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Billionaire George Soros fund poised to take control of nation’s second-largest chain of radio stations: ‘This is scary’
Norman Finkelstein has a decent claim to be regarded as the foremost Jewish antisemite in America and one of the most repulsive human beings on earth. His 2000 Book, The Holocaust Industry, argued that the world Jewish community uses the murder of six million Jews to shake down governments like Germany and Switzerland for cash as well as to protect Israel from its repeated attempts at its genocide of the Palestinians.
Finkelstein believes that the principle reason for Israel’s existence is the murder of the entire Palestinian population. He first accused Israel of genocide in 1982 during the first Lebanon War. This would become a recurring theme, with him accusing Israel of attempted genocide in 2009, 2012, 2014, and now of course, after October 7th.
When I debated on Piers Morgan this week – a theme I shall return to and one which resulted in his much deserved digital decapitation – I told him that we Jews seem to really suck at genocide. Having been engaged in its attempt, according to Finkelstein, for last 40 years, the Palestinian population in the Gaza has grown by 1.5 million residents and Judea and Samaria by at least one million. When Bashar Al Assad attempted his genocide of Arabs fighting his regime, he was able to efficiently murder some 600,000 Arabs in just three years, using bombs, mustard gas, and biological agents.
Like sports and public relations, clearly, we Jews must add genocide to the list of things at which we truly suck.
Finkelstein had no response.
But something he did have a response to was the savage murder of 1,200 on October 7th. Within hours of the first reports of the barbaric atrocities,
Finkelstein actually penned these words: “It warms every fiber of my soul—the scenes of Gaza’s smiling children as their arrogant Jewish supremacist oppressors have, finally, been humbled. The stars above in heaven are looking kindly down. Glory, glory, hallelujah. The souls of Gaza go marching on!”
These are easily the most vile, grotesque, and monstrous words I have ever seen written by a Jew. Period.
The same is true of Finkelstein, an academic joke with no tenure who made his name saying that Jews use the Holocaust to get cash.
It’s fairly easy to provide. In 2016 Finkelstein gave an interview where he said, “One BDS leader told Democracy Now!, ‘Why debate Finkelstein? He’s not important. We should debate important people.’ I used to give 40 talks a year. Now I give maybe four. I know the number because of those 1099 slips I have to submit to my accountant. Three years ago, before the BDS thing exploded, I gave him 40 slips. Last year I gave him four.’”
Get it. Finkelstein makes money off his hatred of Jews and Israel. And as he became more irrelevant – after all, how many times can you accuse Israel of genocide before it become repetitive and tiresome and the media begins to roll its eyes – he had to up the ante by become ever more extreme in his hatred of Jews until… October 7th, where he actually sang “Glory Hallelujah” as the body of the Shani Louk, to whom I dedicated a Torah last week with her parents in attendance, was stripped naked and desecrated by hundreds of Hamas terrorists in Gaza City.
And that’s why we have to debate, digitally destroy, digitally decapitate, and digitally disembowel pathetic psychopaths like Norman Finkelstein and his ilk.
Because the one things we Jews have learned about our history is that THERE ISN’T A SINGLE LIE TOLD ABOUT THE JEWS THAT THE WORLD ISN’T PREPARED TO BELIEVE!
Two thousands years ago, the world said we murdered God.
Come again, the Jews though? Murdered God? How can you possibly kill God? God is omnipotent and all-powerful. God is infinite. We Jews couldn’t even defeat the Romans. How in hell did we kill God? No one, we concluded, is going to believe.
Yet, for two thousand years they murdered us for killing Jesus and billions of people believed it.
Then they came along and said, “You Jews are vampires. You drink Christian children’s blood. You mix it into your matzos.” We Jews thought? Blood?
Human sacrifice? For God’s sake. Our Torah doesn’t even allow us to eat an animal’s blood, let alone human. And were the first religion to ever outlaw human sacrifice which was common throughout the ancient world. Nobody will believe it.
