arrrrrrrrr ..... regular weekly FEATURE show, the SAME time, EACH and EVERY Friday Night (Saturday afternoons in Asia).
CURRENT ARCHIVES:$/search?q=wprpn
Looking to have your voice heard? Got a story you think the world needs to know more about? Something the MSM has largely ignored? Politics, religion, pop culture, health, activism, lifestyle & the paranormal; pretty much ANYTHING goes.
The more fascinating, pressing, & intriguing the better.
#wprpn #assange #gaza #genocide #rfkjr source:

5 Views · 2 months ago

⁣🚨🇫🇷 France mRNA ‘Hate Speech’
In France a new law called ‘The Pfizer Amendment’ is seeking to criminalise critics of Pfizer mRNA Technology with up to 1 year in prison or $15,000 fine.
This shows just how much power the Corporation lobbyists & Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex has.
It also suggests that this technology is going sought to be used on a widespread basis in the not too distant future - possibly mandated.
See people ‘dying suddenly’? Do not Criticise, Do Not Pass Go, Go Straight to Jail.
Did France just pass a new “Article Pfizer” law to ban and criminalise any criticism of mRNA vaccines?!
Take a look at the viral video, and find out what the facts really are!
Claim : France Passed “Article Pfizer” Law To Ban mRNA Criticism!
People are sharing articles and/or a screenshot on X (formerly Twitter), which appears to show that France just passed a new “Article Pfizer” law to ban and criminalise any criticism of mRNA vaccines!
Dr. Kat Lindley : France: any criticism of mRNA platform punishable with up to 3 years imprisonment and 45,000 euros.
“Article 4 is central to the new law, which was first deleted but then reinstated. This creates a new criminal offense and criminalizes the “ request to stop or refrain from therapeutic or prophylactic medical treatment” as well as “the request to use practices that are presented as therapeutic or prophylactic ”. This means that any resistance to mRNA treatment (and other corporate medical methods) can be criminalized in the future.”
Died Suddenly : DEVELOPING: France has passed a new law which will send you to jail for 3 years if you criticize mRNA ‘vaccines’ or ‘gene therapy’
According to the law, which was passed quietly and secretly through the French parliament on Wednesday, advisement against mRNA or other treatments which are deemed ‘suitable’ based on current ‘medical knowledge’ can lead to a 3 year prison sentence and up to a $48,400 fine.
Article 4 of the new law, or Article Pfizer as it’s being referred to by freedom fighters in the legislature, is a prejudgment of “alternative medicine” and a threat to whistleblowers.
Ominously, during what little debate was fielded before the passage of this fascist law that eliminates informed consent, warnings were parroted that “the next pandemic is coming” and mRNA technology is the only solution.
What are they planning for the world?
Wall Street Silver : It is now illegal to criticize or refuse mRNA drugs in France.
BNN : In an unprecedented move that has sparked widespread debate across France and beyond, the French parliament has recently passed a law that introduces severe penalties for those opposing mRNA LNP injections or other treatments recommended by the state based on current medical knowledge
tkp (translated) : France: Criticism of mRNA will be punishable in the future
A new criminal offense in France could in future land people in prison who encourage people to withhold appropriate medical treatment (according to “science”). The law was pushed through the National Assembly on Wednesday. Critics call the law “Article Pfizer.”
Bret Weinstein : France has now criminalized objections to the mRNA platform, exposing those targeted to ruinous fines and imprisonment. It’s obvious lunacy, and that it’s happening in a Western nation should alarm us all
This madness must be defeated, in France, at the WHO, everywhere it arises
Concerned Citizen : 🚨🇫🇷 France mRNA Legislation
Yesterday the French Government adopted article 4 into law.
This law means person/s can be fined up to €45,000 or imprisoned up to 3 years for any criticising or opposing mRNA Lipid Nanotechnology injections or treatment.
This will also apply in future to mandatory vaccinations. We keep warning you – it’s coming….

7 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Sulaiman Ahmed - BREAKING: CNN put up figures of children on its studio walls, one for each child killed in Gaza by the Israeli army.
The end of the "news" report makes clear they're not doing journalism - there's a backstory to Oct 7, it didn't just happen out of a vacuum.
CNN CAN'T keep a lid on Israel's atrocities. So they may as well do damage limitation. Thanks to TikTok regardless of old or young, the generation witnessing Israel's ongoing genocide isn't having an orgasm over israel's colonialist antics.
When Israel does it, nothing to note, when it's done to Israel - backlash.
Not much on this, so I had Google translate this page: CNN places figures of children on the studio walls, one for each child killed in Gaza 🇪🇸 Copano.News
CNN made a symbolic decision to place figures of children for each minor killed in Gaza , reflecting the magnitude of the tragedy. The network reports that more than 12,800 children have died from the bombings , a figure that highlights the severe human impact of the conflict between Israel and Gaza.