Yet the blood libel exists until today!
Not finished yet, the world said, “You Jews caused the Black Death, the Bubonic Plague, claiming one third of the earth’s inhabitants, by poisoning all the wells.”
Our response: You’re kidding, right? We drink the same water as you. There aren’t’ enough Jews in the world to poison all the wells. What the hell are you talking about?
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1 day ago
Hi R'Shmuely. This is Rashi Rosenzweig. I live in Ra'anana and indeed we have met several times. I'm friendly with the Cohens and your son. Your son and I go to the same gym. You might recognize my face. Anyhoo...I have been waiting years for someone like you or Ben Shapiro to go up against Norm Finkelstein. This is what I posted on the YouTube page of your debate (yashar koach, btw) I am very convinced that Norm Finkelstein had to be bullied mercilessly by other Jewish kids when he was growing up which explains his serious contempt for Jews today. I think it's pretty obvious that R'Shmuely has been waiting for years to tear Norm apart in a debate, which I do believe he did. However, Norm ignored him for the most part. Furthermore, Shmuely was also correct about Norm's tactic in attempting to make his opponent comatose with his rhetoric (I want to say drivel, but I'm being a bit generous). Norm has a very pussiefied form of speech and has no fierce within it. (Please pardon the foul term, but I cannot think of a better way to describe that whining, pseudo-intellectual). The only thing that makes him popular by the antisemites is that he is indeed a Jewish antisemite and to the contrary infamous by us Jews, is that he is a Jewish antisemite. He also did blatantly lie about the outcome of the ICJ hearings. Case closed.
White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre blew off Newsmax White House correspondent James Rosen as he shouted questions about the search for classified documents at President Joe Biden’s Wilmington, Delaware home.
At Tuesday’s White House briefing, Jean-Pierre underwent yet another hellish bombardment of questions about the classified documents discovered by Biden aides in private storage spaces — including his Wilmington home — which are now under investigation by Special Counsel Robert Hur. Jean-Pierre has taken a lot of grief in the briefing room for parrying any and all questions not covered by statements that the president and his counsel have made.
But she also fielded several questions about Saturday’s revelation that five additional pages had been discovered earlier in the week — after Jean-Pierre had told reporters on Thursday, citing statements from the White House Counsel’s office — that the search had been completed and all the documents discovered had been disclosed.
At one point during the briefing, Rosen shouted, “Do you feel badly that you gave out false information?” And as Jean-Pierre left the podium at the end of the briefing, Rosen also shouted, “You told us something six times that turned out to be false. Are you sorry about that?”
Jean-Pierre told the assembled press “I’ll see you tomorrow. Come talk to me. I’ll see you tomorrow,” as she walked away.
But other reporters asked similar questions when called on, including NPR’s Tamara Keith, who asked if the episode affects her “credibility”:
TAMARA KEITH: Yeah, are you upset that you came out to this podium on Friday with incomplete and inaccurate information? And are you concerned that it affects your credibility up here?
MS. JEAN-PIERRE: Well, what I’m — what I’m concerned about is making sure that we do not politically interfere in the Department of Justice, that we continue to be consistent over the last two years, and — and that is — continue to refer you all, when it comes to an ongoing process. And — and I’ll just leave it there. And let’s not forget — there was actually a statement from the Counsel’s Office that you all had at the same time as well.
I’m — I’m just not going to go down any rabbit hole here. I’m going to be very consistent. I’m going to be very prudent.
And, again, I’ve been asked — just asked that question. I’ve answered it. It’s been noted, the question. And we’re just going to move on.
As for Rosen, he appears not to have taken Jean-Pierre up on her invitation, at least not as of his live shot late Wednesday morning on Newsmax. When the anchor brought it up, Rosen responded with a silent smile.
Watch above via C-SPAN and Newsmax.
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Must watch!
Vaxxed vs. Unvaxxed children @AustraliaOneParty
Most children and adolescents do not have COVID-19 antibodies in their blood after recovering from a coronavirus infection, new data has confirmed.
Starting in October 2020, researchers in the US state of Texas recruited 218 subjects between the ages of five and 19 who had recovered from COVID infections at some point in the past.
Each provided three blood samples, at three-month intervals.
More than 90 per cent were unvaccinated when they enrolled in the study.
The first blood test showed infection-related antibodies in only one-third of the children, the researchers reported, while six months later only half of those with the antibodies still had them.
The study was designed to detect the presence of antibodies, which are only one component of the immune system's defences, not the amount of antibodies.
The level of protection even in those with antibodies is unclear.
Researchers found no differences based on whether a child was asymptomatic, severity of symptoms, when they had the virus or due to weight or gender.
"It was the same for everyone," Sarah Messiah of UTHealth School of Public Health Dallas, said in a statement.
"Some parents ... think just because their child has had COVID-19, they are now protected and don't need to get the vaccine.
"We have a great tool available to give children additional protection by getting their vaccine."
VfB asks: What happens to this chemical concoction once it mixes with the 8 levels of gases in the ionosphere?!? I'll bet someone knows 🤔
The Telegraph: A warehouse in France storing lithium batteries caught fire on Saturday, amid growing fears over their safety
The fire on Saturday afternoon occurred at a storehouse in the southern town of Viviez, in Aveyron, where 900 tons of lithium batteries were waiting to be recycled.
Authorities ordered residents to stay indoors and keep their windows closed as thick smoke billowed over the town. No injuries or deaths were reported and the cause of the fire has yet to be established.
Lithium batteries, found in electric scooters and vacuum cleaners, are known to spontaneously combust if they overheat or become damaged. Their dangers have raised concerns in countries where e-bikes have been promoted as a climate-friendly mode of transportation.
Questions raised
Jean-Louis Denoit, the mayor of Viviez, called Saturday’s fire “shocking” and told French news channel BFMTV: “Behind all this, there is indeed reason to ask questions about the function of electric vehicles and lithium batteries.”
It took 70 firefighters to put the fire under control, after which air quality tests were conducted and the lockdown order lifted.
France has moved to promote cycling since the pandemic, with e-bikes becoming hugely popular in cities like Paris. However irresponsible behaviour and a rising number of accidents has led to criticism around their use, and how to store their batteries safely.
In the UK, a proposal to build one of Europe’s largest battery storage facilities near the village of Granborough, in Buckinghamshire, was met with fierce opposition by locals who have expressed environmental and safety concerns.
The plan, by the energy company Statera, calls for a 500 MW battery energy storage system that would span 26 acres of land.
Responding to the plans, the Claydon Solar Action Group wrote on social media: “Unacceptable risks of fire, explosion, air and water pollution, a major accident waiting to happen just 500 metres away from residential properties.”
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We are living in a simulation that has at least these four stratagem at play: RISK, Stratego, Battleship and CLUE [thanks to Sheila Holm for that suggestion, and my missing ingredient]; with that being said, what we are seeing now is a frantic thrashing about, attempting to foment a final world that is NEVER coming - Sheila's web site
📺 "Is it because of the holo caust that you should be allowed to have nuclear weapons?"
"This interview is finished. Your attitude is hostile." 🤣
Twitter Boost:
100% irrefutable proof that Obama presented a counterfeit birth certificate—talk about election interference, an insurrection, and a threat to our democracy. 👇
Updated at 11:10 a.m. of the next day [First published on April 27, 2011 / 4:11 PM EDT]
In an effort to finally put to rest questions about where he was born, the White House on Wednesday released President Obama's long-form birth certificate. (seen above)
Mr. Obama even made an impromptu appearance in the White House briefing room to urge the press and American citizens to drop the issue and focus on the nation's real problems.
"We're not going to be able to solve our problems if we get distracted by sideshows and carnival barkers," Mr. Obama said. "We've got some enormous challenges out there. There are a lot of folks out there still looking for work... We do not have time for this kind of silliness."