🏥 The presenter began the program "warning" that they are going to share "quite disturbing" news and that it has to do with "children." Showing the human cost of the war between Israel and Gaza, she laid out the numbers, clarifying that the death toll in the besieged Strip is quite difficult to "track."

📢 Furthermore, the network maintained that, in addition to the bombings, causes such as malnutrition and hunger that affect Gaza must be incorporated. CNN showed a look at northern Gaza's Kamal Adwan hospital, where several children have died of starvation.

🚨 UNICEF warned that babies born to women about to give birth in Gaza are at high risk of dying. The lack of nutrition in mothers and the inability to breastfeed are presented as direct causes of increasing infant mortality in the context of the conflict.

8 Views · 2 months ago

⁣T - They can’t call you a liar 🔥🔥🔥
Candace Owens, Rabbi Shmuley Boteach squabble over antisemitism, blackmail and Kanye West
American conservative political commentator Candace Owens and Rabbi Shmuley Boteach have traded barbs since Thursday over antisemitism, an alleged blackmail ring, support for rapper Kanye “Ye” West, a Michael Jackson death conspiracy, and a kosher sex shop in the ongoing feud between the two public figures.
Shmuley and his daughter Chana Boteach had in the past taken issue with Owen’s embrace of West when he had expressed conservative political ideas while failing to denounce his later antisemitic tirades. Boteach accused Owens herself of engaging in various forms of antisemitism.
Owens said on social media on Thursday that Shmuley “and his hag daughter have spent two years harassing me publicly with smears, complete with demands that I suffer financially for not parroting their perspectives.”
During the Thursday episode of the Candace Owens Show, the political commentator claimed that Boteach said that unless she criticized West he would take out a front-page newspaper advertisement in which he would cast her as an antisemite. Owens said that Boteach and others had taken clips from her show out of context in order to present her as someone who hated Jews.
Owens said that while the Jewish community and the media understandably “freaked out” when West tweeted that he was “going death con 3 [sic] on Jewish people,” and that “You guys have toyed with me and tried to blackball anyone [who] opposes your agenda,” the situation was more complicated than that. Boteach said on Saturday that Owens was defending West even though the rapper explicitly said that he loved Nazi leader Adolf Hitler. Owens said, however, that West was speaking about specific people seeking to blackmail him, such as personal trainer Harley Pasternak. West had leaked alleged text messages between the two, in which Pasternak supposedly threatened to institutionalize him.
“Awaken world, to the monsters who have caused immense suffering to others via slander, threats, and coercion,” Owens said on Friday in relation to Boteach and an ongoing civil suit against rapper Sean “Diddy” Combs by fellow artist Rodney Jones Jr.
The episode of her show was discussed Jones’s claims that he was sexually assaulted by Combs, and that Combs drugged underage girls and sex workers at his parties and had recordings of his celebrity guests in sexual acts with them. Citing journalist Ian Carrol, Owens said that record executives may have known or condoned what Combs was doing.
Owens described Combs as running a blackmail ring, and suggested that Combs was connected to sex trafficker Jeffery Epstein, as both operated in the Virgin Islands. Owens noted that cryptocurrency millionaire Nikolai Mushegian had drowned in Puerto Rico in 2022 after writing on X that “CIA and Mossad and pedo[phile] elite are running some kind of sex trafficking entrapment blackmail ring out of Puerto Rico and Caribbean islands,” and they were going to “torture me to death.”
Boteach attacked Owens as dealing material like the forged document The Protocols of the Elders of Zion and claiming that Epstein was a Mossad agent.
AGAIN CITING Carrol, Owens said that Combs had a fixer who had covered up a murder for the rapper, a man named Faheen Mohammed, who had previously served as Michael Jackson’s inexperienced head of security and was one of the first people on the scene when the pop star died. Owens said that Jackson had been smeared by the media as a pedophile and antisemite, and kept a list of Jewish enemies that included Boteach.
Owens said that Boteach was one of the people who smeared Jackson as an antisemite and was a “monster who has waged horrific campaigns against black and brown people in an effort to control our voices and destroy our relationships with one another.”
“When that Kanye situation went down, I was being threatened by a person named Rabbi Shmuley, a person that Michael Jackson put on his enemy list, a person I had never heard of, was threatening me,” said Owens.
Owens said that Jackson was in a legal battle with Sony when he died under suspicious circumstances, with an estranged former colleague John Bronca becoming a coexecutor of his estate. Carrol claimed that Bronca and then-Sony Music CEO were Jewish, though their connection to Judaism is tenuous.
“What if there is a small wing of specific people that are using the fact they are Jewish to shield themselves from any criticism?” said Owens.
Boteach said on Friday “Did Candace Owens imply that I killed Michael Jackson and that a cabal of Jews is murdering African-American Hollywood celebrities?”