Mr. Obama had in 2008 released on the Internet his "certificate of live birth" -- a short-form birth certificate provided to all Hawaiians as proof of birth in state -- but that failed to quell rumors that the president was born outside of the U.S. (see the "certificate of live birth" posted below)
Those rumors were brought back into the forefront of discussion in recent weeks thanks to questions from Donald Trump, a potential 2012 Republican presidential contender, who has said he is unconvincedof the president's origins. A recent CBS News/ New York Times poll showed that one in four Americans incorrectly believe Mr. Obama was born outside of the United States.
The White House today said it took the effort to release Mr. Obama's long-form birth certificate so that the nation can move on from this "fake issue."
Obama: Media has been "distracted by sideshows and carnival barkers"
Trump takes credit for Obama birth certificate release, but wonders "is it real?"
Will Obama birth certificate release put the issue to rest?
Birther issue persists in state legislatures
"At a time of great consequence for this country - when we should be debating how we win the future, reduce our deficit, deal with high gas prices, and bring stability to the Middle East, Washington, DC, was once again distracted by a fake issue," White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer wrote on the White House blog. "The President's hope is that with this step, we can move on to debating the bigger issues that matter to the American people and the future of the country."
Mr. Obama said in the briefing room today that he normally wouldn't comment on an issue like this. Yet he noted that in the past few weeks, "the Republican house pout forward a budget that will have huge consequences and... I gave a speech about my budget and how we need to invest in education and infrastructure." Yet the dominant news story "was about my birth certificate."
The president said he's confident the nation can come together to solve its problems, but "we're not going to be able to do it if we spend time vilifying each other... if we just make stuff up and pretend facts are not facts."
As the White House continued to receive requests for the president's birth certificate, Mr. Obama finally directed his legal counsel to ask the Hawaii State Department of Health to break their protocol and release his long-form birth certificate. According to the White House, the state granted the exception in part because of the tremendous volume of requests they had been getting.
The White House today also handed out to reporters in the press briefing room copies of Mr. Obama's birth certificate.
"The President believed the distraction over his birth certificate wasn't good for the country," Pfeiffer wrote. "It may have been good politics and good TV, but it was bad for the American people and distracting from the many challenges we face as a country."
At a press conference in New Hampshire today, Trump boasted that he was able to compel Mr. Obama to release his long-form birth certificate when no one else could.
"I feel I've accomplished something really, really important, and I'm honored by it," he said. "You have to ask the president, why didn't he do it a long time ago?"
He added that "now we can talk about oil, we can talk about gasoline prices, we can talk about China ripping off this country."
Even so, Trump expressed skepticism about this latest birth certificate.
"It is rather amazing that it all of a sudden materializes," he said. "A lot of people have to look at it, experts will look at it."
At left: CBS News' Bob Schieffer, Chip Reid and Bill Plante discuss the timing and reasoning behind the White House's decision to release President Obama's birth certificate
Read the rest at the above URL
This broke over two weeks ago, but never got any traction 🗞
Well, I've researched GMOs for some time, and the correlation I'm making is that you will be converted into a GMO if you accept the shot - your body will, like an ear of BT corn, produce toxins within your own body, hastening a planned cellular breakdown.
Let's go to the SagePub document
What are the different options for the COVID-19 vaccine?
SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) is the virus that causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Globally, numerous vaccines have been developed against COVID-19. In the United States, three vaccines for COVID-19 have been authorized or approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA): Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson. The majority of patients in the US have received either the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna vaccines, but all three are highly effective in preventing serious disease, hospitalization, and death from COVID-19. Although certain side effects may occur, the benefits greatly outweigh the risks.
In the United Kingdom, Australia, and other countries (but not in the US), a vaccine produced by AstraZeneca has been widely administered. Though it is also effective, it has certain rare but unique side effects as discussed below. Nevertheless, its benefits still greatly outweigh its risks.
Important differences in the manufacturing process distinguish these vaccines from one another. The Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines are both nucleoside-modified mRNA, encoding the viral spike (S) glycoprotein of SARS-CoV-2. The Johnson & Johnson vaccine comprises a recombinant, replication-incompetent Ad26 vector, encoding a stabilized variant of the S protein. Similarly, the AstraZeneca vaccine is a replication-deficient modified adenovirus ChAdOx1, containing the coding sequence of the S protein.
Put simply, the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines are mRNA vaccines, whereas the Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca vaccines are adenovirus-vector vaccines.
Are the COVID-19 vaccines safe?
Over 400 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine have been given in the US, with almost 7 billion doses administered worldwide. For the vast majority of people, including those with vascular disease, the benefits of vaccination against COVID-19 overwhelmingly outweigh any risks. These vaccines are undergoing continuous and intense safety monitoring. Across numerous clinical trials, the vaccines have been shown to be safe and effective, and they clearly reduce the risk of serious infection, hospitalization, and death related to COVID-19.
Although rare side effects have been reported with these vaccines, these events occur much less frequently than the often severe and life-threatening complications that occur with COVID-19. In summary, these vaccines are safe and effective.
What are the common side effects of COVID-19 vaccines?
The COVID-19 vaccines have been subjected to some of the most intense monitoring in medical history. In the US, this includes monitoring through the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), which is a national early warning system that the US FDA uses to monitor the safety of vaccines after they are authorized or licensed for use. VAERS helps to detect unusual or unexpected reporting patterns of adverse events for vaccines.
Read the rest at the thumbnail URL
Please don't let your children go see this witch. Little girls idolize this weekend freak. She's replacing Madonna. She's getting worse than Madonna. It's wide open satanism and it's your kids listening to this shit. No way what I allow them to watch her videos and music.
Did you know when they're done with an album and they take the master tape basically into a chapel like room at the record label. They have a satanic priest who conducts rituals and what they do is assign demons to that album everywhere it goes there's demonic presence. Every time you play it summons the demonic. That stuff is very real and is it just something that nonsense. Otherwise they wouldn't do it. Look at the condition of the world today and tell me that music hasn't affected this progress towards a total States world.
The Most Ridiculous Taylor Swift Conspiracy Theories
I can’t even deal with this.
Considering there were tons of hidden clues scattered throughout Taylor Swift's music video for "Look What You Made Me Do" (not to mention her cryptic social media behavior the past week), it's not surprising that conspiracy theorists have flocked to the pop star with plenty of ~ideas~ about her agenda.
As noted by Wired, Reddit has been overflowing with some pretty wild theories surrounding Taylor this past week, and each one is more bizarre than the last.
For starters, some people really think that Taylor might actually have a snake baby, thanks to the creepy reptile videos that showed up on her social media a few days ago. According to one Reddit user, Taylor literally gave birth to a snake, which is part of why the star has been keeping a low profile for months. "Reptiles are going mainstream, the end is near," the Redditor wrote. Of course, Taylor's not the first celebrity to be wrapped up in a conspiracy theory about reptiles; some fans think Justin Bieber can actually shapeshift into a lizard. Yep.
Another conspiracy that seems to be making its rounds online? Oh, just your average "Taylor Swift died and was replaced by a lookalike" theory. The Internet loves theories like this once, hence the popular Avril Lavigne conspiracy that was circulating again earlier this year. Some people on Reddit think that Taylor is speaking literally when she says, "the old Taylor can't come to the phone right now...'cause she's dead," and that there might be a more sinister a murder. Gulp.
Of course, these theories are a little ridiculous, but that's what makes them fun right? And hey, anything is possible — well, maybe not reptile babies. Unless we're living in an episode of Game of Thrones.
I was on an alternate stream and missed this, but got it from Ron Gibson!
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It's a money laundering scheme, and you are paying for it. They admit it. Must watch video. The question is, will anything change with who ever is voted in office?