⁣Bombarded by Owen's fans
The rabbi said that he had been bombarded with antisemitic messages from Owens’s fans since her video.“Her biggest fan now is arch antisemite Nick Fuentes who is lauding her poisonous attacks Jews all over social media,” Boteach said in a Sunday X post.

He indicated on Sunday that he was considering a libel lawsuit over claims that Owens “essentially said that I killed Michael Jackson last week and that Jews run pedophile sex rings in Hollywood in order to blackmail African-American entertainers.”

“There can be no question that Candace’s serious defamation against me and the Jewish community must be met with a comprehensive lawsuit that will bankrupt her as well as Ben Shapiro,’ said Boteach.

Boteach said Friday that he held pundit Ben Shapiro, whose Daily Wire outlet employs Owens, as complicit in “her spreading the worst defamation against Jews.” He called on Shapiro to take action against Owens, and on Sunday called for fans to cancel their subscriptions to Daily Wire. Political commentator Dennis Prager was also slammed by Boteach on Sunday for his relationship with Owens.

On Sunday Boteach said that Owens was a “self-hating black woman” who agreed with West that George Floyd died of a fentanyl overdose rather than police brutality.

Owens had said on Thursday that Boteach had a “deep hatred for blacks, Muslims and Christians.” She said on Friday that she was targeted because of her “refusal to hate Muslims or to attack fellow black people and/or Christians on his command.”

Boteach attacked Owens on Saturday for her position on the Hamas October 7 Massacre against Israel, in which she was critical of US support for Israel. Owens’ comments had at the time also led to a tiff between Shapiro and his colleague.

Owens also derided Boteach for his advertisement of his daughter’s kosher sex shop products, describing it on Thursday as “filth.”

“I don’t know who needs to hear this but holy men do not open sex shops with their daughters,” Owens said on social media.

Boteach defended the product, saying that they were oils for married couples, and said that the store was offering a discount if one used the promotional code “CandaceO.”

Owens said that Jewish fans reached out to her in support after they were “appalled to learn about ‘Rabbi’ sex-shop-Shmuley’s harassment. I know he does not represent you guys.”

5 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Thrilla the Gorilla - @dom_lucre @RabbiShmuley Never forget Nancy Schaefer, Georgia State Senator, who called out the dangers of CPS and was then murdered.... CPS is one of the largest trafficking rings in the world
Special Report: Eleven Pages of “The Corrupt Business of Child Protective Services" Written By Our Beloved Late-Senator Nancy Schaefer with her and her husband’s BLOOD ON EVERY SINGLE WORD. - Opening
Nancy Schaefer: CPS criminality
Nancy Schaefer Senator of Georgia State
Nancy Schaefer Senator of Georgia State, CPS whistleblower
“My name is Nancy Schaefer. I am from the State of Georgia in The United States. Thank you for your gracious invitation to join you tonight. Thanks to all of you who have made this incredible World Congress of Families number five and Amsterdam possible. It is a privilege for me to join you tonight and to be with you in some pro family policy here. I will share with you on the unlimited power of child protective services. I served in the Georgia state senate. And after four years of viewing the ruthless and unsparing actions of child protective services, also called CPS which I will use tonight. I wrote a scathing report entitled “The Corrupt Business of Child Protective Services”. The report cost me my senate seat. Here’s some copies of the report if you like to get one. However THERE ARE CAUSES WORTH LOSING OVER, AND THIS IS THE ONE.”
Editor’s notes: What our late-senator Nancy Schaefer had not known… that report had not cost her senate seat, IT HAD COST HER AND HER HUSBAND’S PRECIOUS LIVES. TWO LIVES HERE.
Transcript of Senator Nancy Schaefer's Speech on CPS