INWO Illuminati CCG Terrorist Nuke New World Order Steve Jackson Twin Towers
Neuroweapons and the Worldwide “Battle” to Control of Human Brains. Must be Stopped Immediately.
Mojmir Babacek has been striving to help to achieve the international ban of remote control of the activity of the human nervous system and human minds with the use of neurotechnology since the 1990's
The Perimeter LIVE on Steve Graves Radio
In Episode 20: 1) Tucker Carlson Interviews Putin 2) The Media has a fit 3) Biden has press conference to assure Americans he is not demented 4) The Apple Vision Pro is dystopian
If speaker Johnson brings this up to the floor he will lose his job.
A bipartisan majority in the U.S. Senate voted 70-to-29 to advance a $95 billion dollar foreign aid package, despite warnings from House Republicans that the bill may never receive a vote.
The package contains no changes to U.S. border policy, despite early insistence by Republicans that they would not support foreign aid provisions — which provide military support for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan — without substantial changes to the Biden administration's border policies.
But after months of bipartisan negotiation produced a border-plus-foreign-aid deal unveiled earlier this month, the plan withered in a matter of days. Many Republican senators announced their opposition to the 300-plus page bill within hours of its release. Some stated explicitly that they hoped to preserve the border crisis as an issue for the 2024 campaign season and echoed concerns about the deal raised by GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump.
Now House Republicans, who rejected the previous bipartisan deal for failing to meet hard-line demands on border provisions, say they will also reject the stand-alone security funding.
House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., released a statement Monday night well before the final vote was scheduled in the Senate.
"The mandate of national security supplemental legislation was to secure America's own border before sending additional foreign aid around the world," Johnson wrote. "It is what the American people demand and deserve. Now, in the absence of having received any single border policy change from the Senate, the House will have to continue to work its own will on these important matters. America deserves better than the Senate's status quo."
Senate forges ahead with military aid amid pressure from Trump
This foreign aid focused bill was released last week after the border agreement failed. The plan started with the support of House Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky, and other GOP defense hawks who worry that U.S. allies face serious threats without adequate funding.
But support for that view has been eroding among Republicans under pressure from former President Donald Trump who said during a campaign rally this weekend that he would not defend NATO allies against attacks from Russia if those allies do not meet his definition of paying enough money for defense.
"If we don't pay and we're attacked by Russia, will you protect us?" Trump recalled another country's leader asking while him while he was president. "No, I would not protect you. In fact, I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want."
McConnell defended U.S. investments in NATO and other allies in a lengthy speech on the Senate floor following Trump's remarks.
"We haven't equipped the brave people of Ukraine, Israel, or Taiwan with lethal capabilities in order to win philanthropic accolades," McConnell said. "We're not urgently strengthening defenses in the Indo-Pacific because it feels good. We don't wield American strength frivolously. We do it because it is in our own interest. We equip our friends to face our shared adversaries so we're less likely to have to spend American lives to defeat them."
But many of McConnell's GOP members still lined up to vehemently oppose the bill. A group led by Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., gave lengthy speeches to delay Senate proceedings, despite the clear reality that the bill easily had the votes to pass.
The process coincided with a major national security conference in Munich, where top government officials representing America's major allies were closely following the Senate's process.
Shapeshifters and neck puffers .. it's getting freaky out there
Thank you ... PIRATEPETE
mirrored from yt
offshoot100 channel
Like the video states at the end... they are ALL (shape shifting) demons.
At a House Republican press briefing to promote a resolution declaring former President Trump did not engage in an insurrection yesterday, Rep. Eli Crane (R-AZ) slammed attempts to remove the ex-President from the ballot and insulted reporters' for their coverage of January 6.
Our elected officials are FUNCTIONARIES - they are performing an essential communal/societal function, but beyond that, THEY HAVE NO SPECIAL POWERS OR RIGHTS OVER YOU
"If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive, or retain any title of nobility or honour, or shall without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office, or emolument of any kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince, or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them."
That is the masthead to The Missing 13th Amendment 📜
He has stopped Trump from calling witnesses to the impeachment trial FARCE in the Senate to speed it up and get it done before the end of New Year's vacation on Jan 3rd. He will be there to preside over the Senate to keep it open for the vote, while many Republicans are not there.
Just like the vote to bring in the Federal Reserve, the 16th Amendment and granting corporations the "rights" of a person, were all performed under similar circumstances around the same period of time in 1913.
The next election won't fix it, because there won't really be an election, only a waste of time, and that is IF the left does not kick off the expulsion drive against the patriots before the election. Rather than blow the impeachment hearings off, Trump needs to go to them and stall, stall, stall.
Just got this from the NY Times (whom is Barry Berke, BTW?):
Common Questions About Impeachment
What is impeachment?
Impeachment is charging a holder of public office with misconduct.
Why is the impeachment process happening now?
A whistle-blower complaint filed in August said that White House officials believed they had witnessed Mr. Trump abuse his power for political gain.
Can you explain what President Trump is accused of doing?
President Trump is accused of breaking the law by pressuring the president of Ukraine to look into former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr., a potential Democratic opponent in the 2020 election.
What did the President say to the president of Ukraine?
Here is a reconstructed transcript of Mr. Trump’s call to President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine, released by The White House.
What is the impeachment process like?
Here are answers to seven key questions about the process.
So - does the title of my piece pass muster?
Even according to Wikipedia, the answer is a RESOUNDING YES.
Is it a crime to hide evidence?
Tampering with evidence, or evidence tampering, is an act in which a person alters, conceals, falsifies, or destroys evidence with the intent to interfere with an investigation (usually) by a law-enforcement, governmental, or regulatory authority. It is a criminal offense in many jurisdictions.
Essential background:
One of the TOP Juan O Savin Presentations made into a short piece by Cue The Marines. The Background Music I found the original for because a Q Drop TWO YEAR DELTA 10 7 2020 had a really great link to the same Q Music by Two Steps from Hell used in this piece. Titled Two Steps from Hell- Victory
And here is the drop:
07-Oct-2020 9:14:06 PM EDT
7+1+2+2+2+9+1+4+6=3+4 The number 7 is the foundation of God's word.
Can music be healing? =146 Light In The Dark.
Article on GAME THEORY:
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Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton talks with Alex Wagner about the strange attraction some Americans feel toward authoritarian leaders like Vladimir Putin, describing it as "absolutely gobsmacking terrifying." MSNBC's Ali Velshi joins for analysis.
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#hillaryclinton #tuckercarlson #putin
It is a remarkable shift from sentiment during the Cold War, when the fear of Communism and its threats threaded through US society, or, indeed, how Ronald Reagan’s Republican supporter base viewed the Soviet Union in the 1980s; but it reflects a change in both countries.
Many Russia-watchers see Putin’s actions since returning to power in 2012 as being inspired by the original ideology of Emperor Nicholas I: orthodoxy, autocracy, nationalism. It isn’t difficult to imagine many Trump fans nodding along in agreement at those.
For most of the last decade, Carlson was the most influential voice in the US Right, via his shows on Fox News, the conservative media behemoth he climbed up, then dominated like Godzilla, after joining as a contributor in 2009.
Fiercely bright and a gifted communicator, he had the knack of making even dense policy debates accessible and inflammatory to Middle America – even if the truth was occasionally massaged to unrecognisable ends in the process.
With his colourful bow-ties and talent for performative indignation, he became a figure of fun for the Left but an increasingly important figure for the Right, especially when a certain other television bigmouth entered the White House. As one appraisal put it, “Donald Trump had the raw power, but Carlson set the ideological agenda” during the former’s presidency.
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-- Tucker Carlson gives an absolutely absurd explanation for why he is in Russia to interview Russian President Vladimir Putin
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Broadcast on February 7, 2024
#davidpakmanshow #tuckercarlson #putin