17 Views · 2 months ago

⁣California Sending Notices To People Saying They Are “Not registered with a qualified political party”
🚨 The Republican Party Is Not Even An Option To Select On The Mailer (Also She Was Removed As A Registered Republican)
It Makes You “Choose out of 3 different parties on this form to choose 1 and then send it back”
American Independent Party
Democratic Party
Libertarian Party
“Where's the Republican Party? So I called. I called the county, and I spoke with a very sweet gentleman. He stated that if you went to the DMV within the past few years and changed any kind of information and you did not fill out that portion correctly about registering to vote, then you have to reregister as a republican to receive a ballot. I've been registered as a republican since I was 18”
On the bottom of the video is proof from the mailer she received
Listen to this whole video, the corruption taking place is INSANE
Anons dropping hot takes 🫥
If you register under a political party, what's the point of voting?
You should just be registered to vote, if you still believe that it's effective.
voting is supposed to be confidential.

11 Views · 2 months ago

⁣The STORM ⛈⚡🔥💥🌪🌊☄ is spicing up, frens 🐸 Operation: Trust is for faggits 😁
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11 Views · 2 months ago

⁣The far right is using a Michael Jackson song out of context by framing the lyrics around its ideas of the “great replacement.”
Michael Jackson has been named the “king of pop” for his timeless hits as a member of the Jackson 5 and as a solo artist. His lyrics have brought individuals across the world together as one. “Billie Jean” and “Thriller” are some of his best-known songs, but it is “They Don’t Really Care About Us” that has been the topic of conversation in far-right Telegram channels.
The far right took Jackson’s song out of context by framing the lyrics around the idea of the “great replacement.” Appropriating a global hit performed by one of the most famous artists in modern history allows the far right to reach a wide audience, using Michael Jackson’s star status to build credibility around its claims.
The far right has a fascination with the lyrics of “They Don’t Really Care About US” because of the themes covered in the song. The lyrics in question contain anti-Semitic “Jew me, sue me, everybody do me / Kick me, kike me, don’t you black or white me.” The conversations on Telegram involve praising Jackson for “recognizing” that Jews were the ones in control. Users continued to praise Jackson for using the word “kike,” deemed anti-Semitic for its historical context that dates back to the Jewish community entering the United States via Ellis Island.
The word “kike” is offensive, which pleases the far right and helps build a narrative frame around a misconstrued version of Jackson’s song. The lyrics about Jews, in addition to the chorus, “All I wanna say is that they don’t really care about us,” also feeds into the beliefs espoused by the Patriot movement.
The song’s lyrics faced criticism for being politically incorrect when it was initially released, but it was not until recently that the far right noticed how it could manipulate the lyrics to reach a mass audience. Despite Jackson’s revisions of the song, both versions continue to be readily available online.
Jackson produced two music videos for this powerful hit. The first video opens with the statement: “This film is not degrading one race, but pictorializes the injustices to all mankind. May God grant us peace throughout the world.” The video takes place in prison, with disgruntled inmates surrounding Jackson. Throughout the video, visuals of weapons, bombs and beatings are shown across the screen.
The other version of the video is more upbeat, taking place in Brazil, with bright colors and dancing, but with the same problematic lyrics. Some even claimed they saw Jackson doing a Nazi salute at one point in the video. Telegram users preferred the prison version because the visuals aligned with their us-versus-them frame.
After facing criticism, Jackson explained that he purposefully used that verbiage to highlight the injustice individuals were facing at the time by creating protest music, specifically with the intention of showing the symbolic nature of name-calling people.
After users went back and forth in the channel providing their own interpretations of the song, they attempted to develop tactics to circulate the music video and create memes of Jackson’s photograph with the words “great replacement” or “they don’t really care about us.” Circulating images of the king of pop in this context across the internet could lead to those unfamiliar with the terms the opportunity to seek out further information on this type of content.
The us-versus-them mentality that binds the far right together is further solidified by the “us” Jackson uses in the song title and chorus, a user pointed out. After the user pointed out that they were considered the “us” Jackson was referring to, the channel realized that he was talking about them. While the channel did not use the words “great replacement” outside of putting it on memes of Jackson, it was being described implicitly by users.
The channel audience agreed that the song’s purpose is to inform listeners that the government doesn’t care about them and that the authorities are willing to replace them through immigration to the extent that whites become the minority group. The great replacement and white genocide are two concepts of particular relevance for the far right because whites aspire to retain their majority status.
Based on the 2020 census results, there is a high likelihood of the far right panicking because the United States is becoming more diverse. The world saw this fear of the great replacement in Charlottesville, Virginia, when protesters chanted “Jews will not replace us” during a Unite the Right rally in 2017.
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